Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 140

Chapter 141

Sauron died for the sake of a Kebi and Berumeber, although Kebi has unlimited potential in the future, even if he can reach the level of a general, it will be decades later.

And Solon means now, now gone, what else to talk about later?

Hearing the news of Solon’s fall, Luffy’s heart, which was full of holes, seemed to be torn apart.

Another companion left him.

Even Sanji, who was a wrongdoer with Solon, was silent, looking at the sea and smoking, feeling sad.

Don’t see that he and Solon often tear up, water and fire are incompatible, but no matter what, everyone is a companion, and Yamaji is also sad about Sauron’s death.

“Hmph, fake bastard!!”

“Is that guy Sanjiu, I heard that he is Lei Jiu’s younger brother, that Great Demon King Barbos, is his brother-in-law!!”

“I don’t know what left such people in the pirate group for “seven nine zero”. ”

“Capture him, maybe you can use him to threaten Barbos!”

“I also think I can give it a try, we are pirates, no need to preach morality!!”


There were quite a few pirates around pointing at Yamaji.

He lowered his head and said nothing, but his eyes were extremely hazy.

In recent times, he has been isolated like never before.

Everyone was targeting him, and the reason was simple, just because Barbos was his brother-in-law.

In fact, it is ridiculous to say, Sanji and Lei Jiu have not seen each other for many years, even with Barbos, the so-called brother-in-law, the relationship is also bad to death.

Although Barbos spared Yamaji during the Chambordi Islands, Yamaji still hated Barbos in his heart, and in Yamaji’s heart, his companion was greater than the so-called brother-in-law.

Of course, Yamaji doesn’t care about the cynicism of these little people.

What really chilled Sanji was that Luffy seemed to be avoiding himself, even if he said he didn’t care, everything was wrong because of Barbos, Sanji could still see the hatred that occasionally appeared in Luffy’s eyes.

Sanji didn’t complain about Luffy either, after all, as the old saying goes, see things and think about people.

When I saw him, it was easy to think of Barbos’s brother-in-law.

“I’ll prove it to Luffy!!”

Sanji gritted his teeth, his eyes shining with determination.

A moment later, he resolutely dialed a certain phone worm.

“Sanji, I didn’t expect you to call me, did you figure it out.”

Barbos’s voice came from the other side of the phone worm.

“Good, I figured it out and would like to join the Navy.” Yamaji said awe-inspiringly, “Everyone in the Iron Fist Pirates is full of hostility towards me. ”

“Hehe, now it’s time to turn back to the shore! Say a location and I’ll pick you up personally. ”

Barbos breathed a sigh of relief, all this time, Reijiu had hoped that Barbos would spare Yamaji’s younger brother.

Barbos also felt that he owed Lei Jiu, and she was in charge of Hades’ project, which was indeed quite tiring.

“I’m just…”

Sanji said a location, and Barbos claimed to be there before dark.

At dusk, the blood-red sunset stained the sea.

A warship is cutting through the sea, getting closer and closer to the island ahead.

Barbos stood on the deck, the island was wrapped in a thick purple fog, and the miasma was pervasive and dangerous.

He frowned, he really couldn’t figure out why Sanji had chosen such a place to meet.

After the warship landed, Barbos jumped off the battleship, and he looked around, but did not see Sanji’s figure.

He picked up the phone worm, and just about to contact Yamaji, the mutation protruded.

Thundered… Thundered… Thundered

A violent explosion occurred inside the island, and a huge cloud of flame mushrooms soared into the air.

The fire spread wildly, engulfing the place where Barbos was in the blink of an eye.

Flames, shock waves, and miasma followed.

Even if it escapes the burning of the flames, there is a dangerous shock wave, and once it is devoured, the internal organs will be shattered.

Even if luck is bursting and avoiding the first two calamities, the miasma that rages and opens is extremely deadly, and if you ingest more than a dozen milligrams, you will die violently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Should be dead, right?!”

Yamaji, who was wearing a gas mask, suddenly flashed, looking at the flames in front of him thoughtfully.

“What a shame, Sanji.”

The voice of Barbos came from the flames, and the words fell, and the flames dispersed.

Barbos was covered in purple light, and the flames, miasma, and shock waves that approached were destroyed.

The disappointment in his eyes was unconcealed: “I thought you suddenly woke up, but I didn’t expect you to prepare a big trap for me…”

Barbos looked at the dense jungle, full of poisonous miasma, and there were countless poisonous insects of all kinds.

“Is this the cemetery you prepared for me, feng shui is too bad.”

“Shut up you bastard!!”

Sanji’s voice was unusually hoarse: “You killed Usopp, Green Algae Head, and Luffy’s relatives, I can’t spare you!!” ”

Even through the gas mask, Barbos saw Sanji’s scarlet eyes.

He couldn’t help but feel sad in his heart: “Loved ones? Have you forgotten that in front of you, too, is your relatives, I released you three times and twice, and you… But he slashed his sword against me. ”

“Sanji, in your eyes, Lei Jiu and I are not even as good as Straw Hat Luffy and his relatives?”

Barbos is really a little speechless, and this hanging three views are a bit strange.

“Of course, companions are above all else!!”

Yamaji said unwaveringly: “I believe that every companion of the Pirate Group has the same belief. ”

“It’s useless to talk more, I’m asking you for the last time, and it’s also giving you the last chance.”

Barbos asked in a deep voice, “Are you willing to change your mind?” ”

“Then you can hear clearly, even if you die, my answer is – me! Refuse! Break off! ”

Yamaji threw his voice loudly, and when the words fell, the burning right foot had swept over.

Bang bang!!

Sparks exploded in the air, and Barbos raised his arm to block the blow.

0.3 There was a cold light in his eyes, he was not the kind of virgin, he and Rejiu had promised that if Sanjiu did not listen to the advice three or four times, and still insisted on going his own way, Barbos would not hesitate to die.

At that time, Lei Jiu was silent, and silence actually represented acquiescence.

Barbos grabbed Yamaji’s calf, and the domineering force made his bones crack and scream.


He circled it 360 degrees, flicked it dozens of times in the blink of an eye, and then let go.

Bang bang!!

The sea in the distance splashed with waves, and Yamaji fell into the deep sea.

“You want to assassinate me at this level?”

Barbos shook his head, Sanji really wasn’t very smart.


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