Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 165

Chapter 170

“Ka, Karp, really, really dead?!”

Looking at the headless corpse that fell, Lieutenant General Tsuru is still a little cloudy and foggy, and it feels unreal.

She couldn’t help but pinch her arm – it hurt!

Not dreaming!!

The two have known each other for decades, ~ the relationship can be imagined.

Even in the past, the Navy had the opportunity to arrest Luffy, and the warring states deliberately made mistakes.

The most obvious is the top war in the original work, and the Sengoku fist to fight Luffy is like playing, and people don’t have a.

As a result, it was replaced by a stronger group of Blackbeard pirates, and the group was directly destroyed en masse.

In a way, Sengoku really took good care of Karp and his family.

However, now the two are in trouble, and the Warring States rudely kill Karp.

This script… It’s a bit outrageous!


After killing Karp, Sengoku sat on the ground with his ass.

Looking at Karp’s corpse, he was speechless for a long time.

He looked at the sky blankly, and the stories of the past of the two came to mind, and the Warring States couldn’t help but burst into tears.

“It’s over, it’s over, first that straw hat Luffy… Now that Karp is also dead, this mission has failed again!! ”

The five old stars Peter died of depression, according to the original plan, this should be a big victory.

Konyima… Completely let Barbos this bastard stir up!


A ray of light streaked across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Everyone couldn’t help but look up, although the man had disappeared, judging from the light remaining in the sky, it seemed to be a yellow ape.

“This, what is the situation? Ran away?! ”

Whether it was the naval side or the world government side, they were shocked by the yellow ape’s commotion.

This Nima is indeed the most meticulous man!

“Damn Borusalino, who allowed you to run!!”

The five old stars Peter exploded angrily, the dog thing is too fucking unruly to run. It’s also Lao Tzu who runs first!!

If you run, the Navy will be on guard, how the fuck will Lao Tzu still run ?!

Sure enough, with the example of the yellow ape, only the remaining trio was surrounded.

Karp hung up.

Luffy was also blown up and disappeared.

The yellow ape ran away.

There are five old stars left: Peter, Figarand Garin, and Air Marshal.

“Don’t anyone want to run!!”

The red dog tiger had a murderous aura, and he couldn’t wait to melt the three.

“Empty, and Garin!!”

The fifth old star Peter ordered loudly: “You two stop them, the old man find a place where there is no one, and tell Lord Im about the situation here!” ”

Garin and Sora stared at him idiotically, don’t you take us both for fools?

Everyone can see that the five old stars Peter is going to run away.


The old man has no extra nonsense, and he swoops away.

“Sakaski, I’ll go after him.”

Barbos followed, the old man’s speed was fast, fleeting, and the distance between the two was widened for a while.

Barbos followed instead.

“Really, this old man has two legs gone, how can he still be so fast?”

Barbos was also convinced, and this skill tree was on the way.

The five old stars Peter who came into view flew low, and ran to the warship with a puff of smoke.

Seeing this, Barbos opened his big hand, and purple energy covered it: “Destruction!! ”

Click… Click… Click

Before the battleship could start, it was forcibly erased in an instant.

The five old star Peter hurriedly jumped down, and when he saw Barbos coming, he roared angrily: “Do you really want to kill them all?!” ”

“Why, the great Lord Five Old Star is still afraid of death?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Barbos quipped, “Want to live? If you kowtow, I might be able to…”

Bang bang!!

The five old star Peter didn’t say a word, for fear that Barbos would repent, and directly kowtowed eight big heads on the spot.

“Sleep, lie in the groove!!”

Barbos really didn’t expect the five old stars Peter to be so instigated, just casually said, this old man really knocked?

“Kowtow too, can you let the old man leave now?!”

The five old stars Peter asked, and his brain was bleeding.

“Ahem… In fact, I just said it casually, it shouldn’t be true. Barbos spread his hands.

“You vile and shameless, untrustworthy bastard, I can’t get around you if I do the hell!!”

The mentality of the five old stars Peter collapsed, and Lao Tzu’s head was not in vain?

“Don’t worry about cursing, I can give you a chance to live.”

Barbos smiled wickedly: “Wait a minute, I will throw you into the sea, as long as you can leave alive, it is your creation, if you can’t… Then don’t blame me. ”


The five old stars Peter laughed angrily: “The old man is a capable person, what is it to throw into the sea and die.”

Barbos pounced quickly, a large hand coming towards his face.

The black shadow of the monster appeared on the body of the five old star Peter, and the huge fist counterattacked towards Barbos.

Bang bang!!

The power of this punch was still good, and Barbos flew hundreds of meters in reverse.



The five old star Peter wailed non-stop, and the moment he hit Barbos, his fist was also contaminated with the power of destruction.

His entire arm seemed to be soaked in sulfuric acid, and in the blink of an eye there was bone left.

The old man was extremely miserable, his legs were gone, and his arms were missing.

For now, there’s only one arm left.

“What a shame, old man.”

Barbos approached silently, and a fist landed on him, not even the slightest scar could be found.

The eyes of the five old star Peter were bloodshot, and he said in a hoarse voice: “If I die, Lord Im will not spare you, he will definitely avenge me!” ”

“Can’t you see it yet?”

Barbos mocked: “That Im, why did you let you come, but he has not dared to move, to put it bluntly, he is actually not sure enough to take the navy.” ”

The five old stars Peter chuckled in his heart, is this really the case?!

If even Lord Im is not sure, they really came to the headquarters of the Navy to look for death.



Barbos violently twisted the old man’s other arm, losing all four of his limbs.

He grabbed the hair of the five old star Peter and threw it into the sea:

“I said, spare your life, whether you can live or not, it is your creation!”


The water splashed, and the old man fell into the sea.

The five old star Peter was so sad and indignant that he might as well kill him.

Originally a capable person, he was also cut off his limbs, and there was only one end – death!


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……… Zero….

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