Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Cockblocked by opportunity

6/8 Night

Before I could implement my plan to convert a third dragon aspect into a waifu for my pleasure, I received a call from Aelthalyste. Something far more urgent was afoot: the disks had paid off. We had a confirmation on Nefarian’s location, and I had an assault team on standby. We needed to move fast, but Noboru was already moving in. Lividia and I instantly put our pants on and warped to the town hall of Kamagua. Inside we found a crack team consisting of Alexstrasza, Ysera, Vaelastrasz, Darcell, Jaina, Mary Worthy, Zeliek, Annetta, Kathra’Natir, Nathanos, Aegwynn, two stone giants, and a dozen chargers including Stitches. We had a B-team assembling with shadow ops to cycle in, in case Nefarian had an army somehow.

We needed to move fast. He’d been in the old Vrykul fortress for a while now and we didn’t properly know what he was doing. We all waited, hands on amulets, for Noboru to give the signal. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.



Human Paladin was one of the first to see the dragon man, one of the enemy’s troops, diving towards the entrance to the tomb. As he touched down, dozens of warriors and mages flickered into existence. Emmastrasza took her true form and ordered the draconids to form ranks at the door while the Storm giant held his ground outside. “Quickly, friend. You must warn our beloved that the enemy has found us. I will hold the door.”

Human Paladin turned and bolted down the hallway, only to run headlong into a man in black armor, wielding a strange circular blade. “Sorry, nothing personal.” He had the strangest smile as she barely blocked with her warmaul, releasing a wave of raw force that knocked her back half a step, but didn’t hurt too badly. “Huh.” Human Paladin ignored his confused expression, enveloping herself in a field of light and shouldering past him. When he tried to block her by holding his arms out and blocking her path directly, she made him move with her maul. Nothing he tried would touch her for fourty five seconds, more than enough time to get in shouting range of her master. “Oh, fuck this. Back me up!” The man in black armor spoke into his amulet before vanishing again.

“We’re under attack! Reinforce the front gate!” When she reached the central chamber, the whole place had turned into a war zone. Her master was dueling with the black armored man as oddly dressed statuesque women flooded into the room, teleporting in all around the man and engaging the master’s favorites in hand to hand. Typically the women were torn to shreds or obliterated with shadowflame quite quickly, but they were making it difficult to focus on the teleporting warrior.

A priestess in a green dress was dueling with Chromaggus, carrying an oddly familiar staff. The twins were alternating their attacks, bathing her with fire, acid, arcane energy, and a strange golden light that seemed to stop her in her tracks. The elven women that appeared around her would accumulate, slowly overwhelming the twins until the dark haired priestess was frozen and the elves slaughtered, only to be replaced moments later.

The master’s foe, who she suspected might be the true enemy, Netorarian, was alternating between close quarters combat and blasts of arcane force. Her master’s shadowflame burnt off his skin, revealing dark green scales beneath. “Anyone! Strike him down and you shall be favored above all others!” Well. That confirmed it. The three black drakes attempted to dive for the darkly armored man as Nefarian attempted to cast some manner of complex spell. Whenever he seemed to be settling into a rhythm, Netorarian would teleport in close, striking and disrupting him before returning to playing keep away.

Human Paladin moved to guard her master’s back, and managed to intercept the next attack. She heard a satisfying crunch as she hit him in the chest; he had been striking from directly behind her master repeatedly, so she was able to predict where he’d come from. With a few more swings she was able to break a few bones, though sadly not his skull. He fled, at least long enough for her master to finish his spell, which turned out to be a portal.

“Everyone. Get out of here. You!” Her master pointed at Human Paladin directly. “Grab the king. You! Keep them from following!” She didn’t see who had been given that assignment, as she was already moving to retrieve the gigantic man from his coffin. With her freakish strength that seemed to only grow as she washed her hammer in blood, she was able to carry the target through the portal using another divine shield, walking past the tall bearded warriors and the towering queen who were laying down their lives to guard the escape of their two kings. A bolt of light lanced through the giant, but Human Paladin continued regardless. She’d been ordered to bring him; that he wasn’t alive didn’t change her orders.

It was only when she was safely in the master’s highland sanctum that she realized something. Emmastrasza was still back there. Human Paladin used divine vision to gaze across the distance, back to the entrance of the tomb. She cried, though she wasn’t sure whether it was relief that she didn’t see the corpse of her friend alongside the drakonids and storm giant, or worry about what that might mean. Not even the news that she would be allowed into the master’s bed for her good work was enough to shake the heavy weight that settled in her chest.


Well, that could have gone better, but it also could have gone a lot worse. Lividia managed to knock out Ymiron, who was probably some kind of mission target, and we killed off most of Nefarian’s rank and file. It wasn’t really their fault they were fighting us, but I didn’t have the resources to safely contain them. I made one exception because Alexstrasza asked very nicely; Emmastrasza was her granddaughter, after all.

Emmastrasza wasn’t going to be having a good time, unfortunately. She was headed straight for the Vault, a prison in Stormwind for powerful magical entities so secure that unlike every single other maximum security prison in the whole goddamn setting it never got turned into an instance. I’d been planning on clearing it out at some point since hearing about it, but it just never seemed to be the right time. Why crack open a can of spam when there’s much fresher food all around you?

My shadow operatives and Alexstrasza would be changing that as of today, systematically recruiting, purifying, or mindfucking every inmate in the prison one at a time. Meanwhile, other operatives would be working on researching the boundaries of capture. I didn’t believe I’d ever get Emma into a state where she could be safely utilized in the field, but with the power of mind fuckery I would figure out exactly where the line was. In the meantime, she’d be hanging out in a containment field that would ensure she couldn’t move around much, couldn’t hurt anyone, couldn’t leave her visage, and definitely couldn’t escape. I’d apologize when I finished off Nefarian and she joined my retinue.


I settled back in my new pad; I think I earned a bit of fun today. Alas, Lividia had died to the axes of vengeful Vikings after capping Ymiron and Alexstrasza was busy immolating her granddaughter for all the good it would do, so I brought in Anveena to suck my cock while I figured out what exactly to do with Malygos. I’d really gotten out of the right headspace, so skullfucking the sweet and innocent blonde girl was just what the doctor ordered.

Once I filled her mouth with a tasty treat, I sent Malygos an order to go somewhere as private as he could find and then teleport to my location. He appeared as a blue haired elf with jagged spikes of ice sticking out of his body, twitching routinely.

“Yes, yes, what is it you want?”

“Nothing much. I just intend to help you repopulate the blue dragonflight.” I was serious; I didn’t intend to keep him female full time until I could avoid any blowback for doing so, but I’d probably keep most of the mental shifts in play and those would include several shifts to assist in making a new generation.

I made him into her first, for obvious reasons, and had some fun refining her appearance. Visages were under mind runes, probably because they were a mental construct, but that meant that I could shift her look around at my leisure. I settled on a nice sexy librarian look; just because she was going to be my love slave, that didn’t take away from her towering intellect. I even threw on some glasses, just to complete the look.


“How, exactly, do you intend to do that?” Malygosa snapped at me. She didn’t even notice her transformation, likely because it was mental in nature. The next change was also mental, and almost as noticable. “If you want to help repopulate,” she began swaying towards me, speaking in a seductive purr, “I can think of all sorts of ways to do that, and only a few of them involve playing with your jewels.”

She whispered in my ear, “We can do whatever you like, as long as I get a donation.” Her tights were so thin that they begged to be ripped off. Given her new mindset, that might be exactly what they were meant for. Despite her new sexually aggressive mindset, Malygosa was largely a virgin when it came to being on the receiving end. Of course, I was absolutely not going to turn away an eager student in the art of lovemaking. Anveena helpfully whispered suggestions to the Spellweaver, which probably fell on deaf ears. I may have turned the poor dear’s sensitivity too high; she was all but insensible within a few minutes. Nevertheless, she didn’t need to be coherent to receive my seed several times that night; I even let her fertilize her eggs, as requested.

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