Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 11

< DWM. (1) >


“Ah, the German defense industry. It is a giant in charge of Germany’s defense industry along with Thyssen and Krupp. I own Mouser and FN.”

“…… Mouser and FN?”

What is that munchkin?

I opened my mouth wide. Mouser and FN are two mountain ranges that divide the modern gun market. After World War II, the company created by Mauser’s engineers, which was dismantled, is H&K, and FN is the predecessor of FN Erstal.

H&K and FN Erstal were the Munchkins who divided the world gun market before I possessed them.

‘You own both of them? Besides, the German Empire’s defense industry is being divided into three companies, Thyssen and Krupp, which are famous for heavy industry and steel.’

these are crazy guys

But James glanced through the envelope and nodded calmly.

What, why are you so calm?

“When I worked at Lloyd, I remember every single detail of customers who closed deals. DWM was also a customer of our Syndicate.”

“…Then James, why did such a tycoon send me an investment proposal?”

“Well, I can explain it in one word.”

“one word?”

“DWM owner is Jewish.”


Germany, Jews, guns.

When these three were combined, one incident came to mind.

“The Jewish Carbine Incident.”

“yes. DWM-manufactured 88 rifles and nitrocellulose gunpowder were defective, causing fatal accidents, and for some time there was a rumor of a Jewish conspiracy in the German Empire. Well, in the end, I won the trial.”

“Winning is not important.”

88 Defects with rifles and nitrocellulose gunpowder.

It is important to note that these two deficiencies resulted in the DWM losing the trust of the German military and being branded as a Jew.

Hmm, that’s delicious.

“Will the German Empire allow it?”

“Master, it was Prime Minister Bismarck who brought DWM to victory.”

“And now that Bismarck Prime Minister has been overthrown by Wilhelm II. Perfect.”

When a company as big as DWM sent me an investment proposal, it means that for some reason I ate a European Rothschild.

As most of JP Morgan Bank’s funds are capital drawn from Rothschild, JP Morgan Bank will also not touch DWM.

The DWM would also have a fire in the instep.


I need a DWM too.

Now that we are competing with Jack Morgan for management control of JP Morgan Bank, we needed a large number of cases.



hit the table

“James, plans to acquire Colt are frozen for the time being. Instead, bring President Loewe, who is staying in New York Harbor, to Waldorf-Astoria. It’s an urgent matter, so please hurry up.”

“yes! Leave it to me.”

James quickly grabbed his coat and left the office.

As soon as I heard about what I would get in return for investing in DWM, I immediately thought of it. And if all goes according to my plan, I might be able to take over the dead Colt for the price of gum.

“One stone two birds.”


I lightly tossed the one remaining investment proposal on the table. For now, you need to deal with DWM first.

The slipped investment proposals were narrowly draped over the corners of the table.

– Dow Jones & Company

Leaving the name of another tycoon.


January 1898.

New York State.

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

“This is Isidor Loewe, Director of DWM.”

A grumpy old man with a voluminous mustache held out a crude hand to me. A black suit looks like a brown bear.

I shook hands with him.

“I am the Detroit Morgan director of a hedge fund. Welcome to the United States of America.”

“Haha, it was a very different landscape from the German Empire. It was fresh. In particular, on the way home, I looked around Wall Street in New York, and it really suited the name of being the second-largest financial city after the City of London.”

‘From the very beginning, the face is gilded. la.’

It was an indication of how urgent DWM’s financial situation was. Even if a hedge fund had $10 million in capital, it was strange considering that it was dwarfed by the size of DWM.

If it was the style of international diplomacy in the 19th century like a robber, even pressure from the beginning would have been enough.

‘Maybe the wounds of the Jewish Carbine case are much deeper than I thought.’

As a firearms company is a company that makes a living on trust and large-scale transactions, once trust is shaken, large-scale transactions will drop, leading to bankruptcy.

The Colt company of the 21st century was so ruined.

So Rothschild or JP Morgan may have refused to transfuse funds.

It may be, but it’s definitely weird.

‘Why? Even if JP Morgan Bank said that the source of the funds was the Rothschilds, why did the Rothschilds reject them? Did the Rothschilds have any problems? We’ll find out later why they refused.’

What. Usually, the amount of debt that causes a company to go bankrupt may not be very large.

There have been cases where a trillion-dollar company went bankrupt because it could not repay 1 billion won.

I lifted my gaze and met the eyes of Loewe, who looked slightly tired.

‘Of course, for DWM, there are many ways to transfuse funds other than my hedge fund, but the name is different.

DWM doesn’t want to use Jewish bonds as a last resort, so it must have come this far. Asking the German Empire for help, he must have been afraid that he would be swallowed up by Wilhelm II’s ambitions.

well come

We are angel investors.

Although he is only an angel to a company with a promise of success. It doesn’t matter that DWM is like the defense industry’s Excalibur.

For now, DWM is the priority.


After I paused to think for a moment, Loewe slightly loosened the tight tie as if nervously.

I slowly crossed my legs.

“Loewe, I heard that Germans prefer straight-forward and straightforward conversations. So, let me tell you straight up. How much money do you need?”

“Pooh-! Kek-! Kek! Cologne!”

Perhaps Loewe was surprised by my straightforward words, and the coffee she drank caught a case. Loewe drank the water that James had given him and regained his composure.

Loewe took a deep breath.

“On the way here to Waldorf-Astoria, Morgan’s secretary gave me a warning, not a warning, about how well hedge funds know DWM. It must have been meant to be honest and not slander. So let me be honest.”

“……Is that so.”

“Yes, the minimum we need is $7 million. And we can give you a 20% stake in DWM. We cannot yield more than 20%.”

“Ah, there was a misunderstanding.”

I smiled.

We didn’t bring Loewe to Waldorf-Astoria to get a 20% stake in DWM.

‘I can’t eat it anyway.’

After all, after World War I, it would be treated as a war criminal company, so what should I do to get a share of the headquarters of the German Empire?

There was no need for a company destined to be swallowed up by the German Empire anyway.

Loewe’s face hardened in an instant.


“We want DWM’s technology sharing and 100% of DWM North American business rights.”


Loewe opened his eyes.

Was it an unexpected condition? In the US gun industry, Colt, Winchester, and Remington have a tight grip on the gun market.

It will sound like nonsense.

‘But the gun market share of the 19th century can be overturned with machine guns, submachine guns, and assault rifles that will come out in the future.’

In addition, if there is John Browning who will be recruited as FN Erstal in the future, you can collect all the stones of the purple gauntlet.

Churp. I’m drooling.

However, Loewe frowned as it was difficult to weigh the 7 million dollar business license in North America.

“Sir, can you spare a moment for me? I think we should hold a meeting with our DWM staff.”

“Sure. I have reserved a room next door, so you can check in.”

“ah! thank you.”

“But, Director Loewe. Please remember this. This contract is a win-win for each other. You will never lose anything.”

no damage

It’s just that I’m going to suck all the honey from North America.

I swallowed the back words.


Loewe left the room with a complicated expression. As I beckoned, James came over to me.

“James, what do you think of my terms?”

“Considering that 100% of the North American Continental Business Rights and technology sharing are included in the North American Continental Business Rights category. For $7 million, it looks like we might be losing a little bit.”


In fact, DWM’s North American continental business right is a huge advantage that can never be obtained with $7 million or so. The industrial power of the German Empire had high-tech, which was different from that of the United States.

However, looking at the current stance of the United States, the reason why my side with $7 million looks at a disadvantage is simple.

‘The Monroe Doctrine gives me money bags.’

American isolationism.

In the age of imperialism in the 19th century, most weapons were consumed for colonial rule.

However, for post-war recovery from the Civil War, the United States adhered to the Monroe Doctrine and pursued an isolationist policy. There are no colonies.

So will weapons sell as well as in Europe?

‘In one month, the main ship will sink, but until then, the US Congress and public opinion will continue the isolationist line.’

Even the US-Spanish war does not deviate significantly from the Monroe Doctrine’s isolationist policy.

So, James and Loewe are thinking about the North American continental business right at only $7 million. Even though the market is already small, Winchester, Remington and Colt are fiercely biting.

Looking at the present, it was a red ocean itself.

just look at the present.


Within 15 minutes, Loewe and the staff could hear the door open and come in.



“Yes, Master.”

“I think the goddess of liberty is smiling at me.”

Capitalism smiles.

Loewe and the working group returned to the negotiating table, full of papers.


“Director Loewe, would you like to accept the North American continental business rights and technology sharing for $7 million?”

At my question, Loewe quietly offered a couple of contracts. Loewe’s signature line was already signed.

“Our DWM investment is $7 million, and the DWM North American continental business right and technology sharing condition. I will accept it. However, as an additional condition, I would like you to purchase bonds at an annual rate of $100,000 per year for 20 years.”

“You thought well. Our hedge fund also accepts additional conditions. However, please include Ireland in the North American Continental Business Area.”

“……I will accept it.”

Loewe widened her eyes, not sure if the additional conditions would be accepted. 100,000 dollars over 20 years was a huge sum of 2 million dollars.

‘Well, I needed safe assets for my hedge fund portfolio, but it turned out well.’

$100,000 is enough to pay off Coca-Cola’s Q1 dividend. Dear Mr. Candler of our Coca-Cola headquarters, he was screaming with joy in a letter every week that he was going to lose his mind with the pile of cash.

Coca-Cola was cash-rich in real time.

“Can I sign here?”

“Yes, our DWM signature is a completed contract.”

square square.

I managed to suppress my pulsating heart, trembling with trembling hands, holding the pen and signing the signature line.

I looked down at the crisp white contract with the DWM logo and the hedge fund logo in ink.

It felt like my heart would explode.


It was the moment the third stone entered my gauntlet.

With this, the German Empire acquired the technology.

< DWM. (1) > end

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