Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 84

< shock. (3) >

[USS Dreadnought. The beginning of a new era.]

-New York Times (NYT)

[The fall of the Spanish navy. The void of the navy that has evaporated to the mainland fleet. Is it polluted?]

-New York World (NYW)

[The Spanish authorities are silent. Each country’s navies send warships to the waters of Spain to confirm.]

– Chicago Tribune (CCT)

[The Spanish cruiser fleet could not even eat one meal for the dreadnought fleet. All dreadnoughts of the mainland were also burned in an instant.]

-Washington Post (WP)

The news that the Spanish navy had evaporated quickly spread across Europe like a wildfire. However, it was not the annihilation of the Spanish Navy that European countries paid attention to, but one warship of the US Navy.

USS Dreadnought.

It was a paradigm shift for a new battleship.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

St. Petersburg stock market.

Paris stock market.

The stock markets of each European power began to sink to the bottom with the emergence of a new battleship paradigm, expressing strong doubts about each country’s naval power.

And when the annihilation of the Spanish navy was confirmed by the detachments of each country, it began to spread like fear.

A gap in maritime security has arrived.

However, when the Spanish navy was annihilated, there were two countries that played first, of course, one was Spain, and the other was France, which was deeply intertwined with Spain.


“This is tyranny!!!”

French colonial authorities.

Negotiations with the British Empire had barely reached a level of stability due to the Fashoda incident, but the news from the Iberian Peninsula suddenly turned upside down.

Colonial Minister Delkasse immediately convened the high-ranking officials of the colonial authorities and began taking measures against the French colonies of Morocco and North Africa.

“We used to say that we returned the crossing policy to that dear England, but that did not mean we gave up the colonial policy. But the Royal Navy pushed right in front of our North African Territory!!!”

With this grit, the French fleet was dispatched to the territories of North Africa. However, the French fleet pushing into the Kingdom of Morocco had no choice but to make an unexpected encounter.

Royal Navy

The British Mediterranean fleet was blocking the ports of Tangier and Ceuta in Northern Morocco.

A protest from the French authorities, who had their feet burned, was made immediately. Morocco could not make concessions, as it was a kingdom that France had been painstakingly working to make into a protectorate.

– The home country’s bank only dispatched the Royal Navy to collect safely for the Spanish bank. I don’t have any intentions.


“How could you believe such bullshit!!!”

A country borrows a loan that can only be paid by selling off a colony. However, when I cooled my head, it was not at all absurd.


The head of Colonial Minister Delkase quickly rotated. The US and the UK are starting to eat Spain, so maybe this is a good opportunity.

‘How much has the Spanish bank loaned to France?’

To get an accurate count, Delcasse called high-ranking officials from the French National Tax Service and French bankers to the colonial authorities.

“The mines owned by the Spanish Empire still have value.”

“If you are talking about the Rio Tinto copper mine, we own a stake in Rothschild, France.”

“Isn’t that a 100% stake?”

“Is that all? Spain is a tourist attraction, so you can buy cultural assets or real estate assets.”

The financiers convened by the French colonial authorities began to draw up a collection plan to pull up the pillars of the Royal Palace of Madrid.

[Announcement of the French IRS. ‘The Spanish Empire should clearly state its intention to repay the loan it borrowed.’]

[British blockade of Morocco. ‘It’s just a job for your own bank’s collection. There is no intention of aggression.]

[European powers began to salivate. He began to pick up a fork and knife for collection.]

-The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

“Brother, the returns of short selling funds are going crazy. All of the short selling volumes invested with leverage in the European stock market are successful.”

It was only natural that there was a hole in the maritime security of countries other than the British Empire.

However, the leaders of each country were also a navy, but their eyes were bloodshot at the thought of tearing apart the Spanish Empire.

“James, do you have any more articles about Spain than that? Isn’t it too natural for European powers to devour Spain? Rather, we need to know how Spain works so we can catch the essence.”

“The Spanish press right now is incredible. The military, which has taken control of the royal family, is spraying knights close to Chirashi.”

Regent Maria Cristina is in a coma. When this opens, a Hellgate will open in Spain.

“Then do you have any sources of information? The embassy of England.”

“Anyway, I was going to give it to you now. This is a letter from the British ambassador to the United States.”


When the seal on the envelope was cut with a knife, thick letters poured out.

It was written about the current situation in Spain and precisely how things were going inside.

After all, even without SIS, the UK has the most intelligence.

“Martial law…?”

The situation in Spain was worse than expected.

It is now understood why the British Royal Navy sealed off the Strait of Gibraltar by joining the now commissioned dreadnought-class with the returning Pacific Fleet into the Mediterranean Fleet.

If the Spanish Empire collapses, the collection of Morocco will be extremely complicated, so he wants to finish his work before that.

“Martial law?”

“It is said that General Weiler, who was transferred to the governorship of Madrid, declared emergency martial law under the orders of King Alfonso XIII of the royal family.”

As the US Navy withdrew from the coast, separatists in Galicia began pouring their boiling fury at the Royal Palace of Madrid.

The Galician separatists declared independence by writing the Declaration of Independence in Vigo, where the US Navy withdrew, and the Spanish authorities declared martial law to suppress this.

In a word, it’s bullshit.

It was a state in which the side effects of forcibly waged war were exploding here and there.

“It is said that the Catalan separatists also declared independence in Barcelona. It is said that the French authorities’ large army was also deployed on the French border in the direction of Iberia.”

Fortune was boiling.

But now that I’ve ripped off all the safes to be ripped from the dog-haired Spain… What do I do now?

I’ll have to tell the New York Ordnance Bureau to sell weapons or something.

Because now they’re going to regret having a machine gun.

“The Spanish military is more focused on Barcelona than on Galicia. From the perspective of the Spanish Empire, Catalonia must have felt more urgent than Galicia.”

“Yes, it is said that there are currently less than 10,000 troops convened to Madrid, but they are planning to march straight to Barcelona.”

The game is moving faster than expected.

This is why the British took Gibraltar.

“The Spanish Parliament quickly passed the military budget bill. To raise taxes and organize it into the military budget, suicide is an art.”

“Isn’t it the sandcastle of a false democracy that was formed by fraudulent elections from the first assembly?”

“It was a matter of timing that a civil war broke out as if it had been waiting like this.”

“It seems so.”

“First, tell Veyron at the New York Ordnance Department to contact the governor of Madrid, Whaler, and discuss the supply of arms. Oh, and of course also for the independence forces of Barcelona.”

“Yes, I will tell you.”

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Of course, this is not enough for a Spanish Civil War-level war to occur.

This is because the martial law forces of Madrid had a much better advantage in the Siege of Barcelona to be held this time.

‘If Regent Maria Cristina’s coma is announced, the Spanish Civil War will begin immediately…’

I was silent.

The baton had already been handed over to the British Empire, and opening it had to match their timing.


At that time, the German Empire.

The upper echelons of the German Empire were turned upside down.

Naval officials summoned to the Berlin Palace entered the Kaiser Palace one after another. Belhelm Kaiser let out a roar of fury as if his mustache had been pulled out.

“I believed in you, my Prussian Junkers, but what kind of wrathful state is this!!! Is it unreasonable to say that Jim’s Great German Empire is only losing its naval power to the Yankees?!”

It’s Kaiser.

The moment I thought that the water level was rising due to the naval warfare with the British Empire. Yankees from a strange continent appeared with a new generation of battleships ahead of them.

The high-ranking officials summoned to the Berlin Palace scrambled their hair to find out how the cowards who fell into isolationism could build such a warship, but the answer came right away.

tuck tuck.

The conference room of the Berlin Palace, where the nobility has been arguing for a long time. A naval officer picked up an emergency telegram and went inside.

“Minister of the Navy, this is a telegram from Kaiser Marine’s dispatched fleet.”

“Your Majesty, may I read it for a moment?”



The naval minister, who snatched the telegram, quickly read it out. However, he immediately opened his eyes and jumped up and presented himself to Kaiser.

“Why? Minister of the Navy.”

“Your Majesty, it is said that a battleship of the same class as the US Navy’s dreadnought was caught through the observation of the dispatched fleet in the Royal Navy’s Mediterranean Fleet, which blocked the Strait of Gibraltar.”


Kaiser’s eyes widened as if they were about to explode.

The naval power of the British Empire, which was competing for naval ships, quickly outpaced it, widening the gap with Kaiser Marine.

This is a major issue.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Originally, the reason for strengthening the naval power of the Great German Empire was also the aspect of being a paving stone for forming an alliance with the British Empire.

‘But if they got the Dreadnought, it’s a different story…’

There was only one way to change the direction of British foreign policy or to intensify the naval warfare competition.

“Look, Minister of the Navy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Does our Great German Empire have the skills and talents to build that dreadnought?”

“I apologize, Your Majesty. The current German Empire does not even know what technology was used on dreadnought-class battleships. We will start with the people who will analyze it right away.”

“Then let’s find out as soon as possible.”

A spark flashed in Kaiser’s eyes.

The British Empire is now ending the blockade of the Strait of Gibraltar, but what if it blocks Jutland in the Baltic Sea?

Will the German Navy’s Kaiser Marines be able to penetrate them?

No, the dreadnought could never end on a single ship, so it was a loss.

“The dreadnought is not just a matter of naval power, it is a serious matter on which the future of the Great German Empire is at stake.”

Wilhelm Kaiser brushed his mustache.

There is a hand saved for such times, but if things go to an extreme, the German Empire also needed to prepare an extreme hand.

Emperor Wilhelm summoned his entourage.

“……Let’s study how to nationalize Krupp.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Bertha Krupp.

The heir to the German Empire’s defense industry and heavy industry giant, Krupp, was still in the arms of Emperor Wilhelm.


And while Wilhelm Kaiser was struggling, another bomb was dropping from the British Empire.

[Regent Maria Christina of Habsburg-Lorraine, now in critical condition.]

[The military that took over the Spanish royal family. The identity of the great secret they hide.]

[The fallen Spain was thrown into the crossroads of civil war.]

-The Times.



“Are you going to sell us weapons?”

Directors of the New York Ordnance Agency were able to smuggle into Catalonia with the help of the US Navy, which had occupied Spanish waters.

It was possible because the US Army and US Navy were not interested in the Iberian Peninsula at the moment.

As the New York Ordnance Department nodded, the separatists gathered in Barcelona began to twinkle.

“Yes, I am here to hand over German weapons to you who have the noble meaning of Catalan independence.”

“German-made weapons! Do you have any machine guns?”

Catalan separatists turned to the word German. They were thinking of the last time the Spanish Army had replaced the American Army with German machine guns during the American-Spanish War.

But the New York Ordnance Department shook its head.

“The new machine guns are expensive per unit. Of course, if you can afford it, you can buy it, but the same goes for old machine guns…ah.”


“Do you have any used machine gun products and would you like to purchase them?”

Used machine gun.

These are the machine guns of the Spanish Army currently being swept by the US Army in Cuba. The specs were a bit lower than the new machine guns, but they worked well.

The US Army had a hard time disposing of it, so selling this would be a win-win.

Catalan separatists, too, held hands.

“You guys are saving us. Perhaps the Madrid forces were armed with machine guns and were going to grind us out.”

In fact, all of those machine guns were shipped from Spain to Cuba, and only a few were left, but the New York Ordnance Bureau remained silent for sales.

“We have about 30 used machine guns and about 400 used rifles. Instead, the specs are outstanding, not like second-hand.”

“I will even buy a used rifle. But I don’t have enough money right now, so later…”

“Then I would appreciate it if you could provide collateral instead of betting on credit. If you liberate Barcelona later, you can pay it back in the name of the Catalan Independent State. However, we will accept all seals from the representatives.”

“……!!! of course!”

The New York Ordnance Department was able to stamp all representatives on the collateral and credit agreement documents presented by the Detroit director.

“Now that we’ve got our weapons, it’s just a matter of time. For a fresh start in Catalonia! Moving forward!”

The officials of the Ordnance Bureau looked at the Catalan independence forces cheering and took the documents.

“Now Spain is over.”

With the Armada (invincible fleet) completely destroyed, the Spanish Empire was rapidly falling apart.

And the forces to fill the position were rapidly attacking and coming up.

A new era is about to begin.

And financiers seize opportunities in the midst of chaos.


“Check the peso exchange rate!!!”

“Are all the remaining pesos in the Philippine company? For the currency swap issue, contact the directors dispatched to the Japanese Empire right away and proceed with the swap immediately. Unlimited deal, quickly!!!”

“The peso is now pouring out of the market!!! South Americans are panicking, and the value of the peso is rapidly declining.”

“Gather up all the pesos!!! It’s unlimited, so until the opponent vomits blood, feed them with the amount you want to swap currency!!!”

“In order to transport cash to the Japanese Empire, the cooperation of the Ministry of the Navy is required!!!”

wall street.

The Detroit Investment Bank was in full swing. In fact, it was falling apart because it was a control tower that controlled the three countries of the Japanese Empire, the Qing Dynasty, and Imperial Russia.

But right now, there is only one place that matters most.

It was the Japanese Empire.


“Everyone, please pay attention.”

I put my shoes on the desk and shouted loudly through a simple loudspeaker that was only about half a piece of paper.

The inner gaze was focused on me.

“I got the consent of the Navy. I also got the consent of the Royal Navy so that cash can be actively transported.”

“Then how far should I scratch the currency swap? It’s unlimited, so I don’t understand the limit.”


I raised the corners of my lips.

“We’ll have to scrape them until they go bankrupt. We’ve got all of our backs, so don’t worry and just pull them down.”

Just before I left the table, an idea flashed through my head like a lightning bolt.

“Ah, by the way, the bonus is going to be a percentage of the income you raised, so you should know that and work on it.”



I dropped a bomb in the office and leisurely escaped.

– Whoa ah ah ah ah !!!!!

A few minutes later, screams of madness poured out from the office after each had finished their calculations.

< shock. (3) > end

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