Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester

So long, Northshire

4/26 morning

That morning I checked my inventory and found a relatively understated citrine pendant on a long leather thong. I mean a long leather strip, in case it needs to be said. I popped it around my neck, and pocketed that gaudy amethyst monstrosity for Drusilla. If anyone was going to pull it off, it would be her. My quest log had another mission, but it was in Stormwind, so I figured I could read it over later. I was booked today.

I went down to breakfast as normal, quietly handed off the necklace to Drusilla as she left, and chatted with Auffrey. This time we discussed politics; I asked for information about the situation in Duskwood. She was only too happy to share her opinions.

“Darkshire is more like a fortified position than it is a town, at this point. The scourge in the area, not to mention the strange darkness, make most normal farming a bit pointless. I understand that it used to be extremely fertile before the orcs came, but something happened at Kharazan and Brightwood never recovered. At this point it’s mostly occupied by people too stubborn to leave their ancestral homes.” She seemed saddened by that, which made sense. Her family was driven out of Westfall, and she still wanted to go back.

“So it’s just hopeless?”

“No, probably not. The roads have become less dangerous since the Night Watch were formed, and the undead are numerous but not infinite. They can also grow valuable herbs infused with dark magic that alchemists can make good use of, so they have started selling those and importing the food they need.”

“So they are just adapting to being in a zombie infested hell hole? I can appreciate the grit. Seems dangerous though.”

“Zombies, wolfmen, even a few territorial dragons, supposedly. But the only people left have accepted that. It’s heroic in a way, but it’s doubtful that they will be able to manage much without outside support.”

“Which I could provide.” That provoked an eye roll.

“Sure. I’m certain they would appreciate another healer. But I doubt that you have the ability to end this war on your own.” I didn’t bother answering her with anything but a shit eating grin. If she believed I could manage it she’d want me to go to Westfall. I didn’t have much to do there.


Anetta was her normal bubbly self while she taught me about Power Words. They were surprisingly easy to get down in concept; words that could be focused on when releasing the light to give more complex effects. The biggest difficulty was internalizing them. Anetta knew three power words; renew, shield, and fortitude. Teaching the words was easy, but it took a lot of practice to make them reliable. I could practice on my own, though.

“I’m afraid that’s all I can teach you,” she admitted sadly. “There are more, but I only learned these basic ones. You’ll need someone more advanced than me teaching you if you want to grow any further. You should; you’ll be a hero someday if you keep pushing yourself.” She was looking down at her feet as she spoke. I think she might have been holding back tears.

I smiled, and pulled her in for a hug. “I was lucky enough to have a great teacher already. I’ll be going to Darkshire next, I think. I still need more practice, but if you are willing I’d love to give you something so we can stay in touch.” I touched her amulet and willed it to glow for a moment. “Now it’s connected to mine. We will be able to speak through it.”

She gazed at it with a look of wonder. “Are you sure? How can you do that?”

“An old trick I learned from my mother. I needed to make sure that I’ll see you again. I’m not the only one that can leave Northshire.” She wasn’t fully captured yet. I really did like Anetta, but right now she was too independent for me to outright ask her to abandon the life she was leading. “If you ever need anything, once it’s finished attuning, just hold the gemstone and call out my name. I’ll be there just as quickly as I can.”

“Are you sure you have to leave now? I’ve put in an order for vestments in your size, but they aren’t done yet.”

“I’ll be able to pick them up. Don’t worry about that. There is one other thing I’ve wanted to do ever since I met you.” I leaned in and kissed her. She was receptive, eagerly meeting me halfway once she realized what I was doing. She was hungry, pressing in and tasting the inside of my mouth, stopping to nibble on my lip occasionally.

I was pretty sure I could have pushed it past an intense makeout, but I wasn’t going to risk being at the center of a scandal on my way out. Eventually I pulled away, to Anetta’s distress, and looked her over. She was dressed to impress, had her hair nicely mussed, and was looking at me like I had stolen away a plate of her favorite food. “I’ll be back. Probably sooner than you think.”

I checked in with the Marshal and told him I was leaving. He seemed a bit surprised. “Are you sure? I know you have been struggling with the martial side of things, but Sister Anetta tells me you have been doing quite well under her tutelage.”

I shrugged him off, explaining that I wasn’t washing out, I just wanted to focus more on healing and practical experience. I asked if I could get a letter of introduction to the Night Watch as a healer, which he agreed to grudgingly. “They aren’t likely to give you any kind of rank, but you can probably get a paid position if you make your way there. I’d suggest traveling with a group out of Goldshire; the roads can be dangerous these days.”

I hoisted my bag, though it was mostly a prop, and strolled away down the road chewing a slice of wolf jerky. When I was safely out of sight, I slipped into the woods and followed the sound of running water to the river. “Alright. I’ve got the plan lined up. I need you all to meet me along the banks of the Northshire river. Near… the waterfall.” I was looking over my simple map for any landmarks I could see.

“Yes sir. We will be there.” Darcell’s voice chimed back immediately. “Alright boys. New marching orders. We are going to the waterfall.” There was a chorus of groans. “I don’t want to hear it. We are getting out today.” That got a bit more interest.

I walked upstream until I saw the waterfall, and sat down next to a large rock eating an apple. A guard patrol popped by and asked why I was picnicking in woods that were known to have Defias outlaws. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll dash if I see anything. I just wanted to relax for a bit. I’ve been at Northshire for a while now.” They weren’t guards I recognized, so hopefully the lack of recognition was mutual. They didn’t care too much beyond checking my face against a folio of wanted posters, so I was left alone to await my adoring fans.

Darcell got to me first. She was looking good; she was still thin, but not in that emaciated way she had when I’d first seen her. Instead she looked like an acrobat, and the way she quietly walked on the balls of her feet made me think of a hunting cat. “Did you come alone?” I asked.

”Yes and no. The rest wanted to send one of us alone first to make sure it wasn’t a trap. I knew it wasn’t, so I volunteered.” She stared at me, waiting for the next part of the plan with total confidence.

“I’ve got one of my other apprentices ready to summon you all. If I can lay my hands on ya, I can send you along to her. She’s in the woods near Goldshire, if nothing has delayed her.” Darcell just nodded, as if she were teleported around by strangers all the time, and waved for me to follow her.

Everything was coming together quite well; now all I needed to do was figure out the details of apportation and start moving out. The camp I reached had about ten people. I suspect the rest were spread out, keeping watch. I was walking up to Padfoot to explain the deal when I heard shouts from behind us and his face twisted into a sneer. “Idiot! You were followed.”
I internally winced as I turned around and saw a group of three guards in Stormwind armor flood in along with half a dozen militia. One of them, a man who had been in Auffrey’s search team, was aghast when he saw me. “TRAITOR!”

Ok. So maybe this wouldn’t go as smoothly as I hoped.

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