王妃渴望復仇 Wangfei’s Desire for Revenge

Prelude (To Second Arc)

Han shi sat at her husband’s bedside as she wiped his body down with a cloth. “Ming’er is five years old now,” She spoke gently as her hands worked. “He’s getting so big. I can’t even carry him now.” Her laugh was light and cheerful, but there was a tinge of sadness to it. Her smile also carried the same sadness.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a young boy came barrelling into the room. “Mama!” Mingyu’s plump cheeks were flushed from the running, and he had a bright smile on his face. “Mama, guess who came to visit?”

Han shi smiled back at her son, setting down the washcloth to brush back the hair from her son’s face. “Hmm, I wonder who.” She mused, gently wiping away the crumbs from Mingyu’s face.

“This one sincerely apologizes for the intrusion,” spoke a familiar young woman’s voice. “I was waiting by the gardens, but Ming’er was quite persistent in me following him.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” replied Han shi as she stood up. “Su xiaojie and I both know Ming’er’s stubbornness the best.” The older woman gestured for Su Jing Fei to take a seat. “What brings Su xiaojie by today?”

Su Jing Fei took a seat, placing her hands neatly on her lap. “I’ll be returning to the imperial city tomorrow, so I came to bid farewell.”

“No! Jie jie is going to leave?” cried Mingyu as he turned around and ran into Su Jing Fei’s arms. The young woman gave a small smile, patting down the young boy’s hair affectionately.

“I’ll be back to visit soon, and I’ll send lots of candy and gifts.” Su Jing Fei promised.

Han shi looked at the young woman, observing her carefully. It wasn’t only Mingyu that had changed so much in the past year and a half. Su Jing Fei had also grown as well; her features were maturing and becoming much more beautiful by the day. The small pert nose elongated to match her oval face and high cheekbones. While there remained a youthful countenance, Su Jing Fei’s features were definitely developing into those of a refined young woman. With Su xiaojie’s usual respectful and mature mannerisms, Han shi quite often forgot just how young the woman actually was. “Su xiaojie has been maturing into such a beautiful young lady. It will not be long before the marriageable men from noble families seek Su xiaojie's hand in marriage once Su xiaojie reaches of age.”

Su Jing Fei smiled. “This one actually reached marriageable age quite a few months ago.”

The older woman paused with surprise. “How could this be? And the Su family did not ask for your return earlier?”

“It would be much less trouble for them if I stayed in Fuo Lan,” Su Jing Fei replied, patting Mingyu on the back as he continued to pout. “But it seems my presence back home is required. The Qu family are returning to the imperial city for my grandfather Qu Zhi Qiang’s retirement.”

Han shi was quite familiar with the famous Qu family, known for their brave military accomplishments that helped the current Emperor keep Chu country peaceful. However, hearing that the mighty military general and patriarchal leader of the Qu family was retiring, Han shi was a bit worried how the careful balance of political power might be disrupted in the imperial city. This can only spell more trouble for Su Jing Fei, who had become quite dear to Han shi over the past year and half. Although she knew she had a much lower societal ranking than Su Jing Fei, she couldn’t resist from saying a few words of concern. “Please forgive this lowly one for her rudeness. However, this lowly one hopes Su xiaojie will take good care of herself. If there is anything that Su xiaojie needs, please don’t hesitate to consult with the Guo family.”

Su Jing Fei nodded politely as she continued stroking Mingyu’s hair, pinching the little chubby boy’s cheeks with a small smile. “This one will remember the Guo family’s kindness and can only hope that she can repay them in this lifetime.”

Han shi furrowed her brows at the young woman’s words, feeling that there were quite ominous. Just what exactly did Su Jing Fei intend to do once she reached the imperial city? What dangers lurked in the corners of the Su residence that caused such a young woman to be so cautious at returning to her own home? Han shi could not fathom the dangers, but she was sincere in her words. “Please keep in touch. Ming’er would definitely love to receive letters from his most favorite jie jie,” the older woman could only say a few words with a gentle and sad smile. She could not help Su Jing Fei in the imperial city, but she could quietly offer her support, however small it may seem. “If Su xiaojie ever returns to Fuo Lan, please don’t hesitate to visit any time.”

Su Jing Fei smiled, and the two women’s tense words relaxed into pleasant conversation. And before long, the sun was beginning to set in the horizon. Both women stood as Han shi escorted Su Jing Fei to the entrance. Mingyu clutched to Su Jing Fei, pouting as the young woman chuckled at his childish stubbornness. “Take care of your mother, Ming’er. Maybe next time we see each other, Ming’er will be a big boy and become even taller than jie jie!”

Han shi smiled sadly, knowing that there would be a long time before they could meet again. “This lowly one hopes Su xiaojie also takes care of herself.”

“This one thanks Han shi for her kindness,” Su Jing Fei said courteously as she gave a respectful bow. “I’ll be taking my leave.” She gently nudged Mingyu back to his mother before turning to leave.

Mingyu ran into his mother’s arms, crying as they both stood at the entrance of the Guo family residence. Han shi watched the young woman’s calm and steady figure walk away, feeling that those small shoulders carried such a heavy weight but seemed so sturdy and strong. There was a determinedness to them, a defiant elegance in the way the young woman carried herself. Someday, she hoped that someone will be able to share the heaviness upon Su xiaojie’s shoulders.

As Su Jing Fei boarded the carriage, Yize placed a cloak around her xiaojie’s shoulders since the gentle breeze was beginning to chill. Su Jing Fei thanked the young yatou, leaning her back against the wall of the carriage. She resisted the urge to push aside the curtains and bid farewell to the only place where she’d felt welcomed in a long time. There was no looking, no turning back. All she could do was look forward, face the future that awaited her in the imperial city. Her resolve was firm, and her mind was clear.

As the carriage rolled forward, two figures remained at the entrance to watch it growing smaller and more distant. As it disappeared from view, the two figures headed back into their home for although the bitter coldness of winter had passed, one could still catch a chill from the night air. However, with the passing of winter, it also gave way to spring where life began to flourish. In the gentle breeze, the spring trees’ leaves rustled with the promise of new days and new beginnings.

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