王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Chapter 3: Unfavored

The carriage arrived at the front entrance to the Su family manor. Su Jing Fei exited the carriage just as a man came scurrying out of the front gates. A flicker of memory told Su Jing Fei that this man was the Su manor’s head attendant, Li Chen. He was an older man appointed to the position by Su Jing Fei’s grandmother Su Lao Furen1old head madam/wife

“Welcome home, da xiaojie. This lowly one apologizes in being late to accompany you inside.” Li Chen bowed in respect. 

There was a moment of silence in which Su Jing Fei contemplated if the old steward had been purposefully disrespectful or if there was another reason. But she remained undecided and could only respectfully accept his apology in return. As he led them inside the manor, there was a distinct feeling of familiarity from the courtyards they passed, and before long, Su Jing Fei recognized the way they were headed. 

“Master has gathered everyone in the familial meeting hall. He instructed me to bring da xiaojie there upon returning home,” spoke Li Chen as they arrived, stepping forward into the hall to announce Su Jing Fei's presence. “Da xiaojie has returned from the palace!”

Su Jing Fei stepped further into the hall, carefully taking note of her surroundings. Luckily, the original body had retained most memories, and Su Jing Fei could recognize the faces staring back at her. Her father, Su Xuan Mo, stood at the head of the room alongside a seated Su Lao Furen. There was clear disdain and anger on Su Xuan Mo’s face, but the expression on Su Lao Furen was a little less clear. It seemed to be disappointment mixed with subtle signs of relief. 

Su Xuan Mo stormed forward, shouting “Unfilial daughter!” before slapping her across the face. Su Jing Fei’s cheek burned with pain, but she kept her head lowered; she knew she had to be careful with her actions or else there’d be more trouble. In the original Su Jing Fei’s memories, she was rather distant with her father. It seemed like Su Xuan Mo didn’t really care for Su Jing Fei, and he only treated her well due to the fact that she was betrothed to the third prince Chen Hui Zhe. “You’ve disgraced our family with your shameful actions! And now, the engagement is ruined! Who will marry you now?” Su Xuan Mo said angrily. And by that, Su Jing Fei knew that Su Xuan Mo actually meant that she was no longer a chess piece he could use to gain more power.

There was a small snort of laughter, and Su Jing Fei’s eyes glanced over to the side where a young girl stood beside an older couple. Su Yuan Mei’s eyes were filled with delight at Su Jing Fei’s suffering. The young girl looked no older than fourteen, but she already bore such a cruel heart. This ancient world was truly terrifying. Beside Su Yuan Mei was her parents, Su Xuan Li and Yun shi2clan name - women, upon marriage, are often referred to by their maternal clan name who were Su Jing Fei’s bobo3paternal uncle and bomu4paternal aunt-in-law

“What’s done is done,” spoke a quiet yet strong voice. Su Jing Fei’s memories recognized it as Su Lao Furen’s voice. “The royal decree cannot be defied. However, Fei'er is still the da xiaojie of the Su family. Time will pass, and when she is of marrying age, opportunities will still present themselves.” The words were said without much emotion, but their intent was clear. She still has a use.

“How can I recover from this humiliation, Mother? The court officials will laugh at me tomorrow!” Su Xuan Mo spoke through gritted teeth. Su Jing Fei could feel his glare directed at her. 

“Laoye5husband/lord/master, I beg you to forgive Fei'er.” A gentle woman’s voice said. “Look at her pitiful appearance! The third prince was even punished for harming her.” The words seemed to be speaking on Su Jing Fei’s behalf, but the underlying message reminded Su Xuan Mo of Su Jing Fei’s incompetent care for her already ordinary appearance and also the third prince’s hatred for her. Su Jing Fei recognized the voice as belonging to Liu shi, her stepmother and the Su family’s Er Furen6second official wife

“Father, jie jie7older sister is truly pitiful. One has heard that the third prince Chen Hui Zhe was protecting another woman in front of her. It cannot be helped that jie jie got mad!” Su Mei Rong was quick to follow her mother’s words, and the pair truly did not waste any effort in stirring trouble for Su Jing Fei as Su Xuan Mo’s anger flared at the reminder of Su Jing Fei’s shameful situation. 

Su Jing Fei gave a small sigh. This family was definitely a pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Su Mei Rong had the act of an innocent and gentle sister down, as well as Liu shi acting as the benevolent and loving mother. It was no wonder that the original Su Jing Fei grew up to be so spoiled and hated by others. In such an environment, Su Jing Fei happily anticipated Su Xuan Mo’s next words.

“Silence! I have made my decision!” Su Xuan Mo’s loud shout silenced any others from speaking. His glare landed on the still bowing Su Jing Fei, irritated at her unmoving actions. If she had shouted or cried, he would’ve been justified in beating her some more, but she merely stood in silence with her eyes glued to the floor. He didn’t love nor favor her in any bit, but he also could not allow for her to be humiliated any further. The only way to prevent this was to remove her from the capital city. “Su Jing Fei, tonight you will kneel for three hours before your ancestors at the ancestral hall because of your unfilial actions! Tomorrow, you will be sent away to countryside residence where you’ll remain until you’ve repented and changed your shameful ways!” 

No one was surprised at Su Xuan Mo’s actions. In fact, it seemed that Liu shi and Su Mei Rong were disappointed at the lack of action against Su Jing Fei. But Su Jing Fei could still detect the happiness in the shining eyes of Liu shi. With Su Jing Fei being banished to the countryside, her daughter Su Mei Rong would be in the spotlight instead. This was still a favorable outcome for them. 

“This one thanks father for his wisdom and mercy.” Su Jing Fei’s voice was clear and steady in response. 

Liu shi and Su Mei Rong were taken aback by Su Jing Fei’s calmness. Usually, Su Jing Fei would throw a tantrum when things didn’t go her way, but they suspected that the third prince breaking of the engagement really did break Su Jing Fei’s heart. They thought she was merely acting peaceful to conceal the anger and despair, and so they did not say anything in regards to her change in behavior. Everyone seemed to think similarly. 

“Everyone, leave! I have things to discuss with Mother.” Su Xuan Mo dismissed everyone with a wave of his hands. When they had all left, Su Xuan Mo returned to Su Lao Furen's side. His face was flushed from anger. “All these years of raising such an ungrateful daughter!” 

Su Lao Furen looked at her son with slightly narrowed eyes. She knew of her son’s ambitions for a higher position in society, and she supported this. However, she was also well aware of his faults. Previously, when the Da Furen8first official wife had fallen ill, she had watched as he threw the woman, Qu shi, away to the countryside to die. Then she allowed him to marry another wife afterwards. His new wife was actually his first love, and that was when she knew that he had only married the first women for her ability to raise their common background into a family of power. She was well aware of her son’s cruel actions, and now she had to watch again as he sent his only daughter with Qu shi away to the countryside as well. Although Su Jing Fei had been shameful, she was still her granddaughter of flesh and blood. With a sigh, Su Lao Furen asked, “Do you really intend to leave Su Jing Fei in the countryside forever, just like Qu shi?” 

Su Xuan Mo gave a look of surprise at Su Lao Furen’s words. There was a flash of embarrassment on his face, but it quickly dispelled to reveal more disdain for his daughter. “Su Jing Fei truly takes after her stubborn mother. If their fates are the same, then so be it. However, if she can survive until she comes of marriageable age, only then will I consider bringing her back.” He held no regret for sending Qu shi to the countryside. The woman had been ill, but also, she had disliked his desire to bring more women into the household as yiniang9concubine(s). Although the act of bringing yiniang into homes were become less common, many noble officials still liked to have at least one or two. But Qu shi’s inability to yield was intolerable to him. He was a man with power, ambition, and desires! Plus, Qu shi had only given birth to a daughter before she died! She was nothing in his eyes. 

Su Lao Furen shook her head with a sigh. The stubborn one wasn’t Qu shi but Su Xuan Mo. However, she saw no need to speak any further and kept silent as Su Xuan Mo continued to rant.

Back in their own respective courtyards, Su Jing Fei rested in her room. Yize kneeled at Su Jing Fei’s side to carefully inspect the wound on her head. It had already began to scab a bit, and so Yize applied a small amount of the medicine from the imperial doctor. “Laoye is truly too cruel! You were already injured, and yet he hit you still!”

Su Jing Fei sat up, resting a gentle hand on Yize’s shoulder. “You should be careful when speaking such words. If someone hears you, I cannot protect you well with the small power I have.”

Yize nodded in understanding, but she bit her lips out of frustration at the injustice her master had to endure. Suddenly, there was a loud knock from the door, and Yize stood to answer it. A mama and two yatou greeted them.

“Laoye has instructed us to come take you to the ancestral hall.” Spoke Xi mama. Su Jing Fei recognized her as Liu shi’s personal mama. If it was a servant of Liu shi, Su Jing Fei couldn’t help but be wary of their actions. The mother and daughter pair would want nothing but trouble for her, yet Liu shi had sent over her own personal servant to escort her. What were they planning?

Su Jing Fei kept her face neutral. Her clear black eyes studied the three servant before her. Her actions caused the two lower yatou to tremble slightly in fear. They had never seen such an imposing demeanor from the da xiaojie. Even Xi mama was slightly taken aback at the coldness in Su Jing Fei’s gaze, but since she had the backing of Liu shi on her side, she found the confidence to speak once more with a rather haughty expression. “We have come to personally escort da xiaojie to the ancestral hall, but it seems that da xiaojie is unwilling. Is da xiaojie unhappy with laoye's orders?” Xi mama waited to see Su Jing Fei’s angry or crying face; she knew the young girl had a temper. But what she hadn’t expected was for a beautiful smile to bloom on the young girl’s face.

Su Jing Fei was not an especially beautiful girl. Her features were pleasant, but that was it. However, those pale pink lips stretched into a small smile, and her round black eyes were half-lid under long feathered eyelashes. It was a truly unfamiliar look from Su Jing Fei. But it was only for a moment before Su Jing Fei’s expression fell back into careful neutrality. Her body eased into a refined calmness. Xi mama was truly unprepared to witness such a change in Su Jing Fei; it was like the common duck had been replaced by a phoenix! Truly unsettling!

“I apologize for keeping Xi mama waiting. Unfortunately, I am still recovering from my injury earlier today and am a bit slower than normal. If it is my father’s wishes for you to take me to the ancestral hall, I will happily oblige.” Su Jing Fei stood up gracefully, gesturing for Xi mama to take the lead in exiting her room.

“Hmph!” Xi mama didn’t waste another moment as she turned tail out of the room. Su Jing Fei left shortly after with Yize and the other two yatou following behind. Su Jing Fei could feel Yize’s nervousness as they tread along the path to the ancestral hall in silence. Coupled with the darkness of night, it made for a truly unsettling journey. After awhile, they finally passed by the small pond beside the ancestral hall. However, as they passed, bodies shuffled around, and there was a small scream as a loud splash sounded from the pond. Someone had fallen in!

“Da xiaojie!” Cried Yize, running to the water’s edge. Just as she was about to step forward into the pond, a hand reached out to grab the young girl’s arm.

“It is a cold night, Yize.” Su Jing Fei spoke in a calm voice. “The water will be freezing. However, the pond is not deep. Whoever fell in will be able to bring themselves out.”

“Da xiaojie, I’m so glad you are okay!” Yize said with relief. She remained at Su Jing Fei’s side but looked questioningly at the dark figure in the pond.

Su Jing Fei concealed a small smile with a respectful nod of her head. “Xi mama, I will be going on ahead. Please take care to not catch a cold.” The figure in the pond seemed to splash around in anger as the sopping wet appearance of Xi mama came into view. Su Jing Fei turned and left without another word as Yize followed closely behind, leaving the two yatou and Xi mama by the pondside.

“Da xiaojie, what happened back there?” Yize asked curiously. She had also suspected that the appearance of Xi mama and the two yatou were not entirely of pure intentions in accompanying Su Jing Fei to the ancestral hall. However, the path had been so dark and the others were walking so fast that she hadn’t been able to fully see what had happened.

“It appears that Xi mama and Liu shi wanted me to go for a late night swim in the pond.” Su Jing Fei laughed softly.

Yize was honestly surprised at Su Jing Fei’s calm attitude. The young miss used to be more volatile with her emotions, but the coldness in her actions were truly unfamiliar. However, a broken heart can definitely change one’s ways and Yize believed this to be the cause of change in her master’s demeanor. Seeing Su Jing Fei’s mistreatment, it further confirmed Yize’s belief that the coldness in Su Jing Fei’s attitude came from the injustice at the hands of the Su family and the third prince. There was nothing else she could do but quietly support the young miss at her side.

Su Jing Fei arrived at the ancestral hall, kneeling before the large etched tablets of stone. Yize lit a lantern, and a dim glow illuminated the room. Su Jing Fei's eyes closed, and from others’ perspective, she looked to be praying diligently. However, Su Jing Fei only said a brief prayer for the deceased owner of this body before reflecting internally on the prior events that had just taken place. Su Jing Fei had known something was up when the three servants had arrived without a lantern, yet they had claimed to be there to escort her to the ancestral hall. From her memories, she remembered that the path was long and would be dark in the night. When they were on the path, she felt the presence of the yatou behind her grow closer as they neared the pond. Luckily, Su Jing Fei had widened her steps to catch up with Xi mama in the darkness, surpassing her quietly. Xi mama had been caught off guard and when they were next to the pond, one of the yatou had pushed Xi mama into the pond in Su Jing Fei’s stead. Such silly underhanded tricks were meaningless to Su Jing Fei. It was the intent that mattered. Now that Su Jing Fei had fallen out of favor with a ruined engagement, Liu shi was choosing this moment to strike while the iron was hot. Liu shi really couldn’t resist humiliating Su Jing Fei further! Su Jing Fei knew that she had to be careful to avoid trouble now that she no longer had the protection of being betrothed to a prince. That was probably the only reason why anyone had tolerated the original Su Jing Fei anyway, and she sighed at the young girl’s wasted life. While she couldn’t do anything to prevent the movie’s major events, the least she could do was live out the rest of her life peacefully. However, in the darkness of the night, it seemed like tomorrow would not come any faster.

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