Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 144

The end of the Victorian era. (1) >

“Treasurer, you’re still in America.”

British Embassy in the United States.

Treasury Secretary Robert and I chatted for a while before embarking on the voyage to England. He joined the black carriage.

When I was about to focus on the Korean Empire, something happened in England. However, the international situation is like a living organism, which is organically connected and moves dynamically.

‘Anyway, the Korean Empire has to play SimCity for the time being, so it doesn’t really matter…’

The Korean Empire was in the midst of a construction boom and it was the right time to lay the groundwork for railroad laying. It’s taking a long time anyway, and since I’ve made a rough blueprint, the hedge fund secretary’s office will take care of it.

It took at least a year or two to build a single building, so it was a long way off.

Even the results of the Smithsonian Exploration Team, which went on an exploration to the northern mines, have not yet come out.

‘Well, mine will come out in abundance.’

Treasury Secretary Robert rubbed his chin with a puzzled expression.

“Yeah, I’ve got some work to do in the US…besides, the funeral may be over when I get to England.”

“Don’t worry about it. After all, the funeral is a gathering of the royal family. If we go, we are just bridesmaids.”

“That’s right.”

Treasury Secretary Robert laughed.

“In fact, the UK Treasury Secretary is the second-highest position in the Treasury.”


“Yes, the first rank in the Ministry of Finance is the 1st Tripitaka. However, since the Prime Minister often serves concurrently, it is an honorary post, and the actual head of the Ministry of Finance is the Minister of Finance.”


So even if you don’t attend the funeral, it doesn’t matter because you have the 1st Tripitaka.

He rubbed his neck sensibly.

“Personally, I’ve always wanted to attend Her Majesty’s funeral, but I didn’t expect her to come so suddenly.”

“I heard that you made detailed arrangements for the funeral.”

“Yes, he said that he left an instruction to write a detailed list of the mementos of Prince Albert, whom he loved during his lifetime, and put them in a coffin.”

“The place to be buried…”

“Yeah, next to Prince Albert.”

Prince Albert is the husband of Queen Victoria.

It was no secret among the British higher-ups that Queen Victoria loved him especially after his early bereavement.

“Then Wilhelm Kaiser will do the transport.”

“Yes, I don’t know what happened to Tsar Nikolai, but I’m sure Wilhelm Kaiser will be there.”

UK mainland.

By now, white and purple fabrics will be flying all over England. It was Queen Victoria’s wish.

Her wish is to decorate her final path with white and purple instead of a dull black cloth.

She is expected to be placed in a coffin wearing the pure white wedding dress she wore to the wedding.

“It’s a turbulent period from now on.”

A European grandmother who supported an era passed away.

The focal point has disappeared.

Her remaining dozens of children will be scattered across different imperial courts, starting to react chemically with each other.

The British government will change immediately.

“The British cabinet is also making a move.”

Treasury Secretary Robert said bitterly.

He was also favorable to me because he was still holding the position of finance minister thanks to the transaction with me.

But I don’t think it’s the British government.

“Did I just tell you about the First Tripitaka?”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that he’s the number one in the UK Treasury. The Prime Minister usually holds a concurrent post.”

“But in this cabinet, as you know, Sir Salisbury also serves as First Foreign Secretary, doesn’t he?”


Currently, Prime Minister Salisbury is unusually absent from the First Tripitaka. But I didn’t want to be choked, so I quietly nodded my head. Treasury Secretary Robert got a little excited and accelerated his speech.

“Therefore, the First Tripitaka is entrusted to Sir Arthur Belfour, Sir Salisbury’s nephew and appointed as his successor.”

Belfour Declaration.

British diplomat and prime minister famous for the founding of Israel.

Previously, Salisbury and Gladstone took turns serving as prime ministers, but in the next generation, Belfour plays an important role.

In fact, he was a person who opened a new era for the British Empire, and a talented diplomat who broke the great isolation and led the Three Kingdoms negotiations.

“But I’ve heard that Sir Belfour has a great influence on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

“Yeah, you’re a good diplomat who’s projecting that influence over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rather than the Treasury.”

The story of Belfour’s appointment as the successor to the prime minister is no big deal.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did a lot of work such as the Second Boer War and the Australian Commonwealth Law, and Sir Salisbury had difficulty even serving as prime minister in his later years due to his old age.

Every time that happened, Arthur Belfour came in and took over Salisbury’s business.

Belfour was already de facto number one in the British cabinet under the current circumstances.

“The movement of this Sir Belfour is strange these days.”

I felt it instinctively.

Perhaps the reason he was staying in the United States as the finance minister was related to this. Saying that.

Treasury Secretary Robert continued.

“Chairman of Detroit, Sir Belfour is beginning to notice you.”

It’s nice though.

At the same time, it was a terrifying story.

The Victorian era was over.

Soon Salisbury is withdrawn, and the era of Belfour begins. The British government was changing rapidly.


Then you should be prepared for this.


Just in time, the wagon arrived at New York Harbor.


that time.

British Empire, the colonial government building.

“The long and long Second Boer War is finally starting to come to an end.”

Footsteps echo in the hallway.

The British colonial minister raised his glasses and walked inside the colonial government building. One of the giants of the colonial government applied for a solo stand with him.

“Yes, Minister. The victory of the Boer War seems clear and obvious just by the fact that he has returned to Korea.”

“Oh, yes.”

He thinks so too.

They stopped at the door of the interim governor’s office. White gloves carefully knocked on the door.


“I’ll go in.”

The door opened and the interior of the governor’s office began to appear.

The colonial minister looked at the figure sitting on the sofa. Even though he was the Minister of Coloniality, it was difficult to touch the giant in front of him.

This tycoon was in a position to overwhelm him, even though he wasn’t even the governor.

“Mr. Rhodes.”


Founder of De Beers, a diamond monopoly, and founder of Rhodesia. The de facto head of a South African company and the embodiment of living imperialism.

3C Policy.

African Transit Railway.

It was the most important factor for the British colonial authorities, who built the railroad environment of the British Empire from Cairo to the Cape.

“Oh, it’s been a long time, Chamberlain. How are your sons doing?”

“Austin, Neville, everything is going well. I’m relieved to see that you’re doing well in politics as well.”

“That’s good.”

Cecil Rose smirked in vain.

“It is a pity that Her Majesty has passed away. The sun that supported the Empire has set.”

“I also express my deepest regrets.”

There was a moment of silence.

The imperialist, Colonial Minister Joseph Chamberlain looked straight at Rose.

“By the way, Rose-sama. I heard it was quite hard.”

“Let me express it as my personal devotion to my country. As the only way to save our country is to pioneer South Africa, the Boer War has been fought quite fiercely.”

British Empire in the 20th century.

Cecil Rose was a supreme imperialist revered as a national hero. His moral flaws aside, the pioneering of South Africa touched the hearts of the British people.

Chamberlain was one of those people who respected Rose as much as he was an imperialist.

“It’s a Malthus trap.”

“Our homeland, the British Empire, will one day go down a path of self-destruction due to overpopulation. The Industrial Revolution was good, but it is not keeping up with the rate of population growth. Colonialization is the only way to save the country.”

“Marketing makes the British Empire shine.”

“That’s what I mean.”

The colonial woes that had already emerged from the process of imperialism did not even come into their eyes. Only hypocrisy and selfishness for the sake of the country prevailed.

“But now, when the Second Boer War is over, won’t South Africa be incorporated into the British Empire’s intact colonial territory?”

“That’s right.”

Ceciloz nodded.

“I’ve heard that the British government has suddenly seen a surge in tax revenues. It must have been something from the yellow apes of Qing.”

“Silver ingots came out like a mountain. Even now, they are still being scooped out in real time.”

“Is it finances that made it possible? Finance. That’s a scary thing.”

It wasn’t something Ceciloz had to say.

Chamberlain agreed with him. He decided to share what he knew with Rose.

“My name is Detroit Morgan. There is an American financier who has been designated as a VIP by the current British government.”

“Morgan… Is it the blood of President John Pierpont Morgan?”

“It’s an illegitimate child.”

“That’s a great guy.”

Ceciloz was amazed.

To say that an illegitimate child was filmed as a VIP and there is no noise does not mean that the family’s deficit has been driven out.

“Age is?”

“I am 19 years old this year.”

“He’s crazy.”

“Yes, the very money-crazed incarnation of the dollar. And one of the most important partners of the UK Treasury.”

Chamberlain nodded.

“Actually, all the silver bars of the Qing Empire were brought up by this person. He is also the person who brought the Pacific Ocean to the United States. He is a person who serves as a bridge between the United States and Britain.”

“Oh, by the way, I’ve heard of it. The Portsmouth company is his credit, right?”

“Thanks to this, the British Empire was able to preempt the dreadnought.”

“Hey, haha. He’s a guy who enjoys life.”

19 is college age.

If it’s already like this at that age, how much flying will you be in the future when you’re in your 30s or 40s?

“Australia law passed recently?”

“Yes, this officially launched the Commonwealth of Australia. It is one of the Anglo-Saxon federations along with Canada.”


De Beers of Cecillos.

It is a diamond monopoly and gold mining company. In a broader category, it is one of the leading mining companies in the British Empire. It was a natural trend for Cecilose to be interested in Australia.

Chamberlain ignited Rose’s desire.

“Recently, an iron mine was discovered in Australia.”


Federal jurisdiction is vested in the Ministry of Coloniality.

Events in the Commonwealth of Australia are reported every step of the way to the British government’s colonial administration.

Cecil Rose’s eyes lit up.

“The Detroit Morgan steel company I just mentioned has discovered an iron mine in Australia. The Smithsonian Foundation’s exploration team has concluded that there may be a large amount of iron ore buried there.”

“Isn’t Australia where gold rush is taking place recently?”

“you’re right.”

Ceciloz is interested.

“Now that the financial condition of the British government has improved, the Second Boer War seems to be ending soon. It seems that the time has come for me to start a new business.”

Chamberlain smiled at Cecil Rose’s burning desire.

“The British government is also hoping that its own companies will enter the market as much as possible. Originally, Sir Salisbury’s cabinet was favorable to Detroit Morgan, but Sir Belfour had a slightly different view.”

“Even if I look at it, Detroit Morgan sounds like a genius, or a monster, of undefeated talent to the extent that it gives me goosebumps just hearing about it, but the Foreign Ministry guys are terrified.”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Oh Ceciloz shed admiration.

“Was Gibraltar his work?”

“Yes, I have a secret contract with Downing Street. Sir Salisbury is not keeping his mouth shut, but the Detroit Chairman’s involvement is certain.”


“He is the first and youngest chairman of the current central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve.”

“You’re a crazy bastard.”

If this is the case, then the genius of undeserved money is a b*tch.

There was no monster that could hurt the world capital. He said that he was a monster pickled in dollars, and the analogy was just right.

“So. If De Beers and I are interested in iron mining, why don’t we bang the head against that monster in the Commonwealth of Australia and break it down properly?”

“There will be full cooperation between the British Government and Sir Belfour.”

It was Belfour’s will to gradually recover British interests from the US, as it had shared honey with the US.

It’s not that I’m against Detroit Morgan, I’m neutral. Detroit Morgan seems to be feeling a sense of crisis due to his personal prestige.

full cooperation? only?

Cecil Rose’s face was distorted indescribably.

“I will not.”

Who’s to kill?

Cecil Rose simply refused.

“No, don’t take it out…”

“If you want to do business with me.”

Ceciloz rounded his fingers.

“Stake, raise the conditions higher.”

Queen Victoria’s funeral.

In the shadows below, the movement of change for a new era was fiercely taking place.

“Chamberlain, come to your senses. Times have changed. The ignorant will be quickly culled.”

new board.

new character.

The turbulent 20th century has just begun.


boo woo-

New York port.

The large passenger ship of Qunad Shipping blew out a loud horn and vigorously headed towards the Atlantic Ocean.

“It must be Australia.”


James, who was sitting next to him, expressed his doubts.

British Treasury Secretary Robert was staying in a separate room from me.

Frankly, while Belfour was struggling, even Secretary of the Treasury, Robert, couldn’t be 100% completely confident.

“If the British government starts to check me, the starting point will be the iron mines in Australia.”


It’s a new federation, so it’s the most comfortable.

When the gold rush erupted and iron mines appeared, I knew that Australia was an area rich with mines.

It looks like it would be a lot of money.

It is the area that has the greatest connection with me, but has the least repercussions for the British government to touch.

“I’m slowly running out of hounds, so shouldn’t it be boiled and eaten? I knew that a day like this would come one day.”

“It’s brutal.”


The British haters were slowly starting to show their true colors. They were the ones who would confiscate the face and hit the counter if it was worth trying.


Korean Empire.

Qing Empire.

I had a clear picture of the future in which the British government would put pressure on the Old World and the Commonwealth.

“You’re bloody James. It’s perfectly natural. What if the hound is bigger than me and attacks me?”

I fiddled with the glass in front of me.

“But there’s one thing the British got wrong.”

“What is?”


The famous line that Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms Jiyeonui uttered in the Yeobaeksa incident passed through my head.

“Even if I betray the world, the world will not forsake me.”

I twisted my lips fiercely.

“They are the hounds to throw away. The owner of this plate is me now.”

Let me add one extra comment.

I have a very long back

“If you rush in without knowing grace, you will surely get caught.”

You have to trust the people you trust.

In fact, he was ready early in the evening to f*ck the British government.

The end of the Victorian era. (1) > end

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