Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

“me off!! Are you trying to plunge the Navy into a civil war! ”

Bang bang!!

Wood chips burst open, and Sengoku slapped the table in front of him.

Angry eyes swirled around the red dog and the pheasant.

Of course, Barbos was also affected by the anger of the Warring States.

He was helpless in his heart, the addition of Barbos did improve the combat effectiveness of the navy, but it also made the contradiction between the red dog and the green pheasant more and more intense.

Before he could still suppress, as for now… Sengoku felt that the naval civil war was getting closer, and God knows what day the two fought.

“The great enemy is current, I don’t want to see anything that affects the internal unity, and if this kind of thing happens, no matter who it is, the old man will not spare it!”

Sengoku glared at the red dog and the green pheasant, and in the end, he chose to pour his anger on Barbos: “The navy is a highly hierarchical place, and you must be punished for bumping into your superiors. ”

“Don’t want Barbos’ salary this year!!”

“A year’s salary is gone? Oh my God, how miserable!! The yellow ape touched his chest in pain, and it felt even more uncomfortable than a fist from a white beard.

Barbos shrugged, not caring about this painless punishment, in the end, it was just a round.

The Warring States can only mean it, symbolically go through the motions, Barbos, and quit the navy to lose a lot.

“Kuzan, tell me your plan.”

Warring States looked at the pheasant expectantly, he was old, it was only a matter of time before he retired, and the favorite marshal of the navy was the pheasant.

Akainu had been observing Sengoku all the time, envious and jealous of his eyes that looked at his own son.

Benevolent father, why did you give all your love to this kid Kuzan?!

Akainu clenched his fists unwillingly, no matter how hard he tried to fight, the boss was critical of him.

“In order to avoid the expansion of the situation, the Navy can ignore it for the time being, and Big Mom is just a simple incompetent rage, and does not want to go to war with the Navy in the real sense.”

I have to say that the pheasant reviews are quite in place.

If you really want to start a war with the Navy, you have long been killed at the headquarters of the Navy.

Facing Barbos three or four times, Aunt always has to regain a little face as the Four Emperors.

“You mean to say don’t move?” Sengoku asked quietly.

The green pheasant nodded: “It can only be like this, once the navy takes the initiative to cause a war, the hundred beast pirate group will inevitably take the opportunity to attack, and the two four emperor regiments are enough to put the navy in big trouble.” ”

Warring States slowly bowed his head: “There is some truth. ”

The red dog, who had always been despised, couldn’t help it, got up reluctantly, and looked angrily at the green pheasant with almost fire-breathing eyes: “Kuzan, listen to what you mean, is it to let the navy face the big·mom pirate group as a shrunken turtle?” Charlotte Lingling, that old witch is riding on the head of the navy to show off her might, do you have to endure it?! ”

Qing Pheasant said righteously: “At least there should be no war for now, once there is a war with Big Mom, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will definitely hear the wind.” ”

“That! Again! As! What! ”

The red dog said rudely: “Come one, kill one, come two, kill a pair!! ”

Chi Inu’s words made everyone look stunned.

I have to say that the person of Akainu is ruthless and criticized, but he is definitely the toughest iron-blooded general in the history of the Navy.

No matter who the enemy is, he will not be intimidated in the slightest, even if he dies in battle, he will definitely not bow to the pirates.

“I strongly agree.”

Barbos immediately agreed with the opinion of the red dog: “We are the navy, we should be afraid of pirates, pirates take the initiative to attack the navy, this is disrespectful!” ”

In addition to shock, the rest of the people did not dare to speak at all.

The red dog is a general, the green pheasant is also a general, and as for Barbos, the strength is also a naval admiral in a vice admiral vest.

“Also, the old man never thinks that Barbos did anything wrong.”

Akainu continued to speak freely without scruples: “It is the duty of the navy to eliminate pirates, and he has successfully fulfilled the obligations of a navy and defended the dignity of the navy. ”

“From the old man’s personal point of view, what Barbos did should be four words.”

The red dog raised four fingers: “Promotion!” Raise! ”

The corners of everyone’s mouths twitch wildly, even if the salary is raised, it can still be accepted, what the hell is this promotion? Are they all generals made up and officially turned positive?

Barbos silently praised the red dog in his heart, what a big brother.

“Sakaski, what are you going to do?” Sengoku asked.

“It’s very simple, since BIG Mom attacked the naval base, he has to pay for his actions, no matter who he is, provoking the navy must be sanctioned!”

The eyes under the brim of the red dog’s hat almost spewed magma: “Give me a boat, the old man is going to Cake Island!! ”

“Big Mom destroyed the naval base, then the old man destroyed his cake island!”

The green pheasant took a deep look at the red dog: “With you alone, you want to destroy Cake Island?” ”

“Then add me.”

Barbos slowly got up and stretched comfortably.

The scene suddenly fell into deathly silence, and Red Inu and Barbos were planning to fight the Big Mom Pirates to the end.


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