Voyage: Superman Template, Ascend To The King Of The World

Chapter 44 I Order You To Return To Rocks Pirate Immediately


Linlin's sudden words shocked everyone.

Except for baguettes.

He knew Linlin's greatest wish when he was at Rocks Pirate.

Marry Carl and have a baby.

Her steel balloon physique and giant bloodline.

Combined with Carl's body of steel, the most powerful baby in the world will definitely be cultivated.


No matter how hard Linlin tries to seduce her, no matter how hard she tries to seduce her.

The wish has never been achieved.

This became the biggest regret in her heart.


"Hey, Mom, are you okay?"

When the children of the Charlotte family saw their mother regaining consciousness, they hurriedly pushed past Carl and went to his side.

"Well, well, well~ How could something happen to me?"

Linlin said, and suddenly he was surprised: "How come my voice has become younger?"

"Mom, look." Bree quickly took out a mirror.

Linlin saw himself in the mirror.

He is about forty-eight or nineteen years old, with a plump figure and a strong appearance.

"Well, well, well~ I've really become younger~"

There is no woman who doesn't love young and beautiful people, even the Four Emperors are no exception.

No way, anorexia forced her to eat a lot of sweets, and she couldn't lose weight even if she wanted to.

But now, she has returned to her appearance in her forties or fifties.

"Hey, everything is in such a mess. What happened?"

"Has the tea party started yet? I'm a little hungry."

Every time BIGMOM goes berserk, he will forget what happened before when he wakes up.

She had just woken up and was still in the purest moment of her soul, just like a child.


The children were a little hesitant, not sure whether to tell their mother what just happened.

After all, what my mother said was too shocking.

If one is not good, they may have multiple fathers.

"Hey, Linlin~"

"Long time no see!"


A voice came from behind the crowd.

BIGMOM's expression began to change, with frowns, doubts, disbelief, and eyes full of joy...

"This voice?"

"It's Brother Carl!"

"It must be Brother Carl!"

Linlin smiled.

Smiling happily.

Like a child, extremely innocent.

She stood up suddenly, and her tall body made it easy for her to look past the crowd and see the man standing outside.

Black hair and black eyes.

Tall and slender.

He has a handsome and handsome appearance.

It was the figure she had seen countless times in her dreams.

"Brother Carl~"

Linlin ran towards Carl with cheerful steps.




Every step made the ground shake.

The children fled in fear.

She looked at her mother helplessly, like a little girl, wanting to fall into Carl's arms.

"Stop it!"

"Linlin, don't you look at your current height."

Carl stretched out his hand and spoke helplessly.

"Ah~ well, well, well, well~"

"Brother Carl, it's not that Linlin is growing up too fast, it's that you haven't grown up at all."

"Look at those two guys, Newgate and Kaido, they are quite tall."

"But Linlin also likes the two-meter-tall brother Carl."

Linlin was very happy.

I wanted to hug Carl, but I was afraid of hurting him.

There was nothing Carl could do about his height.

He is wearing.

To put it bluntly, the main body is still a human being on Earth. It can grow up to two meters with the help of the Superman template.

Seeing Linlin like this, Carl seemed to go back to the Rocks Pirate days.

Even though Linlin is sixty-six years old, she is still the lively and lovely young and beautiful girl in front of him.

very nice.

"Linlin, let's not talk about old times for now. I'm here to see you. I have something to do."

"What's going on, brother Carl? Are you planning to fulfill Linlin's wish to get married and have a child with Linlin?" Linlin's face was filled with anticipation.

An old story repeated.

The faces of Charlotte's children were full of embarrassment and helplessness.

There were other distinguished guests present.

"Stop it!"

"Linlin, don't look at your current figure."

"You know me. I love beautiful women most in my life. If you are like that girl, maybe I will consider it."

Carl pointed to a gorgeous blonde girl beside him.


Stussy, who was suddenly questioned, was a little confused.

This made the desire in her body become more intense and impulsive.

She looked at Carl and asked cautiously: "Is it really okay?"


"Absolutely not!"

Linlin waved his fists angrily.

The strong wind caused the surrounding ruins to be cleared instantly.



"I knew you were just like your real body, a naughty fox, thinking about evil intentions against Brother Carl all day long!"

"Brother Carl is mine, don't even think about it!"

Linlin is like a child protecting food.

Suddenly, she seemed to have figured out something: "Okay! I finally know why Barkingom Stussy insists on researching human cloning technology. He just wants to clone a young and beautiful person so that he can seduce men!"



"She makes me feel sick Linlin!"

Linlin vented his anger.

She is not the Four Emperors now, she is just a little girl who will never grow up in front of her brother.

Stussy: ‘…You’re Four Emperors, you’re awesome. Whatever you say, it’s the body you’re talking about, not me. ’

However, Linlin's words gave her something to think about.

She looked at Carl's handsome face, and the desire in her heart grew stronger, and she could hardly bear it.

At this time.

Carl spoke.

"Linlin, stop messing around."

"Bajingom Stussy is a couple with Newgate, and it is said that they have a son."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

What, Whitebeard has a woman and a son!

Suddenly, they lit up a blazing Eight Trigrams fire, wanting to hear more secrets from Carl.

Especially Morgans, the "big news" in the underground world, quietly took out the tape recorder and started recording.

"Well, well, well~"

"That guy from Newgate, so that's what he's like."

Suddenly, she remembered something and frowned: "Brother Carl, Newgate... seems to be in trouble now."

Linlin knew about Carl and Newgate's relationship.

She didn't want to hide it from her brother.

"I know."

Carl smiled: "So, didn't I come to find you?"

"Find me?"

"Brother Carl, why are you looking for me?"

Linlin was confused.

Carl's expression was serious and he spoke extremely seriously.



"Captain Rocks Pirate!"

"I order you to return to the pirate group immediately!"

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