Waifu Card Summon

The Next Day

I hugged my warm pillow closer to me though I frowned a little when I felt it start moving slightly feeling my erection pressing up against something warm. I opened my eyes a little before closing them from the morning sunlight in the room.

I started blinking trying to adjust to the sudden brightness when I moved my hands around feeling something warm and soft. Not a moment sooner, I heard my pillow let out a light moan. I blinked glancing down at Celestine who was on me with her arms wrapped around my chest, her head resting in the crook of my arm and shoulder, snuggling closer for additional warmth, and one of her legs was wrapped around mine.

I looked down wondering where my hands are on her body. It wasn't hard to tell my left hand was on her shoulder and my right hand was somewhere softer. My right hand sunk into something soft and warm, giving it a gentle squeeze, which resulted in Celestine pushing herself closer to me as a soft moan escaped her lips and I realized that it was her ass. 

"Are you awake, Celestine?" I asked softly wondering if I should wake her up or let her sleep some more. Though it was a moot point when she shyly looked up at me her face flushed pink.

"Good morning master," Celestine said softly giving me a small smile before laying back down on my chest. She sighed contently not wanting to get up and she felt embarrassed by what happened last night. Celestine then grabbed my shaft since she could feel the heat radiating on her skin and asked, "Do... do you, um, need help with this?"

I looked up at the wooden ceiling thanking Aqua again for giving me my power before I repositioned myself between her legs. I plunged in easily as her folds welcomed me. Her legs wrapped around my waist pushing me deeper inside her as she tightened around my length.


"We have to get up you know," I told her lightly rubbing her shoulder after a few more rounds of sex. 

"I know, but I want to stay like this for a few more minutes. It's still early in the morning."

After 10 minutes, Celestine sighed as she started to untangle herself from me and sat up on the bed while I stayed on my side lazily watching her.

She started stretching her arms as her breasts bounced nicely which caused me to be entranced by the view. It didn't help that the sight of her gorgeous body illuminated by the early morning sun is giving me second thoughts that I should just take a day off and spend all day in my room with her.

She soon noticed my gaze which she sadly covered herself with the blanket, blushing to her ears leaving me naked in bed. Slipping to her feet, she stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom while hiding her body from view.

I laid on my back with my eyes closed trying to not think about how Celestine is in the shower naked... the water trailing down from her head... to her breasts... and down... Goddess damn it. I opened my eyes and figured that it would be faster if we both showered together.

*Knock Knock*

"John? Celestine?"

I paused sitting up, looking at the door a little confused. I got up covering myself with a towel before opening the door partially. When I saw who it was, I opened it wider.

"Good morning John, Celestine forgot to bring her clothes with her so here you go," Kanae said giving me a mischievous look while holding a bag of clothes for me to take. 

I reached for it as she blatantly stared at my mostly naked form. "Thank you, Kanae. We'll be down soon."

"Happy to help. Can I have some money to pay for the food while you're taking a bath? It shouldn't take too long for the food to be ready," She said holding out her hand. I took a few gold Eris from my inventory and handed them to her. She waved goodbye walking away while I watched her move her hips sensually and gave me a wink when she noticed me looking. I closed and locked the door taking the clothes with me to the bathroom.

"I figured it'll be faster if we take a shower together,"  I told her, dropping the towel and hugging her from behind.

"Ahh~, master..."


After we finished bathing and putting on our clothes, I locked the door to my room. After that, we walked down the hallway pausing at the stairs and I waited a few seconds for Celestine to pull up her hood before we continued down. After a few steps, we started hearing the sound of the patrons growing louder and louder as we reached the bottom. Most of the tables seemed to already be filled as the adventurers enjoyed the food and getting drunk with their friends.

I soon noticed that our teammates were sitting near the back, waiting for us, and unsurprisingly two men were standing next to them trying to chat them up. One is a muscular guy with a sword on his hip and the other guy is either an assassin or an archer with a skinny frame.

A guy sitting nearby noticed us and nudged his friend who nudged another. Pretty soon the place was mostly quiet as we walked past the other customers to them. When we were close enough, we could hear the muscular guy talking while showing off his pecs, "Come on ladies, why not join our team? Our levels are already in the twenties. It's better than being with that low-level kid who doesn't have muscles or even hair on his chest."

"Hehe, yeah. We could even help you level up and show you the best places for equipment." The skinny guy said while drooling focusing his gaze on their breasts.

"No thank you. I already have a boyfriend and your not my type, like at all." Kanae said with Yomi nodding along sticking her tongue out like a child.

"Fuck off and die," Kalawarna said glaring at them both. She was not happy at all being hit on by these monkeys. All she wanted was to get something to eat in peace, is that so much to ask? Apparently yes, since these guys wouldn't take a hint she's going to give them a bigger hint with her light spear in their guts when she noticed John and Celestine coming up from behind. She backed down waiting and watching what her "contractor" will do.

"Grrr..." The muscular guy was about to say something when his friend nudged him, making him realize that the tavern was quiet. He turned his head, looked around, and noticed me. He glared at me as he walked towards me with the skinny guy following behind before trying to knock me over with an "accidental" shoulder-check. I stepped back and watched as he almost tripped, not expecting me to do that. He quickly fled after that, ignoring the snickers that followed. 

I stared at his retreating form wondering if I had to kill him since he looks like the type of guy that will want revenge for this humiliation. Based on many mangas and other stories I read, he'll either try to rob, kill, hinder me or do more to me if I leave him alive. I'll have to wait for an opportunity to present itself. Getting rid of a body should be easy with the toads here.

"Good morning," I said sitting down between Yomi and Kalawarna who greeted me back on one side as Celestine sat next to Kanae who yawned on the other side. We ignored the curious looks and the whispers from the other adventurers in the tavern. It was mostly speculation why Celestine is still wearing the cloak and if any of the females in our group is single or if I'm dating one of them.

"I hope you don't mind, but I ordered food for everyone. It'll be here soon." Kanae said handing me the change for the food. I put it in my pocket before it goes into my inventory.

"Thank you," I said looking it over happy that it's not expensive. That reminds me I need to give them money if they ever need it for something or when they need to buy some feminine stuff for themselves.

A few minutes later, two waitresses arrived bringing the bowls of soup with garlic bread before setting it down in front of us and leaving the rest in the middle. They soon left after I paid them and I made sure to check there was nothing harmful inside before eating. 

I picked up a piece of the bread before dipping it in the soup and started chewing on it. "Mmm, it's good," I moaned at the taste of the creamy and sweet soup, with a taste that seemed to slowly develop when dipped with the garlic bread bringing something mildly savory, but the sweetness didn't go away.

As they started to eat, Kanae was discreetly staring at Celestine and John in wonder. 'How... how can they have so much stamina? Is it a perk of being an elf and whatever level John is at? I need to raise my level if I want to survive a night with him or them together.'

"Why does it look like you didn't get enough sleep last night, Kanae?" Celestine asked, making everyone look at her then at Kanae. It was easy to tell since Kanae had a dark circle under her eyes.

She froze mid-bite and was internally panicking that they somehow knew before she remembered that was the code phrase they came up with before arriving at the city. 'As expected, someone is listening in on them and they couldn't speak openly, yet. Uh, what was the code phrase again?'

She chewed a couple of times trying to stall for time while at the same time looking for the eavesdropper. Kanae finally remembered the code phrase as she finished chewing her food and shallowed it before saying, "The bed was a little stiff and uncomfortable for me. Not to mention, I couldn't sleep much with someone snoring loudly." After that, she started eating again.

"Hmm? Really? I didn't hear anything last night," Yomi said eating her second serving before she realized what Kanae meant and glared at her. "On second thought, I did remember hearing a pig snoring last night. It was very loud, I'm surprised that no one else heard it." Yomi said glaring at Kanae who glared back sparks flared between them.

"Pfftt, cough cough," Kalawarna started to laugh, but she covered it up by pretending to cough. Though no one bought it and everyone stared at her before they started eating again.

I slightly nudged Kalawarna with my knee letting her know to put up an illusion barrier so any eavesdroppers would only hear random discussions instead of her report on what she found out last night. 

I waited a few seconds as the spell silently formed on the table blocking all the background noise and disappearing without anyone noticing it.

"So did you find anything weird last night, Kalawarna?" I asked moving the spoon in a circular motion trying to get the little bits in one place for me to scoop up.

"Haah," Kalawarna pulled a face, "I did and I didn't. This world is mostly medieval-like in the past with kings, queens, nobles, and commoners. I did see a few suspicious people as I walked by, but they were harmless. Not to mention only a dozen or so guards are patrolling the whole city that I can see without drawing suspicions towards myself. One thing that bothers me is that this town hasn't been attacked by high leveled monsters for a long time which is suspicious compared to other cities and towns when I asked."

"Yes, that is suspicious. Normally places like this are usually attacked by monsters or demons, but this place looks peaceful." Celestine frowned,  remembering getting reports of towns burned to the ground and food supplies being attacked. Her people dying from hunger and suffering from diseases, but the people here are happy and safe.

"Plus a community of succubi is living here from what I overheard a few drunk guys talking. Most if not all men know they live here peacefully." I added getting a look from them. Which was true from what I remembered, but I don't know how many.

"Unless it's part of the demon king's plan," Kanae said, bringing Celestine back in the conversation. 

"What do you mean? Part of his plan?" Celestine voiced our confusion. I had an idea why, but I'm not too sure yet.

"Yeah, think about it. It'll be easier to keep track of all the powerful adventurers when they're weak and entice them to stay here with the succubi. If not, then the spies hiding here would either eliminate those who leave the city without anyone noticing or brainwash them by making them sleeper agents until they're needed." Kalawarna added, causing everyone to look down at the table. She knew it was possible since she had seen it done a few times in the great war.

"That sounds plausible, but why? Why not just use the succubi to drain all the men since most men are adventurers and then have the monster attack when they're too weak to fight? Wouldn't that be easier?" Yomi asked, bringing up a good point after finishing up her last bowl.

"Maybe he didn't think of it or he did but it would take too many succubi and incubi for it to be successful without people figuring it out." I said shrugging my shoulders, "I mean there's not much to go on since there are countless ways to destroy humanity." 

'Though, it wouldn't be that bad to out like that. It does make me wonder how long I could last and how many will it take. Death by snu snu... sounds exciting.' I smiled, looking at my party and at the gacha itself. The barrier dropped allowing us to hear the tavern again.

"Ahh~, that was delicious. What should we do next? Do you want to do some quests next or get some supplies?" Yomi asked placing her last bowl on the table.

"A quick trip sounds good. We can get a few supplies and come back to do some quests." I said nodding along. I could buy a few cheap things that would help me see what would happen if I put multiple [Random Stat] spells on an item. It'll help me see if it will be destroyed or will it replace the last one.

"Hmm, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. We might find something that could help us and I'm curious about the shops around here." Kanae pointed out making a valid point.

Celestine nodded in agreement, "It's better to be on the safe side. We don't know what will happen once we go outside the city without supplies."

"Boo, I for one vote on doing quests since we already have armor and weapons. I want to fight some monsters, it sounds exciting." Yomi pouted, feeling a little disappointed.

"Don't you mean you want to show off for a special someone, hm? Not to mention, can you even use that scythe of yours, little girl?" Kalawarna scoffed. It's not even a practical weapon to use and she didn't want to bail her out if she gets in trouble fighting monsters.

"Yes, I can. If you want, I can show you how I use it, you old hag." Yomi glared, standing up with her hand tightening on her weapon. She knew that scythes weren't proper weapons, but it felt right in her hands when she first picked it up than any other she tried. No one makes fun of her partner and gets away with it, even if it's someone as powerful as Celestine.

The space behind Yomi and Kalawarna is suddenly covered in darkness as a roll of thunder seems to echo while a chain of lightning bolts flashed behind them.

The other adventurers slowly stopped talking and stared at them hoping for a catfight. A few made bets on who would throw the first punch. Luna on the other hand started calmly walking towards them planning to break them up before a fight could ensue.

"Oh ho~, it seems that this little birdie has a spine. I would love to see it." Kalawarna said with a smile looking down on Yomi, but before things could escalate, even more, I stood up between them. 

"That's enough," I said, standing between them. I gave them a look which Yomi looked away a little guilty and Kalawarna huffed. "Let's go," I said, walking towards the entrance, giving Luna a greeting as I passed by and everyone followed behind. We ignored the disappointed looks and the coins being exchanged between a few people as they went back to their own business.

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