Wandering in Omniverse

Ch 19 – First Experience

*Knock* *Knock*

"There is something urgent to report, sir."

"Come in."

Woo Jin-Chul entered the Association President's office.

Watching the anxious and confused expression of his most trusted man, Go Gunhee furrowed his brows and asked.

"What happened?"

Seeing the old man's puzzled expression, Woo Jin-Chul spoke carefully.

"Actually Sir, I just received the news that... Hunter Jason, how should I say this?"

"What did he do this time?" Go Gunhee sighed and asked.

'Did he make trouble again or something?'

Woo Jin-Chul sighed and spoke. "He used his fake license to..."

"To do what?" Go Gunhee urged, perturbed.

Woo Jin-Chul took a deep breath and said. "He joined the mining team of his own guild!"

Go Gunhee shot up from his chair.

"What did you say?!... He... The World's strongest hunter applied to become a miner??"

His voice accurately conveyed his disbelief.

In all honesty, Jin-Chul reacted the same back then.

"Yes, sir. He has indeed done so." Cold sweat trickled down Jin-Chul's face as he nodded his head.

Go Gunhee plopped down on the chair and face-palmed himself.

"That idiot! Just what in the world did he think he was doing? Aahh!! My poor heart!"


After putting on the distributed hard hat and the miner's overall, Jason followed after the foreman Bae Yun-Seok. He found a fairly large group of Hunters wearing hard hats like him near the Gate itself.

Their gazes focused on Foreman Bae. And the mustache man introduced Jason to everyone.

But their reactions were indifferent. After all, he was a temp who may or may not show up tomorrow.

Foreman Bae smiled awkwardly and pointed at a guy with pretty scary facial features standing far back.

"Mister Nie, please stick with Mister Mok over there, and if you're curious about something, learn from him. Mister Mok might be a silent type, but he's the most experienced out of everyone here."


Jason didn't say anything else and stood next to Mister Mok. When their gazes briefly met, Mister Mok spoke in a voice small enough to miss it.

"It's Mok Jin-Su."

"Nie Li."

The introduction ended with that.

Unlike Jinwoo who chuckled at his E-rank, the members of the team talked about his reason for joining the mining team.

Noisy, noisy….

Suddenly, the front of the Gate became rather noisy.

"The raid team has come out."

"Looks like they are finally finished."

The tired expressions of the Hunters in the mining team, restless from all that waiting, brightened one by one. Foreman Bae had been observing the situation until then, and he gestured at his team.

"Okay, okay. Everyone, let's get going."

Hunters in the mining team checked their equipment and slowly shuffled towards their destination. Jason also blended in and went along with them.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you."

"You all worked hard, everyone!"

The Paradise Guild employees stood in front of the Gate and welcomed the raid team members as they made their exit one by one.

Jason ignored all the hunters, eager to have some fun inside the gate until his eyes landed on one particular hunter.

The hunter that attracted his attention was a woman with a short hairstyle. She was wearing red-themed armor and carrying a black sword with a silver hilt.

'Cha Hae-In. What an amazing amount of power?! She has improved quite so much since the last time I saw her. And...'

'She has turned more beautiful too.'

Perhaps his stare was too direct, Cha Hae-in's own gaze began shifting in his direction.

He quickly hid his presence. Cha Hae-In continued to scan the area Jason used to stand before tilting her head slightly.

'What was that? I thought I felt a really strong presence just now.'

Was she mistaken?


As usual, Cha Hae-In pulled out a handkerchief to cover her nose, and while tottering around somewhat uneasily, escaped from the cordon of Hunters.

Jason looked at her back and smiled. 'Her senses are quite sharp compared to others, especially her little nose.'

Foreman Bae Yun-Suk turned around to face his boys. He clapped his hands loudly and spoke up with a bright voice.

"Well, it's our turn now, so let's all do our best!"

The unique nature of the job meant that the retrieval team would have to enter first, followed by the mining team.

He stood in front of the Gate.


As he stood there while silently admiring the splendor of the peak rank B Gate, something he hadn't experienced before, Bae Yun-Suk approached him.

Normally, Jason would enter A-rank or S-rank gates, leaving low-rank gates to others.

"Mister Li, what are you doing? We should go inside."


He replied before stepping through the Gate, just like other Hunters did before him.

As soon as stepping inside, he sensed an ominous wind blowing in from the deepest part of the cave-like dungeon.

'Hmm, the boss is in the upper ranks of A-ranks. Cha Hae-In is enough for this raid!'

He followed the miners while matching their pace.

The deeper they went in, the greater the ripples of the magic energy from the boss became.

Soon, Jason could see the retrieving team members dragging the monsters' bodies. Normally, he had no interaction with them as it was handled by Xiao Yu or someone else.


He identified the monsters with a glance.

"Ohh, so it starts from here!" The Foreman Bae discovered Mana stones on the cave walls and smiled brightly.

The experienced miners began occupying their natural spots in front of the stones even though no one directed them to do so. They put down their gear and hefted the pickaxes up.

He too stood towards the end of the cavern wall filled with Mana stones.

It didn't take him long to get the hang of the moments as he started moving in rhythm.

Swish!!! Craaack! Swish—! Crack!!

A rather refreshing noise came from the end of the wall. The Hunters of the mining team realized one by one that something didn't feel right.

"Uhm… Oii."

"What's up?"

"Look over there."


"What the hell is up with him?"

The Hunters stopped what they were doing and dazedly stared at Jason. Even Mok Jin-Su's tireless hands came to a stop, too.


Everyone was rendered speechless.

Foreman Bae was really impressed with his skills.

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