Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 132

< 25th President of the United States. (1) >

[America’s hope, the sinking of the dreadnought.]

[International disgrace, President McKinley went to the presidential residence due to a psychological shock. What is the future of the Republican Party?

[The US, which showed the reality of a second-class power, expressed regret by the embassies of each country one after another.]

[A surprisingly quiet Democrat. There is no active offensive. Guessing that he is sacrificing himself in the aftermath.]

[UK, ‘Geomundo will withdraw the dreadnought fleet.’]

– The Wall Street Journal.


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Opened the newspaper.

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On that day, the large newspapers participating in the dreadnought launching ceremony turned their eyes, and began to write the aftermath as an article and deliver it to the newspapers.

In the role of the Wall Street Journal’s nationwide telegraph network, this fact reached New York on the other side of the West Coast in less than a day.

Americans were shocked by the declining global status of the United States.

“It’s enough to buy even the Democrats, and McKinley is great.”

Democrat Jennings Bryan is quite famous.

This is because he is the person who provided the beginning of turning the Democratic Party, which was the last king of conservatives, into the progressive Democratic Party we know today in the 21st century. Although he was defeated three times, the system he advocated was mostly realized by Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt.

In other words, even within the Democratic Party, he is considered an elder with a progressive tendency.

Antitrust, pro-worker orientation, women’s suffrage.

This person laid the foundation for the modern Democratic Party that you have heard many times about…

McKinley’s cheap shit was too big.

“It appears to be a poisoned holy grail.”

Less than three days until the election.

The Democrats were writing advocacy articles about McKinley. In addition, he rebuked the Bethlehem shipyard and began to withdraw slowly, saying that McKinley was not a bad person and that it was all an accident.

“If Jennings is elected, we have to re-establish the status of the United States, which has fallen internationally. Do you want to do it? If you fail, you will only be cursed. You cannot be re-elected.”

Paradoxically, imperialistic tendencies were strengthened.

Dissatisfied with the declining reputation of the United States, the people began to cling to Roosevelt’s hegemony.

This part was applied against the Democrats.

Jennings Bryan was a representative anti-imperialist figure.

It was also difficult with the current infrastructure in the early 20th century to reverse the election in three days in the first place.

“In the end, the Republicans will take it.”

“Yeah, there’s going to be some betrayal of the Electoral College, but basically it’s a Republican lead.”

Before McKinley was slaughtered.

About three months ago, the approval rating was over 75%, and it was so popular.

Win the American War, eat the Pacific Ocean, and rob Japan.

The people were enthusiastic about the United States, which had fully enjoyed the era of imperialism itself.

Roosevelt, not McKinley, stood at the center of it. By choosing a running mate as vice president, McKinley absorbed Roosevelt’s vote as well.

He was also president.

Democrats do this too.

Republicans literally panicked.

“If this continues, even if elected, the Republican Party will be over. If McKinley is re-elected, it will be the beginning of a thorny road.”

“Master, is there any way to subdue public opinion criticizing the Republican Party? If this continues, McKinley is also McKinley, but Vice President Roosevelt’s burden will increase.”

“I will.”

is it a way

Suddenly, I remembered how McKinley died in the original history. Regardless of East and West, there was one way to beautify the other person unless they were human.

Call it beautification, but first.



“At this point, if McKinley had to get support and remove the Republican risk, would McKinley get assassinated? Cursing the dead or what?”

No matter how much I think about it, nothing else comes to mind. When a person dies, a person becomes glorified.

There are many ways to curse at the dead with a finger, but to point a finger at the deceased.

Besides, this is also the current state of the United States.

A world dominated by Christian fundamentalism.

It was a time when the formula of Christian fundamental = moral = educated person was established, but there were few Americans who would blow a double lust for the person who died.

Rather, there will be a series of commemorative articles, and public opinion will be created that McKinley was actually a good person. No matter how hard I try, the crossfire of public opinion against McKinley will be quelled.

It would be the best picture for a Republican if his running mate, Roosevelt, succeeded as president.

“As long as Jennings and the Democrats survive, the Republican Party will win. It’s only three days away, and there won’t be dramatic changes, but it will be less. A giant named Roosevelt as a spare must be so much more powerful than Jennings.”

“But, isn’t it possible to have a premise that President McKinley will eventually die? The president of the United States suddenly dies . . .”

James said so and glanced at me.

what are those eyes

“What is it? I was just talking about the most ideal solution.”

“Yes. young master. If you have any plans, you must tell me.”

“What is the plan? What we can do on our line is now over. I’m just watching how much Roosevelt’s support works.”

Teddy Roosevelt.

The Republican Party’s only hope is not to be cut off. Thanks to the neutral gear, all pro-trust and anti-trust personnel got under him.

No matter how you look at it, putting neutrality was a godsend.

The current White House’s status was at a bottom due to the sinking of the dreadnought, so capitalists almost jumped out like a fish out of water.

It will not be easy for Roosevelt to press trust in this situation.

Because everyone who knows it knows it.

The fact that President McKinley has been torn apart by hedge funds and Standard Oil.

After all, it will be Republicans.

It was almost impossible for the 75% approval rating to fall below 50% in a short period of time.

The problem is after being elected.

“Because Roosevelt’s class also has a bit of a politician’s temperament. It’s not like he’s a Harvard A+ for nothing.”

3 days left.

The fate of America was at stake in the presidential election.

2 days later.


“Do, Master. It’s a big deal!”

James ran to me with a pale face. In his hand was a copy of the Wall Street Journal’s morning paper.

I put down the Coke without drinking it.


“Me…President McKinley…”


James swallowed saliva and broke out in a cold sweat.

“It is said that he was assassinated in the house he lived in.”


the day before the election.

The Republican presidential candidate was assassinated.

That’s how it ended up. It’s probably the work of anarchists.


I read the newspaper and did what I had been doing.

It was no surprise that McKinley’s death was inevitable.

This was also the time when the anarchists emerged, because they were extremely indignant about imperialism and capitalism.

‘But I didn’t expect this result…’

In the end, everything went well.

The assassination, taking all responsibility, freed Republicans from that responsibility. When McKinley was assassinated, sympathy would be formed.

Roosevelt’s succession to the presidential nomination will ignite imperialist public opinion for the restoration of honor.

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Once, the head of the antitrust president was broken.

Anti-Trust lawmakers’ activity within the Republican Party will dwindle, and the people who have listened to the anti-trust president’s words will ponder once again.

Politics is momentum, not logic.

The frame was up to the weave.

With this, the initiative has clearly passed to me.

Everything went well.

In conclusion. That is.

But not the process.

I felt a tingling sensation in my chest.

McKinley was annoyed.

Sometimes I wanted to kill myself. But McKinley had good reasons to disband Standard Oil. So I didn’t try to get rid of McKinley.

McKinley vs. Me vs. McKinley.

This in itself worked in my favor.

There was no reason to throw it away.

So my purpose was to turn McKinley’s gaze away from Standard Oil.

It was never death.

I didn’t expect McKinley’s suicide goal hat trick either. Has the devil’s circuit returned? McKinley strangled himself.

Assassination was met with harsh words.

“I must attend the memorial service.”

“Bocchan, aren’t you surprised?”


In an instant, the back of his neck became cold.

Come to think of it, twenty-two memories of telling James that McKinley’s assassination was the solution began to come to mind.

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Oh, I feel bad.

“young master….”


James started looking at me strangely.

I’m sorry.

not me

So the misunderstanding only deepened.


“I solemnly swear that I will, to the best of my ability, abide by, preserve, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and faithfully discharge my office as President of the United States of America.”

The President of the United States was assassinated.

The line of succession was usually taken by the second vice president, but McKinley did not have a vice president. The third-ranked Speaker of the House of Representatives automatically assumed the presidency.

Even after the election is over.

The winner remains the winner until the takeover process. In the meantime, there was a need for someone to act on behalf of the president.

Roosevelt spontaneously succeeded McKinley’s presidential nominee.

There was no noise within the Republican Party.

“Long live Roosevelt!!!”

Symbol of American expansionism.

symbol of imperialism.

When war hero Roosevelt took the Republican helm as the presidential nominee, the entire United States was on fire.

When a strong candidate to build America’s prestige appeared, the tide turned.

[It was an assassination on a promenade near President McKinley’s home, and it was a violent political terrorism by anarchists.]

[Calling out of the anarchists of anti-imperialism. Candidate Jennings Bryan’s behavior shrinks.]

[Acting President, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ‘I will do my best to protect the United States until the takeover of the next government.’]

[Memorial ceremony after the election, the White House and home where the McKinley commemoration procession does not stop.]

-Washington Post (WP)

The Republican-affiliated media framed the anti-imperialist Jennings Bryan with the anarchists and lowered his support. McKinley’s memorial service, re-evaluation and Roosevelt’s praise made headlines in the Republican press.

Americans needed a hero to fill their fallen self-esteem.

Roosevelt was a war hero of imperialism who could fill their emptiness in a grand way.

“California Republican victory. Republicans sweep California’s electoral college!”

“Northern states vote Republican too. The concrete layers were solid!”

“Republicans Win New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio! Sweep the Electoral College!”

counting date.

Republican presidential campaign.

After the Civil War, the Republican gardens in the northern states still preferred the Republican Party, and Jennings, who had an anti-imperialist tendency, suffered a crisis.

A departure from some of the southern states.

The anti-imperialist framing along with anarchists frowned upon some Southern states.

“Texas! Republicans take Texas!”

turned over

This was entirely McKinley’s work.

McKinley, who waged an annihilation war between Standard Oil and the anti-monopoly law. Steady ties to the state of Texas and protection of the oil industry. This touched the heart of Texas.

“Long live Republicans!”

“Texas! Texas! Texas!’

unprecedented situation.

The oil business sounded a full-fledged horn, but when Jennings shouted antitrust, from the Texas state’s point of view, he became a bad guy.

It was only a few votes difference.

But in a winner-take-all system, Texas has turned to the Republican Party.

At this point, the direction of the presidential election was decided.

“Theodore Roosevelt has been elected!”


25th President of the United States of America who opened the 20th century.

Theodore Roosevelt was elected.

“Make America Great Again.”

Roosevelt spoke.

His overwhelming majesty and the powerful charisma of the brown bear landed in the auditorium. Power entered Roosevelt’s hand, which was holding the podium.

The slogan was simple.

– Make America great again.

It was a restoration of the status that McKinley had lost, and a declaration of American hegemony.

Republicans make mistakes, Republicans make mistakes.

Roosevelt roared.

“As President of the United States of America, I will make my country great again!”


“Roosevelt! Roosevelt! Roosevelt!”

The whole was on fire.


“So, why am I here?”

I looked to the side.

President McKinley’s memorial service.

The memorial service held at the church in Washington, DC, was a constant stream of black mourning.

Republican dignitaries in black suits attended the solemn memorial service, and most prominent Washington figures were present.

“Can I sit here in the first place?”

So far it’s good

But the problem was my seating arrangement as Fed Chairman. I was assigned the seat next to President-elect Roosevelt.

All eyes in the memorial hall focused on me.

“Chairman of the Detroit Fed. Accept your fate.”

….it’s you.

It was immediately recognized that it was Roosevelt’s work. No matter how high the Fed chair may be in the Treasury, the modern United States is not like this.

In addition, the interim chairman.

There was no such coercion.

“You made my slogan, didn’t you? I deserve to sit here.”

Are you giving up a seat next to me just because you made a slogan?

it’s dog shit

“What the hell is the dragon?”

Seating is a very sensitive issue in politics.

I have something to say, so I’ll put it this way.

This placement of me is an act of publicly publicizing the importance of the Federal Reserve and I in the future course of Roosevelt.

Roosevelt nodded hard.

“You speak well, too. I like smart people. This is the purpose.”


Roosevelt shoved a white envelope into my side. I accepted the envelope.

When he saw the sender, his eyes widened.

“Detroit, I’ll tell you more when the memorial is over.”


British Foreign Ministry.

Prime Minister Salisbury.


already sent

It would have been a total mess for the British Foreign Ministry.

McKinley provoked a dispute with the United States by bombarding Standard Oil with an executive order.

I was just going to hit the jab, but it turned out to be a knockdown with a straight.

‘These guys, I’m embarrassed.’

The German Empire is rising.

The Great Game against Imperial Russia must also end.

The British Empire currently cannot afford to project power into the Pacific. Money was being sucked into the black hole of the Boer War in real time.

Britain needs America.

It was not intentional, but the diplomatic burden must have been enormous.

– Reconciliation with the United States must be made.


I was afraid that I would get kicked out of the Great Game with Standard Oil.

The Federal Reserve, Standard Oil, and the Japan Settlement Bank were elaborate Jenga blocks of the Russian sanctions network.

Moreover, the British knew the full extent of this situation.

In order to truly educate the shipyards of Bethlehem, the cooperation of the Portsmouth Company was necessary, so the British knew what was going on in Bethlehem.

The whole story of the sinking of the dreadnought and the whole story.

In other words, it was the UK that most accurately grasped the potential of the United States among the current European powers.

‘The content is probably…’


Draft Consultation on Alaska Border Issues.



I looked up at Roosevelt.

The corners of his lips were trembling and convulsing in an eagerness to climb.

It would have looked like they couldn’t even open their mouths because they were so sad when they saw them.

“It looks like we need an in-depth conversation.”


The grizzly’s sympathetic eyes, tinged with capitalism, looked down at me in the hard face.

‘Well done.’

I smiled brightly.

For a moment, Roosevelt patted me on the side as I smiled. It means not to laugh because it is a memorial hall.

Maps on the subject of trembling lips.

“Oh, Detroit Fed Chairman.”


But the words of Roosevelt that followed made me stiff.

“Are you not interested in Sovereign Wealth Fund?”



Something huge was happening.

< 25th President of the United States. (1) > end

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