Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 92

< A line that should not be crossed. (2) >

United States Naval Department Headquarters.

executive meeting room.

“Roosevelt. The fleets that can be mobilized are the 5th, 6th, and 7th Fleet. They are deployed in British Hong Kong, Hawaii, and California, so they can arrive within a week from the 5th Fleet in British Hong Kong at the earliest.”

Naval Secretary John Long was poking through the papers with a serious face.

The Detroit Advisor was almost killed by the monkeys.

I thought the sky was turning yellow when I heard that a knife had passed through the carotid artery in my neck.


my dread note.

From the naval department’s point of view, the Japanese Empire has properly dealt with the opposition.

Secretary of War Roosevelt rubbed his chin.

“How is the Japanese Navy made up of the navy?”

“The Japanese Navy is simple. There is a lot of exchange between the British Navy and the Japanese Navy, so information is overflowing. It is divided into five naval districts.”


The officers in the room were busy moving when Secretary of the Navy John Long pounded the map spread out on the desk with a stick.

“However, there are currently a total of four naval bases (naval headquarters) in the Japanese Navy. Yokozuka base, Kure base, Sasebo base, and Maizuru base. These are the four naval bases.”

“Look, we also have four fleets.”

“That’s it.”

The Pacific 1st Fleet alone was able to put pressure on the Japanese combined fleet. If so, what would happen if the 5th, 6th, and 7th fleets were dispatched?

maritime blockade. It is possible.

Navy Secretary John Long picked up a thick report.

“This is a report sent to me by the Detroit director. They asked me what would happen with this economic policy toward Japan. Discuss it with the Blatchford Law Office or something.”

“…the title is very businesslike.”

Economic sanctions against Japan.

However, even if you flip through a few pages of the report, abusive words such as maritime blockades and wartime postures started to come out. Roosevelt’s face, which was puzzled at first, began to straighten out.


Roosevelt covered the report.

“After all, Detroit is the same amount that America needs.”

“The words are economic sanctions and economic retaliatory measures. It seems like one of the policies of the federal government’s State Department, but in fact, they commissioned a naval blockade, which is an outright military action. It’s crazy.”

“Measures against him are clearly in place.”

maritime blockade.

The invincible card that the Royal Navy, who holds maritime supremacy, often takes out as a sanctions measure. With Napoleon’s Continental Blockade, a method of isolating and drying up the opponent.

Although it is a military act, it is not a war.

Will the Japanese Navy even sink a warship that is blocking the sea? It was an all-out war.


America can do that.

“If you can’t feed them up to this level, you will be disqualified as the Minister of the Navy.”

Navy Secretary John Long changed his face.

As secretary of the navy, he gave orders to the naval officers gathered in the conference room.

“I will declare wartime readiness to the 1st, 5th, 6th and 7th fleets with the authority of the Minister right now and dispatch the fleets to each Japanese base. Details will be distributed in writing later. !!”



The naval officers finished their salute and began to move in a hurry.

Roosevelt captured Navy Secretary John Long.

“How’s the dreadnought now? Wasn’t it in the Atlantic Ocean?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.”

Secretary of the Navy, John Long, grinned.

“If it’s a dreadnought, it’s because we started it a long time ago.”


A knock was heard in the boardroom. The door opened, and Rousrelt and John Long’s assistants entered.

There was tension on his face.

“Secretaries, this is a call from the White House.”


Washington DC White House.

Emergency Ministerial Meeting.

The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Navy took preemptive measures before attending the ministerial meeting. After ordering the army’s troop transport ship and three fleets to be ready for war, he attended the ministerial meeting.

“Detroit Morgan. It’s a name you’ve been hearing deaf ears for the past three years.”


President McKinley exhaled a pungent cigar smoke. When I first heard that a civilian was almost killed by a Japanese officer, I had to rip some of them off by the Japanese Empire and finish it. I was thinking

But the person who was stabbed was the son of JP Morgan.

If that’s the case, it’s different.

“I was about to have my carotid artery cut off, but I’m still staying in the Japanese Empire, so what a heartbreak.”

He’s not just a banker.

JP Morgan was the most powerful and most important figure among the main political supporters of the Republican Party, or even McKinley’s government.

Besides, the son was no ordinary person.

What would happen to America if he lost him?

A report on him was prepared in writing by the State Department and kept on the President’s desk.


“If Detroit Morgan dies. The New York Ordnance may be disbanded, and the dreadnoughts will be handed over to the British.”

A huge gap in security.

“The giant railroad tycoons he was orchestrating start to run rampant, and billions of funds can be decommissioned on the New York Stock Exchange.”

The collapse of the US economy.

“After the credit law is thrown into the trash and the international credit rating agencies are shaken, the credit hegemony will be blown away…”

and a decline in international status.

Do several hegemons pass the initiative to other countries?

swearing comes out

But President McKinley, who emphasizes gentlemanly manners, swallowed a vulgar swear word.


“President, it came out of your mouth.”

“No, is this really a thing? It makes sense now that the US economy, international status, and security will be dismantled if one person dies. Whoa…”

President McKinley took another deep breath.

Even if President John Pierpont dies, America will never go down like this. There will be only one small panic, and then it will pass, or the whole Wall Street will commemorate his death.

Then he puts on a suit and goes to church, gives one speech, and it ends neatly.

But what about Detroit Morgan?

First, I had to deal with the anger of Chairman John Pierpont Morgan right away.

“So now the Federal State Department. Do you mean to say that Detroit Morgan, a half ‘walking America’, is walking in the middle of the Imperial Japanese samurai?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Even those samurai are crazy men trying to kill Detroit, a tribe that looks like crazy dogs? The bodyguards to escort him are only sailors from the 1st Fleet?”

“That’s correct.”

“These crazy children!!!”


President McKinley was genuinely outraged.


Re-election was imminent.

“Japan…no, they call them Japs. These f*cking bastards are trying to get a f*ck out at the last minute of my term, right? Re-election this winter? Does the State Department have a solution to this?”

“This is a data on the blockade measures against Japan made with reference to a report from the Detroit advisory.”

Secretary of State John Hay, through his secretary, handed over a copy of the report to President McKinley.

“First of all, Detroit Morgan is a War Advisor for the United States Department of War and a Naval Advisor for the Naval Department. Wait a minute. Isn’t that a civilian?”

“It is equivalent to a high-ranking official in the federal government.”

“Jabs tried to harm a high-ranking official in the federal government…”

His expression was getting worse and worse.

“Economic sanctions against Japan.”

“Yes, it’s in the report, but it’s an economic retaliatory measure to blockade and dry up Japanese waters.”

“It’s an economic retaliatory measure. It’s a really good word. It’s a de facto military act, but doesn’t it look like a trade dispute between the two countries?”

“Because the cover of the cause is important.”

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Of course, there are reasons for this, as well as the eyes of European powers abroad, but the most important thing is how the citizens will accept it.

No matter how isolationist he was, he was able to get over it if it was packaged as economic retaliation.

Because on the surface it looks like one of the policies of the State Department.

More than anything.

There was no time now.

“There is no time to wait until the passage of Congress. Based on Article 2 of the main text of the U.S. Constitution, I exercise the power of a presidential executive order.”

crunchy crunchy.

At President McKinley’s words, the ministers were busy writing notes on paper.

“The legal basis for taking sanctions against hostile countries will first be the Teller Amendment. The federal government is issuing an executive order to ‘blockade Japan’ as an economic sanctions measure based on the Teller Amendment.”

President McKinley glanced at the ministers gathered in the meeting room with both eyes.

“I would like each minister to prepare for the aftermath of this and come up with a plan to suppress the opposition of neighboring countries as much as possible and submit a report to the White House in writing.

The ministers were busy tearing down the paper memos and began to instruct the secretaries. As the secretaries who had been assisting the ministers were busy moving, the meeting room of the ministers began to heat up.


President McKinley struck the desk.

“The White House is proposing a bill to the Senate and House of Representatives as of today to further strengthen the executive order. Let’s dissolve it.”


executive order.

In the United States, an executive order is an order from the president of the United States that governs the operations of the federal government. It projects more power than any other country’s president, and although there have been thousands of executive orders in history, only representative ones are significant.

Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.

FDR’s Great Depression Bank Closure Order.

Executive Order No. 9066 for the forced displacement of Japanese in the Pearl Harbor attack.

Modern U.S. super-strong trade sanctions Super 301.

An executive order that has historically projected its power was issued today throughout the federal government.

Unlike the original executive order issued only to the relevant institutions, it was an exception, but it was inevitable. Detroit’s influence was enormous.

Millennium Executive Order.

The nickname given to this Executive Order No. 1000.

Japan’s maritime blockade for three months.

In the meantime, all entry and exit of the Japanese Empire is blocked by the U.S. Navy.

Rice imports?

there is no such thing

– These damn jabs are trying to harm America’s national interest!!!!

A key Republican leader.

Senator Lodge was furious at the news of the attack in Detroit, and with pro-trust Senator Eldrich Eldrich drafted a draft containment law against Japan and submitted it to the Senate.

[The Senate passed the Japan Blockade Act with 54 votes in favor and 23 against.]

[The House of Representatives passed the Japan Blockade Act with 263 votes in favor and 54 against.]

[Modern America is living in expansion and Pacific hegemony.]

– Washington Post (WP)

The so-called millennium blockade.

A bill that would strongly support the executive order passed Congress within a week, with an additional budget of $500 million.

And it’s two people who stop the aftermath.

They were the two giants of the federal government.

“I think it’s the first time the two of us have a meeting like this.”

“Huh, there is no such unusual combination of the Minister of Justice and the State Council meeting.”

Secretary of State Hay and Attorney General Griggs were having a meeting in a special room in the White House.

Secretary of State Hey, the foreign policy following the lockdown measures. Attorney General Griggs in the case of the International Court of Justice.

Surprisingly, there was a lot of overlapping material.

“Hey, Secretary of State, the feelings of the royal families toward Japan are at their worst. The case before the International Court of Justice is so spectacular.”

“Ah. I heard that too.”

The 1st National Bank’s attempted embezzlement of money from the royal family of the Korean Empire. This event triggered the wrath of each royal family.

“But I added more oil to it. I filed an additional sensitive matter with the International Court of Justice.”

“Oil? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

“This is it.”

The assassination of the queen of the Joseon Dynasty of the Japanese Empire.

Former Secretary of State Heyy’s eyes widened at this startling incident, but she was struck with a sense of dizziness.

“This. It’s a case I’ve heard a lot about.”

“There was a time when an article about the murder of the Joseon queen in the Japanese Empire was published in an overseas newspaper. However, the Japanese Empire took it out as it was unfounded and the British buried it, and it sank to the bottom of the water.”


This is a good material to stimulate European royal families.

It makes me angry that he almost took away the royal family’s property.

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One official assassinated the royal queen. No, not even an assassination. killed outright

I don’t know how it would have been if it was written as a general article, but it would be a different story if it was brought to the ‘International Court of Justice’ in the hands of the ‘US’.

There’s no evidence that’s groundless?

The Secretary of State snorted. It had no meaning in front of hegemony.

After all, it was just a seasoning that stimulated the royal family of European powers.

“The fact that a lawsuit has been filed is important, as judicial trials are one of the areas where precedents are strong.”

“There will be a tectonic change in each country’s policy toward Japan.”

“That’s correct.”

The anger of the royal families in England, Germany, Russia, and the Netherlands, which seemed impossible due to the proposed agenda, was strangely united around Queen Victoria.

Secretary of State Hey, smiled insidiously.

“This is a great gift from the Attorney General. Taking advantage of this angered international situation is just a piece of cake from my point of view. Thank you.”

“Oh, I guess you have something to do with it.”

“Yes, if Japan’s maritime blockade is implemented, international shipping companies’ Japanese shipments will all stop and their sales will decrease.

The solution given by the Detroit director was simple and clear.

But for simplicity and clarity, it was extremely bloody and terrifying.

“They said they would shake the economy in Japan soon. They said that they would break the Japanese gold standard and suck up all of the shipping companies with the Japan Settlement Bank.”


“What our State Department had to do was simple. It’s a sale.”

parcel out.

It sounds pretty cute, but it’s even more vicious.

It’s because they’re trying to rip off the Japanese economy and sell it to overseas shipping companies to shut their mouths.

He threw tasty meat at the hyenas.

Naturally, international shipping companies turned their eyes to the fascinating bait.

“The Belgian and Dutch shipping companies are already forming a consortium to devour the bigger shipping companies. The UK’s Qunard Line is issuing bonds and sucking up capital at a frightening rate.”

“Everyone has their eyes turned.”

“Japan is basically an island country. The shipping industry is well developed and it is also an outpost of trade in the big Qing dynasty market. Let’s go back. Of course.”

But it doesn’t end here.

Detroit’s horror comes from here.

“I put the prerequisites.”


“If you want to take over the Japanese shipping company, it is a lock-in condition that the corporation must be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.”


Foreign companies are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

It creates the effect of inflow of capital as much as the listed shares from foreign countries.

The US current account surplus (national imports) rises.

It was the result of a thorough pursuit of the national interest of the United States.

“…a scary man. Detroit moving.”

“I do not know.”

Secretary of State Hey tilted his head in an unknown expression.

He was like a demon to his enemies.

He was infinitely devoted to his home country of America.

“There’s only one thing I can be sure of.”

“one thing?”


Secretary of State Hey closed his eyes.

“At least, he’s a person the US shouldn’t be hostile to.”


that time.

Tokyo, Japan.



Dozens of wagons from the port of departure from the Yokozuka Naval Base were rushing to Tokyo in a line.


The carriage train, made up of armored carriages covered with black croup gloves, was carrying a large amount of yen.

Sailors from the United States Navy were recruited to escort a cash-carrying vehicle, and along with hundreds of sailors and naval officers made their way to the Great General of Tokyo.

The Krupp armor was added to the extra armor that was being loaded into the fleet for repairs.

“Hey, Detroit. Sea blockade, what else are you trying to do?”

Samuel Sachs was in the aft of the carriage and was having a conversation with Detroit.

I shrugged.

“It’s literally a naval blockade. Nothing can escape Japan. Nothing can enter Japan.”

“Then what do foreign entrepreneurs do?”

“The grace period is one month. Until the 7th Fleet arrives in Japan from California. There is plenty of time. And that’s the life left for Japan.”

Inquiries from shipping companies around the world have already been pouring in for the Bank of Japan Settlement. They rushed to the news that Japan’s insolvent shipping companies were taking over and selling them.

The thing that surprised me the most was the Quna Line.

It was the largest shipping company in the UK.

“I’m sure they’ll be targeting Mitsui Chemicals for sale.”

“Detroit folks, aren’t you going to hand over Mitsui Corporation?”

“Of course. Why are you handing over Japan’s largest shipping company? We have agreed to merge and hand over Mitsubishi Line and Mitsubishi Corporation.”

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Of course, the 25% stake in all pre-sale volumes will be handed over to the Bank of Japan. However, the remaining business is that countries are frantically forming consortiums and rushing towards them.

German shipping companies were also salivating.

“Rice imports will be blocked for three months from one month from now.”

“Rice? Does it matter?”

“It is Japan in the early stages of industrialization. Currently, the youth of Japan leave the countryside and move to the city, and urban overcrowding is in progress. And the rural and rural areas of Japan are undergoing hollowing out.”

“……It’s time for a serious food shortage.”

So, Japan risked its life for Joseon’s rice and rushed to it. do you like rice? Of course it is too.

But the ultimate reason is that if there is no rice from Joseon, you will die of starvation right away.

“At the same time, it is a three-month maritime blockade at the time of sowing.”


“Haha, I don’t know if this will become an agricultural state.”

“It doesn’t sound like a joke.”


I got a Coke.

“The yen we are carrying now. If it is converted at the Great Wall, the gold convertibility will stop tomorrow. The collapse of the gold standard is instantaneous.”


“Currently, the fixed exchange rate between the yen and the dollar is 2:1. How far will the exchange rate fall if the gold standard breaks down and the maritime blockade is implemented?”


it’s for pesos

Like the Spanish peso, it degenerates into pieces of paper.

“Then what will the debt ratio be?”

“…a tenfold increase is 400%, a 100-fold increase is 4000%.”

“Then, will they all go bankrupt within three months of the blockade?”


“Of course, I won’t let you go bankrupt. We’re going to give you a deferment of payments. Exactly three months.”

“When the naval blockade is over, I will already become your slave, right?”

“I’m not a child slave.”

I waved my hands.

“All these are just the foundations for normalizing the Japanese economy and developing industrialization. I sincerely hope that Japan does not collapse.”

And smiled wildly.



United States of America.

Pacific Command.


A naval admiral was flipping through a report in the command room.

“Hey, lieutenant. Didn’t you say you’re building a fleet with a new weapon recently? On the Hawaiian side.”

“Are you talking about the new weapon?”

“Why are there ships that submerge in the sea. What’s their name?”

“Oh, you’re talking about submarines.”

U boat.

A copy of the report submitted by the Detroit Advisor to the Department of the Navy. The U.S. Navy was interested in the new weapons submitted by the Detroit advisor and launched about a dozen or so.

“Is it at the Hawaii Naval Base now?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Let’s send a submarine fleet to the Hawaii 6th Fleet this time. Reports say that there is no such thing as a submarine in naval blockade, so let’s try it this time.”

“I think that’s a good idea.”


The admiral furrowed his eyebrows.

The lieutenant asked puzzled.


“No, the submarine’s name is strange.”

USS Nevada.

Isn’t that the name of a state with a huge desert area in the United States? The name of a desert state for a submersible submarine.

“This name was strongly recommended by the Detroit Director, Naval Advisor.”

“…Is there any special reason?”

“Oh, that’s it.”

The lieutenant scratched the back of his neck.

When he first saw him, he doubted his eyes.

“I was going to turn it into a desert.”


The admiral, who had been listening for a moment, was stunned.

What makes a desert?

The lieutenant simply shook his head. The Admiral soon realized the terrifying idea and opened his mouth wide.

< A line that should not be crossed. (2) > end

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