Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 87

< Meiji Panic. (3) >

Near Tokyo Bay, Japan.


The Pacific Front of the United States of America.

Admiral Dewey’s Pacific Fleet made a call to the newly established supply bases of Hawaii and Midway and pushed into the vicinity of Tokyo Bay of the Japanese Empire.

The fleet that participated in this collection consisted of the newly formed 1st Fleet, 2nd Fleet, and 3rd Fleet.

“If anyone sees it, they would think that they are going to war against the Japanese Empire.”

“Isn’t it?”


“I heard that the U.S. Navy internally calculated the Japanese Empire as a hypothetical enemy.”

“Well, it’s not wrong. It’s a country that threatens America’s hegemony in the Pacific.”

It is a virtual country.

However, our fleet consists of dozens of armored cruisers, with the former Dreadnought-class battleships as flagships. It cannot be denied that it looks like going to war just by going to a virtual enemy country with such a fleet configuration.

“It’s not war. Adjutant. We’re going to open the port.”

“Isn’t that war?”

“…They were the ones who detained American merchant ships first. We’re just going to stand up for our right.”

yes, it’s a fair right

However, this era is just an era in which legitimate rights are enforced by force.

The combined fleet of the Japanese Empire pushed ahead with force, so even if they have two mouths, there is nothing to say.

“It must be a nightmare for them.”


Admiral Dewey burned a cigar.

“Is it a nightmare?”

“If you’re the Navy, aren’t you familiar with the names of the flagships of each fleet, such as the USS Saratoga?”


“Yeah. This is the Black Ship Inner Port where Admiral Perry opened Japan’s port.”

USS Saratoga.

USS Susqueana.

USS Mississippi.

All of them are iron ships of the ferry expedition that participated in the Heukseon Inner Port. A product of warship diplomacy that forced Japan to open during the Heukseon Inner Harbor in the mid-19th century.

At the end of the 19th century, the remnants were resurrected in the ruthless form of a full-dreadnought class.

tang tang tang.

“Report from the sight! Yokohama Port begins to be seen!”

“Is it Tokyo Bay?”

The time to collect has come.

Having brought three fleets of warships full of pesos for the national interest of the United States, it was time to work.



“For now…. Moderately salute.”

it’s a bullet shot


The port of Yokohama was shaken by a gunshot that ripped the sky. The admirals and sailors of the Combined Fleet came out and watched what was going on.

Three full-dreadnought-class battleships.

And dozens of armored cruisers were wading into Yokohama Port.


This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Old Glory.

The flag of the United States of America was fluttering in the wind.

A panic came to the Japanese Navy, which was blocking Tokyo Bay.

– Go to the Navy right now and figure out the situation!!! You haven’t received any contact from the Navy!!!

– Currently only 3 battleships caught on sight!!! Many armored cruisers!!! Currently, our fleet has only one Fuji-class battleship!!!

– Damn it….how do you deal with armored cruisers with non-protected cruisers…wait!!! Absolutely waiting!!! Behavior that provokes the other person is absolutely prohibited!!! Spread it to the sailors!!!

Tang. Tang. Tang.


Admiral Dogo Heihachiro hurried out, grabbed the railing and ripped open the ships entering Tokyo Bay. The harsh sea breeze scratched his face and flew his uniform, but he silently stared at only the Stars and Stripes.

“… Was the US Navy’s Pacific projection power so huge?”

Currently, only three fleets have been observed through sightings.

A whopping three fleets of the U.S. Navy were dispatched to the Japanese Empire. America in wartime.

In other words, they now have enough room to operate three fleets while blocking the Pacific Ocean with war.

‘It’s crazy naval power.’

Admiral Dogo took off his naval uniform roughly.

From the beginning, when I received this request from the Minister of the Navy, I felt bad.

this can’t be beat

Ug pole-

Admiral Dogo crumpled the naval officer with his hand.

“It’s a retreat.”


“Liberate all the detained armed merchant ships and defeat the combined fleet.”

“Yes, but Admiral, if you do that, Yokohama Port…”

“You don’t know the situation right now!!! I fired the salute now, but next time I can fire live bullets!!!”



Admiral Dogo let out a sigh.

They created volleys without a special signal. That sound means that those fleets have some kind of communication method. This meant that controlled shots could be scattered at any time.


With the current combined fleet, it was a defeat.

gang! gang! gang!

“Withdraw! Withdraw!”


The combined fleet, which had blocked Tokyo Bay that day, immediately liberated armed merchant ships and opened the port of Yokohama in its entirety. And the huge amount of pesos released at Yokohama Port began to pour into the financial circles of the Japanese Empire.

Hearing this news, a shout rang out once in the fortress.


Right now, Japan’s national banks have been hit hard.

Tokyo’s financial district.

Thousands of people flocked to the National Bank. He was a Kalchan samurai, and people from all walks of life, including ordinary farmers and factory workers, poured into the National Bank.

The windows of each bank were reduced to a mess.

“Give me my money!!! Kusoya Kono!!!”

“Go, customers, please calm down! Deposits in the bank are safe! Our national bank does not go bankrupt, so you don’t have to withdraw – Kek Kek!!!”

“I’m not saying it’s not your money, you bastard!!! I’m giving you my money!!!”


The samurai of the samurai class, whose fever rose to the tip of their heads, drew their swords violently and protested at the National Bank, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, who was dispatched after receiving the report, began to suppress the force.

Beep-! Beep-!

“Suppress it!!!”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s police rushed in and mercilessly arrested the samurai classes, but the more they did, the more the National Bank’s chaos grew.

The Ministry of Home Affairs’ police department dispatched officers to the national banks to barricade, but could not fire at the Tokyoites rushing to withdraw their deposits.


“Instead of the general, there is a bank run in downtown Tokyo right now!!!”

Tokyo’s chieftain.

An official ran into the temporary repayment control room in a cold sweat. At the word bank run that came out of his mouth, the officials in the control room were frozen on the spot.

Desperately exhausted, Minister Matsugata asked calmly with a 30-year-old face.

“How big is it?”

“It is said that withdrawal attempts are spreading to national banks in Tokyo. The Ministry of Home Affairs has dispatched officers, but the national banks are clamoring for bankruptcy, saying they can’t stand it any longer.”

“Currency swap.”

“Yes, the peso is pouring in as the port of Yokohama, which had been closed, is opened by the US fleet. The National Bank is strangling on both sides of the bank run and unlimited currency swap.”


Matsugata wiped his face.

However, the bankruptcy petition was not accepted. In the current bank run situation, on the day one bank goes bankrupt in Tokyo, things get out of control.

It just exploded in one place in Tokyo, but where was only Tokyo near Tokyo?

When the bank run spread, the entire Japanese empire went bankrupt.

“No. Bankruptcy filing will never be accepted. As long as the debt exceeds 300% or 1000% of the capital, it will never go bankrupt!!! Do you understand!!!”

“Ha, hi!!! Then what about the Mint…”

“Tell them to pull out as much yen as possible!!! There’s no way!!!”

Unlimited currency swaps are literally unlimited.

They will knock on the door of Japanese finance until the value of the Japanese yen and the peso, which has become a scrapped piece of paper, falls to the same level. The Japanese Empire could be in a situation where it had to abandon the gold standard.

‘It’s been less than three years since the introduction of the gold standard system…!’

I clenched my hand until it turned white.


Matsugata’s secretary came to him.


“Instead of the chief executive, all the bank presidents of the five major banks gathered in the meeting room of the Great Wall.”

“…to take the lead.”

“Yes, this is it.”

Matsugata hurriedly left the situation control room, guided by the secretary.

Tokyo’s great commander.

In the executive meeting room, the chief executives of the five major banks from all over were sitting in the meeting room with the executives.

The five heads of the Mitsui family.

First Bank Shibusawa H. Ito Hirobumi.

The head of the Sumitomo clan.

Head of the Mitsubishi family.

to the head of the Yasuda family.

The giants who controlled the Japanese economy and business were gathered in one place.


At the top of the table was the Emperor Meiji, who was unusually secretly visiting from the Meiji Palace.

Admiral Matsugata was startled by the emperor’s visit and immediately fell to the floor.

“Heika Tenno. Banzai!!!”

“Matsugata. Stop and take a seat. Do you have time for that now? It’s an urgent matter, so I’m on my own. Don’t waste your time.”

“Ha, hey.”

At the Emperor’s command, Matsugata took his seat immediately.

“I have informed the Ministry of Home Affairs well. Police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department will be dispatched immediately to block the National Bank.”

“The National Bank…but His Majesty…”

“Ah, I misunderstood. Not the Metropolitan Police Department, but the police and the army from all over the Japanese Empire will be dispatched to close the national and private banks across the country.”


bank closure order.

It was the most powerful means of deterring the bank run and the most necessary measure in this situation.

However, Matsugata hit the abacus with precision without being swayed.

“But, majesty. The bank closure order is a method that can only last for at least three days. Currently, as all contracts in the shipping industry are cancelled, settlement tasks are delayed. default) may occur.”

“I know.”

Emperor Meiji stared at the corner with a heavy face. Everyone gathered in the conference room fixed their eyes on it.

Former Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister.

Hirobumi Ito was sitting with her shoulders trembling slightly. Next to him were Shibusawa and Eichi.

“As far as I remember, this currency swap is a system that your First National Bank started first.”

Hirobumi Ito nodded slowly.

“Yes. His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Then, shouldn’t you be the one to train yourself?”

“…as a governor of the Yushin, I will do it with a sword-“

“Separation!!! That guy’s clothes!!! Damn it. Don’t even bring up the word split clothes.


Emperor Meiji roughly put down the iron wire he was holding. In that suffocating scene, the giants of Zaibatsu couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

“Instead of Captain Matsugata. How long do you think the bank closure will last?”

“The shortest is 3 days. The longest is one week.”

“That’s right. Itou.”

At the words of Emperor Meiji, Ito Hirobumi’s face turned black and died.

“Bring me a solution within a week. That’s the only thing you can do for me and for the honor of you and your family.”



If not, it is destruction.

The two eyes of Emperor Meiji who declared so were burning with blazing fire.

Towards the helpless Ito, Emperor Meiji muttered bitterly.

“If you can’t, just tell me. Jim is ready to do anything for the sake of this Japanese Empire.”


He picked up the wire again.

“The deadline is one week.”


At the sudden opening of the boardroom door, the commander-in-chief Matsugata was furious.

“What’s going on!!! Some bastard intervenes in the State Council without permission!!!”

“Oh, instead of Captain Matsugata!!! It’s a big deal!!!”

The officer in the Great Wall, who came in with a gasp in his stomach, cried out with his shaky pupils.

“Yasuda Bank, ranked 5th, has just filed for bankruptcy with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!!!!”


The president of Yasuda Bank, who participated in the executive meeting, passed away.

The Japanese Empire was shaking.


Meiji Edict.

Emperor Meiji’s bank closure decree was promulgated through the Imperial Diet.

– From this point on, all commercial banks across the country will be temporarily closed. The deadline is until lifted by the Minister of the Interior, the Police Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Imperial Japanese Army are obliged to protect commercial banks, and the imperial people are obliged to actively comply with the bank closure order.

Bankruptcy of Yasuda Bank.

In the end, Emperor Meiji took out the last card in one day.

Japan Settlement Bank.

Tokyo branch.

“It’s because of the bank closure order. Emperor Meiji finally prescribed a drug.”

“It won’t be long. As soon as three days pass, the middle-class shipping companies will pass, but it’s an edict that can only go up to a week.”

Temporary bank closure order.

It’s a strong measure, but it won’t last long. When a bank closes, the economy of that country stops. Can’t we just kill all the private companies to save the banks?

It won’t go away in a week.



The whistle of the policeman.

I was looking down at Tokyo city from the top floor of the main building with Samuel Sachs. Police officers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department were chasing samurai with whistle blows, while Japanese Army soldiers held up their guns and sealed off the city.

Despite the bank closure order, Japanese people trying to withdraw money continued to pour into the city.

“…It reminds me of Black Wednesday. Last year’s Wall Street was no joke. The headquarters of the railroad companies exploded with bombs and a mob with guns poured into the city.”

I laughed out loud at Samuel Sachs’ joke.

Clearly, this scene had a similar feel to last year’s Black Wednesday. Investors with guns just turned into samurai with swords. The degree of cruelty was similar.

“But I want to ask you one thing. Director of Detroit. Why did you want to overthrow Yasuda Bank? Aren’t there a lot of vulnerable banks like Mitsubishi Bank?”

“Ah, Yasuda Bank is a bit special.”


There are several types of conglomerates. Mitsubishi Bank, like Mitsubishi Line and Mitsubishi Corporation, is a financial business that started as a shipping business. The Mitsui and Sumitomo clan established banks as a basis for managing the family’s wealth and expanding the octopus style.

But Yasuda Bank is different.

“It’s a real estate conglomerate. Yasuda Bank.”


“Yasuda Bank is monopolizing the real estate in Tokyo, so I’m going to stab them and wipe out the real estate in Tokyo.”

“You mean to strengthen the fundamentals (basic assets)?

“No, it’s the other way around.”

Not our fundamentals.

To get rid of their underlying assets. Their money comes from real estate, but what will happen to them if they vomit all the real estate?

It was a sand castle like a bank that had been uprooted, and it became insolvent in an instant.

“Director Sachs. The primary purpose is not the bankruptcy of the National Banks of Japan.”

“…..? Then what’s the goal?”

I have no intention of killing anymore.

‘It’s no fun if you kill it already.’

So I’m here to lead.

When I boil a hound, I eat the beef bone in soup.

I’m just peeling it off, and it’s already killing me. Isn’t it worth it

Unleash the offensive without stopping. Until the other person gives up the idea.

This was war.

“First, there are some conditions that must be received from the Japanese Empire. The currency swap of the peso was the foundation for that.”

“What conditions should I accept?”

“Perhaps the signal will come soon.”


At that moment, the door was opened wildly and a director of the Bank of Japan Settlements rushed in.

Sax looked at him with a questioning face.

I smiled brightly.

“Gee, a big thing is happening right now in front of the headquarters.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“Anyway, I think it’s quicker to come out and see.”

“…what’s going on?”

Samuel Sachs went out, swiping the back of his neck in his hood.

But I was waiting for this moment.

“A declaration of surrender.”

Tub. Tub.

An elderly man staggered and was walking through the city of Tokyo. An old man of small stature with a wooden cane.

Hirobumi Ito was dead with a dark complexion on her face.

“Shoin Yoshida Sensei…”

John Hwangyang is the father of the Restoration Governors and the father of the modern Japanese Empire, who laid the foundation for the Meiji Restoration.

Under the teachings of Yoshida Shoin Sensei. Hirobumi Ito was trained as Governor of the Restoration.

When the Kurofune incident happened.

It was like yesterday when Yoshidashoin Sanse and the restaurateurs set fire to the government building, terrorized, and cried out to John Hwang, and rejected Westerners.

‘At that time, the old people of the shogunate looked so weak and they only looked like the minions of the patriotic slaves who sold their country…’

But now…

It was easy to understand why the officials of the shogunate accepted the port opening after the Kurofune incident without Tenno’s permission.

Why did they, who were helpless, bow their heads to those scumbags and accept a humiliating treaty?

It seemed to be known now.


In front of the main gate of the Tokyo Branch of the Japan Settlement Bank.

Hirobumi Ito fell to his knees. Bloody tears flowed from the corners of Hirobumi Ito’s eyes.

He lifted his head and looked up at the sunny sky.

Yoshida Shoin Sensei…..


Probably I…

It looks like they sold the country.


I hit my head once.


“Tooka (please)…”


“Tooka (please)…”

He clenched his fists until they turned white. Blood came out and wet the sleeves of his clothes.

“Tooka (please)…! Yurushite (forgive me)… Kudasai (please, please)…..!!!”


The stone floor cracked, and blood from Ito’s head seeped through the cracks.

“Turn it off….Turn it off….Turn it off….!!!!”

The old man’s scream was not boiled.

There, there was only one poor old man who remained shabby and kept pounding the Togeza.



I watched as Ito Hirobumi collapsed in the hallway on the second floor.

“…and finally came out like this.”

Hirobumi Ito is the face of the Meiji government in Japan. The fact that he, one of the three Joshu clan elders and a public figure of the Meiji reign, banged his head in the Japan Settlement Bank, expressed his unconditional will to surrender.

It was a cry from the Japanese government to please stop at this point.


I let out a bloody laugh.

It is ironic that the Japanese Empire, who used to cut mercilessly with a gun when the Korean independence fighters fight for national independence in blood, hopes that this situation will be resolved with only a togeja.

“What would you like to do?”

James asked me.

“Take it at once.”


“Please accept it at once.”

I turned my back on the wall.

The National Banks of Japan must not collapse already. I never meant to break it down so easily, and I was just about to finish the appetizer.

where to run away

“That’s how you survive and boil it down to the bones.”

“…that’s not yet.”

“Uh, now I’ve only used one shot. I still have three bullets left.”

I broke my neck.

“There is still one more month left to finish. Let’s take it easy.”


That day, for the first time, James felt a fear of capitalism.

< Meiji Panic. (3) > end

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