Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 136

< A little dream. (1) >

Bethlehem Steel.

‘In the end, the fundamental reason I split this trust is for the steel monopoly.’

As for the shipyard in Bethlehem, Newport News Shipyard has already entered into the merger and acquisition work, and the steel mill in Bethlehem is currently filing for an injunction against patent infringement.

‘Even President Gary of Federal Steel has already turned his eyes to the idea of devouring Bethlehem.’

was drooling.

Besides, looking back, there was no reason to march from Bethlehem.

‘The reason why we split Bethlehem Steel, not Carnegie Steel, is because they are good at it. Of course we know that Carnegie Steel is behind it.’

This is the reason why Carnegie Steel and Bethlehem Steel were forced to leave Japan side by side.

In the end, there is only one destination.

US Steel.

However, the steel trust I want to build is by no means an easy road to achieve.

It was aimed at unifying the steel industry of the United States and creating a giant steel company that would unite the Japanese steel mills and the global steel industry.

To do that, it was necessary to bring in new materials.

“Australia…is it?”

British Embassy in the United States.

The British ambassador rubbed his forehead. There was no reason for me to visit the British embassy. Of course, it was only a hand-picked search for a transaction.

“Yes, I hope that you will allow us to engage in for-profit activities such as business, export and mining in Australia.”

“At first, Australia was a continent that did not have a decent infrastructure. Whether it was a continent or an island. Anyway. This is sudden.”

The British ambassador groaned.

A few days ago, they seemed to have decided that they would come to Alaska due to the border issue. But the Alaska issue has already been handed over to Roosevelt.

If he takes office soon in mid-January, the Alaska negotiations may be moving forward.

“I’ve heard that six Australian colonies have recently formed a federation as a Dominion of Australia.”

“…It was January 1, 1901. No, it was only a few days ago, how did you find out?”

“The sauce is a secret, but right?”

“…..you’re right.”

Australian Commonwealth.

In fact, it should be regarded as a new region that is positioned on the edge of world history until the early 20th century.

The UK had not yet fully grasped the potential of this place, and the gold rush was continuing.

‘But I know how much mining munchkin Australia is.’

In fact, Australia is still a new region in terms of mining industry, but it was an overwhelmingly strong player.

Australia is still blind to gold mines and neglects other mines, but will soon begin to thin out other mines as well.

“Before Rothschild mentioned De Beers from Cecillos and Rio Tinto from Spain.”

This Rio Tinto.

The previously mentioned mining company was a Spanish mining company and a major player in the copper mining industry. The situation is that the Rothschilds are struggling to grow into a monopoly in copper mines and acquire shares.

“This Rio Tinto. It’s an Australian mining company, isn’t it?”

21st century standards.

It is the third largest mining company in the world. The first place was Australian mining company BHP.

Can’t you feel it just by looking at it?

Mining life was alive and well in Australia.


“I see the future of Australia’s mining industry as very bright. So I’m looking to enter Australia as a mining company and I want to get approval from the UK government.”

“Of course, you want to do offshore tax evasion.”

“of course.”

I didn’t want to do tax evasion as much as possible.

However, the export market and the shipping industry are still not well established. If the tax is not reduced as a tax haven, the capital will be greatly broken only in shipping for the early steel industry, but the company cannot stand it.

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Of course, it would not be a total loss because I was planning to establish a large monopoly, but I wanted to avoid spending as much as possible.

Well, no complaints.

I was planning to hand over the tax-sized interest to England.

“After that, if we ask the British Foreign Ministry from our British embassy, we will get a business license soon. Recently, our British government’s influence on the Commonwealth of Australia is decreasing, so I would rather welcome a pro-business entrepreneur like Detroit Chairman to do business in Australia. will.”

The British ambassador began to check the documents with a pen. I even glanced at it.

“Anyway, I know that you are familiar with the internal affairs and information of the British government. When did the British government’s information power deteriorate like this.

“It’s just a business competency. Don’t worry about it.”

“If you do business twice, you even uprooted the nation’s pillars…. I’ll stop talking. Damn it.”

The British ambassador, nonchalantly and faithfully, checked the documents, asked me, and started preparing documents for the British government.

“Yeah, I got a call from the British government saying that De Beers’ Cecillos had recently survived the Boer War. They said the front of the Boer War was going pretty well recently. In fact, this is why the British government favors Detroit Chairman.


“No matter how extreme Ceciloz is, the situation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is nonsense when he is clamoring to return to the UK as soon as possible. Without him, control over southern Africa is at stake, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

The British ambassador began to lament one after another. It seemed that the war on information and nerves with me had been abandoned immediately.

“Anyway, I’m saying this because I think the Detroit Chairperson will know soon.

“Haha, that’s overrated, but thank you.”

It is not.

Although I know the future information, I do not know the changed future history.

keep blowing

“So the British government will also be happy to suggest the Detroit Chairperson. The partnership with the UK is also the most closely connected than any other allies. Is it trustworthy?”


For a moment, the thought that it was a word that didn’t really fit with England flashed through my mind, but I erased it from my mind.

“It is an honour.”

“Anyway, don’t worry about India, Russia, or South Africa. I can’t care about Australia. That’s why they upgraded to Dominion. It’s too difficult for the Pacific.”

“I do.”

Without it, there would be no Long-Richard Secret.

British naval power in the Pacific has already been transferred to the United States.

Australia was on the border between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

There was a good joint project.

“One more thing. Let me suggest one more.”

“Tell me.”

“How about a port and railroad joint venture between the United States and the United States? Even if it is a self-governing territory, it is a British territory. If the infrastructure funded by the British government is laid, won’t the influence on Australia become stronger?”

Infrastructure is the bloodline of the land.

If the British government holds it, its influence over the Australian Dominion will be strengthened.

After all, the top authority is the British government.

If it’s black, it should be black.

“Is it a port and a railroad?”

“Even if it’s not just that, I would appreciate it if you could expand it to the overall transportation industry.”

Not only automobiles but also airplanes will come out, but if you want to use it someday, the wider the area, the better.

“Well, it’s easier to deal with small things like that.”


I clenched my fists momentarily.

“I will also contact the British government. What do you think of the stake?”

“49.9%. This is the percentage of stake I would propose to the British government.”

It is a semi-state-owned project.

If you want to do business in someone else’s land, you have to make concessions. The British government won’t listen to me if I say I’ll eat it all up. After all, if there was one big world war, I would be robbed and devastated.

If you wake up twice, you’re sure to be champi.

And the business I want to do now is a global steel monopoly.

When I was studying Australian raw materials, the iron ore mining areas I knew were lined up. It is better to yield the infrastructure business and bring the steel business.

Also, if you chime in, I can give you the right to buy the Australian steel shares.

Millet was essential.

“Let’s keep the name of the corporation for the mining industry simply Detroit Steel.”

“It’s temporary. We’ll make sure we can change it later.”

square square.

The British ambassador pulled out the paperwork.

I got in the middle.

“However, I would like the transportation industry to be a little more special.”

“Do you have a method you want?”

“I think that if I and the British government invest, it will take on the character of a national policy, is that right?”

“It’s probably half way.”

“I would like the government-owned banks to be invested in infrastructure projects such as railways, ports, and other infrastructure projects.”


Simply put.

State-owned bank as a holding company.

The rest of the railways and ports are subsidiaries.

“It must be a government-run bank run by the private sector.”

“Haha, it’s going to be like that. Then what should the name of the state-run bank be?”

tuk tuk.

I tapped the tabletop with my index finger.

“Do you know the name of the first governor of New South Wales? He was called a great man by Australians.”

“New South Wales… it’s shaky.”


I’ll be vague on Australian history. I am not familiar with Australian history either.

However, the name of this character is so famous that we only know it. If you are a modern investor, when you hear this name, ah! and may come

The British ambassador alerted me as if he did not remember.

“It’s heartbreaking. Haha, I’ll give up. Let me know.”

“Latlan Macquarie.”


Just then, the British ambassador clapped his hand as if he remembered it.

I smirked.

“Let’s do it with Macquarie Bank.”

Macquarie, a global infrastructure investment finance group.

I was going to start that history with my own hands.


“Sachs, long time no see.”

New Nippon Steel.

The name of the holding company that will integrate and operate the Japanese steel mills owned by the Bank of Japan has been decided.

The reason for the name of Hyundai Corporation is clear.

If possible, it is because it is easy to remember the names of modern corporations.

Federal Reserve System.

Sachs from Japan came to visit me at the headquarters in Washington.

“You sent such a telegram, but I can’t stay still. I’ve heard that it’s possible to build infrastructure in the Korean Empire.”

“It’s not confirmed yet.”

“Somewhere just as long as there is a possibility.”


Sax sat rough in the reception chair.

“I felt like I was going to die because the Bank of Japan Settlements was actually serving as the general of Japan. Since you disappeared, work piled up like a mountain.”

“Still, the mainland of China is not divided with Peter’s China Settlement Bank.”

“Even if you die right away, you have to be straight. Not only half of China, but half of China. We’ve got half of it. You f*cking bastard.”


That’s right.

“So you don’t like it?”

“I can’t believe it. With Goldman Sachs participating as a major shareholder of the Japan Settlement Bank, a bridgehead has been laid for us to enter the Japanese and Chinese businesses in earnest soon.

“It’s an investment activity.”

“Goldman Sachs’ Far East headquarters is planning to advance to Tokyo. Recently, a financial district is forming in Tokyo with the Japan Settlement Bank centered on it. Not only the British and American banks, but also European banks are opening branches.”

It won’t just be a branch.

The present mainland of China has entered a countdown where the energy of civil war is full and the smell of gunpowder and iron vibrates.

Northern Yuan Sky.

governors of the south.

It was not strange when these two started a war.

Governor Lee Hong-jang of Yanggwang, a neutral force.

This is Guangdong Province, where the China Settlement Bank was located in Guangzhou.

The Chinese headquarters of the Bank of China Settlements is located in Guangzhou, not Hong Kong.

Peter works here.

“I heard that the railway has already begun to be laid in Guangzhou. The Great Northern Railway and BNSF are jointly laying it.”

“The Pennsylvania Railroad recently added a spoon. They said they would connect the section to Shanxi.”

“Oh, it’s Shanxi Coal Corporation.”

“Yeah, the railroad environment is essential to transport coal, but it’s not there.”

From Guangzhou to Beijing.

A transcontinental railway that relays Hankou in the middle.

Pennsylvania Railroad, that is, Standard Oil, was burning its will to add the Shanxi section to the final railroad.

‘Well, the mining business will go well. Even if it’s not in the electricity business, you’ll need coal to synthesize nitrogen fertilizer.’

“So I’m making an offer.”


China is also fine.

Japan is also doing well.

But if it bothers you strangely, it’s the part that the Korean peninsula is too attractive as a middle ground.

The better news is that the Korean imperial family on that peninsula owes a huge debt to the bank.

If that bank was a New York banker… wouldn’t it make sense?

In the end, it was in the hands of JP Morgan.

‘Wow, Lee Wan-yong came as an ambassador.’

Wow, I am amazed at how the legs fit so well.

“We will connect the Trans-Chinese Railway and the Trans-Joseon Railway and connect Busan Port and Shimonoseki Port.”



Sax kicked off his chair and stood up.


Looking at that figure, it seems that he has caught on to what I want.

“Wait. Wait. Wait a minute. After…”

Sax took out a cigar, lit a quiver with trembling hands, and wrapped his forehead around his forehead.

“Do you know how great that sounds?”


“You…if you connect the railway in Beijing with the railway in the Korean Peninsula, don’t you know what kind of railway there is in the middle?”

“I know.”

There is a East Railroad.

Simply put, it is the Manchurian railway.

“After… wait a minute.”

Sax wiped his face with trembling hands.

“Let’s get it sorted out.”


“Russia currently has the operating rights for the East Railroad. Do you know why?”

“It’s the middle point connecting the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok.”

“Yeah, so.”


Sax put out his cigar with his shoe.

“You are talking about connecting these three railways, the Trans-China Railway, the Trans-Chinese Railway, and the Trans-Siberian Railway, centering on the East Railway.”

China Transit Railway.

Chosun Railway.

Trans-Siberian Railway.

connect the three

“It’s too grandiose. The Trans-Siberian Railway is not yet usable.”

“It’s just like now when it’s a single wire.”

Sax’s expression darkened in horror.

“If the Trans-Siberian Railway is double-tracked, what will it be like? Then, commercial freight trains will be able to pass through it.”


That’s right.

Japan, Russia and China.

The work of connecting Manchuria + the Korean Peninsula as a relay point.

If there is one secret Sachs has.

I was playing with England to end the Great Game.

If Russia loses.

If Britain and the United States were able to intervene in the Russian railroad business in earnest. Unless it’s an adversary.

If the Trans-Siberian Railway is connected with European railways.

‘If the world war ends in the distant future.’

No joke.

It starts on the Korean Peninsula and connects to the Iberian Peninsula at the end of Europe over the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Trans-Eurasia Railway.

The foundation for the huge railroad will be laid.

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Even in the 21st century, the huge dream railway that was not realized because of North Korea.

“Would you like to join us?”

“Ha…you are really…”

Sax clasped his forehead and bowed his head for a moment. His trembling hands showed how excited he was.

“The Trans-Eurasia railroad, crazy. Crazy.”

“How is it?”

“After all, how many years will it take?”

“About fifty years should be enough.”

“50 years. It’s 50 years…”

It might end sooner.

There are still many obstacles to be cleared, so it could take up to 100 years.

It’s a long project.

However, Sax held the corner of his trembling lips with his hand and smiled with tears in his mouth.

“That’s it. It’s a gamble worth trying.”



We met hands.

“Then let’s do it.”


US Steel.

A project for a giant steel company.

Bethlehem Steel is now due to be absorbed soon.

iron ore supply.

The iron mining industry’s Munchkin Australian Iron Mining Company has begun under-the-hood negotiations with the British government.

British government.

The deflationary plan to end the Great Game continued.


New Nippon Steel in the Japanese archipelago was continuing the merger process.

supply chain.

There is even a plan to build a global transportation network to export steel through Macquarie Bank and the Bank of Japan Settlements.

There were still many problems to be solved.

The immediate problem was the interests of the Korean Peninsula.

Negotiations with Carnegie Steel also had to begin.

A conference room in the Federal Reserve.

“Wan Yong Lee.”

and in front of my eyes.

“Yes, Chairman of Detroit. Nice to meet you. My name is Lee Wan-yong, who I met as a representative of the Joseon Imperial Family and plenipotentiary ambassador.”

“Haha, nice to meet you.”

There was a ‘customer’ who would sell the interests of the Korean Peninsula at a low price.

“Then let’s start negotiating.”

I greeted him with a radiant smile.


Do you really know the value of the interest you want to trade now?

I could hang my wrist on not.

< A little dream. (1) > end

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