Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 201

< A new phase. (2) >

Washington DC, US Department of the Treasury.

I quickly reached the history of Washington by train from New York, and headed straight for the Treasury Building.


all the way all the way

The black wagon trains dispatched by the Ministry of Finance were waiting for me. At the guidance of the coach, I got on the wagon and headed straight for the office building.

A secretary of the Ministry of Finance got on the carriage.

“British Treasury Secretary Robert is visiting with another tycoon.”

“Another name tycoon?”

“I am the British ambassador to the United States.”

“The embassy moved?”

If only the British Finance Minister had made a move, they would have thought it was an economic sanctions against Tsar Russia, but if the British embassy was involved, the story would change 180 degrees.

If foreign policy is added to fiscal policy, the scale will inevitably increase.

The embassy belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It’s not just the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it’s the ‘British Empire’, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the maritime empire where the sun never sets.

It has already become clear that this is not a private matter.

“If it moved from the embassy, I think the British government issued an order.”

“Maybe it’s Congress.”

“Either way, Britain has made a move. It means that there are people who have touched the heart of England.”

I frantically tapped the calculator as my eyes drifted past the Washington DC scenery as it flew past the wagon.

In any case, since the British Treasury has sent the Treasury Secretary, economic problems are inevitable.

Now, there was no other way than to get on the wagon together and go somewhere.

“Didn’t you tell me the reason for your visit?”

“It’s confidential. How can we get more out of those giants?”

“Oh, I dug it.”

I raised the corners of my lips.

Even the British Foreign Ministry intervened, increasing the variable.

“For once, it’s not an ordinary thing.”

It’s not unusual.

If the British Empire is not unusual, the options to choose from are greatly reduced.

Britain, a maritime empire.

For once, we left the Pacific Ocean to our United States.

With the Atlantic Ocean being bisected by the United States, there are three main areas of concern for Britain.

North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean.

North Sea?

However, the Northern Sea Route is still there, and Iceland, which fishes large quantities of fish and cod, is not strong enough to touch the hearts of the British Empire.

However, I don’t think it will touch the heart of the British Empire to the extent that Northern Europe calls me.

If the German Empire crawls out into the North Sea, the British headquarters, and touches the Royal Navy, it is suicide.

Indian Ocean?

There were many minor problems in the Indian Empire, but if a major problem occurred in the Indian Empire, you have to risk national luck, so pass.

At this level, there is only one thing that comes out of a size that can be handled in cooperation with the United States.

A sea area where all kinds of interests are swirling in a whirlpool.


Let’s narrow it down further.

Three key waters near the Mediterranean Sea.

The Strait of Gibraltar, the Suez Canal and the Black Sea.

“Once Gibraltar and Suez were devoured by the British Empire, they were out.

There is no German Empire.

When it comes to sea, the German Empire is not against the Royal Navy of the British Empire. If the sea blockade ends, it’s over. The Kaiser Marines are premature fleets without dreadnoughts.

It would be a different story if we could print a submarine with a perverted tendency as Wilhelm Kaiser, but in any case, it would be communal.

In addition, the German Empire does not have a port city adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea.


The Black Wagon train has arrived at the Ministry of Finance.

The secretary of the treasury quickly cleared the paperwork, opened the door and pulled himself out of the wagon.

I put a faint smile on my lips.

“The Black Sea.”

There was already only one answer.

“This is absurd tyranny!”


The British ambassador could not contain his excitement and smashed the desk in the minister’s office. There were tendons in his trembling fists.

The Imperial Russian Army is in motion.

They were gathering troops on the Trans-Siberian Railway and drooling again in Crimea.

For Britain, who already had a headache in the Balkans, it was like clear news.

“Rusky bastards, have you not yet given up on your resentment towards Crimea! If they attack Crimea, you will gain an immovable port, and if they gain an immovable port, the peace and balance that the British Empire has sought in Europe will be destroyed!”

“The Black Sea Fleet will be resurrected.”

“We must show our true selves to the ground dogs who challenge the British Empire, which protects world peace!”

I poured the cola down my throat.

The British Foreign Ministry is really pissed off.

Indeed it is

To get the Strait of Gibraltar, you have to coordinate between Morocco and France, run the Suez Canal to appease Egypt and Sudan, and keep the German Empire in check.

In such a beggar situation, the Great Game is currently in progress.

“If imperial Russia pretends to be crazy and occupies Sevastopol in the southern sea, it may lose its initiative in the Black Sea. Of course, blocking the strait to the Ottoman Empire would suffice for a naval blockade, but the problem is the countries adjacent to the Black Sea. !”

The British Foreign Ministry was in a position to borrow even a cat’s limbs.

‘Well, it’s self-employed.’

Aren’t they separate?

Even if he grimaces that he can’t fix it, he says it doesn’t work for me. First of all, I opened my ears, wondering what kind of shit I would put my mouth on.

“If the Balkan Peninsula adjacent to the Black Sea catches fire, it is war! War! The second Crimean War is about to begin!”

The British ambassador went wild.

It’s exciting.

Because imperial Russia was pretending to be crazy and scattering fire in the Balkans like crazy.


Russo-Japanese War.

In fact, around this time, Russia had to wage the Russo-Japanese War with the Japanese Empire on the Trans-Siberian Railway, which had completed a single track.

However, the Japanese Empire was soon destroyed by the United States and returned to the federal state of Japan.

Japan is retired.

As long as the U.S. military was holding out in the Far East, Russia could not invade the Far East.

We don’t fight wars that are sure to lose.

Instead, he declared that he would focus his capabilities on Europe and play rat fire in the Black Sea, which is his front yard.

“Crimea is nothing less than the dream of imperial Russia.”

roughly matched

Even if I say anything else to the British Foreign Ministry, who has fallen into the illusion that the purpose of fiscal Russia is an immovable port, you will not be able to hear me.

The immovable port is the purpose of fiscal Russia, but not to the point of risking its life.

From my point of view, there were other reasons for the Tsar of Tsar Russia to advance his army to Sevastopol.

“Treasurer Robert. The time has come.”

That imperial Russia is experiencing an internal ‘crisis’.

If deflation has continued for seven years, it is understandable that imperial Russia invaded Crimea with seizures.

If it’s f*cked up anyway, he’s probably trying to propaganda or return to the military.

“The Trans-Siberian Railway was overworked, and the Russian Ministry of Finance overlapped with deflation. Unfortunately.”

“What do you mean?”

The ambassador from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was bewildered.

it can only be It was a secret foreign fiscal policy of the British Empire’s Treasury, carried out under the name of 10 Downing Street.

The Federal Reserve System and the Japan Central Bank Committee are also in the same vein, but the British Empire has an overwhelming stake.

“In a nutshell, the economy of imperial Russia is already in a state of disrepair. I’ve also heard that coal, steel and oil are being circulated at very low prices, leading to a series of bankruptcies.”

“As Secretary Morgan said. They went bankrupt, and Branovel devoured them all through mergers and acquisitions, creating a monopoly. The Baku oil field is now under the British breath.”

“Well, the jab. The jab.”

It’s not even more bankrupt.

Some companies could not withstand the low-price offensive and perished. But some companies that have gone down are not the problem.

The biggest problem was currency.


“We signed a secret treaty with Bra Novel and British-owned conglomerates. They told us to absorb a large amount of ruble. do.”

I shrugged and placed my hand on the British ambassador’s shoulder.

“Ambassador, the Russian economy is panicking in real time. This is exactly what I and the Ministry of Finance of your country intended.”

I pulled my upper body.

Treasury Secretary Robert smirked and poured the tasteless coffee down his throat.

“The Imperial Russian Army? Did they prepare their bullets properly? At least, they are the ones who will drop bullets in one second and drive them into hand-to-hand combat with their knives.”

“…It makes a strange sense.”

“Ivan is harvested from the fields. It’s not just a word.”

The main seat of the meat shield.

In the age of imperialism, the most powerful tactics.

If the financial Russia pushes down, there will be no other tactic than that.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com


Will financial Russia, once the Black Sea Fleet disbanded, defeat the British Empire again?

It’s not hard

“Weaknesses are exposed. No matter how much Russia tries to cover up its weaknesses, the problem is the economy.”

attack the economy.

Then the Russian army would have no choice but to stop. The nobles, the bourgeoisie, and the madmen will run rampant, but will the Tsar’s imperial family condone this?

never can

“Deflation is here.”

Asset values were dropping one after another, and foreign capital was flying abroad. Industrial products that can’t stand the low price go bankrupt and are merged into one to build a monopoly.

At this rate, the price drop could have been caught.

“Russian economy is not strong, but at the same time it’s like a zombie.”

It’s like a zombie that never dies.

Even if the Russian economy always collapses like a dog, Russia will survive. There may be the position of the largest agricultural country, but even if you die, you will be born again, so there is nothing to worry about.

‘Very good.’

This is what the British Empire and I are aiming for.

Russia is paralyzed and barely breathing. An empire that does not simply collapse with the economy in a state of collapse. It survives in moderation and leaves it as a regional power to contain neighboring countries.

And the German Empire has to keep it in check.

– End the Great Game.

It is time for the ghosts of the 19th century to disappear.

So what we are going to attack is the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. If they roasted them, the Russian economy could be ruined.

“Treasurer Robert.”

I smiled.

“Planned Russian economic sanctions. Let’s start this chapter.”

Now unpin the grenade.


“I’ll release the lobbyists.”

The heart of the US Treasury.

I came to Rockefeller secretly as soon as my discussion with Treasury Secretary Robert was over.

There was a case that required an agreement with the Chairman of Standard Oil.

“Isn’t lobbyists suitable for the operation you’re talking about? Lobbyists exist wherever there are politicians, whether illegal or legal.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Imperial Russia is aristocratic bureaucracies rather than politicians. Lobbyists were the perfect place to cook and eat aristocratic bureaucrats, maintenance, and bourgeoisie.

It was not uncommon for a bureaucrat and a businessman to join hands to establish a monopoly system.

It was a good environment for lobbyists to infiltrate as well.

“You said you were attacking the St. Petersburg stock market.”

Unpin the grenade.

The name of the pin is the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange. It was just the right size for the harbinger of the economic crisis.

In addition, imperial Russia was a market full of foreign investors, and the St. Petersburg stock market is a stock exchange that ranks high in Europe.

This means that capitalism has been properly installed. Corruption is so bad.

Finance Minister Sergei Witte is also a capable man.

“It’s perfect for a trigger.”

Standard Oil is a key stakeholder in the sanctions network against Russia. The White House is aware of this, but all documents are disposed of, and President Roosevelt is in wait-and-see mode for the time being.

Me and Standard Oil.

Federal Reserve System and the Japanese Central Bank Committee.

This net should be moved as the main axis.

In the UK, the entire national administration is going to move.

“It’s been a long time since the stock market.”

“But Morgan, no matter how much the lobbyists fly and crawl, they can’t catch the stock market crashing. If you want to enter the leveraged short sale, you’ll have to secure stock, but will the nobles offer it?”

“Yes, I won’t sell it. That’s why it’s a leveraged short sale.”

stock rental.

For the aristocrats who own businesses, they borrow stocks they don’t sell for management rights, throw them into the market, and buy them back cheaply to repay them.

The nobility earns a commission by lending stocks that they won’t sell anyway.

I achieve short-selling profits, and I like my sister and my brother-in-law.

Good timing.

Although the St. Petersburg stock market is falling due to deflation, the panic has not yet arrived.

Borrowing stock would be easier.

“The moment to secure the short selling volume.”

The moment when lobbyists secure supplies.

The St. Petersburg stock market will explode.

“It will scrape the St. Petersburg stock market.”

small though.

The Treasury Department will send an official letter to the New York Big Bank. They will excite Wall Street investors and drive speculators crazy.

The City of London will also spray from the UK Treasury.

‘The Ministry of Finance directly shoots an official document about how vulnerable the Russian stock market in St. Petersburg is. The cause is a warning to be careful about investing in Russia.’

But will speculators take this for granted?


Risk is risk.

Risks will soon decline.

What if it’s a downtrend?


“I’m fully prepared.”

I throw my steaks at hungry speculators around the world. To form a short force that will destroy the healthy stock market.


The rubles it sucked were piled up in the warehouses of the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, and the Japanese Central Bank Committee.

The ruble, which was to be loaned to the speculators, was ready to overflow.

I smiled brightly.

“Now is the beginning of the battle for destruction.”

< A new phase. (2) > end

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