Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 58

< Finally, the military contract. (4) >

“But what will happen to the total debt? If the Navy cannot handle it, they say it is quite large.”

“Well, if you cut out all the little things and just the big ones, it’s about 100 million dollars.”


Even though I knew that each order from the shipyard was huge, the amount of money that took my breath away came to me in an instant.

100 million dollars.

3 trillion won in Hyundai Hanwha terms.

Considering the current size of the US economy at the end of the 19th century, it is close to 50 trillion won, but this cannot be an accurate figure, so pass.

Even if you take out many things, you can think of it as about 10 trillion won.

This would be difficult even for the Navy.

“How much of the penalty does the penalty account for?”

“The penalty and the debt ratio we originally had are similar. Therefore, the Navy cannot afford to spend a long time in court to get rid of the penalty, and it does not have the budget for doing so.”

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen shrugged.

“It is more economical to build a new shipyard with that money and effort.”

“It’s like that again.”

This is the Navy, so it’s easy to say.

Building a shipyard is a complex industry that requires a lot of effort, manpower, time, expertise, and know-how that need to be replaced.

It is said that the navy is overflowing with human and material resources, but it is absolutely not easy for the private sector to establish a shipyard.

‘So it’s a good deal.’

It’s good for the Navy to be able to handle troublesome foreclosures, and I can take a bite out of a sound shipyard equipped with everything without a cumbersome process.

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Of course, the Navy doesn’t know that I’m thirsty for shipyards.

No, I’m going to have a huge debt of 100 million won, so wouldn’t you care more?

‘I rather like it.’

This is why information is so important. The more you don’t know, the more you will have to ‘concede’ more interests.

I screamed because the corners of my mouth were twitching, but I frowned.

“One hundred million dollars is a lot.”

“That’s right…”

“But if you give me some conditions, I will gladly accept it.”

“Is that true!”

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen’s eyes twinkled.

After all, if you have a $100 million tumor, everyone wants to get it done quickly. Rather, the Navy might think that it is better to throw a few tickets and destroy them.

great. very good.

“First, give us Federal Steel the right to preferentially negotiate the steel supply contracts for all warships built by the Naval Shipyard for the next 10 years.”

“You mean the right to negotiate first?”

“Well, it doesn’t mean we’re going to monopolize the contract, it means we’re going to pick up only the contracts that are advantageous to us.”

“Ahh. That would be fine.”

it’s fake

In the 1900s, if US Steel was merged into the Steel Trust in earnest and launched, dozens of steel companies, centered on Carnegie Steel and Federal Steel, would become one. If that happens, the amount of the naval shipyards will be chewed up and left over.

But by then, this yangban will also quit his job as assistant naval assistant.

“Finally, I would like you to drive the Navy’s orders for warships to the Newport News shipyard as much as possible until normalization is achieved.”

“It makes sense.”

In fact, it was originally a shipyard that was trying to drive the ships out of the navy, so it was funny to refuse it now.

It will be different depending on how the standard of ‘normalization’ is set.


Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen rubbed his chest.

It was like a patient who had a sickly malignant tumor removed by surgery, and his face was refreshed.

Her face looked like she had been three years younger.

“I lived thanks to you. If the Ministry of the Navy commissioned a large law firm, public opinion would be simmering about using the tax. For us, it is better for a Detroit advisor who has a deep connection with the Navy to take over this shipyard.”

After all, if a government department appoints a large law firm with public money, it could literally be beaten by the parliament. I was also deeply involved in the navy.

It’s a reliable partner, isn’t it?


“The only way to do this is to take over or go bankrupt in a fast-paced private company.”

“It is as you say.”


In that respect, our hedge fund has an advantage. Well, hedge funds themselves have little experience in hiring large law firms, but JP Morgan Bank is different. The same goes for Federal Steel’s legal team.

‘Is that person alive in this era?’

A legal giant who founded the crevasses of modern American law firms.

Paul Drennan Cravath.

Even in the United States in the 21st century, Crevass was the best large law firm in the industry, and now in the 19th century, it is a nag to say the least.

‘What. Although he will join the law firm of Blachiford, the predecessor of Krevas, in 1899 next year.’

Does not matter.

Blatchford itself was also a client, with big names such as JP Morgan Bank, Wells Fargo, Westinghouse, and Union Pacific Railroad.

For reference, one of Blachiford’s business partners, William H. Seward, was Secretary of State at the time of President Abraham Lincoln.

So the law firm is bound to be huge.

“I know of a large law firm that I can trust.”

Since Blachiford had Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Bank, and Union Pacific Railroad as clients, he had no choice but to accept my request.

He designed the Railroad Trust, owed Morgan’s son, and even the President of Wells Fargo.


“Have you ever heard of Blachiford?”


‘Blatchford, Seward and Griswold.’

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen’s mouth widened at the name of the tycoon I mentioned.


“This is it.”


After signing the provisional contract with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Allen, I followed Veyron into a conference room in the White House.

There sat Treasury Secretary Lyman Gage and James.

Secretary Gage, who was having a serious conversation with James, looked up at me.

“You have come. Here’s a draft of the war bond that I discussed with Chief of Staff James. It is very rough, so I would appreciate your understanding.”

Lyman Gage handed me the papers.

“I plan to leave the basic gist of the war bond to the big banks on Wall Street along with JP Morgan Bank. And I would like to select Detroit Director’s investment bank as the issuer.”

My investment bank as an issuer.

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Other large Wall Street banks will be able to purchase war bonds through my investment bank, which is the host.

‘Huge commission business.’

At least a few tens of millions of dollars come in just sitting down and issuing. I can also buy war bonds in the name of a hedge fund.

Bank of Detroit.

An investment bank that was used through mergers and acquisitions of commercial investment banks when joining as a member of the Federal Monetary Commission, the predecessor of the Federal Reserve System (FED).

‘Finally, it has become a Wall Street investment bank.’

The time has come for the money to shine.

I pulled a chair in the conference room and glued my hips together. The eyes of the meeting room where the high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Finance were gathered were focused on me.

“Then shall we discuss in detail?”


Royal Palace of Madrid, Spain.

throne room.

“The regent unite. Barclays Bank has sent you a reply saying that they are positively reviewing the additional loan we requested. Perhaps it is thanks to Cuba’s great victory.”

Habsburg-Lorraine lineage.

Regent Maria Cristina looked down at the Minister of Foreign Affairs who had entered the throne room.

Her cold eyes glanced over the spectacle once.

“I heard that the reason why the siege of the Imperial Army was stopped was due to a defect in the machine gun, but is that true?”

“We sent a letter of protest to DWM’s Berlin headquarters, but they say that the original machine gun is a precision machined product, so if used in the rainy season in tropical climates like Santiago de Cuba, it is normal to cause trouble.”

The great victory in Cuba swept the Spanish Empire, but the last American evacuation of Guantanamo caused trouble with a machine gun and had to let them go.

Most of the thousands of machine guns armed with 300,000 men had to be left for repair, and the Spanish offensive had to be stopped automatically.

So, we directly requested additional quantities from the German headquarters.

“Didn’t you get a reply from the director of DWM’s Loewe?”

“No, I got a reply that they were producing a new machine gun for the Spanish Empire, but they said that the delivery would be delayed by about a month because the machine gun itself is a precision machine product.”

“A month?”

While the young monarch Alfonso XIII sat quietly on his throne, Behind him, Regent Maria Cristina, wept.

“Do you think the foreign minister has a chance of winning this war?”

“…If we, Spain, conclude a treaty on the condition that the effective rule in Cuba is quickly consolidated and hand over the Philippines to the United States, there is a high possibility. Machine guns are essential to ‘peace’ Cuba.”

“The Lord led Spain to victory. Those weightlifters are always in trouble.”

Regent Maria Cristina grinded her teeth.

The 10-year war fought with Cuba’s independence forces eroded Spain’s national power, and Cuba escaped from effective rule as Cuba.

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One time, he dispatched a hardline general, General Weiler, to get rid of the weightlifters, and conducted a government of terror, but in the end it was meaningless.

But machine guns.

With the machine gun that gave the Spanish Empire victory, they could clean up those damn Cubans.

It broke at the most important moment.

“We must protect Cuba, as much as Cuba. Otherwise, the Spanish Empire has no future.”

“Yeah, if even Cuba is taken away this time, I will stand up claiming independence from the separatists in Catalonia.”

it’s a revolution

The current parliament of the Spanish Empire is on a tight tightrope by two political leaders: the Conservative Party’s Canovas and the Liberal Party’s Sagasta.

In addition, Catalonia, including Barcelona, was calling for independence and calling for separatism, and the Basque Country and Galicia also wanted separatism.

It was a catastrophe caused by the strong centralized system of the Spanish Empire.

‘The orthodox Carlos, who were dissatisfied with the lineage of the current dynasty and caused civil wars three times, is also a problem, and even anarchists are running rampant.’

The legitimacy of the Spanish royal family has its roots in Catholicism.

So, Regent Maria Cristina somehow professed her piety, poured out her full support to the Church, and reestablished her relationship with the Holy See, in order to somehow get through this dizzying predicament.

However, if Cuba is taken away, not only the collapse of the royal family, but also the dissolution of the Spanish Empire itself.

“Originally, we declared war on the belief that defeat would be better than revolution.”

“The regent unite. There are only a few steps left until the victory of the Spanish Empire.”

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Only Cuba, if only Cuba can be protected somehow, the Spanish Empire will be able to survive. The Spanish royal family was in a predicament, and the hope of victory seemed sweet.

Now it was really only Cuba.

“If the base strike at the Port of Charleston is successful, it is expected that the US Navy will be able to keep the feet of the US Navy in the Northeast for the time being.”

“I heard that August is a hurricane period, so the defense line of the US Navy is weak. There are enough chances of winning, right?”

“Yes. August is the only chance to end this war quickly and swiftly.”

The United States has long advocated isolationism.

The Yankees, who quietly ate the North American continent, did not say that they did not like war with European powers. There was no way that an all-out war would be waged just because a port was destroyed. Their anti-war opinion will hold back the US for the time being.

So, they had to swallow Cuba quickly with the newspaper article called a machine gun.

“Also, while the elite Camara Fleet strikes the port of Charleston, the rest of the Spanish Fleet will land additional troops in Cuba. ”

“As you know, we also have to ship the machine guns that will arrive in mid-August.”

“Yes. regent sum. What will the Cubans do if the machine guns arrive from DWM headquarters in Germany?”


Regent Maria Cristina’s teeth shattered at the words of the foreign minister.

The root cause of all this was the damn Cubans, which led the United States to give the Spanish Empire an ultimatum.

I had no intention of looking at it later.

She recited each word, word by word.

“Put it away. leaving nothing behind. all.”

The black West Africans who gathered for the independence struggle, the descendants of Conquistadors, the Criollos, and so on were all but a tumor of the Spanish Empire.

It had to be removed from Cuba for effective domination.

“From the beginning, we had no way out.”

There is only progress.

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One big win in Cuba gave me confidence.

“And the brilliance of victory is not far off.”

Regent Maria Cristina, a devout Catholic, clutched the rosary in her hand.


DWM Berlin Headquarters.

conference room.

Upon a call from Director Isidor Loewe, DWM executives gathered from their German branches to their Berlin headquarters. The executives gathered in the conference room were informed about the contents of the meeting in advance and prepared their own materials in the file folder.


“Is everyone here?”

As the whispers of the executives in the conference room grew louder, Isidor Loewe, accompanied by his secretary, entered the conference room.

Director Loewe started the meeting in a straight-forward manner. He took out several envelopes with high-quality seals from his bosom on the desk.

“You may already know the details, but regent Maria Cristina asked us if we would sell machine guns first. I replied that I would.”

At first, the Loewe director had consented to the Detroit director to deal with the German name and had forgotten about it, but suddenly an offer from the Spanish royal family flew to the Berlin headquarters, and he was bewildered.

However, the director of Loewe was also a businessman and had no intention of rejecting it in the future.

“Is the Berlin factory working well?”

“Yeah, it’s easy to manufacture. The Karlsruhe factory was also mobilized and started running. The FN plant in Belgium is under discussion now.”

“The delivery date is one month later, in mid-August. Will you be able to shoot enough by then?”

“Yes, no problem.”

The executives of DWM Germany’s eyes lit up. This was the first time they had received a large-scale order even after they developed a machine gun.

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Of course, the Detroit director first drilled into the machine gun business partners, but the fact that the Berlin headquarters deal directly with them is another story.

If this deal goes well, it will open a way for supply to the military of European powers.

“Proof that the Detroit Director made a deal with the Spanish Empire in our name. shred it all. We have to promote the previous deal and this deal as all hands-on deals. You know!!!”


DWM executives shouted loudly with their faces wide open. Director Loewe nodded with satisfaction. Then he whispered to his secretary.

“Initially, the transaction was made under the name of our German headquarters, so there shouldn’t be any major problems. But first, let the Detroit director know about this matter.”

“Yes, I’ll pass it on.”


New York Wall Street.

hedge fund headquarters.


After returning from the White House, I read a letter from Director Loewe at DWM’s Berlin headquarters.

The Spanish royal family received an additional loan from Barclays Bank and again commissioned DWM for machine guns in bulk.

I scratched the bridge of my nose.

“It’s an unexpected harvest.”

There was still a little bit of anxiety by using the name of the German head office, but when the plate goes like this, there is no reason to worry anymore.

“This could cover up the fact that I secretly delivered machine guns. Well, the German headquarters even delivered the products directly.”

Even if someone suspects that I have supplied machine guns to the Spanish army, it can be covered sufficiently because there is a record that the German headquarters directly supplied them and the evidence that I borrowed the name was shredded.

With this, the weakness that remained in me disappeared.

“The Barclays bankers must have been excited to lend. The Spanish Empire knew how to dig a tomb and put together a coffin to prepare a funeral home.”

I looked down at the letter again.

I could never have imagined that the Spanish Empire would be so hung up on war.

“By the way, why the hell did you buy so many machine guns? Are you going to go to war by selling your real country?”

Doesn’t sound like a joke

There was a history of King Philip II who broke the Spanish Empire four times. It may be that they are trying to complete their full preparations against the US military.

But he soon lost interest. It’s been a while since you left my hand.

“James, this is no longer our business. Don’t even reply to Loewe Director. I hope you don’t wish for blessings.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Rather, call all the executives of the Detroit Investment Bank. One-on-one tax on the issuance of war bonds.”

I wondered what kind of expression the investment bank executives would make when they heard this news. Bond issuance was the flower of investment banking (IB).

We also have to negotiate with the big banks on Wall Street.

A great advantage awaited us.

< Finally, the military contract. (4) > end

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