Wang Family’s Peasant Woman: Raising kids and Making wealth

Chapter 75 Slandering Xiaocheng Stealing Books

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Chapter 75 Slandering Xiaocheng Stealing Books

Gu Chunzhu knocked heavily on the firewood door with a mallet, and made a thump sound, which shocked the Qiu family to take a big step back. The wound on her face took a long time to come out to see people.

Everyone, come and see, there's a book thief in the Su family. Seeing that her shouting had already attracted a lot of villagers, Mrs. Qiu shouted loudly again.

It's not busy with farming now, most of the villagers are at home, Gu Chunzhu sees so many people coming, the blue veins on the forehead bulge out.

Sister-in-law Fu, who had already eaten lunch, was taking a nap and was awakened by Mrs. Qiu.

She opened the courtyard door and saw Mrs. Qiu, and stood beside Gu Chunzhu to speak for her, Keeper of the diligent family, what do you want to do, why are you making a fuss at noon?

Everyone, come and judge, Gu Chunzhu raised his son to steal books, and stole the Thousand Characters from my family, so that my child was driven back by the master. Qiu said exaggeratedly, shaking his arms , with a loud voice like something.

At the end, she rolled her eyes and said to Gu Chunzhu with contempt, You're so poor, you can't read books and you can't let the cubs steal books!

I'll beat you to death with a mouth full of feces. Gu Chunzhu threw it out with a mallet, and Qiu was hit in the stomach by the mallet without realizing it. She hugged her stomach and screamed.

A good villager interjected: Xiaochengniang, you can't beat Xiaolainiang like this. In case it breaks, she said that Xiaocheng stole books and you should show evidence. You act like a shrew.

I said that you stole my money, but you also used evidence to prove that you didn't steal it. Is it true? Gu Chunzhu gave the person who interrupted.

The villager didn't expect Gu Chunzhu's temperament to be so hot, so he was speechless when asked, so he had to hide his head and disappear into the crowd.

Gu Chunzhu sneered and said to everyone, Who is the Qiu family, don't any of you remember? Xiaocheng was framed for stealing her money before, but it turned out that she was talking nonsense.

Last time, he was on the way back to the village to catch a rape, slander me, and I swelled her face. This is a woman full of lies. How could anyone believe what she said? Gu Chunzhu's eyes swept across the crowd. Personally, she was there when she smoked Qiu.

There is indeed such a thing. Shouqin's daughter-in-law is just a mouthless person, Jinghun said.

This is too immoral and slanders the innocence of people.

Didn't she slander Gu's and my family's Dajin last time? I beat her with a broom, and this bitch dare not talk nonsense.

The last sentence was said by Dajin's daughter-in-law. Gu Chunzhu looked at her and saw a woman with hanging eyes and thin lips. At first glance, it was a face that was not easy to mess with.

Now that Dajin's daughter-in-law has spoken, Gu Chunzhu also continued, It's true that I met brother Dajin for the first time. He just asked me how to fish for prawns, and Qiu's slandered it out of thin air. Could it be that a man and a woman are talking to each other? It won't work?

That's right! Mrs. Qiu is such a bad thing. If she does anything else, she will be kicked out just like Mrs. Wei. Dajin's daughter-in-law was also very annoying when she saw Mrs. Qiu who was jumping around, and sang together with Gu Chunzhu.

Seeing that the wind direction in the villagers was one-sided, Mrs. Qiu said in a panic, But this time it's true, just go in and search if you don't believe it. Seeing is believing.

As he said that, he was going to head towards the Chaimen.

Gu Chunzhu opened his arms to block the door of Chai, and gently lifted his foot and kicked him on Qiu's knee.

Ouch! Mrs. Qiu was half-kneeling on the ground, but as if she was holding onto some incredible evidence, she pointed at Gu Chunzhu's face and said, Have you seen it, she is guilty and dare not let me in to search.

Search if you say, and treat this place as a place! Gu Chunzhu kicked her knee again, and Qiu's whole body fell down like a big bastard.

Gu Chunzhu was relieved, Since you insist on saying that Xiaocheng stole Xiaolai's book, you swear to God.

I don't swear to God, why should I swear to God! Qiu Shi quickly got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, pointed at Gu Chunzhu's nose and said, You swear to God, swear that Xiaocheng never stole it. .

Qiu's hand was slapped away by Gu Chunzhu, and at this moment there was a voice of arguing in the thatched cottage.

Give it to me! Xiaolai pushed away Xiaocheng, who was chasing after him, and snatched Qianziwen back from him, Master won't let me go to school, you give it back to me.

Xiaocheng grabbed his clothes from behind, and Anan followed, waving Xiaofen fist, Don't bully my brother.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Qiu screamed even more proudly, Everyone, look, look, the stolen goods have been captured!

Gu Chunzhu glanced over and set up a ladder outside the fence. Xiao Lai climbed over the fence while Qiu was blocking the door.

I didn't expect that the Qiu family would do this again. He really learned to be smart. Gu Chunzhu clenched his back molars.

Mother, I got the book back. Xiaolai threw himself into Qiu's arms with a smile, and those squinted eyes reflected the same smug look as Qiu's.

You give it back to me, it's mine. Xiaocheng stretched out his hand to get the book back, but was grabbed by Gu Chunzhu.

The villagers onlookers chatted again, and this time it was indeed the same as what Qiu said.

Chunzhu, what's going on? Sister Fu asked Gu Chunzhu by the sleeve. She was still willing to believe in Gu Chunzhu, and these two children grew up under her nose, not the kind of petty thief. of.

Gu Chunzhu

He gave Mrs. Fu a calm look.

Xiaolai leaned on his mother proudly, opened the first page of the thousand-character script and pointed it to Xiaocheng, Fool, see, Su Wanglai, my name, this book is mine.

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue and made a face to look at Xiao Cheng, whose eyes were red.

The book was found in my house, but this doesn't prove that it was stolen by Xiaocheng. Gu Chunzhu narrowed his eyes and squatted in front of Xiaolai.

She looked into Xiaolai's eyes and whispered in his ear: Tell me, how did this book get into Xiaocheng's hands, if I lied, I would beat you like I beat your mother at your house last time, See you hit once.

Gu Shi, what are you talking about with Xiao! What do you have to say to me? Qiu Shi dragged Xiao Lai back, like a big cock that won a fight, and patted his chest proudly.

Hmph. Gu Chunzhu sneered at the tip of his nose, looking at Xiaolai's legs that were shaking like a sieve, he believed that his purpose of scaring him would soon be achieved.

An An grabbed the door frame and yelled out, Wow, it was my brother who exchanged the padded jacket for Xiaolai, and Xiaolai gave the book to my brother.

At this time, the villagers also saw that Xiaocheng was wearing thin autumn clothes.

Xiaocheng and An An had put on new padded jackets before, and they had long been envied by children from various households. I didn't know how many times they repeated it when they got home, and they believed it a little when a child like An An said it.

Xiao Lai, what do you think? Gu Chunzhu looked at him coldly.

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