Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

For the revolutionary army, Barbos actually had no ill will.

All he hated was pirates.

But taking advantage of his own departure and running to his own jurisdiction to do things, this is excessive.

The overthrow of the Tokai Oikot Kingdom was overthrown, and he, the admiral, was definitely fully responsible.

Barbos’s jurisdiction takes care of the four seas, as well as some of the seas of the great shipping route, and the rights at hand seem to be very large, and they are responsible for the corresponding problems.

In particular, the revolutionary army is involved.

The world government can accept the pirates’ misdeeds, but the tolerance limit for the revolutionary army is 0.

The pirates just want to cut flesh and drink blood from the world government, but the revolutionary army wants to overthrow them.

The next day, Barbos took the navy to the East China Sea early in the morning.

The journey was unimpeded, and in the afternoon of the same day, we arrived at the kingdom of Oykot near the East China Sea.

In the cities near the coast, war broke out.

After years of oppression, the people at the bottom could not bear it, and they clenched their weapons and killed the government army of the Oikot Kingdom.

“People who advocate freedom, take up your weapons and resist, do not erupt in silence, but perish in silence!”

“Clutch the weapon in your hand, smash the head of the enemy, live a free and happy life… Open up by yourself! ”

On the top floor, flag-waving women shouted.

Her voice was not only penetrating, but also seemed to have magical power, and the rioters who heard the voice were like chicken blood, like dead soldiers, impacting the government army of the Oikot Kingdom, and even the navy that came to support was also defeated.

This woman, one of the commanders of the revolutionary army, is named Belo Betti, and the reward amount reaches 457 million Bailey.

Belo Betty is a superhuman inspirational fruit powerhouse, who can awaken the hidden power in people by waving the flag.

Most of these rebels did not have the courage to fight the government army and navy, but they were influenced by the fruits of inspiration, and they launched a fierce charge without fear of death.

The revolutionary army developed rapidly, and Bello Berti contributed a lot, and it was because of the ability to encourage the fruits that the ranks of the revolutionary army grew rapidly.

“It looks like the city is about to be taken down.”

Looking at the defeated navy and government army, Belobeti took a cigarette in his mouth, took out a map and looked at it for a moment: “At present, there is only the royal capital left, and tonight, it may be possible to officially overthrow the Kingdom of Oykot.” ”

“Then you’re awesome.”

The cold voice sounded in his ears, and Belo Betty subconsciously looked back.

A heavy punch was greeted directly to the face.

Bang bang!!

One building after another collapsed, and Belo Betty flew hundreds of meters away.

“Yes, who is it?!”

She trembled and got up from the ruins, looking at the figure in the distance and her pretty face changed: “Admiral Barbos?!” ”

“Did you come back so quickly?”

Barbos put his hands in his pockets and flew over slowly.

His eyes looked around: “Just you, where is that guy from Monchi D-dragon, I have a lot to ask him.” ”


Bello Betty coughed and got up: “The commander is a busy man, there is no time to deal with you as a admiral, let me solve you!” ”

Barbos raised his eyebrows slightly: “I don’t have much hostility to the revolutionary army, don’t be ignorant.” ”

Belo Betty was slightly stunned, and the other party’s clear eyes really didn’t look like lying.

Also, if Barbos wanted to kill her just now, nine times out of ten, it would be done.

Barbos is indeed releasing goodwill.

“What are you looking for the commander.” Bello Betty asked as she calmed down.

“I only dislike pirates, as for the revolutionary army… Let Monchi D Dragon come over and apologize, and then the revolutionary army obediently leaves my precinct, and I promise not to make a move. ”

Barbos said lightly, this attitude is already a world away from pirates.

However, Belo Betty has a black face.

I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be that the dragon came over specifically to apologize?

What is most difficult for Belo Beti to accept is that almost all of the huge kingdom of Oikot has fallen, and only the king capital has not taken it for the time being, how can the prey that is about to arrive be thrown out?

“Unreasonable and presumptuous demand!”

Belo Betty loudly retorted: “If this is what you want to say ridiculously, I can tell you loudly on behalf of the revolutionary army – me!” Refuse! Break off! ”

Bello Betti’s voice is soul-catching, pointing to the soul.

Barbos’s demands are too nonsense, how can the country that the revolutionary military budget has won hard to take away just let go because of a few words?

The most outrageous thing was to make the dragon apologize, and Bello Betty smiled angrily: “With all due respect, little ghost… You also think too highly of yourself, do not think that the admiral is invincible. ”

A good momentum erupted from Belo Betti.

In fact, the commanders of the revolutionary army still have some strength, and during the world conference in the original work, the commanders of the revolutionary army injured two generals, Green Bull and Fuji Tiger.

Barbos’s eyes were flat, and he just asked in the face of the strong Belo Betti

“Woman, even you want to dance.”


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