Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 48

48 Ch 8. There is no definition more expensive than human life (2).

“My lord.”

The galaxy frowns slightly on the urgent voice that breaks the night’s static. However, he took care of his face and opened his mouth with a solemn expression.

“Come in.”

Immediately, the door opened and an unarmed man with a red face rushed in.

“My lord.”

“What’s going on? ”

“Found it.”

“Looking for? What….. ”

Galaxies shut their mouths instead of trying to ask questions. Subsequently, a voice of revenge was heard that did not betray his expectations.

“I found Eugene of Blood Horse. ”


A turbulent light appeared on the face of the galaxy. A thick tendon pops out like a worm over the back of his hand.

“What about the goods?”

“I put it in the annex near the bloody shotgun. My men will bring it as soon as the day is clear. ”

“No, I’ll go myself. ”

He hurriedly got up from his seat and ran to the mortar rod. It took only a minute to climb to the middle of the hill with a bloody shotgun.

The star on the hillside of the mortar wand is a place that galaxies occasionally use, and strangers didn’t even know it existed.

Inside the star was a heavily guarded group of men who were watching the bloody shotgun. There was a great ark among them.

The surface of the scarf, made of unknown metal, was vividly engraved with the emblem of Ascension Dragon.


The men who brought the scepter kneeled on their knees in unison toward the galaxy. However, the galaxy passes through them and reaches for the ark on the cart.

“Finally….. you’re in my hands. There’s Eugene in the blood.”

His voice trembled.

For the past few years, I have been trying to obtain only the Eugene of Blood Horse. He abducted countless people, forced them into labor, and did countless things that should not be done as a human being.

And I ended up with this desired result. It was a triumph of concentration.

I swept the scar with my hand. I felt the touch of a dull pattern on my fingertips. And the strange energy that is conveyed to the whole body.

The galaxy was convinced that there was eugenicity of blood within this crevice.

“Where did you find it? ”

“I found it in the western zone. ”

“That’s where I was. Well done.”


“What about the workers?”

“For now, I’m letting you rest in a bloodcannon. ”

The Galactic Tail dries up slightly according to the answer of his superiors. In his face, there was an ominous feeling.

“That’s good.”


“It’s no good to leave useless scratches. Clean it up as soon as the day is clear! ”


Suu Kyi replied without hesitation.

It was foreseen from the time of the excavation of the hematoma rifle where Eugene was buried. The Seocheon Cabin, where this fact is known to the world, will become the loser of the Shin River, rather than the achievement of the River Ho.

“Haven’t you caught her yet? ”

“The Chancellor has gone himself, so there will be good news soon. ”


The galactic glare was a goal.

The General’s hematopoietic acid was the deepest he believed in. But for some reason I was anxious.

“You must catch that bitch. At this point, if the hemolytic membrane intervenes, everything will be a mess. Wait for them in case. ”

“What about them? ”

“You know.”

“Oh, I see. ”

The voice of the man answering slightly trembled. It was proof that he was that nervous.

The galaxy lifts the scepter. It was as heavy as a big rock, but he carried it with nothing and headed to his residence in the star house.

I felt the eyes of my men behind my back, but I didn’t mind. What came to the face of the galaxy was definitely a smile.

The galaxy returning to its dwelling place lays a plague.


Others didn’t know, but they could feel the galaxy. I heard a strong reverberation that I felt inside the ulcer.

The echo was definitely calling itself.

“This is destiny. Eugene of the Blood Horse was destined for me in the first place. ”

His smile became darker.

The galaxy tried to open the veil of the ark. But the ulcers were smooth without a seam.

It means it’s impossible to open the coffin in the usual way. But I wasn’t worried about galaxies.

From the moment I received information that the blood horse had reached its final destination, I investigated everything about the blood horse.

He was the most knowledgeable man in the world about hematoma. Even the nature, the taste, and the habits of the horse.

“He was particularly obsessed with blood, and he even got a star. So you can’t just hand over your Eugene to someone who hasn’t shed any blood. ”


Galaxies raise their scales and cut off their hands. The scalp deeply wounds the palm of his hand, and iron blood flows.

The galaxy takes the blood flowing from the palm of its hand to the crevice.


I wanted to see if the blood was flowing through the crest, but it began to be absorbed within. I drank no blood and absorbed it crazily like a ravenous beast.

“Uh-huh! Yes, drink as much as you want. ”

Galaxies shed phonemes.

A bloody crevice bursts red and suddenly cracks. The crack spread rapidly throughout the crevice, breaking within. And the contents inside revealed themselves.

It was all worn out, and it was a brochure like a basket, and a red marble.


Galaxies held brochures and marbles in their hands.

Blood margin.

The cover of an old booklet was definitely written like that.

“Blood Horse Break is finally in my hands. ”

His eyes fluttered with joy.

Galaxies hastily looked at the brochure. The abstinence of hematoma was evident. The gaze of the galaxy is this time headed for the bead in your hand.

“So this is the consul, of course? ”

He thought the hematoma was better than he thought. I can’t believe you’re prepared for a consul that will promote the inner circle for those who will follow your Eugene.

Galaxies do not hesitate, but they put a consul in their mouth. Immediately after touching the saliva, the consul melts and enters the stomach in an oesophagus.


It was time for galaxies to smile at the fullness of their senses. Suddenly, I felt the pain that seemed to soar in the fire.

As if they were selling their boats with a fire-breathed sword, the Milky Way’s mouth opened.

“Turn it off!”

The same voice echoes in the room as the cries of the beast.

A hot flame drifts through the galactic veins. The galaxy rolls out of the room with two eyes in a huge, unbearable energy.

I couldn’t even pay for the rigor. Blood bites in my head. The blood vessels blew out and the eyes were red.

I felt like my head was about to explode.

“Blood horse, you son of a bitch! ”

An unbearable galaxy cursed whale blood.

He took blood horses and even his ancestors and cursed them. Still, the pain didn’t go away.


His desperate notoriety resounded in the stars.

The front door of Seocheon Cabin was heavier than ever. Since the atmosphere was the atmosphere, the unarmed who guarded the front door did not even stare at it, but only at the front.

Then there was a strange sight in their eyes.

A horse was approaching Seocheon Cabin. A fat boy on a horse.

“What is it?”

A curious light came to my face.

It was dawn yet to dawn. It’s too early for visitors to come.

Moreover, the incident a few days ago forced me not to visit anyone today.

Guard warriors focused their attention on the interior. Then a strange sight came into my eyes.

Behind a fat boy riding on a horse was a particularly dark glow.

It didn’t take long to notice that it was not the darkness, but the man in black horses and black wrappers.

“Who are you? ”

Unmanned people feel an unusual atmosphere and reveal the light of vigilance. Even though the unarmed pointed their weapons, they did not stop.


Unmanned men shout with inner air. At that time, however, strangers had already arrived near the front gate of Seocheon Cabin.

“This is no place for outsiders to approach. Reveal your identity.”

Foolgyeong, the promoter of the unarmed, stepped forward.

Even though the frontal gate was guarded, the frontal gyroscope was also part of the brilliant axis within Seocheon Cabin. There was also no law that caused deep agitation in things that were too cautious.

At this moment, however, the heart of the lobe was shaking like crazy, and creeps were rising along the dorsal stem.

From the moment the man in the black horse appeared, his body was responding as it was. A feeling of pressure that even the owner of the galaxy had never felt was pressing on his whole body.

He shouts to shake the pressure.

“Who is it?” he asked. ”

“Seocheon Cabin, right? ”

The man in the black horse finally opened his mouth.

An indifferent voice that doesn’t contain any emotion. But strangely frightened. That insensitivity, that glow-in-the-dark look.

The man on the black horse was the damho.

The dam-ho descends from the back of the black ear.

The moment he stepped on his feet, the eyes of the lobe shimmered.

“A cripple?”

The opponent clenches his feet, although it is very slight. At the moment of confirming that fact, a strange sense of relief came.

The voice of the lobe has increased.

“This place is definitely Seocheon Mountain. It’s not a place for outsiders to come, so if you have any business, come back at sunrise. ”

“Is the bookkeeper inside?

“Why are you looking for a master? The Masterman doesn’t meet someone as obscure as you. ”


Damho’s voice sank nicely.

At that moment, the unarmed at the front door flickered.

‘Something happens. ’

Dozens of unarmed people thought the same thing, almost the same moment.

Their gaze was fixed on the wall, and their whole body was full of power.

I wanted to take my eyes off Damho. But I couldn’t.

The opponent’s body is filled with an ominous energy that does not hold their gaze.

Damho looked at Seocheon Cabin for a while.

Despite the night, the lights were brightly lit, reminiscent of the savagery. I felt the popularity of as many people as the size of a giant.

Among them, there will also be a mix of owners of the Mount of Heaven.

A squeaking and fluttering voice came out from the mouth of the dam.

“I’ll let you out if you don’t come out. ”

“What do you mean?”


At that moment, the sound rang and the body of the lobe flew backwards. In an obscured spirit, I thought the loboscope was strange.

What’s going on?

Why am I flying?

And this pain…..


At that moment, the body of the lobe hit the front door. The front door was smashed and the lobe no longer suffered.

The body of the posterior lobe, which became a tall mass, rolled over the floor.

“Joe, the promoter….. ”

“He killed the promoter. Attack!”

Later, unconscious unarmed men rushed toward the wall in unison.

Dozens of people were running after only one person. Nevertheless, the dustbin did not worry about that one.


At that moment, the wall moved.


Dozens of unarmed people who had been attacking only one person in a row burst into bloody bread and bounced around.

Hell was being held in Seocheon Lodge.

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