Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Girls just wanna have fun

6/14 night day 3

Collaring Sinestra was something unlikely to really pay off until “tomorrow night” when 2 subjective weeks have passed, but hell if it wasn’t something to look forward to. Next time I got back to Zin’Azshari I was probably going to have the mightiest of the dragon aspects ready to go, with Nefarian’s mother as an excellent side benefit.

From what I’ve heard, the bronze flight was also being quietly subverted from within; Chronormu was captured, but generally we had determined her to be more useful in the field capturing other bronzes than at my beck and call. Soridormi was teaching Doan everything she knew about chronomancy whenever she was in Zin-Azshari; it wasn’t quite as much as Chromie knew, but it would still give my archmagi another edge.

Speaking of Soridormi, she was spearheading the effort to capture the king and queen of the ancient Zandalari Empire. It was finished as of this evening, actually. She managed to capture one of the king’s advisors by studying his daily routine (going back a few years), and through a series of tea parties as his new mistress locked down a substantial portion of the court, and finally the king and queen themselves. Ritual circles have really stepped up the speed game of my retinue and I’m so glad to have them.

That netted me Blessed Talent, which was a kind of specialized version of social talent, soul talent, and a general lure all rolled into one and then applied to my dealings with gods and godlike beings. That’s a gross oversimplification, but it’ll do. With that in mind, I had a plan for my next step in the Elune procedure.


We stood in the highest temple of Elune, a great open air chamber with a towering marble statue placed prominently in the center. I walked in with Lividia on one arm and Azshara on the other. I was here on the recommendation of a few of my actual priestesses of Elune to ask for a boon that is common and generally considered quite wholesome. Many, though not all, of the priestesses here had been promised to Elune from the day of their conception. Of course, I had a few ideas to spice it up that were slightly nonstandard.

“Oh radiant Elune!” I intoned, kneeling before her statue. “I have already been blessed with one child, but my fucktoy wishes to also serve as an incubator.” I managed to maintain a completely straight face as Azshara proudly nodded in agreement. “I humbly ask that you would bless her with fertility, so that she might produce a child. In return, the first daughter that my lowly fucktoy Azshara bears for me will be pledged to your temple until such a time as they can make their own choices.”

Now, here we have a fun little cocktail of things working together. Normalization and the Dollar Store Pen worked together to make Azshara’s status as my fuck toy a bit crude to bring up, but not inherently objectionable. Blessed talent, Alluring Whisper, and the dose of Dere from my earlier Tsundere Service stunt made Elune generally willing to hear me out. I was following an actual ritual, and in a Jedi kind of way I was even being honest. If I had a daughter by Azshara, Elune would be an excellent Nanny and tutor. By the time an elven child of mine reaches adulthood, an apprenticeship in godhood seemed like a good career path for one of my kids.

As it turns out, Elune bought it. I was asking for something pretty standard in a slightly non-standard way, so she didn’t see any reason to deny me. A shaft of alabaster light shone down on Azshara, prompting applause from several dozen of Elune’s faithful that were gathered there.

I wasn’t content to take it on faith, so I quickly studied the magic infusing my fucktoy to puzzle out exactly what I’d been offered, and my brain interpreted it as a buff.

Blessed Fertility
23 hours
You have been infused with enhanced fertility, ensuring conception if you engage in appropriate sexual acts. The resulting child will be physically, mentally, and psychologically optimized to be an ideal high priestess of Elune.

I considered it for a moment. What would an ideal priestess of Elune look like? My best guide was the woman that was without question Elune’s most favored servant in another timeline, Tyrande Whisperwind. So… strong, intelligent, stubborn, kind, vicious, community focused, pragmatic, self sacrificing, utterly obedient to those she chose to subordinate herself to and civil to everyone else she didn’t intend to kill. I could live with that profile for my daughter.

So, with a slap on the ass and a “let’s get to it” I walked around the sacred bowl of water that served as an altar so that we were facing the congregation. I bent the queen over the altar directly in the view of everyone, pulled her transparent dress up, and pushed into her willing pussy. Basically everyone in the room gasped, including Azshara as her trigger allowed her to process how insane the situation was.

The large bowl of moonlit water was traditionally where one placed offerings intended for Elune, so when I climbed into it along with Azshara after blowing my load and started sucking on her nipples while rubbing her clit I was doing two things. First off, I was committing an act of sheer blasphemy that I only barely got away with because of my aura of awe and the priestesses of the moon explaining to the congregation that this was fine. Second, I was metaphorically “offering” Elune the most satisfying Sticky Fingers empowered sexual experience that Azshara had ever had.

I thought that Azshara had just been completely overloaded when she became insensible, but as it turned out her body became entirely numb at some point while I was pleasuring her. I chuckled. It seemed that Elune took the offering.
“It seems she took the offering.” I looked down at her with a devious smile, and made it weird. “So, Azshara. Congratulations on being the surrogate.”

She looked at me, extremely confused. “Surrogate?”

“For me and Elune’s child, of course! I asked her to give me one, and she has elected to do so!”

Talaada didn’t miss a beat. “Queen Azshara has been chosen to bear the child of Elune! Praise Elune!”

The flash of searing light that blinded everyone in the room was of course due to her incredible excitement at the announcement. Talaada said so, and she knows better than anyone what the will of the goddess is. After all, most girls classy girls are thrilled if you get out of bed with them and immediately start bragging about fucking a baby into them.


Ursula found herself on top of a hill overlooking a rather ramshackle river town. A quick inventory of her mind and body confirmed that she had the clothes on her back and a large ritual dagger as her only possessions. Mentally, she had magic to draw upon, but it was all wrong.

She didn’t know how to summon an Imp, and the closest equivalent she could conjure in her head would be far more dangerous. A fallen one, the least of the demons in this realm, would fight her and attempt to rebel every step of the way unless regularly bribed and pacified. Or, thank the light, captured in a magic circle. She could still use those at least, but given the rather extreme summoning rituals that flooded Ursula’s mind she suspected that practicing demonology here would be problematic.

In her own world, human sacrifice was a usually unnecessary but potent option for extremely powerful rituals. Here, it was standard operating procedure starting with even midrange demons just because of how much easier it made the whole process. Her other spells, anything she could cast in the heat of battle, were mostly gone from her head, which was concerning. She was apparently expected to buy new ones with “experience.”

So far her only spells conveniently available were to summon a demon she already had bound (and she didn’t have any demons bound right now) and summoning a swarm of flesh eating demonic flies. Each of which could also be strengthened further with runes, purchased with experience. To make it more inconvenient, she didn’t know what most of them, spells or runes, did. Fire bolt was fairly obvious, and she was hopeful about Charm, but what exactly was Blood Star?

The costs for spells varied greatly, from Fire Bolt for 50 to “Demonic Ascendancy” for 1 million. Charm, which she wanted for personal reasons, was relatively cheap at 4,000. Her missions, the only standard she had to measure by thus far, implied that she shouldn’t try to save for the expensive ones right now.

Stay a while and listen
Return Deckard Cain safely to New Tristram
Reward: 1000 exp OR potential party member appears
Sponsor: Decard Cain (Skin)

The Fallen Star
Make contact with the Star that fell upon this land.
Reward: 5000 exp OR potential party member appears
Sponsor: 5 credit rebate on lure or talent Sharing

She was interrupted from her studies by a groaning corpse, shambling down the road at her from the direction of the town. That was enough to get her moving; the zombie was slow and fell apart quickly when covered in biting demonic flies, but it was still at least trying to harm her. That kill was worth 5 experience, apparently. The nearby town had controlled fires coming from a few chimneys, so Ursula figured it would be safer than any place she was likely to stumble upon. She made her way there, stopping to snatch up a few loose coin purses from the dismembered corpses along the road. She wasn’t about to be a beggar.

The town was under attack by waves upon waves of walking corpses, both rotting males and buxom females, but Ursula was allowed in when there was a break in the action. Kind people, dangerously so, to welcome a stray traveler in a time of crisis. Of course, the fact that she aided in their defense probably had something to do with it. She entered and made her way to the inn, which was apparently also serving as a clinic.

Not long after she arrived and rested her legs with a drink of water, a young woman in red cried out “watch out! The injured! They’re turning!” That led to a short scuffle with the newly undead patients of the clinic, and a plummeting amount of respect for the people of new Tristram on Ursula’s part. Only the girl in red had made any real effort to put down the risen dead in their midst, and apparently their only method of reducing the number of zombies was to burn any inert corpses they happened to find. It was a new threat, only arriving a week ago, but even so. People had been bitten before she arrived, surely.

It did, however, present Ursula with an unparalleled opportunity. “Bring one of the infected who is still at least somewhat lucid to me. I know a ritual that might purify them if we can do it fast. Quickly!” The terrified townsfolk were very lucky that Urula was sincere. Someone with ill intent could take advantage of such trusting souls.

The first person she healed was a soldier from the front gates. He had a large, infected bite that may have gone septic even without the injury being laced with dark magic. Medical care was appalling in this world; it seemed that they relied almost exclusively on cheap, commonplace healing potions and hope. Regardless, after 20 minutes of chanting while he lay bundled within a circle, he was ready to return to the front. Indeed, he was stronger and appeared better fed than any of his fellows. 

After that, the villagers begged her to do the same for more people. Soldiers, children, wives… they wouldn’t let her rest, fighting over who would be next, and she could only save six or seven people in an hour. She built up quite a retinue, and eventually pled exhaustion long enough to teach a few girls how to perform the simple ritual. With soul talent, it took less time to teach the spell than to perform it, especially with a completed circle ready to be used as a teaching aid. The men all returned to the battle when she finished with them, which was fine by Ursula. She preferred the company and attention of women, with few exceptions. She didn’t expect to find a male that could make her question ber sexuality like Erich did here, especially since that was almost certainly magic. 

The process was profitable in its own way, but didn’t directly help her learn magic or send back resources to her master. If she returned to the gates and observed her captured men killing the walking dead that would give her half of the experience, but the men were slowly being whittled down by constant assaults and food was already scarce.

For those reasons and many more, Ursula was more than willing to gather a few of her captured warriors and venture forth when Leah, the girl in red, asked for assistance with finding her uncle Decard. The half trained ritualists here could continue capturing/healing the sick and injured, and from observing Lord Bismark it seemed that doing missions was usually the best plan if one had nothing else to go on. Her first real lead, Leah, was specifically asking her to do a mission, so it seemed like the obvious next step. Once she saved the old man, apparently quite revered in this community, she could parlay her retinue and any heroic status granted by the act to take charge of the defenses.

Captain Rumford, the soldier leading the defense, didn’t like her snatching up a dozen of his men and leading them out among the legions of corpses. Apparently the last expedition of sixteen, had been mostly slaughtered by hordes of the dead leaving Rumford as the only survivor. Ursula insisted, and he was still left with more (and better) troops than he would have had without her rituals. The women in this village, save Leah, were entirely useless in combat for some reason, and seemed confused when Ursula suggested they learn how to fight. Apparently it was considered unfeminine to be a warrior in this country? How backward. When she was in charge, she’d need to fix that.

Despite objecting to the whole expedition, Rumford asked that Ursula be sure to kill any undead women she saw. Apparently a fraction of them became “undead mothers” and accelerated the reanimation process by vomiting some kind of necrotic slime on inert corpses. Ursula improvised a heroic speech before heading out with Leah and a few disposable men.

Keeping her forces in mind and remembering the rudimentary training in military tactics she’d been granted as a young noble girl of Stormwind, Ursula spent her pittance of experience. Curse of Vulnerability would hopefully make any heavily armored or ghostly enemies they encountered susceptible to mundane spears and arrows. She would pick up fire bolt next, in case angry biting flies weren’t always a relevant attack; it also seemed simple enough to teach a few of the girls. Physical exertion built up more hunger than the use of magic, even if they had recently been tuned up.

Ursula’s current task was to guard Leah as she hunted her uncle, but as she looked the younger woman over, Ursula found herself hoping that Leah was bitten. That would make things much easier. She was also incredibly curious about “potential party members.” What did that mean, and would it be worth sacrificing a lump sum of experience? After killing nearly a hundred zombies on the way to Cain’s last known whereabouts using extremely rudimentary tactics and magical support, Ursula thought that it would be. Experience was not in short supply.

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