Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 96

< Worst number. (2) >

Washington DC

A surprise attack without a declaration of war.

When the news that the Japanese Empire had carried out a surprise attack on the US 1st Fleet hit the White House, they urgently gathered ministers and held a ministerial meeting.

President McKinley frowned.

“…I’m worried.”

And everyone in this room thought so.



I want to tear it apart right now.

Everyone in this group sympathized with the desire to capture and kill all those wicked Japs who dared to sink the 1st Fleet in a surprise attack without a declaration of war and bury the American sons in Tokyo Bay.

But the family of politicians should not always turn away from reality.

The reality in America was not so rosy.

“Hasn’t this news been delivered to the Democrats yet?”

“Yeah, yet only some top heads of the US federal government know about it.”

“Please be careful. If you get into their ears before any countermeasures are taken, they will surely cry out for an all-out war.”

It’s a Democrat who’s had some fun with the main radio.

If this incident became known, it was clear that this time would be an unreasonable number, saying that the cost of the war was 100 billion dollars.

but re-election.

The Republican Party’s re-election has already been confirmed. They had to awaken reason in the cold of reality to prepare for the future.

“If it goes like this, it’s a three-way front.”

Roosevelt bit his lip, forced to swallow his anger.

I wanted to slaughter the Japs with a machine gun right away, but a big problem remained.

“The Spanish Empire has been torn apart, but Cuban and Filipino rebels still remain. I don’t know if the US can handle it if it opens the Japanese front while maintaining the Cuban military government and the Philippine military government.”

“Is that enough?”

Treasury Secretary Lyman Gage responded to President McKinley’s comments.

“Yes, if we start extracting U.S. goods and troops through a total mobilization order rather than a partial mobilization order, the wartime economy could improve, but we will not be able to withstand the aftermath. .”

The Philippines and Cuba are still far from affordable.

However, if we open the front line to Japan, the US economy could be pushed back 10 or 20 years ago.

The wartime economy is nothing less than the Last Supper.

total mobilization order.

When the wartime system ends and the economy returns to normalcy, can the economy that used to print war materials be transformed into a normal one in one day? And can the current Republican government be able to afford all that manpower consumption? Consumption of national power?

Absolutely impossible

Perhaps immediately afterward, the economy was struck by a panic and collapsed.

“We must maintain the principle of limited warfare.”

“But those wicked Japs have been raiding without a declaration of war! If they were just sucking their fingers like this, what would the citizens of the United States think of the federal government?”


President McKinley slammed his desk in frustration.

“Isn’t there any countermeasures? The Japanese Empire, or at least the military, needs a way to quell it.”

Everyone was silent.

Everyone shared the feeling of wanting to eat up the Japanese Empire in an all-out war at any moment. However, the three-sided front consumes too much national power to maintain it along the wide Pacific Ocean.

Due to the limited warfare, it was necessary to somehow minimize the use of troops.

wisdom is needed


at that time.

Secretary of State John Hay raised his hand.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at him.


“How about applying it partially by referring to Divide & Rule?”

“Divide and Rule?”

Divide and rule

It was a political technique used when governing numerous colonies as the policy base of the colonial authorities of the British Empire.

A colonial policy that uses nationalism and religion to divide, divide, and cause hatred of each other.

Secretary of State Hey nodded.

“Yes, it may be applicable to the current situation. The current emperor of the Japanese Empire can wield an authority comparable to a kind of tyrannical monarchy by means of the Daejeongbonghwan, but that is what happened before and after the Meiji Restoration.”


Until the Meiji government came into power, the Japanese Empire was dominated by the shogun, not the emperor, in charge of politics at the center of power.

“This head of state, the shogun, has ruled the Japanese Empire through the Shogunate for a long time, and the Emperor of the Japanese Empire is the spiritual support of the Japanese people.”

“…can you explain it easily?”


To the Japanese people, what is the emperor?

“It’s just a metaphor without any intention, so please listen.”

“Tell me.”

“To them, the emperor is similar to the existence of Jesus that Catholics think of. It’s like a deity that has come down to earth. The treatment is almost similar.”


Everyone in the secretary’s office swallowed the empty wind.

“For your reference, the Emperor of Japan has a long history that extends to ancient times if we trace its genealogy. It can be seen as the Japanese version of Catholicism. I was just speaking as an analogy, so there is no one-to-one symmetry, but that’s the status.”

“But the Imperial Assembly, the Hwa family, and the military are different.”

In the Japanese Empire, the emperor is absolute.

It means that the symbolic meaning is absolute, not the absoluteness of power.

But the ministers of the Cabinet are different.

they are not sages

He’s just one of those imperial people with some power.

“Divide and Rule. Waving the emperor with a totem will be able to separate the Japanese people from the military.”

“After separation. What do you do after that?”

“The Detroit Director gave us the answer sheet.”

Secretary of State John Hay smiled at President McKinley’s question.

In any case, it is impossible to completely uproot the emperor from Japan.

If that’s the case, all you need to do is split it up, cut off the Emperor’s limbs, and turn it into a totem.

Here’s how to split it up:

The Emperor Meiji and the Japanese people are bound together. good one.

By tying Zaibatsu and the military. bad one.

separate good and evil.

after that?

“You are intensifying the economic sanctions of Executive Order No. 1000 by engaging in a delay war with Divide and Rule. With this, the United States is taking both strategy and cause.”

Throat your neck until you die.


Secretary Hey, pulled out a few copies of the report from his briefcase.

[Report on the situation in East Asia, steel demand and credit ratings.]

[Japanese political structure and history.]

[Guidelines for economic sanctions against Japan.]

[Japan Settlement Bank’s performance report, financial statements and asset list. For filing with the National Tax Service.]

– Detroit de Morgan.

“There will be no need for an all-out war.”

‘Cause you know you’ll die

The Detroit director’s tactics continued to squeeze Japan.

next day.

[Announcement by the U.S. Treasury Department. “The Japanese government and banks have an incestuous relationship. The government finance of the Zaibatsu and abnormal debt caused the Meiji Depression. We must accept advanced finance from the United States.”]

-The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

[Announcement by the U.S. Department of State. “The incompetence and runaway of the Japanese military is a result of the corruption of the Imperial Japanese Parliament. The Japanese people are being harmed by the dirty side of the Zaibatsu and Yushin governors. We will raise economic sanctions. I’m willing to.”]

-New York Times (NYT)

[Announcement by the U.S. Department of War. “The corrupt officials in the military express their deep regret at the current situation surrounding Emperor Meiji. We respect and support Emperor Meiji. Our main enemy is the Japanese military.”]

-New York World (NYW)

[White House. “The mission of liberal America is to give freedom to citizens oppressed by the military.”]

– Chicago Tribune (CT)

[America has lifted the torch of freedom.]

-Washington Post (WP)

Hashima Island.

Mitsubishi Coal Mine’s president’s office.

“The situation in Japan is rapidly changing, and we do not have a good understanding of Japan. So, the State Department and the US government need the insight of Detroit Director.”

The elites in black suits hit me SOS.

I quietly opened a cola and poured it into a hospitality glass.


“You mean the State Department is asking for my advice?”

“Yes, the US 1st Fleet is still struggling, and the US 5th, 6th and 7th Fleet are on their way to Japan. Before that, the State Department intends to establish a strategy for Japan.”

Board of Directors of Japan Settlement Bank.

A group of high-ranking State Department officials contacted me. At this time, the State Department was also in charge of a kind of intelligence agency, so he was living in Japan.

There was also an American corporation in Japan.

“My country acknowledges the Emperor Meiji, and the military is only going to destroy the main headquarters.”

“I heard that it was a comment from the Detroit Director.”

“That’s right. If we make Divide & Rule based on our understanding of Japanese culture, the damage will be less.”

And I don’t want an all-out war.

I need to suck on honey, but what will be left if I devour it?

However, this Divide and Rule had a fatal flaw.

It was the obedience of the Japanese people to their country.

Unlike the daimyo and samurai, they are very good listeners.

So this measure is directed towards the peasants, not the peasants. The key was to make the ruling classes of the Japanese Empire fear the peasant uprising.

agitate the ruling class.

Bringing the peasants into the arms of America.

The United States shakes a doll called the emperor, refines his obedience, concentrates on the emperor, and strikes the head of the military.

“Certainly, that would cut off only those annoying corrupt forces.”

“you’re right.”

current cabinet?

Disbanding is enough

But not the military.

“A bad army of corrupt vassals. The United States of Salvation with the torch of freedom. That is our direction.”

When I finished my words, the person sitting in front was amazed.

But it may not be eaten.

Divide and Rule is not an easy operation. I was also skeptical.

But it could take some time.

It could keep the peasants from sticking their teeth toward America.

It could make the soldiers start to starve to death and start deserting.

Most of all, I was able to turn their attention away.

If it can be dragged out in just three months, it is a complete victory for the United States.

“It is to strengthen economic sanctions.”

“Economic sanctions?”

How could the modern United States be able to burn countries with only economic sanctions?

This is because it is more efficient and effective to kill them with economic sanctions rather than an all-out war.

At the question of the State Department staff, I stood up.

“This is how you go.”


Japanese main office.

Immediately after the imperial parliament was adjourned and the naval and army departments launched a surprise attack, panic erupted in the Imperial Japanese Army, which set up the second headquarters.

If there’s one good news.

The fact that the lines of the Japanese legation in the United States were reopened. So, it was the fact that I was able to obtain information about the American organization.

Dae Bon-young could soon realize that this was not good news, but the beginning of despair.


“…Try it again.”

Admiral Yamamoto stared at the adjutant who was trembling in front of him.

The lieutenant swallowed his saliva.

“The US 5th Fleet changed course. It neutralized Taiwan’s combined fleet and entered a naval blockade.”

“Didn’t the US 5th Fleet come to mainland Japan? To rescue the 1st Fleet in Tokyo Bay, it had to come to the Yokozuka Base, not Taiwan.”

“It appears that the strategic objectives have been revised.”

The 5th Fleet, which should have come to Tokyo Bay, returned to the Taiwan Governor-General and implemented a full naval blockade.

And for Dae Bon-yeong, it was like a clear blue sky.

Prime Minister Yamamoto roared.

“Damn it! Taiwan has cellulose and camphor! Without it, you can’t make gunpowder!


Broken glass was scattered everywhere.

The supply of gunpowder was cut off immediately.

It was clear what the isolation of the Taiwanese government-general meant. But the report did not end there.

no. Now it was the beginning.

“The US 6th Fleet has arrived after receiving a rescue request from the US 1st Fleet! The situation in Tokyo Bay has turned around!”

“The Huzi-class sunk! No more battleships in the Combined Fleet! Unprotected cruisers continue to be hunted by American fleets!”

“Withdraw the remaining troops! The navy of the Maizuru base may still be there! Bring them back and withdraw from Tokyo Bay! Immediately!”

“The US 7th Fleet has arrived! A lookout has detected the presence of an army troop transport ship! Enter Osaka Port!”

The American fleet continued to be augmented.

The combined fleet of Sasebo, Kure, and Yokozuka was destroyed. Complete isolation and partial naval blockade of the Taiwanese Government-General began.

“No! No! No!”

bang! bang! bang!

At the news of the annihilation of the combined fleet, Yamamoto cried out in tears. The furniture on the desk flew through the air and was smashed. The officers who were hit by the picks held their positions, trembling with blood on their heads.

Yamamoto’s eyes widened.

Maizuru. Even Maizuru should protect it.

“Concentrate all your troops on Maizuru! You must absolutely defend Kyoto!”


Daebonyeong’s nightmare is not over yet.

No, it was just the beginning.

When the navy was fully stretched out, the fuse caught fire on the army.

“There is no coal supply in Japan? Is it possible to supply gunpowder because the Taiwan Governor-General is isolated? No, what the hell are these f*cking seal bastards doing!”

Conflict between navy and army.

“War from Osaka! It is said that the Dojima Rice Exchange has been occupied by the US Army that has landed! There are large warehouses of rice!”

“War from Yokohama! Mitsui fabric (clothing) factory and Asano Zaibatsu’s gunpowder factory have been occupied! The industrial complex has been taken over by the US military!”

“It is said that coal from all of Japan is piled up in the Hashima Coal Mine in Mitsubishi!”

It’s only been a few days.

What the hell happened in those days?

Coal, gunpowder, rice, petroleum, fabric, industry, guns.

The army was losing everything in one sitting.



The Minister of the Army, Katsura, trembled in shock and fear.

“What the hell is this…”

And I knew.

The fact that all these operations were established with the instructions and information sharing of the Bank of Japan for Settlements.

This was after major key industries were already taken over by the Japan Settlement Bank through equity conversion.

“Why the hell is it that the Americans know the supply points better than the Japanese headquarters!”

what the hell

Japan Settlement Bank This monster.

Why can’t you escape?

“We weren’t fighting in mainland Japan right now!”


Daebonyoung was in the grip of Detroit and was struggling.


Japanese ambassador.

“Instead of the captain. This is a telegram from the main headquarters.”


The Minister of the Admiral Matsugata was handed the telegram from an official of the Admiralty Department with a pale face. In the blink of an eye, the main headquarters was built and I got up and returned to the sound of a surprise attack without declaring war on the United States.

It’s already late.

After reading the telegram, Captain Matsugata became even paler.

I was seriously wanting to wear halbok.

“What do you think Dae Bon-young will do in the future?”

“Even if it is a Japanese gun chain, I have made up my mind that I will build demonic spirits in Shinto.”

“…Crazy bastards.”

They don’t even know how things are going now. It was just that the supply was cut off, so the war continued even though the Kuso Kuso was overused.

Matsugata’s lieutenant general had a head-on.

“The Taiwanese Governor-General was isolated?”

“It seems that the Taiwanese Government-General also recognized it as part of the Japanese Empire and included it in the maritime blockade.”

“One of the largest producers of camphor and cellulose in Japan has been blocked…”

The synthetic raw material for gunpowder was cut off.

It could not be simply expressed as ‘disconnected’. It was said that all of the gunpowder factories in Japan that were supposed to be operated using gunpowder raw materials had stopped, and that the Asano Zaibatsu gunpowder factory had also stopped all.

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One axis of industry came to a complete halt.

To make matters worse with hyperinflation, the loss of sales only increased the deficit and increased debt.

It was like a death sentence for the Japanese gunpowder industry.

What is the treatment of the mass unemployed or companies that will go bankrupt?

Dae Boon Young had no idea.

“That’s not the only problem.”

Cellulose could be made into gunpowder, but its nitrate is also the most important ingredient in fertilizer.

Is the supply of fertilizers cut off due to the blockade of the Taiwan Governor-General?

Is it time to sow soon?

“How are the fertilizer prices?”

“It has already entered the hoarding period. It has already risen from 10 times to 15 times.”

“Guano… I can’t even expect it.”

no fertilizer

Due to the blockade operation against Japan, exports and imports with the world were cut off. Moreover, considering that one of Guano’s great-grandchildren is the United States, I couldn’t expect it.

“How is the USDA doing?”

“It’s a battlefield, instead. Farmers are screaming. The USDA wants to implement a price-fixing system, but if they do, the Japanese agricultural industry will collapse.”

When fertilizer prices soar at the time of sowing, there are few measures that farmers can take.

give up farming.

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Or being self-sufficient.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Or raise the price.

At first, it was clear that basic agricultural production itself would go downhill rapidly.

This year is semi-definitely a bad year.

But it was just the beginning.

“What? The Dojima Rice Exchange was also taken over? Why are the mainland bastards so fussy even on the mainland? Why are they being deprived of it?”


Matsugata was furious. A thread burst in his eye.

“That was the yen’s only hope!”

The stone heads of the Daebonyeong are just complaining that the rice line is cut off, but for the Great General, the Dojima Rice Exchange was a kind of holy place.

Edo period.

Japan issued banknotes based on rice to the extent that it could be said to be a kind of rice standard system, and daimyo paid samurai in exchange for rice and banknotes as salaries.

The Dojima Rice Exchange is the largest rice futures and spot market in Japan.

Now that the yen has abandoned the gold standard and the silver standard. To link it with the real economy, I tried to link it with rice by returning to the Edo period.

all was in vain

“Fertilizer prices are rising! Rice storage is stolen! If fertilizer raw materials are also cut off, what kind of farming do farmers do?”

The unemployed in the city were going down to the countryside.

But it’s sad to be thrown out for not knowing farming, but even as a peasant farmer, I couldn’t get a job. This is because the interest rates on loans from large landlords were so high that they vomited blood.

Farming requires manpower, but money is scarce.


can’t farm

No matter how strong the landowners are, even if they are built, the flesh and bones have to be cut.

“The Mitsubishi Hashima Coal Mine has lost all of its coal, there is no oil import, and the Mitsui Textile Factory has been taken away, so we can’t even make uniforms for the soldiers.”

Am I right in Japan right now?

No, how can the Japanese have nothing to disseminate in Japan?

Is this possible?


It quickly lost its supply power.

I was starving in real time.


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Opened the newspaper.

[Dark discoloration of the Japanese Empire. All of this was caused by the incestuous relationship between Zaibatsu and the Meiji government and the abnormal debt ratio. The Japanese Empire needs to transplant the advanced economy of the United States.]

[The scoundrels covering the Emperor’s eyes. Are Daebonyeong really loyal to the Japanese Empire?]

[America with the torch of freedom. “The free United States is willing to roll up its arms to rescue the Japanese people.”]

– Asahi Shimbun.

The national finances were scratching the floor.

All underlying assets were outflowed through the Japan Settlement Bank.

There was no money to nationalize, and no money to nationalize and feed the workers.

…without the Japan Settlement Bank, the Japanese economy will collapse. Without a bailout committee, the Japanese economy cannot revive.

The newspaper article did not end there.

[A strong warning from the US government. “The Zaibatsu business groups that help the Japanese government will be subject to strong US sanctions in the future. The US government is deeply concerned about Zaibatsu’s aid to Japan.”]

The US declares economic warfare to end you if you help Japan.

Japan was dying in the name of economic retaliation.

“All the media has already fallen into the hands of the Japan Settlement Bank. This is it.”

“We have attacked blue-chip companies and major industries such as national key businesses, Zaibatsu, and the media.”


Japan was being divided in real time.

The subsequent mistakes of the main headquarters and the farmers in rural areas who only see a future of starvation. The subjects of the Japanese Empire did not dare doubt the Emperor, but it is different if it is the main headquarters.

Besides their eyes and ears already. And the economy was dominated by the Bank of Japan and the United States.

[US Department of Agriculture. “The U.S. federal government is also willing to provide food aid to the Japanese people. It has sufficient capacity to provide large quantities of corn and wheat.”]

[U.S. Department of War. “The situation in which military supplies such as spam remain. We are also willing to cooperate in aid.”]

conciliation. Temptation.

[Japan Settlement Bank. “Measures need to be taken against wholesalers such as Suzuki Stores that sell rice and fertilizers. The need for the Bank of Japan Settlement in the current Japanese industrial and economic system.”]

justification. necessity.

[Is the Yamagata Cabinet, who tried to assassinate the Japan Settlement Bank, which came to the rescue, really right?]

[The astonishing backwardness of the current Japanese political system and finance, Japan needs to accept the advanced culture of the United States.]

doubts and problems.


It trembles like me.

The United States was fishing with a coveted bait for the Japanese people.

It wasn’t wrong.


At that moment, the door was hurriedly opened and an official from the General Department rushed in.

An ominous scourge came upon the head of Captain Matsugata.

“… instead of the captain.”

“Something. What made you so pale?”

Any good news?

Still have more floors?

The chief of staff bowed their heads.

“I report. Baltic Shipping Exchange, London Futures Exchange, Chicago Futures Exchange, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, New York Futures Exchange, New York Mercantile Exchange, etc…”

…..no way.

“It seems that the name of the Japanese Empire has been deleted.”


The floor was more.


Kirik. Kirik.

that time.

Kyoto, Japan.

The only surviving Maizuru Naval Base.


The periscope popped up above the surface of the water.

– Target capture. torpedo loading.


< Worst number. (2) > end

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