Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 55

Hebrews 2: 55. He entered the rank of lieutenant, but everything is strange (2)

The state of Nanju was also the starting point for the ascent to the west, and was also a place of maturity. From the point of traffic in the centre of the gates, many people have always come to the barracks.

Even though many years have passed and now they are being pushed into displacement, traces of old films still remain everywhere.

I was able to find the precious things of the West that were difficult to see here. Yes, the mayor was always energetic and loud with the voices of those who bargain.

“Here’s a precious fragrance from the West. ”

“Sell the month from Great Britain. There’s only a few left. Welcome.”

A market where the voices of countless people resounded, and two people came in on horses.


The fat boy with his mouth open and his eyes rounded was a bit dusty. The man by his side was the damho.

They finally came to the lieutenant.

When I saw so many people chattering noisily, I realised I was here as a lieutenant. There was even a slight tear in the eye of the advancement.

On the contrary, there was no change in the face of the wall. It was still a statue-like face, with no undulations of emotion.

Damho finally opened his mouth.

“Let’s start with the property. ”


Progress replied vigorously. It was a voice full of confusion.

There were a lot of guests along the boulevard. Every guest was filled with people.

I stopped by a couple of places, but all I heard was that there was no room.

“Catching a room is a star in the sky. ”

Again, I grumbled after being expelled. However, the dustbin walked into the next guest cup within a few minutes.

Damho waited outside for progress.

The passers-by were looking at him as if they were looking at a strange object.

A man in black with a black horse. Even the hair there was deep black. Of course, the gaze could not go away.

As they looked at the dam, the dam also looked at those passing by.

In the eyes of the dam-ho, the appearance of those who pass through the streets is formed.

Many passed by, but not one of them was the same. The body shape and walking were just as different as the faces.

Some walk boldly, others walk cautiously. There were strong steps, and there were those who ran violently.

Damho noted some of them with heavy and stable walks. I felt their breathing as I lifted my senses.

Long but stable breathing, and dynamic force.


It was a strong energy that could not be felt by those who did not learn to fly.

Over forty thousand people are suspected to have learned nothing from this street.

Information about them naturally came into my head, even though I was unconscious. The first step is to identify and react to the threat around the body, not the head.

Such protective responses were immediate, especially when people entered many places.

There was no level of unmanned manoeuvre that would pose a threat to the dam. But I wondered. This is because the proportion of unaccompanied travellers in and out of the streets is too high.

There are numerous Moonfani, Odaedae Sengani, and any other Moonfani, but the number was only very small compared to the total number of middlemen. However, there were too many unarmed people here.

I wondered, but I didn’t pay attention. because I thought it had nothing to do with myself.

Damho closed his eyes. Then I felt a vibrant volcanic energy in my body.

While I was here, Damho never lost his energy. I didn’t feel the need for it, and I lost my mind a little bit, not knowing where I was since I came out of the world.

However, unlike the spirit of the wall, the energy wandering around looking for a place to erupt was looking for a little stability.

Are you saying that crazy is a little crazy?

I don’t know if it’s because of that, but the energy was consumed from the outside as crazy as before. An intense presence that overwhelmed others also closed its tracks.

On the other side, an unmanned man approached the foothills. But he passes by indifferently, as if he felt nothing from the dam. Even though I seem to have learned a high level of nudity.

At that time, the progress that entered the guesthouse was brilliant.

“Brother, there’s a room here. Hehe!”

The dustbin was smiling with a red reminded face. Now I can’t see the shade on his face anywhere.

Damho stroked his head and went to the stable at the back of the guest glass.

There was already a jumbo in the stables. The damhoe and the dustbin handed over their horses to the jumbo.

“Give me enough beans and fodder. ”

“Don’t worry. Our guest glasses are very good at taking care of what our guests have to say. ”

The juggler smiled brightly.

Damho threw a coin at Jumsoi and went into the guest glass.

The first floor of the guest house was a restaurant. Twenty tables shriveled with people without a single vacancy. And most of the people who took the table were unarmed.

Explained why there was no progress.

“There’s a large garden near here called the red rock lodge, and the owner is a very famous unaccompanied. Many people came to celebrate because he was born a few days later. ”

Damho nods without a word.

Then there was a vacancy. Those who have eaten so far have left their seats.

“Let’s eat first. ”

The progress quickly ran to the vacancy and sat down. The seat where the progress was sitting was by the window, so the street was visible.

As Damho sits across from the progress of the dust, the juggler who entrusted the horse comes running. Then the progress of the dust rushed.

“Brother, what kind of food are you good at here? ”

“Well! All the other foods are good, but the best thing to do is to have a beeswax. ”

“What is that? ”

“Mix the lamb’s guts together and boil the bath. It’s a dish where you can really enjoy the flavor of your gut. ”

“Wow! It’s delicious. Bro, we’re eating this. ”

Jingbo looked at the wall with a superficial look. Damhoe nodded, and the progress was cheerful.

“Brother, give me our bucket bath. ”

“All right. It’s gonna take a while, so wait for me. ”

“Got it.”

The Progress smiles and nods. Not necessarily, the small eyes smiled and looked smaller. But the dust was good.

Thousands of Linas remained until the sympathy of the Jellu came in. While I was on my way there, the tasty house was going to stop by and taste the food.

Just thinking about it causes a spit in the mouth. Damho watched quietly the appearance of such progress.

Young Jingyeo was dreaming. The promise to make people happy with cooking. As I struggle for him, I go to the sympathy of His Highness Zeilu.

On the contrary, adults themselves had no dreams more than progress. I became strong to live, but I didn’t dream of any of it.

Damho thought for the first time that he was jealous of progress. The power may be strong, but it is because there is no life visible to the Progress.

“What is it like? Oh, I can’t stand the curiosity. ”

Jingyeo mutters, rubbing her hands to see if she’s expecting it already. With delicious food in front of me, I was halfway through my mind.

Damho threw his gaze out the window. Many were still walking down the street.

I didn’t know what they were thinking. But one thing is for sure, they live very hard.

Each one of them was strangely stimulating the heart of the Wall.

When the wall was watching the view from the outside without saying a word, the door of the guest glass suddenly opened and a man and a woman came inside.

A man in his early twenties wearing a blue scarf and a woman of similar age wearing a white scarf.

The man had a sharp eye for a fairly compliant haircut. He was wearing a sword with a blue light hovering around his waist, which was not unusual.

The appearance of the woman beside him was also so beautiful that she received the gaze of all the men. Even though it would be very burdensome for a normal person, the look on the woman’s face seemed quite reassuring.

A man opens his mouth robbing of the dust on his clothes.

“It seems like the sentimental UAVs are gathered in the middle of nowhere. ”

“I can’t help it. I can’t live without the influence of the red rock lodge in my maturity. If you can only take an eye print from the owner of the red rock lodge, Yin Sin-style Great Canyon, at least in the northern part of the city, it’s okay to see that there is a departure road. ”

“Hmm! Is that enough? ”

“I can’t help it because the south is a communal zone, but the north is definitely dominated by the Red Rock Mountains. ”

It was already fifty years ago that the red rock lodge appeared in Kangho. It may be a very long time for the general public, but it was a very short time for the Moon of Kangho to get its place right.

Given that the history of the Old Moon Pagoda at the top of the river is usually more than a hundred years old, the growth of the Red Rock Lodge was definitely great.

In just fifty years, it was entirely because of the exorcism of the current landlord that he was consecrated to one of the Old Moon Societies.

“So don’t let the death penalty look like a disgrace to you. ”

“What did I do? ”

“Do you ask because you don’t know that? ”


A man snorted on a woman’s bruise.

The man was very proud. I hated bowing my head to others rather than dying. Then it caused quite a lot of trouble, and it was stigmatized in the front door too.

Nevertheless, it was his brilliant talent that prevented him from abandoning the man.

The man’s name was Sancheon, a former disciple of the prehistoric text based in the golden spear of the mature north.

Hyundai was a historic monument that has long been established in maturity. Though largely unknown by the red rock lodge or the whims of the Communists, there were no people who ignored their low power. At least not as much as in maturity.

The woman’s name was Moonsugyeong, the only daughter of the Hyundai newspaper, Moonse-rung. In her maturity, she was named as a maid.

In the presence of the two of them, the crowd roared. Most of the people here were foreigners who lived in a place of maturity. Of course I didn’t know about the two of them.

The goal was defeated by the glance of the left shin while looking inside the chalice.

“Don’t you have a seat here? ”

His voice was so annoying. I couldn’t find a place in the guest house I stopped by earlier, but I am angry because there is no place here.

It was time for Moon Soo Kyung to sigh and try to calm down the wounds.

A group of people who were eating in one corner stood up. Then, the impression of the throne cloth was released.

The juggler came running fast.

“Please wait a moment. We’ll get rid of it in no time. ”

“Are there any rooms left? ”

“Yes! There are still two left. ”

“I’ll borrow both. ”

“I see.”

The juggler rushes around his waist and clears the empty table. The spot where the jumbo clears was right next to the dam and the progress of the dust.

After clearing all the seats, the chairman and Moon hyung sat down.

Cho Sang-cheon ordered food.

“Bring me a roasted duck and a bottle of coriander. As a good-looking man. ”


The jumbo rushes to the burinake kitchen.

I filled my tongue as if I didn’t like it.

“Tsk! What are you doing? Since when have we noticed the red rock lodge? ”

“Death penalty! Please be careful what you say. ”

“What did I do? It’s true.”


In the end, Moon Soo Kyung sighed.

Her death penalty had outstanding talent and skill set aside, but lacked a sense of reality.

If the sun had risen in broad daylight, the current day was only a moon shining a part of the night sky. It was incomparable in terms of reputation or power.

Moon Se-rung, the Hyundai newspaper owner, also sends himself and a cloth to celebrate the birthday of the Lee Sin-style.

In any case, it was up to Moon Soo Kyung to deter Chongcheon from going into an accident. She felt exhausted.

Moon Soo-kyung looked inside the dining room expecting a chair. Most of the people in the restaurant were unattended, and they saw two people. But only the people in one place were different.

It was a man in a black wrapper sitting right next to the table, a fat boy, a damsel and a pacemaker.

Dust was raising her voice to see what was so exciting, and Damho looked out the window with his arms open.

It was two people who looked different but oddly good together.

‘Are they going to the Red Rock Lodge too? ’

Then came the food ordered by Damho and Jingju.

In a large bowl, the dust in the bucket bath smiled.


It wasn’t a joke from the smell.

The dustbin filled his bowl after spreading a bowl of beeswax into the bowl of the wall.

“I’ll eat well. ”

As Damho lifted his sour first, he also began to savor the beeswax.

“Did you catch him with a fizzy smell? It looks like it’s got incense and yellowish. How did you get this sweet? Ah! You’ve added herbs. ”

The advances made a dazzling look. Moonsoo Kyung ‘feet’ smiled at the appearance of such progress. Because the appearance of progress was so serious.

A sudden laugh next to him opened his eyes and looked at Moon Myeong-gyeong.

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