Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

An atmosphere that was so oppressive that it was suffocating spread from heaven and earth.

Barbos jumped down and landed in front of everyone in the Big Mom Pirates.

The eyes were indifferent, and the dark eyes were as dead as black holes.

Katakuri’s pupils flashed red for the first time: “Smuji, back off!” ”

Smoogie was slightly startled, and although he was puzzled, he decisively retreated.


With a deafening bang, the earth rose into the sky.

The place where Smoogie was located was blasted out of the pit.

Barbos pounced in an instant, but unfortunately he was lonely.

Katakuri responded immediately, stabbing the trident in his hand.

Barbos calmly turned his head sideways, only listening to the sound of the brush, and the left ear of the trident passed by.

Smoogie quickly drew his sword, and between the fall of his hand, the huge slash tore through the ground.


Barbos was crushed, and the giant slash swallowed him all over.

“Hahaha… Brothers, here comes your chance! ”

Charlotte Daifuku laughed loudly and was about to attack, but Katakuri stopped him: “Don’t act rashly, look carefully.” ”

The big mom pirate group looked together, and saw Barbos grabbing Smooji’s slash with one hand, and the other hand, wrapped with a rich destructive power.

Daifuku couldn’t help but rejoice: “It’s fortunate that there is brother Katakuri, otherwise I would have been deceived.” ”

“The opponent is not simple, be careful.”

Although Katakuri’s voice was extremely solemn, the expression on his face was extremely confident and calm.

“Is the problem really with you, Katakuri.”

Barbos muttered, “Destruction.” ”


The slash dismemberes itself and splits into nothingness.

Barbos locked on Katakuri, the opponent’s pupils were still flashing red, and any of his tricks and actions seemed to be under the observation of those eyes.

“Seeing through the future is domineering, it is really not ordinary.”

Barbos sighed, his voice still indifferent.

The Katakuri trident pointed at Barbos and said coldly: “If you only have this level, this fate will be decided.” ”

Barbos smiled dumbly, this Katakuri likes to pretend.

However, it is undeniable that Katakuri does have pretend capital.

The top sight on the sea is domineering, even rarer than the overlord color, and Katakuri takes into account the overlord color, and in time, he may be able to reach the level of the aunt.


The earth softened inexplicably, and Barbos’s feet sank into the white mud without warning.

He frowned: “Rice cake? ”

Barbos’s gaze focused on Katakuri, affecting the surrounding objects, which was already a trick for the fruit awakening.

Kataku glanced at Owen, who grinned, “Hehe, it’s my turn.” ”

Owen plunged his hands into the sticky ground, his arms burning with his fists:

“Atami Onsen!”


The ground softened by the Kataku chestnut glutinous fruit suddenly turned red, and the fiery field continued to spread.

Barbos jumped hard and jumped into the air.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Above his head, Katakuri’s cold voice came.

Barbos was stunned slightly, and Katakuri’s right arm swelled into the arm of the giants, and the armed-colored flame heavy fist slammed into full force.

“Baked rice cakes!”


Barbos was hit hard again, and his body fell to the ground.

“Worthy of being Brother Katakuri!”

“Hahaha, this megalomaniac, he still wants to fight a hundred enemies, he deserves it!”

“He has to pay for it!”

“Take down Barbos, let’s beat up the red dog guy with mom!”

The people of the Big Mom Pirates were as excited as if they had beaten chicken blood.

Led by Katakuri, they managed to suppress Barbos.

“Fools, don’t be careless, the enemy is not as fragile as you think!”

Katakuri scolded displeased.

Everyone suddenly fell silent, Katakuri is still quite a deterrent in the Charlotte family.


His pupils flashed red again, and he saw the picture of Barbos getting up intact.

Katakuri couldn’t help but feel stunned, the punch just now, Barbos ate it completely, how could there be nothing at all?

And he also saw that Barbos did not use the armed color, and carried the punch completely by flesh.

“Could it be that this kid is the same as his mother?” Katakuri was secretly surprised in his heart.

In this world, some people are born with superhuman talents, and some of them are born with absolute strength, comparable to the giant race.

Some people, on the other hand, have a very strong body, extremely strong defense, and can carry guns and bullets without using armed color domineering.

For example, Auntie, known as a steel balloon.

Katakuri feels that Barbos is the same as his mother.


The red light of his pupils was still lingering, and the domineering spirit of seeing through the future still stayed on Barbos.

He wanted to detect Barbos’s next move, and a strange picture appeared in his mind.

“I’m not serious yet, your fruit awakening and seeing through the future are all used, how do you play next?”

The demonic low groan resounded, and Kataku trembled inexplicably.


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