Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 231 Successful Popcorn

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Chapter 231 Successful Popcorn

I bought a little greedy dog ​​to make a pair with this little greedy cat, right? Gu Chunzhu laughed at An An, but went over and blew a piece of fat intestines and handed it to An An's mouth.

Seeing An An chewing, the little black dog's small double eyelids also stared at Gu Chunzhu, his saliva dripped, and his tail was about to break off.

The little loach also eats a piece. Gu Chunzhu took a piece and threw it outside the kitchen, and the little black dog went to eat it with four legs.

Gu Chunzhu made another green onion cake to change Gu Yu's taste, scooped a bowl of pumpkin soup, and then scooped some potato chips and fat intestines, which was Gu Yu's meal.

Su Wangqin went to deliver the meal, and Gu Chunzhu took An An to the table first, and waited for them to come back to have dinner.

Mother, the little loach has stood up. An An sat on the bench and pointed at the little black dog and complained.

The little black dog was wagging its tail on the edge of the table, and the little paws wanted to climb from the edge of the table, and stood up high. Gu Chunzhu tapped the little black dog with chopsticks, Wait for us to eat. Okay, eat again, and don't climb!

The little black dog whimpered and sat down obediently wagging its tail.

When Su Wangqin and Xiao Cheng came back, the little black dog was very quiet after being taught a lesson, An An said while eating: Little Loach is so good, I will take it to Master Gu Yu's house later and let Master Gu Yu get to know it.

Xiaocheng nodded and said yes, such a small dog would not scare people. Gu Chunzhu's eyes drifted to the jar stove, touched An'an's little elbow lightly, and asked, An'an, mother still makes popcorn at night, why don't you stay at home? It's the same with taking the little loach another day.

No, no, the house is going to explode. An An's little head shook, and her buttocks moved away from Gu Chunzhu.

This time there is a pot stove, mother will be careful. Gu Chunzhu squeezed out a smile, put a piece of dry pot and fat intestines for An An to please: Mother needs An An to give her a taste, An An's little mouth is the most clever .

That mother must be careful. An An agreed kindly.

After dinner, the little black dog wrapped around Gu Chunzhu's legs and barked, Gu Chunzhu knew that he was going to get food for him.

I boiled the pig lungs in a pot, added a little salt, and mixed it with brown rice. I took a notched bowl as the exclusive rice bowl for the little black dog. It smelled very much with the juice of the stewed fat sausage. dog food.

Eat more little loach, grow up quickly and play with An An. The little black dog was eating dog food, and An An squatted on the side, rubbing the little black dog's back with his little hand.

The little black dog's tail fluttered, as if responding to her words.

Gu Chunzhu had already started the fire in the stove in the stove, and Su Wangqin had already made the handle of the pot, and he just cut a hole in the wood and stuck the handle in. He even got a handle on the stirring handle that can be shaken on the lid of the pot, which is very meticulous.

She poured the tea oil into the pot, and when the oil was 70% hot, she grabbed a small amount of corn kernels and sprinkled it in, and quickly took out the wood from the stove, leaving only one to lick on a small fire. Lick the bottom of the pot.

At this time, there was a crackling sound from the pot, and Gu Chunzhu shook the handle on the lid of the pot, and the sound of the corn kernels being stirred in the pot could be heard.

While stirring, there will be occasional pop sounds.

Gu Chunzhu thought that An An was afraid of this voice, so she looked at the place where the little black dog was eating, but she disappeared and swept her gaze to the corner of the yard, An An holding the little black dog with a timid expression.

Mother, be careful! An An said in a small voice, the little black dog was hugged tightly by An An, and also barked whimping, not understanding what Gu Chunzhu was doing.

The corn kernels in the iron pot were still popping, so Gu Chunzhu continued to shake the handle on the lid, thinking that An An and the little black dog would not be afraid when he successfully made popcorn.

Until there was no sound coming from the pot, Gu Chunzhu hurriedly opened the lid, sprinkled sugar on the popcorn while the pot was still hot, stirred it with a spatula, and scooped it out before it was burnt.

An'an, come and try it! There was a small bowl of popcorn, and a small half of the corn kernels didn't pop out, but they popped perfectly. Gu Chunzhu looked at the popcorn and thought it should be a success.

Can mother still poison you? An An was still lying in the yard, Gu Chunzhu took her hand and let her release the little black dog. The little black dog looked at the bewildered face and found that there was no explosive sound. Now, it flicked its tail and continued to eat.

Gu Chunzhu scooped up a ladle of water to wash An An's hands, and then handed her the bowl of popcorn.

An An's little hand picked up a popcorn and kissed it on the tip of her nose. It didn't have the burnt taste last time. After taking a bite of the sweet An An, she chewed it, and said vaguely, Delicious...

Is it really delicious? Gu Chunzhu picked one up and tasted it. The taste was similar to the popcorn in the previous life, but without the sweet syrup wrapped around it, the feeling of powdered sugar was not enough.

Little loach, you've finished eating, I'll give you something to eat too. The little black dog's bowl was also empty, so he came over, and An An picked one up from the popcorn bowl and threw it to him.

The little black dog ate it in three or two bites, wagging its tail to indicate that he still wanted it.

An An almost buried her head in the popcorn bowl, and occasionally threw one to the little black dog. Gu Chunzhu saw that she liked this popcorn, even if it was a success, she touched An An's belly and it protruded.

Aren't you full for dinner? Gu Chunzhu rubbed her little meat belly, feeling very soft


I'm full, but I think I can eat more. An An raised her head, her big eyes filled with the firm belief of being a snacker.

Gu Chunzhu smiled helplessly, looking at An An's mouth with pieces of popcorn sticking to it, half of it was eaten in one bowl.

She continued to add some tea oil to the pot of the vat stove to prepare the second pot. Since it was successful, she could send it to Gu Yu's yard, and Xiaocheng and Yingzi would be able to eat it.

An An and the little black dog immediately stood a little further away, not as far as the first time, but the expression on his face was still frightened. Gu Chunzhu was going to change his method this time, first sprinkle powdered sugar in the pot and boil it again Added corn kernels.

After a crack sound, the pot was opened. The popcorn in this pot was covered with a little caramel color. Gu Chunzhu scooped it out and tasted it for himself.

Without Gu Chunzhu beckoning, An An came over, picked up a hot popcorn and chewed it in her mouth, and ate one of her aggrieved mouths, This is more delicious, but An An can't eat it anymore, what should I do... …”

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