Waifu Card Summon

To Be Or Not?

'He...kissed me.' Celestine thought in a daze, lightly touching her lips with her fingertips. Her first kiss... with a man. It felt surprisingly nice, though not too different than with her female guards.

Maybe it's because it happened too fast? She stared at John's face, or more specifically, his lips. Should she? She did hear that men like it when women become more aggressive and he was still cupping her cheek. Before she could make up her mind, she felt her other hand move to grab him as he rose, but she regretfully stopped herself just in time. 

She felt heat creeping up her neck, all the way to the tips of her ears when she realized she wanted more. Thankfully he was facing away from her, so he didn't see her flushing face.

"... sticks, so I can make a fire?"

"Y-yes? A-ah, no problem." She stuttered out a reply, coming back to her senses. She felt confused about why he needed sticks, but she was too embarrassed to ask why. 

She quickly stood up, patting down her robe, removing the dirt and grass, but before she started collecting the broken branches, a notification window appeared. 

[Congratulations! You killed x4 enemies higher level than yourself! You gained 18,100 XP + 400XP and John gained 11,900 XP]

Celestine sighed sadly at the notification feeling guilty for taking their lives even though she knew she shouldn't be. She never liked violence, especially since the war caused most of her people to die.

She looked at the status screen, tapping it to move on to the new page. As it was loading, a thought popped into her head, 'What could she have done differently?' She already knew the answer to the question. There was nothing she could have done since they were after her master.

Even if she told him that they were trapped in an illusion, the demons would have attacked sooner. 'Maybe I'll ask if he can summon some more allies as a precaution after this. That reminds me, I need to have a word with this goddess that sent us here. What kind of goddess sends them to some unknown forest?'



Celestine (LR) (Goddess Larentia)

Lv 18 (1,400/1,900) [500XP for level up]

[Race]: High Elf

[Class]: Queen, Healer, Goddess (Locked)

Title: Heavenly Shield Princess, Reincarnation of a Goddess


● Blessing of the Goddess

▪︎+50% damage to all undead

▪︎Immune to Abnormal Effects (Passive)

▪︎[Flawless Appearance] You are a work of art that could make both men and women drool in lust.

+5 Cha per level

▪︎ (Locked)

▪︎ (Locked)

▪︎ (Locked)

●High Elf

▪︎+2 Con

▪︎+2 Int

▪︎+2 Wis

▪︎+2 Dex


Hp: 600

HP Regen: 30 Hp per min

Mp: 600 [1,000,000 Mana (Locked)]

MP Regen 30 Mp per min

Attack: 128 (Str x 2 + weapon)

Defense: 155 (Con x 2 + armor)

M. Att: 252 (Int + Str x 2)

M. Def: 240 (Int + Con x 2)

•Strength: 20 + 44 = 66

•Constitution: 20 (56 + 4 = 60)

•Dexterity: 20 (56 + 4 = 60)

•Intelligence: 20 (56 + 4 = 60)

•Wisdom: 20 (56 + 4 = 60)

•Charisma: 40 (+ 90 = 120)

•Luck: 5 + 30 = 35

▪︎Stat points: 90 (0)


▪︎ Heal- 5 Hp per second for 10 sec

Cost: 10 MP

▪︎Absorption Shield- A spell that absorbs 25% of damage.

Time Limit: 2 minutes

Cost: 100 MP

▪︎(New) Cure— Remove Abnormal Effect 

Cost: 100 MP

▪︎(New) Buff— +5% to all Stats

Cost: 100

Time Limit: 2 Min.

Cool Down: 2 Min.

▪︎(New) Circle of Healing— Heals up to 5 party members within 15 yards of the target for 80Hp per second

Cost: 200 Mp

Time Limit: 20 Sec

Cool Down: 3 Minutes 


Celestine blinked in disbelief at how low her luck stat is compared to the rest. Though when she looked at the Charisma, she did wonder if that stat had anything to do with how... she looked down at her chest, huge her assets are, compared to other women. 

If so, maybe she could find a way to reduce it a little. She doesn't want it to grow any bigger, since her back already aches with her carrying all that weight around. Not to mention how weird it'll look on her if it grew bigger. 

She'll have to check it out later when her hands aren't full. Although it didn't seem to have grown bigger, it's better to be on the safe side, and leave the Charisma stat alone.

She put 30 points into luck, 4 points to everything else except for Strength and Charisma. For the strength stat, she added the 44 points to strength. 

After picking up a few more leaves, she then moved on to the next page. As she waited for the page to load, she looked down at the things she gathered and figured that it was enough. 

She looked around herself, only realizing that she was a little farther than she intended to be, and quickly walked back to her master. A thought popped into her head when she saw the ruined landscape. 'If I only had the power...' 

She bit her lip, shaking her head. Now wasn't the time to lament, she needed to quickly finish whatever her master wanted her to do and have them go someplace safer. 

As if hearing her request, the system dinged as it sent out a new page for her to look over.


[Congratulations! You have achieved 50 stat points in Strength, Charisma, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Constitution! You have gained 6 perks!]

● Strength (50)

[Incredible Strength] +50% bonus to physical attack damage

● Constitution (50)

[Resilient Body] All Damage reduced by 25%

● Dexterity (50)

[Graceful] Finding your balance is a simple task, regardless of positioning or weight.

● Intelligence (50)

[Multicasting] You can now cast multiple spells

● Wisdom (50)

[Enhanced Control] Reduce Mana Cost of all spells by 10%

●Charisma (50)

[Golden Tongue] People will be more likely to do what you ask them with a 50% chance of believing anything you say.

[Congratulations! You have achieved 100 stat points in Charisma!]

[Perfection Given Form] Your looks and body are unnaturally attractive, as your face alone is enough to draw anyone in.


Celestine blinked once, then twice, and then she let out a gasp of shock when she realized what this means. This is incredible! If what she read is correct, every time she raises a stat to 50 stats she will gain a perk relating to that stat. It means she could increase all of her stats and get several new perks!

Which she should look over later when they're not in unknown territory. She hoped this is the last page because this is starting to get a little annoying.  She finally arrived and was about to report to John who was standing near the dead body when another screen appeared blocking her view.


[Reached Level 10! Job Class Unlocked! Job class assigned!]

▪︎Priestess- Can restore their wounded allies, shield them in battle, and even resurrect them. Can use a small portion of their Gods/Goddesses power. [Godly Aura small] +9% to all stats

▪︎High Priestess- [Unlock when Priestess is Upgraded]

▪︎??-[Unlock when High Priestess is upgraded]

▪︎Paladin- This is a hybrid class with the ability to play all three major roles, healing, shielding, and attacking. They have auras, blessings, and seals that provide useful buffs for others.

▪︎ ??— [Unlocks when Paladin is upgraded]

Shamans‐  Are a master of elemental and nature magics and bring the most potential buffs to any group in the form of totems. A shaman can summon one totem of each element. (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water)

Druids- They are a shapeshifting class that can take on forms of animals and is connected to nature. They can engage in combat and they can heal.


Celestine didn't know whether to feel annoyed for another page appearing or anger for it not appearing all at once instead of multiple pages. She skimmed it, ready to close it when she saw what the Priestess class entails. 

She couldn't believe it. She could regain a small portion of her power if she picked that class. If it's true then after High Priestess, it'll be a Goddess class most likely in which she'll regain all of her powers.

Will she still have her memories if she upgrades the class to the highest level? Will she still be her or will she be the Goddess Larentia again? And what she feared the most was, will she still love him?

Celestine shook her head trying to calm herself as she looked over the rest of the jobs, hoping one would be better. Sadly, there isn't much information on the other classes other than a paladin, that could help her make a choice.

It doesn't say she has to upgrade the job, so she can stay as a Priestess. She picked the job and closed the new window before it could expand fully, which thankfully was the last page.

Before she could alert John that she was back, he said, "Fuck me." Which she didn't know how to respond to that.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.