Waifu Card Summon

Goddess Damn You Aqua

The forest is quiet, the trees rustling slightly as the wind blows. A few squirrels jumped from tree to tree playing around. It was a perfect day to relax.

A magic circle suddenly appeared in the forest, scaring a few birds away and forcing the squirrels to hide. It then glowed and shot out a guy a few feet off the ground, causing him to scream in fright.


I landed on my back, groaning in pain. "Goddess damn you, Aqua. Eris is so much better than you." I said, cursing Aqua for the rough landing.

The next thing I knew, I felt unimaginable pain in my head, forcing me to grab it as the system loads. I started pounding my head against the ground, trying to release even a little bit of pain, but it didn't work. It felt like hours as the system loads.



{Download Complete}

{Welcome to Waifu Summoning System}

Do you want to:

▪︎Use Tutorial?

▪︎Use your 100 tickets?

▪︎Summon Celestine?

▪︎Use/Buy Tickets?

▪︎Check Status?




The pain finally stopped as I saw the screen. I laid on my back, looking up at the sky past the screen, feeling the blood dripping down my face. I blamed myself for not wishing it would be painless and Aqua for not warning me about the pain I would feel. 

I looked at the main menu and wondered if I could think it without speaking. I used my mind to think, 'Show status.'


Status :

John Connor

Class: Magician 

(Gain +2 to Int and Wis for each level)

Level 1

HP 45/100 (Mild Concussion)

HP Regen 5 Hp per min

MP 120

MP Regen 5 Mp per min

-Strength: 10

-Constitution: 10

-Dexterity: 10

-Intelligence: 12

-Wisdom: 12

-Charisma: 10

-Luck: 10

-Stat points: 0


•Frost Bolt (Cost 5 Mana) - Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing ten frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 2 sec. 

•Fire ball (Cost 5 Mana)- Launches a bolt of fire at the enemy, causing ten fire damage

•Earth wall (Cost 10 Mana)- Builds a 10-foot tall wall of earth


"Ok, so it'll take about 10 minutes for me to regain all my health? Hopefully, the mild concussion would disappear by then, too...and... I'm talking to myself." I said in a deadpan tone.

I started looking around wearily at the trees and bushes, wondering if Aqua sent me somewhere dangerous. I didn't see anything that made me nervous, but I kept an eye out just in case.

{!!Warning!! !!Warning!!

Since your summons is now alive, you have to be careful about how you treat them. They won't be able to kill, cheat on or betray you, but they will be able to inflict harm to you.}

I rolled my eyes when I read that warning. I'm not stupid. Some of the waifus in the gacha are dangerous and crazy. 

Most basic functions include quests, summoning, sacrificing, evolving, 'dying,' and the stat points mostly stayed the same. The cards I sacrifice for EXP won't feel any pain, and they won't disappear forever; they'll go back in the gacha summons.

When they are 'killed' in battle, they will go back into my inventory and stay there for 24 hrs. As for the stat points, I get 5 per level and one skill point like usual.

However, it made me think about what would happen if I signed up at the guild and received the card from them. Will the stat points I earn increase to 10, or will it be only 5? What about the class? Can I have two, like one from them as a rogue and one from the system, or will it be only one? 

I shrugged my shoulders. I'll find out when I go to the Axel. It shouldn't take too long.

As for the party, it is the same, but instead of only six, I can have unlimited party members, and there are no level limits for me or my waifu. That means we can go past the cap level of 200.

Another thing is that I can exchange any type of money... for tickets... "Goddess dammit! Aqua didn't give me any Eris, but luckily for me, I stole some while she slept." I pulled out one pouch and dumped the coins on the ground. After counting ten gold Eris, I put it all back in the pouch and put it away. I had four bags, so it should be about 40 thousand Eris, I think. Or it could be 400 thousand, but I won't know for sure unless I check with someone that knows.

"Hopefully, this will be enough to rent a room. I don't want to stay in a pen with animals." I said, shivering in disgust.

As for the class, it stayed as a mage, for which I was thankful. Each time I level up, I unlock new spells no matter the sub-class. In the game, you would need to choose a path to go down like elemental, necromancy, dark magic, shaman magic, and even a few priests spells like cure and heal. If it's magic, I can learn it. 

What is interesting is that my luck will increase the chance of summoning more rarer waifus cards.

It makes me wonder what would happen if I summon someone from Konosoba? Will there be one, or will there be two of them? For some reason, two Darkness makes me shudder, but I don't know if it's from fear or excitement. 

The downside is that I need to use a certain amount of mana to summon my new waifus after getting them, but I'm okay with that. Having too big party members will draw more attention than having two or so attractive females as teammates.

[N-75, R-150, SR-300, SSR-500, UR-700, LR-900]

Although, I feel relieved that I can summon them later on with 100 mana if they get "killed" after waiting 24 hours, no matter the rarity. 

Thankfully I can summon Celestine... a healer... without... using...too much mana... "Oh shit! Celestine!! How can I forget about her?!? She could heal me faster." I almost smacked my head, but I stopped just in time. I went into my inventory to pull out her card. As I held it, a message appeared in my vision.

{Do you wish to summon Celestine?}

I nodded and felt my mana(?) drained from my body as it moved to the card. I slumped back, feeling exhausted as the drain finally stopped.

The card grew brighter, and I could finally see what was happening. Somehow the card is being transformed, and when the light dies down, Celestine appears. 

Everything started to become blurry for a second. I blinked a few times as my vision returned. I heard her gasp in joy before she jumped me, making everything go dark. I waved my arms about as she smothered me in her chest, blocking my airway. 

"M-master~!" Celestine sobbed in relief, hugging him even tighter. "I was so worried that I'll never see you again... Huh?" She felt him tapping on her back with him mumbling in her chest. She moved him away from her cleavage to hear his response. She started panicking and shaking him at the same time when she noticed his face was a little blue, "What do I do?! Master, don't die! Waah~!

"Ha~ah, ha~ah. S-st-op sh-aking m-m-me." I tried to say. It's making me feel nauseated, and I almost threw up, but I held it in.

She finally stopped shaking me and started apologizing while crying. I patted her head, comforting her, telling her it was fine.

"L-Let me he-heal you," She stuttered shyly. Celestine knew she messed up, but it was not her fault since she thought John died when she last saw him. She was so happy to see him alive that she acted without thinking. Her hands glowed white as she spoke, moving them towards his head, "Heal."

I looked at my status and saw my health go up +5 per second, and 9 seconds later, it's all healed.


Status :

John Connor

HP: 100/100 

MP: 20/120


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