Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

No Disposable Army? Ick.

6/14 evening

“Please, master. She needs it. Just look at her.” Abby encouraged her master as he fucked her wife’s throat. She’d have preferred to be the focus of his attentions, but not by much. Eliza deserved to enjoy herself too, and Abby liked to think she wasn’t overly selfish as a lover. Both of them had received his seed a few times since he’d taken them aside, either inside or out. When he came on them instead of inside, it gave an excellent opportunity to lick it off.

He came on Eliza’s face, much to her delight. Seeing her starry eyes looking up at Erich gave Abby a rush; jealousy had no place in Erich’s bed.

It was quite startling when Erich’s Kyrian form flickered out of existence, and not entirely welcome. The goopy white substance’s taste went from ambrosia to a mildly unpleasant salty flavor on Abby’s tongue. Like everything else to do with sex involving Erich, when he was present and erect she would kill for the opportunity but when he was gone the enjoyment faded.

Not to disgust, certainly not. She still remembered it as an entirely pleasurable and erotic experience, but the fact that it had been the best sex of her life somehow didn’t translate to her wanting more. Nor did the knowledge that his cum was her very favorite flavor two minutes ago make licking it off of her wife’s face sound any more palatable. Sex with a man, even that man, just didn’t appeal to her. She suspected it was something about the transition that excited him.

Eliza, on the other hand, had no hypnotic suggestions safeguarding her. Erich had just recently acquired the Sticky Fingers Lure; her pleasure had been magnified tenfold even as her fetishes were cultivated to enjoy his attention. It was lucky that her paramour was a woman, as she was largely ruined for men. Had Erich been focused on her pleasure, she probably would have ended up with a functionally single target sexuality. Luckily for Abby, Erich was a selfish lover. As it was, she needed a few minutes to regain her wits, minutes her wife spent cleaning them both off with a towel.

Abby wiped off her face and gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek as Nanna entered the room with a few fresh outfits. “You’re very cute when you’re cum drunk, but we have work to get back to. The maid is here with our clothes.”


Leotheras twitched in his captivity as his demon’s voice quieted. The demon hunter showed all the signs of capture. His ruined eyes were restored, his ragged body filled out despite months without food, and his body and mind grew ever stronger as the power and discipline of an orcish war hero and the maiden of despair flooded through him. The broken draenei keeping him banished were momentarily shocked but managed to rebind him in a few moments. He was only able to kill two of them before he was phased out of the world, rendered impotent.

Well, he would have been impotent, but he had been granted more than strength as a member of the retinue. The amulet around his neck hummed to life.

“Hi! I’m Kathy. I’ll be managing your onboarding process today.” The chipper voice reached his ears, “I notice that you seem to be in a state of duress but not immediate danger. Is that correct? Would you like extraction before we continue?”

“Yes! Free me!” His inner demon, though quieter now than it had been, echoed his sentiment.

“Alright mister… Leotheras. I’m going to need you to calm down. Nothing productive comes from panicking and I know for a fact that you can control yourself. Please let me know your location?”

“The Serpentshrine Cavern. I’m being held by those I thought to be allies. They want to use me as a living weapon.”

“Oh, OH. You say you are inside the Serpentshrine? We’ve been making moves to get in there for some time. Ok, I’m glad I asked. This would have been a wasted opportunity if I’d just teleported you out straightaway. Moraine! Moraine, we’ve got a route to Vashj! What’s the procedure?”

“Please, Kathy was it?” The blood elf tried to school his emotions, and as predicted he found it unnaturally easy. “Just release me? This imprisonment is torturous.”

“Sorry, sorry,” she continued with a conversational tone, “you just happen to be quite a stroke of luck. We had been trying to make a key into the Serpentshrine for a few days but we weren’t sure how to find an appropriate power source. The suggested one was the heart of a member of the retinue and we of course we weren’t going with that. Anyway, I need you to will a portal into existence. It should be intuitive.”

The demon hunter focused for a few moments and a glowing rift appeared on the nearest wall, entirely ignored by his captors. In response, Kathy chirped, “that’s great, really great. I’ll get you right out now and then we can send you back with some reinforcements. We prefer capture, but the master is probably fine with anything as long as not too many of the Coilfang get away to spread word. How’s that sound?”

He vanished, much to the panic of his jailers. When he arrived in the ops center next to Kathy’s desk, he looked around for a moment before smiling. “It sounds incredibly cathartic.”


I appeared in my feminine night elven form in a mine on the planet Xoroth. All around me, dozens of Wyrmtongue demons with chitinous exoskeletons were expeditiously carving through the walls. As I’d hoped, worker drone units were far better at mining for fel iron than normal demons with picks. It let Hel’Nurath meet his quotas even as he converted the whole damn planet into a demonic stronghold and production center, just for me.

I took a quick look around to be polite, but I didn’t really have much interest in mine output quotas. A succubus foreman explaining them didn’t make them all that much more interesting; I’d just gotten my rocks off a few minutes prior with a pair of busty angels, so her charms had very little effect on me.

Once I’d done the bare minimum to not feel rude, I teleported to Archaedes. Apparently the ops team was in the middle of assembling an assault force, so between that and my currently very dead demon army I decided to table Ulduar for the moment. I wanted backup in case things went fubar while I took over Yogg Saron's prison, and I wanted lots of it. I pulled aside Nanna, who lived there until a couple days past, and we went to see Archaedes, who knew all of the VIPs personally and helped build the damn place.

We hatched a plan to take on the current (extremely corrupt) Prime Designate, Loken, based on our combined knowledge. The majority of the titanforged in Ulduar were much like Nanna: good soldiers following orders. Calling out your superiors isn’t part of the titanforged way. Using the VIP service item on myself was tempting, but there was someone else that might be a better fit. Someone that was already in a leadership position.

“I might manage it,” Archaedes explained, “but I was always the least of us in terms of power and authority. I fulfilled the needs of the other keepers, no more, no less. It would be better to find one of the other keepers if they can be found. Preferably military leaders. If you can resurrect Tyr, he would have more clout than I.”

“Checking out his tomb was already on the to-do list, right?” I noted, “We might as well handle that today. Any other options if I can’t get him back in the saddle? I think Thorim is still in a relatively pure state, at least.”

“Yes, he would be around as good as Tyr.” Archaedes confirmed, “If you know the current whereabouts of Keepers Ra-den or Odyn they would be even better. Odyn would likely be able to reassert control even without company interference, if the corruption isn’t too deep.”

“No dice. They came in after my time.” I knew that Ra-den was probably somewhere in Pandaria and Odyn was currently running a far classier Valhalla reference than I was, but what I didn’t have was coordinates or even useful landmarks. Hell, the last thing I remembered about Ra-den was that the Thunder King ate his heart, so he probably wasn’t in the best state to be leading political insurrections. “Tell you what, we go pick up Tyr and clear out his tomb. We gather the items you had in mind to reforge and then you figure out next steps while I go to bed.”

I wasn’t really planning on going to bed as such; I was actually planning on taking most of a week off in Zin’Azshari. If you can’t enjoy a giant castle swarming with hot elf servants, especially one that moves at 17 times the core timeline’s speed, why even have one? It would also give me time to consider who exactly I wanted to send “abroad” with my new perk. That definitely deserved some testing.

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