Wandering in Omniverse

Ch 33 – Yoo Jin-Ho

The next day Jason was sitting in his office when Jin-Woo knocked on the door.

"Ah, you're here." Jason raised his head and saw the young hunter. "Do you like your gift?"

"I loved it!" Jin-Woo summoned out a pair of daggers. The daggers were light with sharp blades and red handles customized for an agility and assassin-type hunter. Multiple inscriptions were cast on them, giving them buffs and debuff effects respectively.

'Fangs of Cruelity!' Jin-Woo traced his fingers along the daggers, his expression revealed his delight.

"Good." Jason nodded his head before changing the subject. "Now, it's time for you to enter the gates."

"But I can gain more experience here," Jin-Woo said.

Jason shook his head. "You need something more than that. I've asked someone for you, they have a raid in an hour or so. Get going and report to me how it goes, okay?"

"Okay, Guild Master." Jin-Woo nodded his head and left the office.

Just as he stepped out, Mingyue Wushuang stood up from under the table, wiping the corner of her mouth and licked her fingers.

"Don't you think it's a little cruel for the young man?"

Jason chuckled, pulling her in his arms. "If the kid wants to grow, then he had to overcome this small trial."

Mingyue Wushuang nodded his head before pouting. "And you know how to tease me, huh? He is so close yet you pushed it so deep into my throat. What if I had made a sound?"

Jason smirked, caressing her cheeks. "I've full confidence in the abilities of my girls."

Mingyue Wushuang blushed, her expression slightly drunk as she leaned her head on his chest.

Jin-Woo left the office in a hurry and didn't know that he was being followed by something.

He reached the place in half an hour. Nine people were already there, waiting for his arrival.

The man who looked like the leader of the group waved his hand at Jin-Woo.

"Heyyy! Over here."

It was a bearded man with a fairly big physique. He smiled softly and walked closer while speaking to Jin-Woo.

"Are you Mister Sung Jin-Woo?"

"That's correct."

"Aigoo, it's a relief that you found the right place so quickly. I guess this is fate, so how about we greet each other before we start?"

"Alright, then. Enough with the explanations, let's get going."

Everyone got ready to enter the Gate.

"What am I supposed to do when we're inside?"

"Nothing too particular. Just follow us and help us carry the luggage, that's all."

"Your luggage….?"

Hwang Dong-Suk pointed at the huge backpack one of his lackeys pulled out from the minivan.

"You'll be carrying around lunch boxes to eat when inside, several sets of clothing and equipment, first-aid kits, and some other stuff."

'Wait, first-aid kits when entering a dungeon?'

Jin-Woo couldn't help but question this.

"You are not entering with a Healer?"

"I'm sure you already know that it's not easy to hire a Healer if you're running your own assault party. Well, we've been doing things this way until now, so it'll be fine."

Hwang Dong-Suk smiled awkwardly.

Jin-Woo smirked inwardly.

'They are a bunch of wannabes.'

"Okay!! Let's get going, everyone!"

The party headed straight to the location of the Gate.

It was in the middle of the halted construction site for an apartment complex.

Hwang Dong-Suk stood in front of the Gate and looked back at his team.

"I'll be entering first. Do your best to keep up, everyone."

The Tanker entered first, and the other Hunters began entering one by one.

'I should be ready too since you never know….'

Jin-Woo lightly stretched himself just in case.

Next to him, Yoo Jin-Ho began pulling out his own equipment from his bag. The sword and shield from his bag gleamed attractively under the light.

Even a casual glance could tell that they were very expensive. They were definitely not something a newbie Hunter could organize on his own.

'Hang on, he said that he never had to take hints before, so does that mean he's from a well-to-do family?'

Jin-Woo formed a surprised expression.

Perhaps sensing Jin-Woo's gaze on him, Yoo Jin-Woo confidently and bravely stood in front.

"Hyung, you said that you're ranked E, right? Don't worry, I'll protect you. Just stick close by me."

Jin-Woo scratched the back of his head, finding it funny.

Just who would protect who?

"…Okay. Thanks for the sentiment."

"Let's go in as well."

Regardless of how Jin-Woo felt, they still followed in afterward and safely entered the Gate.

The interior of the dungeon was eerily quiet.


Not only that, but it was also completely dark, too.

Everything happened the same as it was in the canon till the Boss room's entrance was sealed by Cho Kyuhwan, a lackey of Hwang Dong-Suk.

Yoo Jin-Ho stopped pushing at the stones and cried out as if he had finally figured out the truth. His face now reddened in fury, Yoo Jin-Ho shifted his gaze over to Jin-Woo.

"Those sons of bitches are trying to kill us!! They don't want to share the mana stones, so they blocked the exit and let the spider devour us!"

'Wow, you figured that out so quickly, Sherlock.'

Jin-Woo was rolling his eyes in his head but still played along for the time being.

"Looks that way. This is troublesome."


Suddenly, Jin-Ho's reddened complexion paled in an instant. Would that be the look of someone whose blood had gone cold?

No need to ask him what happened, there – the silhouette of the giant monster was oh-so-clearly reflected in Jin-Ho's eyes.

Jin-Woo turned around.

"Keurruuuk. Keururuk."

The spider's sleep had been interrupted by that loud explosion and it was slowly raising its massive body up.


Jin-Ho leaked out a fearful gasp. His body had frozen stiff like a statue.

On the other hand, Jin-Woo kept his sight firmly locked on the spider as he calmly summoned the 'Fangs of Cruelty' from his Inventory.

'You're mine.'

This was the perfect opportunity to test out his new babies.

The Fangs of Cruelty appeared in his right hand….


….As if it had always been there.

Jin-Woo gripped the daggers' hilts tightly.

The reason why a Hunter was called a Hunter! From this moment on, the true hunt would begin.

"H-hang on a second, hyung!!"

However, Yoo Jin-Ho swiftly snatched up Jin-Woo's sleeve just as the latter took a couple of steps towards the spider.

"Wha, what are you trying to do?!"

Jin-Ho's hands were shaking pretty badly. Jin-Woo used his left thumb to point over his shoulder.

"Obviously, I'm going to hunt that."

Jin-Ho asked again, this time looking rather dumbfounded.

"Hyung, you want to hunt that thing? For real?"

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