Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

Good Morning Kerrigan

6/10 night

When I came back to my apartment, I found a new companion casually draped over a chair in my break room. The light purple skinned succubus had larger than average wings, hooves, and horns, though given her figure I didn’t notice that immediately. “So, you’re the one who summoned me? What did you do differently? It feels marvelous.” She purred the words as she fluidly stood up and looked me over.

“I’ll admit. I outsourced so I don’t actually know details,” I admitted, “but based on past experience I’d wager that you feel like you were made to serve me. Is that right?” As I spoke, she started slinking towards me.

“Hmm. Maybe. Can’t say that I’m getting all hot and bothered at the thought of sweeping in here. What kind of service did you have in mind?” As she asked, she let her eyes roam over me, making it clear what she was hoping for at the moment.

“Three things: you’ll fight for me, you will dominate others into my service, and when I feel so inclined, you’ll sleep with me. You have stiff competition for that last part; I have more women than I know what to do with. First things first, though. I need to bind you.” Technically I already had a succubus, Gerd, so as far as I knew Kerrigan wasn’t going to give me any additional power ups. Who cared though? I wasn’t going to pass up on having the Queen of Blades in my personal entourage, even if it appeared that this version didn’t have the same mind or backstory. The willing bond was, as usual, trivial on both sides.

Once I clamped a collar around her neck, I had a little bit of fun with her mentally, creating a new preset. One where I obliterated all sexual experience, all experience with men in fact, then cranked up her libido, infatuation, curiosity, and desire to be loved to the absolute limits while reducing her desire to dominate me, specifically, to almost nil. Judging by the overview of her backstory in mind runes, this would make her into a millennia old warrior and torturer for the Legion who had simply never encountered an attractive humanlike male. She would discover all of the naughtiest aspects of a succubi’s psychology all at once, from her point of view.


When I uploaded the changes, the confident woman in front of me shifted radically. Her jaw dropped, and her stare went from confidently approving to overwhelmed in a few seconds. With Aegwynn I’d returned her to a prior state, a dedicated teenage girl who just hadn’t happened to have sex yet. Kerrigan had become an amusing hypothetical. A woman who managed to be a raging nymphomaniac with centuries of sexual experience from the moment that she saw a man’s penis. She didn’t know how to respond, didn’t trust her instincts, so instead she blushed furiously and waited for me to make the first move.
Would you believe she came almost immediately, before I’d even really started? As far as her body and mind were concerned she had never been touched intimately. I can hardly take credit for the way her hips were bucking from the incidental contact of me removing her clothing.

She writhed beneath my touch, and her brain practically shut off when I started fucking her. I’d definitely need to tone this down in the future, but as a one off bit of fun it was delightful.

When Lividia arrived later, fresh from a tutorial on the Bimbo polymorph spell, I pressed a few metaphorical buttons and would you believe it, Kerrigan had simply never encountered a pretty girl before either, and was almost as smitten with my prime consort as she was with me. Crazy how that happens.


6/11 morning

I woke up multiple times in the night to Kerrigan sucking my dick. The first time was really nice, the second was kind of funny, by the third time I reset her to her normal self just so I could fucking sleep. I liked the attitude, but I made her just a little bit too needy. I’d need to fine tune her a little more. Of course, I also needed to get her out into the field; much like Broxigar, she was a premium “special” waifu, and I expected that she would have some interesting regional upgrades.

I checked over mission reports from the prior day, considering what new toys I had. Anveena and Brox had each finished regional missions where the real value was in the regional upgrades. Anveena’s upgrade had of course been used to restore the Sunwell as a poisoned apple, and from the new tab in my retinue page, thousands of elves had already partaken of the infinite wellspring of energy.

From the looks of things, anyone who had even a taste would find themselves trusting Anveena far more than they really should. I had her leveraging that to become a prophetess of the Brotherhood of Love and Beauty, encouraging her “children” to listen to a team of priests Talaada had hand picked before leaving. I’d work on making a priesthood for the Amani Loa later; for now, it was enough for them to all lap up the infinite free mana they were entitled to as high elves.

The actual reward she’d picked up, the Buttplug of the Devoted Lover, was powerful but awkward to use. Making someone fanatically devoted to whoever they last slept with was great and all, but it required my agents to both fuck someone and then shove something up their asses before it properly worked. That said, it was instant and didn’t technically count as capture, which let a few of my ghosts cheese the minor mission in Silverpine Forest.

Arrange for Deathstalker Rane Yorick and Dalaran Protector Elmo Abjurus to enter into a relationship in which one is utterly subservient to the other. You may only capture one or the other or this mission will fail.

Rewards: temptress bell, mages and soldiers from Dalaran will employ a variant of the frost armor spell that fully replaces armor, but which looks like a semitransparent skintight bodysuit.

Rane had been damn easy to capture as a member of the Forsaken. Once she was on the team and understood she had a mission, she was quite professional and open to the idea of seducing Abjurus for the good of the retinue. She went through the Nathrezim Process to become a living girl, and once she was a bonafide human with a ghost in her head, it was fairly easy for her to get the Dalaran Guard in bed with her. He’d barely needed to be charmed. After fucking him to exhaustion, she’d shoved the Buttplug into his ass while he dozed. It would be coming out later, most likely, but I was pretty happy with the results. One temptress bell, a new variant on a spell, a man who was basically captured, and a very predictable regional mission.

Silverpine Forest: Archmage Arugal
Reward: Good Girl Jewelry Upgrade

Good Girl Jewelry Upgrade: your tempest jewelry will gain the ability to rapidly domesticate animals or creatures with base animalistic minds, such as maddened Worgen or feral ghouls. Such animals will allow themselves to be collared without resistance, or put on the collar themselves. Beings which lack the presence of mind to do so still can not be made to give love confessions, but they will be subservient to the retinue within an hour and captured within 24

Well damn. Shame I was pretty far past the point where this would get substantial mileage; it would have made 100 Wolf Moon so much easier. Arugal was, however, an enemy and a crazy person. I’d try Kerrigan out by having her solo Shadowfang Keep, and have a few observers write up a report on her.

Broxigar had made all Naga into beautiful women; at least if you’re into mermaids. The tails made them a bit harder to sleep with, and for me at least the fact that a substantial number of them would have dicks really reduced my interest. No judgment. Just not my thing. His personal upgrades were mostly kinda morbid. It made sense for a man whose primary characterization was that he wanted to die gloriously in battle due to survivors' guilt, but still. I eventually chose the option that would grant him his wish.

Spirit - A Good Death: if Broxigar is killed, all of his combat skill, knowledge, experience, strength, equipment, and this perk will be transferred to a person who does not value their own life or who is seeking death. The perk will favor those who are currently in deadly situations. This person will be instantly captured. If resurrected, Broxigar will be a tier 1 civilian version of himself. This perk will continue to travel from person to person, accumulating more power and skills as it does.

It was a snowball effect, actively incentivizing me to throw away the lives of anyone endowed with the perk. Each person would be at least a little bit stronger than the last, as any abilities that made them stronger would accumulate and be passed on. It was morbid as hell, but if I really felt like being nice I could try to address their issues before getting them killed; after all, a captured tier 1 was still worth resurrecting and training as a queen or something, and they could start fresh that way.

That said, who to send him to die against? My first thought was to send him to try to clear out Andorhol for the mission, but I was currently in the process of developing a ritual to take over the entire Scourge. Slaughtering twenty thousand of them would not be worth a few days of time saved. Next thought was to have him try to deliver an amulet to Ragnaros, charging right up to him and throwing the necklace in his face, but Raggie seemed to know enough about the amulets to be wary. I’d need to be a little more crafty to get him.

I considered my options and eventually settled on Lady Vashj, the leader of the Naga in Outland. She was a hero unit, she was a powerful sorceress, she was a faction leader, and she had this whole sexy Medusa thing going on. More importantly she didn’t have a direct line of contact with an old god. Her actual boss did, but the modern Queen Azshara may or may not have seen fit to share that intel with someone on another planet. Besides, on some level the real plan was for Brox to die, leaving behind an amulet that Vashj would hopefully find afterwards.

My hunters were almost done gathering yeti, but for obvious reasons they were being as careful as possible. Similarly, I almost had all of the Alteraci nobles I needed. Checking out front, I was pleased to find a ship on my lawn. The Flying Osprey, dredged up in secret from off the shores of the wetlands and currently being repaired magically by ten wisps. The wisps would burn a substantial amount of essence in the process generating new matter, but ten credits, a new building, and a ship worth of revived and captured elven sailors seemed worth the trouble.

The last thing to check was today's moderate mission.

Remove the Wildhammer Dwarf Truk Wildbeard from his position as Bartender. You will be penalized if more than half of the patrons at the tavern he works at disapprove of the change.
Reward: Basic Shroud of Power

Sigh. Well, good thing some of Vanessa’s agents are in the area. They’d get to it when they got to it.

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