Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 492

Hebrews 6: 492. Everything results in one (2)


Najib sighed as the chimpanzee approached. Her face was weary.

There were unarmed people herding around her.

It was an exile group called Choi Myeong-myung (). The escapade was as red as a whole body bathed in blood.

Red water vapour was rising on the shoulders of the evacuation squad, breathing heavily. The heat they emit is evaporating the blood turned upside down.

While they were here, they killed countless people. If others had seen it, they would have called them murderers and blamed them. Fortunately, the eyes of the servants were drawn to the temple, not here. There was a war of spearheads and horses.

It was self-evident that the victor of the Servants would soon rule the world. That is why everyone is focusing their attention on servitude.

Thanks to this, the mountaineering and evacuation team was able to move freely out of the sight of others.

The number of those who died in their hands as far as this place was concerned was over hundreds. Many of them also had a significant mandate in Murim.

He was either the Great Baron of Kangho or a prominent figure in the region. They had no contact with Hao Moon.

If Hao Moon had killed those people, there would have been a tremendous afterstorm. But now no one has noticed Hao Moon’s walk. That is why we are pouring all our nerves into the feud of servitude.

Because of that, no one was able to stop Hao Moon from walking. Thanks to this, Kiyeyeo and Hao Moon were able to achieve their desired objectives.

Until now, those killed by Hao Moon were the ones who were sympathetic to the Angel Church in disguise as a great threat. They cooperated with the Angel Society, hiding their identities thoroughly. Even their families were so thoroughly camouflaged that they did not know that they were associated with angels.

Those who were killed by the chimpanzees and the deserters were the same. Those who have been eating and hiding their identity in the shadows of this world.

Their reaction at the last moment before death was like one. It was asking families to keep their identities a secret.

They were more afraid that honor would be damaged than death. If so, I couldn’t understand why I was cooperating with the Angel Society.

‘Did you really think that would never be revealed? ’

One of the facts I learned when I became a division owner of Hao Moon is that there is no eternal secret in the world.

I don’t know how I can move on right now, but over time, it was the end of the world that was revealed. Those who didn’t even know such simple things were lurking in silence and mocking the world. And the chimpanzee now had the last unarmed man in front of his nose.

I saw the most recent edition of the book.

It was quite a powerful family in the area. At least I’ve built so much virtue that no one respects the head of Hong family in the first place. Because of this, there were usually enough people in Hong family to line up to meet the landlord Hong Hwa. But now the head of the Hong family was quiet enough to express that he was a bitch.

Not a single person was seen, and even the unarmed who were guarding the front door were not present.

The chimpanzees and exiles frowned a little, but without hesitation, entered the reddest.

It was as quiet as the outermost relief. Many of those brushes were not there, and there was only one worker standing alone.

The eyes of the memorial painting glittered as I watched the old man. It’s because I recognized the identity on the grip. It was because he was the owner of the Hong Kong family and the spiritual owner of the saffron.


When the popular saffron spectacle opened its eyes, a sharp glare burst out. It was intense enough for the escape team to flinch.

Sapphire opened his mouth.

“You’re here!”

“You must have been waiting. ”

“I have eyes and ears, but how can I not know that you are coming towards this place? ”

“Is that why you let all the brushes out? ”

The sound of the chimes speaking around the inside of the saffron was much colder. Then Hong Hwang-gyeong smiled bitterly.

“Yes. My family doesn’t need to know my fortune. ”

“Do you know what shame is? ”

“There is no shame in my actions. But I didn’t think my family would understand what I was doing. You don’t have to know. That’s why I let you go. You don’t have to know. ”

In response to the obvious answer of the Honghwa Dynasty, I felt the heat rising in my heart. It was because Hong Hwang was the most audacious of all those who had ever sympathized with Angelism.

Perhaps I could not easily understand with the common sense of gimmickness whether I could say without changing my face like that.


Then the Safflower took out the sword and heard it.

“The story has become worthless. I already heard and know what happened to the others. If you’ve come for my life, I’ll fight fast. ”

“There’s a war going on in Seongseong right now about the fate of the lieutenant. A huge number of people have already died, and they’re going to die. Don’t you want to apologize to them? ”


Honghwa replied decisively. Thereby, the chimpanzee bites his lips.

“How does a person know? ”

“Each one has its own position. You may not understand, but I’ve done my best. And I got the results I wanted. Even though it’s frustrating that I can’t see the results with my own eyes, I don’t regret it. ”

The gaze of the Honghwa landscape turned to a distant place.

His eyes were looking at a place he could never see here. There was his master.

I’ve lived for him my whole life.

I abandoned the reputation I had built in Ganho and followed him with my name abandoned. It was all for the lord’s dream.

Others may say it’s stupid, but the Safflower never regretted it. Because I thought it was natural to live for him because it was his life that was saved anyway.

The saffron lifts the sword and aims at the ornament.

Stop it!

At that moment, the deserters pulled out their weapons in unison.

Hundreds of exiles were indeed terrified. The saffron, which was the mastermind of the battlefield, also flickered.


He rushes to the desert with a shovel on the ground.

Usually he would have given up the ship to his juniors. But now it was not a matter of silence, nor of legitimate confrontation.

Saving my life was the last fight.

He wanted to burn the last more spectacularly than anyone else.

‘I’ve been fighting for you my whole life, but the fight now is only for me. Lord, please fulfill your dream…. ’

Hong Hwang-gyeong fought the deserters with all his strength.

Dozens of fugitives have lost their lives to his defenseless maneuvers. The fact that he was the master of the battlefield was a tremendous shameless gesture. But the deserters were also chosen and chosen by Hao Moon.

Moreover, they have experienced numerous practices in tracking down and killing angelic giants, and poison has spread.

The grief of losing a companion became furious, and they unleashed the wrath that came up from the depths of their hearts upon the Safflower.

Eventually, the saffron fell to the ground with its whole body in a state of difficulty.


The blood that vomited dampened my chest red.

I had death in my sight. Nevertheless, his eyes and expressions seemed strangely calm.

“Hhh! The… the army. ”

Even to the end, he calls out a roar, and his breath is cut off.

The chimpanzee looked at the saffron spectacle with tired eyes. Most of the angels she and the deserters killed so far were like the saffron.

The blind vestiges of loyalty that they saw were incomprehensible.

‘What the hell is the Archbishop, what is his dream, that they risk their own lives so harshly? ’

Suddenly I felt chills in my body. I couldn’t even feel my whole body trembling.

I heard something ominous.

I have the same feeling that something tremendous beyond her imagination is going to happen.

The giraffe hugs her shoulders with both arms, without even knowing it.

* * *

A huge altar has been completed.

The altar, which rises high as if it were piercing the sky, reminds me of a large tower. It seemed to represent the will of man to challenge the sky.

“You are done, my lord. ”

Your companion approached the Lakehorse and bowed his head.

“Well done.”

“I just did what I had to do. ”

In a word, your company looks even more rhetorical. The gaze of a thousand men turned towards the altar.

The altar was incredibly splendid that it was impatient. It was an altar built as the cornerstone of the Jongnam Party. The large pillar, which received the preoccupation of the Jongnam, became the pillar of the altar, and the steep stone, which was placed on the armpit, was reborn as the staircase of the altar.

So, everything in the Jongnam clan became part of the altar and was reborn. That was the perfect recycling.

Around the altar, more than a hundred sorcerers were waiting for a thousand men.

Originally, there had to be more than two hundred sorcerers here. But a hundred men have exhausted all their power by locking the Wall in Hell. Because of this, I had to go to the Supreme Court with a hundred people left. But you were on your own.

The number of people is halved, but the conditions are even better.


Heaven was weeping, as though it were mourning the death of many.

Normally people did not hear the cry of heaven, but it sounded so vivid in the ears of the Archangel and your companion.

Heaven seems indifferent, but never turns away from the world.

When the world is swamped by bloodshed, the sky is sad, and the sky is shaken. The blood and tears shed by so many stir up the sky, and thereby loosen the laws of causality that govern this world. Just like now.

The Great Revolution of Spear and Horse Blind in the Plains of Purity temporarily collapsed and the sky was shaking unprecedented.

The moment that they were waiting for was coming. Just a few more minutes and the perfect conditions would be in place.

There was a pale line hanging from the mouth of a thousand men looking at the altar. I’m smiling.

Even you, who have watched him for decades, were the first smiles I ever saw.


“Isn’t it really nice? ”

The Ho Cheonan reached out to the altar. I felt like I’d be caught if I grabbed my hand. But the Ho Cheonan quickly reaped his hand.

Because it wasn’t the time yet.

The most important thing was missing.

I need an offering to raise my offering, but the offering hasn’t arrived yet.

The gaze of a thousand men turned towards the bottom of the mountain. Then his little smile darkened his mouth.

“You’re coming. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Yes……? ”

“It’s like the salmon leaving for the sea is coming back to the creek. For him, I’m the same creek as home. He was just unaware. ”

I didn’t know what it meant, but Yonke understood what he said. It was possible because I had been around for so many years.

It was then. One of the men approached and reported.

“It’s urgent under the mountains. Kwon Ma has arrived in Jongnam Mountain. ”

According to his report, your face has changed.

because you arrived sooner than expected.

‘We must not be disturbed yet. If you are disturbed now, you owe a huge setback to the company. ’

His gaze turned to the roar.

Hocheongmen were kicking their tongues.

“You got here earlier than I thought. I wish I was a little late. As expected, there is no way the world works. ”

“I’ll take care of it, my lord. ”

“Is it possible? Even the Five Horsemen lost their lives to him. ”

“If you give my life, you can. ”

“What fun would I have to live in this world without you? ”

“I think this is my role. ”

“Your company!”

The face of a thousand people hardened for the first time. Then you laughed.

“Aren’t those kids there? Open up a new world with those kids. ”

Those you were looking at were the sorcerers.

Hundreds of sorcerers.

Unlike the sorcerers who spent their time in Hell, they were the ones your company cared about.

They were more talented and more loyal.

They were the true future of Angelism.

“Are you serious?”


“Isn’t that too bad? The result of decades of our efforts is right there. ”

“It’s not my relationship. ”

“Do you really think so? ”

On the question of the Ho Cheonan, your father bites his lips for a moment.

Why don’t you want to complete the big business by following the name of the lake? I’ve been running around with that goal my whole life. But sometimes I had to give up what I desperately wanted.

Your company thought this was the time.

“Please build an angel there, too. I’m enough for one of them. ”

“I see! I will keep my promise. ”

“Thank you, then……. ”

Your company raised a big bow to the Hocheongmen.

Su was the last person to raise it to the master.

You look at the man standing with the sorcerers with your head up. He was a returning hallucinator who was injured in the fight against Damho. When he heard that Damho was coming up, his complexion was dull.

‘The devil is coming? The Emperor King couldn’t stop him either. ’

He was a hallucinogenic masseuse who had nothing to fear in the world, but the walls were different. Just as his name was mentioned, he was feeling extreme fear.

At that time your father called for a phantom massage.


“Yes? Yes! ”

“You take care of me. ”

“But……. ”

“You can do it, right? ”


“I don’t have time. Let’s get started. I’ll stop him. ”

“Got it.”

The phantom masseuse answered in a hurry.

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