Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 147

< To the German Empire. (2) >

“This is Yalmach Shacht.”

a few days later.

A sparsely populated coffee house.

The time promised by Shacht and Koch, who wore fedoras deeply for thorough security. I went to the promised place. The composition of my meeting with German people was not very pleasant from the British standpoint, so it was done in secret.

I sip my coffee leisurely.

“Dresdnerbank and Reichsbank. If you want to invest on a large scale in mainland Germany, you will have to sign an agreement with your bank, right?”

“Yes, it may be inconvenient, but please understand that this is the German government’s minimum defense against foreign capital.”

“No. No. That’s normal.”

I have no intention of wandering around illegally.

Besides, he wasn’t stupid enough to deny himself that a large bank was a shield for him.

“We, Dresdnerbank, would like to enter into an equity exchange agreement with you. We would like to disclose a kind of promise that we have formed an alliance with each other.”

it makes sense

But I put on a troubled expression.

“But we have not yet established an investment bank to invest in the German Empire. I would like to establish this with an investment bank to be established in the future.”

“Then let’s get both of them together.”

Yalmach’s eyes lit up.

Willingness to never let go of it easily. It was the will to hang at least one leash.

But he was misunderstanding something.

The structure of a hedge fund is slightly different from that of other vertically integrated trusts or holding companies.

“That’s why I want you to make a deal with the newly established investment bank. Mr. Yalmach.”

“…what does that mean?”

“Our corporate group is literally a ‘group’ in a mutual investment relationship. Although hedge funds have a strong influence, it is a chain-like structure that is linked to each other in the end.”


To put it bluntly, it is similar to the structure of the modern Korean chaebols that restrict mutual investment.

woven like a spider’s web

Hedge Fund and Detroit Investment Bank. Philippine company. Japan Settlement Bank. China Settlement Bank.

No company can exercise ‘absolute’ control.

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Only one.

Except for me.

“I will soon be a holding company.”


Yalmach Shacht and Governor Koch took a deep breath and looked at each other for a while.

“Do you still want to make a stake exchange with a hedge fund?”

For a moment they were silent.

A new corporation will be established this time, entirely invested by the German Empire, meaning that there is no point in exchanging shares with a company that is not the controlling company.

‘Anyway, even if Yalmach has a stake in the hedge fund and has voting rights, he cannot interfere with his investment in Germany.’

Even if it is established now, it is enough to replace it with another affiliate.

it doesn’t make any sense

‘On the contrary, the dominance of Dresdnerbank passes to me.’

An equity exchange is an equivalent exchange.

If there is a meaningless share exchange, the stake ratio will be diluted.

In other words, they lose their voting rights to me.

‘I don’t want to hand over the voting rights of the hedge fund to them either.’

Since the hedge fund is so large, it would not be much if Dredsnerbank took the voting rights, but even that was unpleasant to me.

‘This is not mutually beneficial.’

I calmed my eyes.

President Yalmach nodded his head as if he was convinced.

“…I will do as Detroit Chairman wills.”

In the end, the negotiations ended quickly that day.


Ministry of Finance Office.

Last day of stay.

I attended Queen Victoria’s funeral. There was an unexpected harvest of laying the groundwork for German investment, but it did not produce the results I wanted.

“Belfour didn’t meet until the end.”

I was seated opposite Treasury Secretary Robert with the reception table in between.

Yesterday I met the German governor, Koch, and today I am the British finance minister.

If we both know this, we’ll be turned upside down.

I picked up the bottle of Coke in front of me with an indifferent face.

Since Coca-Cola entered the UK subsidiary, Coke was available, so I poured it into a cup.


“There is no choice. In fact, he is a foreign minister who has reigned in an unsuccessful position, and he has been appointed as the prime minister of the next cabinet.”

Treasury Secretary Robert smiled bitterly.

In fact, I could see why Belfour didn’t see me. It must be an unspoken gesture of wanting to distance yourself from you.

‘It must be an act to train me at the same time.’

Treasury Secretary Robert was also very tired. Since Belfour is holding me in such a way, it feels like I’m sitting on a cushion of thorns every time I meet him.

“You’re in a lot of trouble.”

“…Thanks for noticing.”

A lot of trouble because of one madman.

Thanks to this, I was able to clearly grasp the route I had to take.

‘Yes, this is the UK I know.’

Self-proclaimed defender of European balance.

Second, the price of sad hatred.

Even if they scrape all the countries they screwed up on the globe, one truck will come out.

You have to trust someone you can trust. really.

“What is Treasury Secretary Robert going to do now? I think you’re pretty impressed by the way Belfour put you and me.”

“Yeah. I would have been marked as pro-Detroit, but that’s why even Lord Belfour won’t cut me off easily.”

I know what you mean.

“…I have so much to do with the British Empire’s economy.”


If I cut off Treasury Robert Roberts now, my link with the British Empire will be broken, which will shake the Strait of Gibraltar and the East Asian economy at the same time.

Is that all?

The anti-Russian sanctions network may also be reset.

“I just want to end it at the line that I pick up.”


To put it bluntly, it means that even Belfour doesn’t want to be hostile to me. But if you ask me if that’s any good for me, it’s absolutely NO.

‘I want to suck honey, but I don’t want to share it with me. No, it’s not that I don’t want to share, it’s that I don’t like the situation I’m leading.’

At this time, the British Empire’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the Magul among the Magul along with the colonial authorities.

A living witness of Divide and Rule, Queen Victoria’s Guards Division to protect the absolute position of the British Empire – great isolation.

Now, Queen Victoria has passed away, but the hate cannot be stopped like inertia.

‘These guys were hateful until the 21st century, but they can’t change.’

The moment when Belfour put me in check.

I already threw even a handful of expectations in the trash. Treasury Secretary Robert simply smiled awkwardly.

“I was thinking of retiring and going to the City of London.”


“The recent trend in the City of London derivatives called CDO seems to be very risky. When I saw the credit law assembled by the Detroit Fed Chairman, I became even more convinced of that.”

‘I don’t know what it is. It looks dangerous…la’

Also, Robert is good.

“I think we will actively introduce the Belfour cabinet of the British Empire, which will be established soon. What do you think?”

“Chairman Detroit. I am very concerned about the CDO. So I would like to ask, what is the future of the UK?”


The City of London in the British Empire is great. It also has an incredibly fragile structure.

Even if the credit law is passed, you have to use all your powers to stop it, but the UK doesn’t even have that.

“I think you are familiar with the world’s top five accounting firms.”

Big 5 accounting firm.



touch loss

Price Waterhouse

Coopers and Liveland.

The most familiar name to modern people in the 21st century is probably ‘Deloitte’.

Yes, it is a place that is intertwined whenever a major case of accounting fraud or embezzlement occurs in Korea and the United States.


Pale, Robert ruffled his hair.

Also Minister of Finance.

I think I’ve pinpointed exactly what I want to say.

“These big five accounting firms. They have one thing in common. You know what?”

“…all of them are UK corporations. I know.”

The home of an accounting firm.

City of London, British Empire.

Although they are giants with a high status in the business world as the world’s Big 5 accounting firms that take care of the accounting of numerous global companies.

The shadow covering the other side is also huge.

“Founded in 1845 by Deloitte, Price Waterhouse in 1849, Winnie in 1849, Coopers & Liveland in 1854.”

By the way, Touchros was founded in 1898.

“It’s been 50 years, half a century since all of them were founded. Those who have died in the old days. The rotten smell vibrates to the point of rubbing your nose.”

“… laissez-faire.”

“Even there are very few regulations. Huge global corporations can’t find out all the accounting information even if the state comes in. Would it be difficult for large companies in their own countries?”

It was the first incident I had when I came to this world.

Black Wednesday.

This is the reason why railroad companies’ accounting fraud exceeded 100 million dollars.

At that time, it was a time when JP Morgan chairman reigned as the god of the railroad industry, so the account books were exposed to the public, but this is a very special case.

usually don’t know

‘It was an era when they were called stupid if they didn’t do accounting fraud.’

Everyone, small or large, soaks their feet once in a while.

“The Big Five Accounting Firms will act like our credit rating agencies in the United States.”

“……Oh My God.”

Corruptly corrupt credit rating agencies.

And British companies that are colluding with them to plot a secret plot. Even British companies operating in colonies do their best to hide their deficits.

To survive on the London Stock Exchange.

“If you don’t start with the big five accounting firms, nothing will start. Instead of solving it, you will be pushed down a cliff. The moment England falls from that cliff…”


The coke he was holding shattered.

“The British Empire will face a catastrophe like never before in history.”

600 trillion won in debt.

This is the size of the debt that Lehman Brothers ‘Hana’ was supporting in 2008.

Further detailed explanations are omitted….


boo woo-

British Empire, London Harbor.

A passenger ship bound for the United States spewed out smoky fumes and roared loudly.

“Master, why did you warn the Minister of Finance in such a detailed manner? Couldn’t it have ended with just saying good-bye in your usual personality?”

“Because I have no intention of being hostile to England yet.”

Although it accepted the investment attraction of the German Empire.

It is not against the British. In the first place, it is a matter of whether or not the business remains. It’s not a hostile issue.

I’m going to try tightrope.

“It looks like a pretty dangerous tightrope, but…”

“Of course, I don’t want to just do tightrope in a line.”

In order to perform tightrope walking, a rope must be hung on two poles.

I plan to support those two poles with England and Germany.

“You’re going to do a tightrope walking between the British Empire and the German Empire?”

Did you take any medications recently? A disrespectful expression flew away, but I accepted it with ease.

“It means that the moment I am doomed is the moment I make them doom.”

The moment I fall off the line.

I’m going to fall over by grabbing the rope and pulling the pole. If so, then the preparation must proceed steadily.

“Ah… Master. That’s why I gave you such an instruction.”

James turned around and pulled out a bundle of corporate registers.

UK mainland.

These were the registries of hundreds of offshore companies (offshore companies) established in the City of London.

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Originally, all offshore corporations went through the City of London at this time, so it is not strange.

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Of course, as these are privately held companies, there are no disclosure obligations.


“Yes, Master.”

“Are you also working on an investment bank to set up in Switzerland?”

“you’re right.”

I smiled brightly.

“Let’s take a look at the shareholder composition of that investment bank.”


For a while, unknown corporate names flowed from James’ mouth.

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Of course.

Those corporations were all phantom companies of unclear form.



“Among them, let’s go back to the composition of the shareholders of this company.”


If you go up the genealogy of ghost companies like that.

A magic is at stake.

The name called in the top-level shareholder structure was a fairly familiar name.


An investment bank with a 49.9% stake in the British ‘Government’.

In other words, an institution with a stake in the ‘British government’ mixed with the stake in an investment bank to invest in the German Empire has joined. In fact, if you twist it up like this and include Switzerland, a third and neutral country, the British government wouldn’t even know.

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Of course. Macquarie was not a direct shareholder in the Swiss investment bank, but looking back at the ghost companies, Macquarie was also mixed with a formidable stake.

In the beginning, they were all private companies, but just in case you didn’t know.

“If you drive…”

I scratched the bridge of my nose with my index finger.

“We should hand over management to Macquarie, the British government.”


“Then we’ll all die together.”

It was as if James had been hit with a hammer at my bombshell.

“Master, doing such a thing could really escalate into a conflict between countries!”

“okay. That should be enough for the self-destruct button. This is what happens when you touch me, shouldn’t I be aware of it?”

You should have multiple insurances.

Although a time bomb was planted inside the British Empire, we could not have high expectations as long as we did not know when it would explode.

A self-destruct button that can be directly pressed is absolutely necessary.

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Of course, he was going to prepare his own way out properly.

“James. Are there any banks in the UK that can be called pro-Detroit?”



I turned my head to look at James, who was looking at me with trembling pupils.

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Oh this.

James was a bit irritable.

He seemed to be afraid that if he did something wrong beyond the conflict between countries, it would scale up to war.


even hiccups.

I sighed and ran my hand over my face.

“James, this kind of thing happens when you work for Lloyd’s Insurance…”

For a moment, I felt like a lightning bolt.

I hardened my expression for a moment.



This catastrophic word now comes to mind. I muttered involuntarily with my mouth.


Another bomb.

This should also be prevented.

But as long as the US has credit laws, it’s not urgent right now, so I turned it over and went up to James and patted him on the back.

“James, Lloyd’s Insurance must have been more of a magul, so why are you so scared?”

“Collock! Colloc!”

“Uh… umm. Would you like some water?”

“Collock. No. Master. I was a little surprised.”

James cleared his throat.

“Collock… you asked about the pro-Detroit British banks?”


“Robert Syndicate of Lloyd’s Insurance, Barclays Bank, Rothschild, and some of the Bank of England….”

Note that this Robert and Treasury Secretary Robert are different people.

Robert is a common name.

“It’s rather good.”

“Are you okay?”

“It’s great. It’s great.”

There aren’t many on my side, so I think I’ll be able to temper myself comfortably. It was because I felt a sense of remorse for laying bombs on my allies.

“I plan to proceed with the investment strategy of the German subsidiary as a two-track.”

“Is it two-track?”

“Well, I’ll tell you later. I’m going to tie the British Empire and the German Empire together with this.”

After all, if there is a world war, they are all X companies.

‘Until World War II breaks out, you should only suck on honey and then spit it out. Otherwise, Dumtang writes even me.’

I made some foundations to spit on.

Germany’s investment strategy was thoroughly built on the basis of how to spit better.

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Of course, you have to suck the honey well.

The important thing is that I should be able to spit it out when I want, without damage.

This means that the exit strategy must be clearly guaranteed.

To do this, build a barrier with a double triple.

“James. You must have felt it worked during the last panic, but when it comes to liquidation, the creditors have a much better advantage than the shareholders.”


What does this mean?

This means that when a company goes bankrupt and is liquidated, creditors have a much higher priority than controlling shareholders. It is one of the best tools to use as an exit strategy.

James looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“But why…”

“No, it’s just that.”

‘Investment’ refers to investing time or providing capital in order to obtain a specific profit.

So, there are many ways to invest.

“Oh, James. How’s the Pfizer deal?”


This was the reason I came to America first.

The biggest piece of the grand strategy to eat up the Bayer pharmaceutical company.

you should get from this

“We have confirmed the existence of the company, and we are checking details for the acquisition.”

“great. It’s refreshing to see things that go on so quickly after working on a long project like a transverse train.”

The arrow keys turned to the German Empire.

But in order to do that, you had to collect some pieces.

The visit to Germany is later.

< To the German Empire. (2) > end

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