王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Chapter 15: Questions Asked and Answered

Sorry for the late upload! I've been busy moving, so my writing has been a little behind unfortunately. This means that Friday's chapter will also be uploaded later in the day than the usual time. Hopefully I can get caught up this weekend when I settle into my new place! Thanks for your patience and hope you enjoy this new chapter!

It took an entire day and a half before Da Chun finally fell into a deep peaceful slumber. In the meantime, Su Jing Fei was preparing a few things for their return to Mudan-Yu. It was another full day before Da Chun awoke, and Su Jing Fei was seated peacefully at her sister’s side while reading a book about medicinal herbs.

“Um…” Da Chun’s voice was hoarse and dry.

Su Jing Fei put down her book, handing Da Chun a cup of water from the bedside. “Drink. I can answer your questions after.” She patiently helped the weak young girl sip from the cup. Once it was gone, she helped Da Chun sit upright.

“Why are you so kind to me?” Da Chun whispered, looking curiously at Su Jing Fei. There was no suspicion, no dark harboring thoughts, nothing evil in that innocent gaze. Just pure plain curiosity.

Su Jing Fei settled back into her chair, calmly placing her hands on her lap as she gave the young girl a small smile. “Because everyone deserves kindness. And I owe it to you.”

Da Chun looked a little confused for a bit, but then she placed a hand on her chest, her fingers wrapping around the jade pendant around her neck. “You changed when you saw this. I’ve had this thing ever since I was a baby. The mama who took care of me was kind enough to let me keep it, but once I’d gotten old enough, she disappeared. Along with all the other nice things I’d ever have.” Her eyes dimmed a bit, becoming distant as though she was lost in a memory. “I used to dream about my true family; wondering where they were and if they missed me. Maybe I was a princess or something grand. Because this necklace is beautiful, and I believe that whoever gave this to me truly loved me.” Da Chun furrowed her brows a bit, looking conflicted. “But if they truly loved me, why did they not come for me?”

Su Jing Fei felt her emotions wavering between sadness and regret. There was nothing she could’ve changed about Da Chun’s upbringing. She knew the young girl must’ve struggled. Su Jing Fei took out her mother’s jewelry box, taking out the letter and placing it onto Da Chun’s lap. The young girl took the letter, glancing at it briefly before shaking her head. “This lowly one does not know how to read well.” Da Chun spoke softly. “Some of the sisters taught me how to read some characters, but not a lot.” The young girl quietly gave the letter back to Su Jing Fei, but was surprised when Su Jing Fei began to read the letter.

Su Jing Fei’s voice was soft and gentle, and the words that fell from her lips trembled just a little. Once she was finished, Da Chun’s voice broke as she spoke next. “So that means… that you’re my jie jie? Truly? This isn’t a dream?” The young girl broke into sobs, and Su Jing Fei quickly moved forward, wrapping the young girl in her arms.

“I’m so sorry. Please forgive this jie jie for not being able to come sooner,” murmured Su Jing Fei as she comforted the young girl. Her heart ached terribly, but she knew that they were together now and that was the most important thing. They were finally reunited, and there was nothing that Su Jing Fei wouldn’t do to give Da Chun everything she deserved.

They settled comfortably together on the bed, sitting beside each other and talking a little about everything. Su Jing Fei learned that Da Chun had been taught the basic arts and a little reading to be able to entertain guests at Xia-Wu. She’d been treated fairly well, but she never knew why until someone had informed her that she had a sponsor who was the city lord’s eldest son Feng Ruo Qian. At first, she had thought he was just a kind older man who had took pity on her, but Su Jing Fei was quick to dispel those thoughts, revealing the truth behind Feng Ruo Qian’s evil actions. They spoke a bit more until the sun began to set.

It was another day before Su Jing Fei returned to Mudan-Yu, having finally “recovered” from her terrible illness. The day after, Mu Tan returned to Mudan-Yu with Da Chun.

“Da xiaojie, may this lowly one inquire who this young lady is?” Zihuan asked quietly as Mu Tan began commanding other servants to take clothes and other things to a courtyard next to Su Jing Fei. The courtyard had been cleaned beforehand on Su Jing Fei’s orders.

Su Jing Fei wasn’t dumb; since first meeting Zihuan, she figured that he was relaying information about the happenings in Mudan-Yu to someone on the outside. His mysterious disappearances weren’t as mysterious as he clearly wanted them to be. “This is Fang Dai Yu. She is a relative of the Qu family who will be staying with me in Mudan-Yu for the time being.” This was the lie that Su Jing Fei had created to allow for Da Chun to stay in Mudan-Yu without too much question. No one would be able to fight her claim unless they were close to the Qu family, and right now, the Qu family were a very reserved and closed off family serving in northern Chu.

“Ah, this lowly one was terribly unaware we were hosting such an important guest!” Zihuan spoke quickly, but he seemed skeptical about Su Jing Fei’s words. “This lowly one was not aware that the Qu family had relatives in Fuo Lan.”

“They do not,” Su Jing Fei replied calmly. “Fang Dai Yu was sent to stay with me when the Qu family had heard about my relocation to Fuo Lan.” Honestly, Su Jing Fei didn’t know the relationship between Qu shi and her family. However, in her memories, she recalled a kind old man who would take her out for walks sometimes; her mother had told her a bit about her wai gong1maternal grandfather. He was a gentle yet stern old man who loved his family dearly. She wondered if he would remember the young granddaughter that he used to take on walks.

“This lowly one didn’t know that da xiaojie was so close with the Qu family.” Zihuan’s words were obviously probing for more information.

However, Su Jing Fei merely replied, “It seems there is much for Zihuan to learn about this xiaojie,” before she walked away and left Zihuan to contemplate her words in silence. Su Jing Fei approached Da Chun, smiling as she gentle took the young girl’s arms in her while they strolled to the courtyard. “I hope you like your new place. Although Mudan-Yu is still in the process of being fixed up, everyone has tried their best to be ready for your arrival.”

Da Chun looked terribly nervous, clutching onto to Su Jing Fei’s arms. She wore beautiful pale pink robes that Su Jing Fei had prepared beforehand, looking every bit the part of a young noble lady. “This lowly one does not know how to act…and this is such a big place to call home!” She said quietly, taking in Mudan-Yu with wide curious eyes.

Su Jing Fei smiled at Da Chun’s unconcealed enthusiasm. It seemed the young girl was quite the bundle of surprises. Su Jing Fei had expected the girl to have a much more different personality, especially after everything she’d just been through. But it seemed that Da Chun took everything in stride, and Su Jing Fei respected that greatly. The young girl was definitely stronger as a person than she was. Her heart held no hate, unlike Su Jing Fei. “Come, let us eat. Food has been prepared in my room while the servants take care of putting away your new things.” Su Jing Fei led Da Chun into her own courtyard. “Also, there are people who are eager to meet you.”

“Meet me?” Da Chun asked in a slightly confused voice.

However, Su Jing Fei didn’t say more as they entered the room where her personal yatou were gathered. Once the two of them were inside, Mu Tan closed the door behind them just as Xiao Chen and Dongfan fell to their knees in front of Da Chun, sobbing at the sight of the young girl.

“Xiaojie!” Both women cried, their voices wracked with emotion. “Please forgive these lowly ones for not being able to save xiaojie earlier!”

Da Chun looked distraught at the sight of the two women sobbing at her feet. “Please rise!” She fell to her knees, holding onto the two women in an effort to pull them up. “Please, there is no need for this. Jie jie has told me everything about what you all have suffered in order to save me.” Da Chun suddenly caught sight of Dongfan’s stubbed arms, the young girl’s eyes welling up with tears as well. “You’ve already done so much for me, and now this lowly one has been saved.”

After a bit more crying and comforting, the three of them finally settled down as Su Jing Fei and Da Chun were seated at a table filled with food. There would be a lot of time for them to all get caught up while eating of course. Everyone chattered around Su Jing Fei as she quietly ate, taking in the happiness of having her sister finally home. However, their peace was interrupted as a knock came from the front door.

“Come in,” Su Jing Fei commanded, gently patting her lips with a cloth and setting it aside as Mu Tan went to receive the person at the door.

Zihuan entered the room, bowing respectfully before his xiaojie as he extended a letter towards her. “Da xiaojie, an invitation has just arrived for the spring festival.”

“Spring festival?” Su Jing Fei said, taking ahold of the invitation and reading it. Her eyes darkened just for a moment as she read the words. “The Feng family invites us to celebrate the spring festival with them.”

“The Feng family invites all the nobles in Fuo Lan to celebrate the spring festival at their home!” Zihuan said in an excited voice. “However, this year, this lowly one has heard that the festivities will be taking place at the lake! They are sure to be twice as grand this year because the city lord’s granddaughter has reached marriageable age as well!”

Su Jing Fei’s eyes flickered across the letter’s words. It looked like Zihuan was informed as usual; as expected of such a gossiping man. The Feng family’s spring festival celebration would take place at their residence next to the lake. “Send a letter of acceptance back.” She said, handing the invitation back to Zihuan. He bowed respectfully before leaving.

“Jie jie is going to go?” Da Chun paused her eating, sounding worried. Hesitantly, she added, “Do I have to go?”

“No, you don’t have to go. It’s better if you do not go since Feng Ruo Qian knows your face,” Su Jing Fei remarked as she began eating again. “But as the representative of the Su family in Fuo Lan, I will be going.”

“Da xiaojie, it might be dangerous. If you go, at least take me with you.” Mu Tan said worriedly.

Su Jing Fei thought about it. Although Mu Tan was disguised that night, her face was clearly visible to Feng Ruo Qian. There was a possibility he might recognize her. “No,” The young woman decided decisively. “It will be Yize and Si Qiang who will be going with me. Mu Tan, you will stay to protect Da Chun if anyone comes looking for her. Xiao Chen and Dongfan will be here to manage the household and keep an eye on Zihuan for me.”

The yatou all agreed quickly with their xiaojie, although Mu Tan was still a bit hesitant to let her xiaojie go to the Feng residence without protection. But Su Jing Fei knew that the Feng family couldn’t do anything directly to her; or else, they’d risk ruining their spring festival, and she knew that a proud family like the Feng family would not like that at all. If anything, she’d have to keep an eye out for underhanded tricks. The people of this era are notorious schemers after all.

After finishing their food, Da Chun and Su Jing Fei spent a little time together chatting. The young girl wanted to learn everything she could about her new life, family, and especially her older sister. Meanwhile, Su Jing Fei also learned that Da Chun was quite skilled at sewing. That was something that Su Jing Fei liked to do as a pastime but usually was not creative enough to make pretty looking designs. Da Chun promised to teach her sister a few things before she retired to her room for the night.

The spring festival was in a few days, giving Su Jing Fei time to get caught up on how the businesses were doing. Apparently, they were doing pretty well. Nothing extraordinary, but the community service she provided to commoners had earned her quite the reputation. Dongfan had also noticed a few strange individuals scoping out the businesses; Su Jing Fei was pretty sure they were Feng family servants, checking out the properties on the Feng family’s behalf. Honestly, she didn’t care if they knew she had retaken the properties back. It wasn’t like she was hiding that. However, she knew she’d have to pay the Guo family a visit to have their help in finding reliable guards to protect Mudan-Yu, especially since Da Chun was residing with her now.

She paid a visit to the Guo family, bringing along Da Chun and a few treats. “This one apologizes for being unable to visit more often.” Su Jing Fei spoke as she was seated with Da Chun beside her.

“No need for apologies. This lowly one is happy to see Su xiaojie in good health!” Xie shi replied, having the servants quickly serve tea to the two young women.

Su Jing Fei smiled kindly, setting the treats on the table. Once the box was in view, a small chubby boy came running towards them. “Jie jie!” came Mingyu’s cheerful voice. He barreled into Su Jing Fei’s open arms, snuggling into her belly. “Jie jie feel better?”

“I feel a lot better, especially now that I can come see Ming’er!” Su Jing Fei laughed, crouching down and pushing the boy’s scruffy hair out of his face. He looked at her with big curious eyes.

“Jie jie snack?” He asked, pointing to the box on the table.

“Yes, I brought snacks especially for Ming’er.” Su Jing Fei grabbed ahold of the box, pulling it open to show Mingyu the treats inside. He looked at them with an open mouth, drooling just a little bit. His hunger and desire were clearly displayed on that adorably innocent face. But suddenly, he caught sight of Da Chun, quickly hiding behind Su Jing Fei’s figure as he peeked at Da Chun shyly.

“New jie jie…” He muttered, a little wary of Da Chun.

Da Chun looked a little flustered, but she bent down as well and smiled brightly at Mingyu. “This lowly one greats young master Mingyu! I’ve heard so much about you. This lowly one is named Fang Dai Yu.” Da Chun almost stumbled on her name, but covered it up with an awkward smile.

“Jie jie sister?” Mingyu asked, looking between the two of them.

Da Chun gave a surprised look, but Su Jing Fei merely quirked her eyebrow in amusement. The young boy was quite innocently perceptive; but those words could mean trouble if anyone else had the same thoughts, so she was quick to dispel the idea. “This is Fang Dai Yu, a relative of my mother’s family.” Su Jing Fei let the lies flow smoothly as she grabbed a treat and gave it to Mingyu. He took it happily and began chomping away while still holding onto Su Jing Fei’s dress. “Here, go play with the new jie jie. She’s very nice. Why doesn’t Ming’er go show her your swing?” Su Jing Fei suggested with a smile.

Mingyu perked up at the mention of playing, and he happily moved over to Da Chun’s side, tugging on her hand. “Ming ming has big swing! Jie jie come see!” He said in a muffled voice while still snacking.

Da Chun knew her sister wanted a little privacy, so she happily followed Mingyu away. Xie shi commanded for her daughter to go follow them so Mingyu doesn’t make any trouble; Guo Su Yin obliged and bowed quickly before Su Jing Fei as she ran to catch up to them. When it was just the two of them left, Xie shi dismissed the servants quickly, having realized that Su Jing Fei had wanted to speak in private.

“This lowly one is truly glad to see Su xiaojie in good health,” Xie shi reiterated her words, but there was tinge of concern in her expression. “This one hopes that it was not a similar incident as before?”

Su Jing Fei trusted the Guo family, but she couldn’t exactly tell them everything as well. She didn’t know how far the Feng family’s influence reached afterall. “No need for Xie shi to worry about this one,” Su Jing Fei replied honestly with a small smile. “This one merely fell into the pond by accident and became sick with a cold.”

Xie shi nodded, understanding that Su Jing Fei was hiding something but that it wasn’t something they would be speaking further about. The older woman had understood early on that Su Jing Fei was a rather mysterious person. She’d heard things, as many older women are prone to hear gossips; and she had known of Su Jing Fei’s situation before coming to Fuo Lan. However, the Su xiaojie was not as simple as people had made her to be. “Is there anything that the Guo family can help Su xiaojie with?”

“This one merely has a few questions,” Su Jing Fei started out, comfortably sipping her tea. “This one was invited to the Feng family’s spring festival celebrations.”

Xie shi was a bit confused at the direction of the conversation, but nodded in understanding. She knew that the city lord official invited all the noble and titled families to their spring festival celebrations. However, since the Guo family were merely merchants with no noble title, they were not invited despite their wealth and prestige within Fuo Lan. “Yes, it is a well known fact that the Feng family like to make close connections with other nobility. If this one is correct, it should also be a celebration for the Feng xiaojie’s coming of age as well.”

“Yes, this one has heard as much,” Su Jing Fei replied. “However, this one is new to Fuo Lan and is a bit curious about the city lord official’s Feng family. When this one had met second master Li Guo Wang, my servant Si Qiang had mentioned that the city lord’s men were guarding the Guo manor. This one wonders why the city lord’s guards were present and not the city justice official’s men.”

Xie shi was caught off guard by Su Jing Fei’s question. “When we had initially received the ransom letter at our home, the city lord had received news about the carriage blocking the main road between Fuo Lan and the imperial city. He came to inform us about the matter.”

Su Jing Fei furrowed her brows. “Why would the city lord receive news about the carriage blocking the main road?”

“Su xiaojie may not be aware since this is your first time travelling outside of the imperial city, but the city lord is tasked to keep the main road from Fuo Lan to the imperial city free and running smoothly for trade and travel purposes. This task was delegated by the emperor himself.” Xie shi explained.

Su Jing Fei nodded her head in understanding. That was pretty reasonable considering the importance of Fuo Lan as the main trade city between Chu and Xinyi. However, there was something off about Xie shi's words. Su Jing Fei had thought about something for awhile, and it had sat at the back of her mind while she had investigated the Feng family and Da Chun’s whereabouts. “This one is curious as to how the city lord knew the carriage belonged to the Guo family.”

Xie shi gave a surprised expression. “Well, it must be the family nameplate. I believe it had been recovered from the carriage.”

“That cannot be, because it was my servant Si Qiang who had taken the Guo family nameplate from the carriage when we had discovered it first. That was the reason why we had investigated the carriage in the first place; it was because this one had met Han shi and Mingyu and knew they were from the Guo family.” Su Jing Fei spoke quietly, setting down her teacup and placing her hands carefully onto her lap. The speculation she had about the Feng family was becoming more plausible as she spoke. “My servant Si Qiang had presented it to the city lord’s guards at the door to allow him entry to speak to the Guo family, but it had been taken from him when he was interrogated by the city lord's men.”

“But that means…” Xie shi’s words trailed off nervously.

“It means that the city lord’s men would have no way of knowing that the carriage had belonged to the Guo family since I had taken the nameplate first when rescuing Mingyu.” Su Jing Fei said calmly. “So the question then is, how did the city lord exactly know that the carriage belonged to the Guo family?”

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