Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Barbos’s side was rushing to Banaro Island, and the naval headquarters was also involved in a major quarrel.

The two giants went straight to work – Karp and Sengoku.

Last time because Monchi D-dragon was a slave to the Draco, Karp developed a serious distrust of the navy and the world government.

It was only a long time before his other grandson, Ace, was captured alive.

And according to the resolution of the five old stars, the identity of Fire Fist Ace was clearly investigated, and it was clearly pointed out that he was still Roger’s son.

The World Government immediately decided to convert the Potkas D. Ace was publicly executed.

This greatly stimulated Karp.

One after another, the next, is it time to become Luffy?

“Karp, give me an idea of where you stand!!”

Looking at the broken desk in front of him, Sengoku roared in annoyance.

This lawless bastard smashed his table with one fist.

“You give me less of this, Sengoku!”

Karp did not hesitate in the slightest, and asked coldly: “The old man asked you again to confirm, is it to publicly execute Ace.” ”

Sengoku looked at Karp for a moment and nodded slowly: “This is the resolution of the five old stars.” ”


Karp didn’t have any extra nonsense and turned away.

Looking at the figure of his old friend leaving, Sengoku raised his head and looked helplessly at the ceiling, he could feel that Karp was indeed angry this time.

Decades of affection may just be gone.

In fact, putting aside the position of the Navy, the Warring States can also understand Karp, who has served the Navy for decades, and in the end his son is sent as a slave, and his grandson will also be executed by the Navy, who can endure it?

Sengoku quickly dialed Lieutenant General Tsuru’s phone worm and said concisely: “Old man Kapuna is crazy, keep an eye on him!” ”

Without waiting for Lieutenant General Tsuru to reply, Sengoku hung up the phone worm, and then dialed Barbos’s phone bug.

“Pay attention to Karp, he may go to save Ace!”

Barbos hung up the phone worm with a strange face.

This time, Karp may not be holding back.

“Mr. Barbos, it’s here.”

Dole pointed to the silhouette of the island in front of him and shouted lowly: “All on alert.” ”

The navy on the deck suddenly clenched its guns.

And Blackbeard’s gang is also waiting on the shore, and the current black group has not yet made up all the members, only Bagers, Van Oka, Poison Q, and Lafitte.

“Thief hahaha~~~ Here it is, Navy !!”

Blackbeard opened his throat and laughed, his eyes fixed on the young man standing on the battery.

Ordinary pirates have long been scared to run away when they see the admiral, but Blackbeard is staring straight at Barbos, afraid that he will run away.

“This guy’s ability is better than Daddy’s Shock Fruit, find a way to get it!”

His fiery eyes couldn’t wait to melt Barbos.

Even when the warship crashed, Blackbeard was still lustful there.

“Watch out, Captain Tichy!!”


The warship smashed the dock rudely, and if it weren’t for Badgers pulling a handful of Blackbeard at the critical moment, Blackbeard would probably have been hit by the head and bleed.

“How can you repair [abominable], what does the navy mean?!”

Blackbeard got up with a look of embarrassment, his eyes fierce.

Even if he was dragged by Badgers, he still fell on all fours and lost his face.

Barbos put his hands in his pockets and looked down condescendingly at Blackbeard.

“The look in your boy’s eyes makes me feel unhappy.”


Barbos appeared in front of Blackbeard without warning and swept his foot towards the bloated belly.



Blackbeard flew out with a scream.

Van Oka, who reacted the fastest, immediately raised his gun to aim, but before he could pull the trigger, the whole gun shattered.


Van Oka was stunned, and the rifle in his hand disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

“Don’t be too arrogant, Admiral.”

Badgers volleyed into the air and slammed into a fist the size of a sandbag.

Bang bang!!

Hard Bang’s fist stopped sharply in front of the brain, intercepted by a finger.

Badgers was stunned, fuck, this is the strength of the admiral?

One finger blocked his own attack?!


Immediately afterwards, the purple light that destroyed the decay burst out, and the Badgers in front of him and the Rafayette behind him who planned to sneak up on him were blown out of sight in the blink of an eye.

“Are you here to smash the field, Lao Tzu is already a Qi Wuhai!!”

Blackbeard rises from the ground in pain, the dark fruit seems powerful, but it also has a deadly place – double pain!

This also led to a casual blow that could beat Blackbeard to cry.

The most exciting thing is that in the original work, the big white beard can also beat the black beard to call him dad, which can be called an epic shot.

“I know. But at least it hasn’t been announced in the newspapers yet, your current identity is still a pirate, if I kill you before this, won’t it. ”

Barbos mocked: “Tichy, don’t look at what kind of goods you are, and still want to beat my idea?” ”

Blackbeard’s face sank, and his thoughts were seen?!

“Thief hahaha~~~ Since you have found it all, then Lao Tzu will not pretend, the admiral’s devil fruit, Uncle Ben is going to decide!!”

The darkness around Blackbeard was raging, and endless black fog swallowed the ground, and even the sky was pitch black.


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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