Waifu Catalogue (Multiverse Edition)

Waifu Catalog Build

|Waifu Catalog: https://waifu-catalog.neocities.org/|


Name: RWBY (1 year before Canon Timeline)

Rating: 6

Points: 365


Isekai Genie

|By choosing this, the player will be given three boons from the patron's personal gallery. However, the player will also need to complete the mission given by the Genie. If the player did not complete the mission, they will be enslaved by the Genie for eternity.|

{By choosing this, the player can access Genie’s Marketplace where they can buy a unique item and even skill from other agents.}



|Proceed directly to the Origins section. You may still encounter other contractors, but the multiverse is big, really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to the multiverse. You can easily go entire lifetimes without meeting even one.|


'Extra' with 1 additional cost

|Start with a Tier-2 character with his Aura unlocked but not yet awakened his Semblance.|


Company Stamp |Free|

|This permanent magical tattoo instills only the mental effects common to all bindings. To capture targets, you may apply this tattoo using a thumb-sized ink stamp. You can only have one stamp at a time, and only you and your retinue members can perceive the stamp when it’s not in use. The inked part, on one end, contains the tattoo’s core, a circular design that serves as your emblem.

Stamping requires 3 seconds of sustained contact with the target’s skin, from the stamper’s perception, to start the tattoo-creation process. You must apply enough pressure to make the ink transfer properly. The most popular stamping sites are typically the pubic region, lower back, or back of the neck. Newly-applied tattoos require 72 hours to ramp up to their full effect, from the perception of the person stamped.

During the ramp-up period, additional ink will fill itself in around your emblem to form a much more elaborate design, about the size of the subject’s palm, that represents her history and personality. Captured subjects and people they know will not notice a tattoo-in-progress until it completes itself, at which point they’ll rationalize away its sudden appearance. If a tattoo’s location is ever damaged or severed, its effects will continue and it will reappear when the skin is regenerated or the body part replaced.

Stamped targets only count as captured at the end of this period, when the tattoo completes. Completed tattoos are always perceptible. A stamp’s location on a target’s body may be repositioned after the fact through the company app; a generated 3D model of the target serves as a reference.

The stamp never runs out of ink and cannot be used accidentally. If you are stamped, by yourself or another, it will only have cosmetic effects. If one of your subjects marks someone new with it, the newbie will feel its effects as if you had used it on her yourself. The anti-loss, -theft, and -destruction measures on the company’s smart device also apply to this stamp.|


Sticky Fingers |-5 points|

|You know all the points that make a waifu melt. You can play her like a piano. Your very touch is electrifying. You are also a sexual savant. Keep a waifu on the edge long enough, and she’ll promise anything to make it stop. With your skills, she’ll be sure to keep that promise. This lure cannot affect targets who lack a sense of touch.|

Faerie Feast |-10 points|

|Your cooking is supernaturally good, capable of making miracles from the worst ingredients. Just one taste is enough to hook a waifu for life - assuming, of course, that she can taste. Even if she doesn't like you, she'll be unable to imagine a world where she can't eat your cooking every day, and stay with you for that alone. Over time, you can leverage this dependence into obedience through simple operant conditioning and, in turn, create real affection by enforcing faked affection.

The quality of your ingredients doesn’t matter, but they must be real ingredients. This lure will not let you cook without the proper tools unless you have an adequate substitute. This lure also covers drink-mixing, butchery, and chemical food processing, but does not help with gardening, farming, animal husbandry, fishing, etc. - that’s biology, not chemistry. If you want to use this lure’s gifts as a professional skill, you can dial your ability down to world-class-chef levels, enough to ensure great business (and plenty of repeat customers) without tripping any "this food might be literally addictive" alarms.

This lure cannot affect targets who lack a sense of taste.|




None at the moment



Pocket Space |-5 points|

|You now possess a timeless extradimensional inventory space. This inventory may be accessed via an app on your smart device, Apportation, or certain Heritage perks. Transferring an item into the inventory via the app requires it to be in contact with you before transport. An item pulled from the inventory via the app will be deposited into your hand or within one meter of your position.

Your Inventory has a volume of 1m by 1m by 3m. Living beings may be stored within, but not any resisting or unwilling ones. Stamped or otherwise bound retinue members always count as willing and unresisting. Time does not pass within your Inventory, for good or ill.|

Pocket Apartment |-20 points|

|A 100 sq m extradimensional residence, for when you need a place to crash. It has all the basics: two medium bedrooms, one bathroom, a living area, kitchenette, and closet space. All characters with alternate outfits, shown in any official source, will find them stored in their room or closet.

Access it by plopping a portal onto any reasonably flat surface. Only one portal may exist at a time and you may close it with a thought at any time, whether you’re in or out of the apartment; if you’re inside when the portal is closed, the new exit must be reasonably close to the previous entrance.

Some independent multiverse travelers may enter your universe directly, but only requires dedicated and deliberate effort and a beacon to follow.

Your inventory becomes a sealed vault inside the apartment. You may open the vault while in your Pocket Space, but doing so subjects its contents to the passage of time. If you or a resisting or unwilling subject is inside the vault when it is sealed again, time will continue to pass.

Require :

[ Pocket Space ]|


Everlasting Talent |-10 points|

|You live. You have weak immortality and eternal youth. If you are older than the peak age for your species (25 years for humans), your body is reset to that point; otherwise you'll continue to physically mature to that point but not experience any aging afterwards. This will not interfere with deliberate age-manipulation effects from within your retinue, whether from the company’s transformation suite or third-parties. If your maturation process had been halted by any means, it will now continue until your peak age. The "Fog of Ages," including atrophy of unused skills, will never affect you.

This perk will not make you unkillable or grant any form of auto-resurrection. It just means you won’t grow feeble and die of “natural causes,” so don’t try anything foolish. The benefits of this perk will apply to your purchased and captured waifus, but you can disable it for specific individuals if you wish.|

Body Talent |-10 points|

|You lift. Your body is now in perfect fitness and health, with significant muscle growth, within healthy human standards. If your natural height was less, you are now between 170 and 210 cm tall - or will be, if you aren’t yet fully grown. Your clothes are all resized and your muscle memory adjusted to fit. (You may opt out of this height boost.) In the event of a mismatch, your body will change to match your gender identity, reflecting what you might have looked like if you’d been born as such, unless you created or maintained a mismatch with your choice of targets for Substitute or Possess. (You knew what you were getting into when you did that.)

All unwanted pre-existing medical conditions, from skin blemishes and unwanted body hair to chronic disease, missing limbs, detrimental genetic irregularities, and physical transformations are erased. (Cyborgs will find their reproductive system restored and augmentations optimized within their technological base.) This full heal will automatically trigger only once for each member of your retinue, including yourself: when you first purchase Body Talent or when the person joins your retinue, whichever happens second.

You are immune to further minor illnesses, but not diseases or injuries. All healing or medical operations performed on you will complete without complications, residual pain, or unwanted scars.

Additionally, you can rapidly learn any non-supernatural athletic skills you encounter: acrobatics, physical sports, parkour, swimming, etc. Skills directly related to combat fall under Martial Talent instead, while supernatural extensions of skill are affected by Psychic or Soul Talents. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the strength and skill of your opponents and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you’ve caught up to them.

The individual benefits of this Talent may also apply, at your discretion, to any/all of your purchased and captured waifus. Unwanted conditions are erased according to your wants, not theirs. If you purchased Extra, Substitute, or Possess, this perk will be retroactively applied to your new body, with the exception noted above.|

Performance Talent |-10 points|

|You express. You have a prodigious talent in the kinesthetic arts: music, dance, acting, etc. This is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement, and scales to the skill of your trainers, cohorts, and competition: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you’ve caught up to them. Audiovisual and stage production are instead covered under Engineering Talent.|

Communication Talent |-10 points|

|You understand. You can read a room, spot deceit or employ your own, know when to speak and when to hold your tongue, and find the right words to say for good or ill. You will neither be That Guy whom women warn their friends about, nor the otaku nerd whose obsessions drive others away. This does not lend any additional power to your words - that’s what Siren’s Song is for - nor will it make you enjoy social interactions for their own sake. It only guarantees knowledge and competence.

Additionally, you are immediately fluent in any spoken language you encounter and will speak it like any native in only a few days, with mastery of the written form taking a week on average; this part always applies to your retinue as well. Finally, you have a prodigious talent for writing, regardless of whether the subject is fiction or nonfiction. Depending on the skill of your trainer, cohorts, and rivals, you can elevate your own skill beyond ordinary human ability, following the same rules as the other Talents.|

Soul Talent |-10 points|

|You feel. You have prodigious talent for ki arts (aura, chi, Hamon, Phonic Gain, Spiral Power, etc.) and magic and will rapidly learn any such mystical arts you encounter and are capable of using. Unlike the buffs from Heritage or Shroud elements, this is an experience and skill acquisition multiplier, not a flat improvement. This effect scales to the strength and skill of your opponents and trainers: the better they are than you, the faster you learn, until you’ve caught up to them. This does not apply to scientific forms of magic.|

Blessed Talent |-30 points|

|Fortuna and her peers smile upon you. Higher powers, whether they’re deities, demons, or merely greater elementals or other spirits, will warm up to you more quickly than just anyone. Blessings or gifts given to you will be more powerful or useful, and curses or smitings aimed at your enemies will be more effective, scaling to how much the specific higher power likes you compared to who- or whatever you’re calling upon them for.

If you are a god, the use of your own godly powers benefits from Soul Talent instead. In that case, if you also have Talent Sharing for this perk, it will remain useful for anyone in your retinue who calls upon your power.

Require all of:

[ Communication Talent, Soul Talent ]|

Shared Talents x2 |-20 points| {Soul & Blessed Talents}

|The effects of one of your purchased Basic Talents now apply equally to every member of your retinue, as if you had shared them through a Binding or Heritage perk. This must be purchased separately for each valid Talent: Martial, Wild, Science, Engineering, Aesthetic, Communication, Performance, Soul, Blessed, Psychic, Covert, and Sticky Fingers (as “Tantric Talent”). Everlasting and Body are always shareable. This perk is obsoleted by Controls or Heritage perks that share Talents and may be refunded completely after such purchases.|

Template Stacking I |-20 points| {Summoner Class from FFXIV}

|Sometimes you just want to copy a powerset, either a generic one or a specific character. This perk lets you do just that. Only Tier Χ abilities, abilities that originated in other CYOAs, and abilities found elsewhere in this catalog are not eligible. The exact capabilities at the time of purchase will be scaled to Tier 4. This perk is not necessary for any abilities that your subjects might grant you via surgery, ritual, or other means. Templates for characters who are only purchasable in sets must be bought separately. Characters who are represented as Specific Waifu Perks may be purchased as templates for individuals who are not eligible for the actual perks, whether natively or with Power Swap, and follow any mutual exclusivity rules stated in the perk descriptions.

Templates can be trained up to, and beyond, the original version of the ability. You receive a skill framework for your purchase, identical in principle to the ones that “early” captures receive to ensure they learn their missing abilities. This applies to technological abilities as well. Iconic equipment is included with this perk, but may see its parameters and functionality locked until you’re capable of using it safely or have trained enough with the more basic features. After the skill framework runs out and you’ve achieved the typical heights of the template, you can continue to train it beyond that level with the appropriate Basic Talent, regardless of whether the original version is rated at Tier 4, 5, or 10.

Racial templates (Kryptonian, Metallic Dragon, Newtype, Saiyan, etc.) have additional rules that distinguish them from other kinds. Unlike Advanced Tempest Runes (Body), a living, natural example of that template is not required for your selection with this perk. Racial templates are limited to one per individual and will overwrite the individual’s original race for all purposes. The creation of hybrids requires Advanced Tempest Runes (Hybrid) or a geneticist, bio manipulator, or polymorpher.

Other powers that are only available to those who were born with them, such as hereditary magic systems, may be acquired through this perk at any time, just as with Added Potential.

Abilities that are generic in their source but are expressed uniquely, such as Sacred Gears, Semblances, Academy City Esper powers, Quirks, or the results of the X-gene, can be unique to you or copied from a specific character. You may not use company means to acquire more than one of each type of ability at a time.|


Body Defense x2 |-10 points|

|You have protection from all diseases, toxins, and targeted radiation. Lethal or crippling afflictions will leave you sick enough to most likely stay in bed, unless you really have to move - because you're attacked, for example. Anything short of that will leave you weakened and uncomfortable, but functional.

Additionally, you get an extra one-time full heal, identical to the one offered by Body Talent, with each purchase of this Defense. These are counted separately for each member of your retinue, including yourself and anyone acquired after the purchase of this Defense. These may be kept for future use.

This perk still does not protect against injury or provide any sort of healing factor; if you want one, you’ll have to find it yourself.

Require :

[ Body Talent ]|

Mind Defense x2 |-50 points|

|You are protected from all mind control effects from outside of your retinue and unwanted attempts from within. Attempts to influence you will be weaker and you have an easier time noticing them and fighting them off. At least part of your mind will always remain beyond any control, leaving you free to fight your controller from within - creatively reinterpreting orders, temporarily suppressing or weakening their influence, leaving part or all of your body locked in indecisive spasms, or even throwing off their control entirely if what they're trying to make you do goes too far against your true self. Successful mind control within your retinue will require your consent, not the victim’s. Friendly psychics may still contact you or your retinue through telepathy.|

Wild Defense x2 |-10 points|

|You are equally comfortable on a glacier as you are in a sandy desert, steamy jungle, irradiated wasteland, or temperate floodplain. Combined with Body Defense, you are never at risk of suffocation in a gaseous atmosphere. You can dive far deeper than any human, provided you bring an air supply with you. At the base level, survival will not necessarily be pleasant. Non-fatal/crippling injuries (burns, crush or decompression injuries) are a real possibility.|

Environmental Defense |-25 points|

|Wild Defense’s protections now apply to true extremes. allowing you to enter the oceanic abyss or hard vacuum, or even go sun-diving and live. This also protects against purposeless, degenerative, relatively mundane mutations. This perk does not protect against injuries.

Require :

[ Wild Defense ]|

Soul Defense x2 |-50 points|

|You are the master of your soul. You are protected from all vitality-, mana-, and soul-draining effects. At the resistance level, attempts to feed on you will have diminishing returns, leaving your attacker unable to drain you completely. Waifus who feed on souls or lifeforce can get all the nutrition they need from you or your other waifus without causing harm, even from side effects such as loss of fluids. This protects you and your retinue from third parties, but not vice versa. This perk does not reduce the energy use from your own efforts in any way - you want Inexhaustible for that.|

Information Defense x2 |-50 points|

|Scouters can’t read your power level. Information about you, from mind-reading, super-analysis, or metaphysical senses will tend to be unclear, incomplete, misleading, or even flat-out wrong, or similarly unreliable - the more important any secret of yours is, or the more dangerous to you, the more difficult it will be to perceive, much less perceive accurately. This applies to both attempts from outside of your retinue and unwanted attempts from within, but not Conjunction. You may still allow friendly or neutral third parties to use such abilities on you.|


9 points left

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