Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

The Monchi D dragon was handed over to the Draco, and Belo Betty was captured alive.

She was naturally transferred to Advance City.

At the meeting, Sengoku highly praised Barbos.

After joining the Navy, he made many miraculous achievements and set an example for the whole army.

Everyone looked at Barbos enviously, at a young age, there was nothing to worry about!

It is said that even the world government held Barbos in high esteem.

Even CP9, under the jurisdiction of the world government, was handed over to Barbos to manage, what is this not trust?

After the meeting, Barbos left the naval headquarters.

He returned to the G20 base and contacted CP9 on the way, asking all the staff to come and see him immediately.

By the time Barbos officially arrived at the G20 base, the CP9 crowd was already in place, including Spandam himself.

CP9’s Luqi and others are not good-looking, because Barbos forcibly recalled them, which also means that they are completely exposed, and years of incubation are equivalent to waste.

Everyone did not dare to complain, this naval upstart is a big man valued by the five old stars.

General’s Office.

Barbos sits in the boss’s chair while Lei Jiu feeds the grapes next to him.

The people of CP9 looked at each other, fuzzy, and called them here to see your old man eat grapes?

There was a stalemate for about half an hour before Barbos opened his mouth to ask.

“The capital of the seven waters has been lurking for many years, and I haven’t gotten a clue to the design drawings of Hades, you guys… What is the crime? ”

The faces of CP9 changed greatly, and they knew that it was because they didn’t get a little intelligence that the five old stars would change generals.


Spandham knelt down in fright, kowtowing with a handful of snot and tears: “Lord Barbos, this has nothing to do with me, the people responsible for lurking are CP9, and I can only blame Luqi and Kaku for these idiots who are too incompetent.” ”

Good fellow, Spendham deserves to be the king of dumping pots.

“Spandam, what are you talking nonsense about that!”

Kalifa glared angrily, this coward.

Barbos glanced at Carifa and looked at Lucy with a smile: “Do you have anything to quibble, Lucie.” ”

“There are no words.”

Luki simply spat out four words, Spendam is indeed throwing the pot, but it is also a fact that CP9 has not yet obtained the intelligence of Hades.

“If you do something wrong, you will be punished.”

Barbos’s fingers fell on Spandam, and a large amount of purple light flew in all directions.



Spandam wailed loudly, his body disintegrating into grains of purple light.

The people of CP9 panicked, but they did not expect this young admiral to move so fiercely.

He is cruel and cold to pirates, and seems to be ruthless to his own people.

“Spandam is the chief of CP9 and must be responsible.”

Barbos pointed his finger at Lu Qi again: “But it’s not his full responsibility, Lu Qi, as the captain of the CP9 squad, you are also responsible.” ”

The words fell, and a large amount of purple light surrounded Luqi again.

“Stop it!!”

“We are not without chance!!”

“Please spare Luqi, please give us another chance!”


The members of CP9 were frightened and stupid and fell to their knees in the same horror.

Everyone has grown up together since childhood, and the relationship is like brothers and sisters.

“If you want to kill, kill, I have nothing to say.”

Lu Qi was also free, and let out a turbid breath: “I just hope that no one else will be implicated.” ”


The purple light swallowed Luqi, and everyone disappeared.

Everyone’s heart fell to the trough, Luqi… This is dead?!

Just when everyone was desperate, the purple light dissipated again.

Luqi appeared intact in front of everyone.


Lost and regained, CP9 everyone hugged excitedly.

“What the hell are you… What do you mean? Luki’s eyes were full of doubt.

“You’re a smart guy, I want you to understand one thing.”

Barbos looked directly at Luqi: “The original Robluci died, and now Robluci, this life belongs to me.” ”

The crowd of CP9 was confused, but Lu Qi understood.

Robluci, who submitted to the world government, died, and now alive he must obey Barbos.

“You don’t seem to be single-minded about the world government.” Luki said in a deep voice.

“Does it matter?” Barbos said lightly: “My loyalty is [justice], don’t you too.” ”

Justice, in fact, is a vague concept, and there is no distinction between black and white, as Doflamingo famously said – the winner is justice.

Barbos in the boss’s chair pedaled around boredly twice.

He faced the direction of the window, and his eyes were deeper than ever: “Go and bring Franky from the capital of seven waters, this is my first order.” ”


CP9 everyone raised their eyebrows, this name has naturally heard of it.

Instead, Lu Qi understood something in a trance, and the essence light in his pupils exploded.

All the attention was on the iceberg before, that French… Isn’t it also Tom’s apprentice, Iceberg’s junior brother?!

Lu Qi lowered the brim of his hat: “No wonder the five old stars will let you control CP9, I obeyed.” ”

Barbos waved his hand, and CP9 everyone left one after another.

At the same time, in the “Holy Land” Mary Joya, a terrible big thing happened.

The protagonist is still the “invincible slave dragon” – Monchi D dragon!


May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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