Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 22: There’s something still here

While I've still been talking to 'Noma' I haven't been silly and had Old-Mate exploring the place, and I could see unlike the other doors the door to the "Main Reactor"... it was eerily fine.

Choosing to interrupt Hannah and 'Noma' I asked such.

"Question and Statement: The Main Reactor's door is destroyed? At least to my sensors." To the answer confused Hannah who double checked with her Servo-Ork-Skull.

"The door is fine for me as well... unless."

"Something is still here." I state and ready my weapon, "Marcus, Felica with me. Everyone else ready on the barricade." I wasn't taking a chance the AI was fucking with us or it's own sensors were just fucked. "'Noma' show me all sensors that say the door isn't there?"

Four different images appeared, one visional, another seemed to be echo location based and the last two were heat and thermal type vision...

For me and Hannah we could see the door on the visual one... but the other three could see past the door, for the echo based one I just had Old-Mate bark and we could see the sound waves moves past the door and the outline of the doorframe being mapped out... and the slight temperature difference was picked up by the other two sensors...

"Well that's not disconcerting at all." Hannah stated, "Ready to use that rifle you picked up, cause if they were using it that may have had a point."

Nodding I recheck the rifle pulling the bolt back and saw one of those warp tipped round... finding the mag release the cylinder at the back of the stock popped open, pulling it back if I'd have a guess this thing was a battery of sorts then I had two thirds charge. Pushing it back in with a slight hiss and the slight click of it locking back in place.

"What the fuck is this then?" I asked the AI as I show the obvious round sitting within the chamber.

"Answer: That isn't a round merely a focuser, think in a way of a few hundred magnifying glasses."

"But you said it was a Magnetically Accelerated Rifle... that implies that it's kinetic... right?"

"Answer: Energy using the special focusing lens super cools the gasses to a state that it can be fired out of the weapon."

How... eyes narrowing and brows farrowed, Hannah shared a similar confused look that I did. All I got from that the round in the weapon using the fact the Warp is really fucking cold is turning energy into a solid that it can shoot... the fuck?

"You know what... Warp Fuckery... there is no way to science that shit." I state and shake my head at the absurdity of me trying to even under stand jack shit when the Warp is involved.

Which got a sigh from Hannah and some muttered, "Right why can't it be even harder to understand." Hopping the barricades with the two and once we reached Old-Mate.

"You two see that." I point out the door.

"Yes." They both reply.

"Marcus shoot it." Aiming his Bolt-Pistol and with a single shot fired at the door which rippled like a stone hitting water, but something was pissed. With my wings spreading out blocking the attack of the daemon. Said daemon lunged through the rapidly disappearing door and tried to butcher Marcus.

Flicking it back towards the doorframe I got a good look at "it". Maybe four and a half feet tall with razor sharp claws, but what this was no daemon made of the warp. The stretched and torn uniform said this was a daemon host... looked zombie-ish or some shit. Not from any of the Four as it didn't have any clear markings or matched any of the known descriptions... this was something else.

Raising the MAR and pulling the trigger. The kick into my shoulder was far harder then I'd expected, throwing me off target, but I got it. The weapon didn't work like a normal weapon it fired a three second continuous stream of death, like a morbid mix of a Lasgun and Flamer but with enough kick as if it was a Bolter, no wonder those super soldiers had them and everyone else had Autoguns.

The part I did hit was cut cleanly like a hot knife through butter, taking a arm off completely and a chunk of it's head... but it was still alive and regenerating as the damaged head and missing limp was... regrowing would be the only way I could describe it.

Bolt-Pistol roared and watermelon sized holes were punched into the daemon followed by Felica's Lasgun we tore it apart.

It slumped into a barely recognizable puddle of it's own body fluids, we all shared a glance.

"Check if it's got a pulse?" Marcus asked after reloading.

"Yes." We opened fired again, this time I expected the kick and managed to keep on target. After a minute of firing, "No pulse." I state as the now smear across the wall and ground was all that was left.

"Did anyone else see it try to regrow it's arm and part of it's head?" Asked Marcus.

"Your not alone..." Felica added, and pulled the trigger again leaving a small scorch mark in the middle of the blood.

"Was that needed?" Asked Marcus with more amusement then anything else.

"Never to sure." She answered with some sass, as she loaded a fresh power cell.

Shaking my head I move through the doorway, just on the other side of the room was a neat little hole were the bolt round struck... but cryptically in blood was written "We aren't your foe" it was written with such force that there was an indent on the very wall, but it was the fact it was English not Gothic low or high. Walking around the bodies on the floor who were most definitely more of the Orion members as they had the same weapon as the one I have got.

Hearing a hand full of steps off my right turning and fire, knowing that the two others with me should be behind me. And my assumption was right as the three seconds I laid into the Daemon with a little swipe bisected the thing. Both halves crashing to the ground, each half still moving.

"My Prince!" The pair rush in, but I stop them before they could finish it off.

"Both halves are regenerating..." My voice having a scientific tone to it. But knowing that having a pair of mortals near a Daemon for too long would be trouble since this Daemon too multiplied. "So if you don't kill it, it just regrows damage done or in this case multiplies into several... interesting. Now we can kill it." Both took it with gusto and turned both halves into smears. Checking my power cell... nearly empty. So it isn't cost efficient, unless the weapons and cells are nothing to make. But seeing what it can do, I doubt it.

Grabbing one of the dropped weapons and taking out it's own cell replacing the one in mine and a gesture we moved farther in, see more of the writing, all the same "We aren't your foe" all English and strong enough to leave a dent in the wall.

Our foot steps echoed down the hallway and the small lights above us along with the signs saying "Reactor This Way" every so often.

We all heard something skittering which by instinct made me raise a clenched fist and the pair stopped. The skittering got louder. Readying myself, Marcus and Felica got in front of me and knelt down leaving me to fire over them.

"Fire!" I ordered once the skittering started echoing down our very hallway, mine and Felica's fire illumined the hallway and our targets allowing Marcus with the arguably deadlier weapon, which he proved as his steady shots either destroyed the heads of the on rushing Daemons or crippled them allowing us to pick off those that are still running towards us or those just coming around the corner.

But something see through came from the wall next to Felica and grabbed her by the throat, Marcus's and her own attempt to shoot it off only resulted in the rounds going through it and striking the walls and floors, firing my own seemed to damage it but thrusting my wings into it did the most damage as it recoiled and let go of her but ultimately burned up as my wings seemed to have set it on fire, if fire could be the color gold.

Returning my attention to the Daemons still coming killing the last two still standing, leaving the rest that were unable to get up in the mean time.

Pulling Felica to her feet, she seemed fine despite what just happened.

" Well that was... arg..." Felica cut herself short as she had to rub her temple, "Ow what the fuck was that?" Taking a step back she looked around really confused... as if she had no idea where she was in the universe let alone the hallway.

Grabbing her arms and forcing her to face me, "Felica you okay?" Just to her back right Marcus was readying his weapon. Looking into her eyes they seemed really foggy and somewhat trance like.

"Yea... that is weird... my Prince... I hear a voice..." Her voice was her own but it seemed to be overlapped by something. The sound of her Lasgun hitting the floor followed, but I was too concerned with her to care.

"And." I asked my voice unnaturally calm.

"It said... 'we aren't your foe...'" Her eyes flickered and rolled up, and collapse. Keeping just standing in my hands. Slowly lowing her down and lay her against a the wall.

"Well shit." I complain.

"What now? Do we... or wait?" Marcus asked with the first being obvious. His voice showing concern as he turned to face the corridor.

"I have no idea... I've not seen anything like this. It doesn't match any of the Four... and I don't know any independent like this." I reply.

-Crash- -REEAGH!-

The sound came from the corner and we couldn't see what it was.

"Nope were leaving!" I commanded, pulling Felica over my shoulder and Marcus grabbed her Lasgun, and we fled.

Fleeing back entering the warehouse and glancing behind me and saw three of them, "Marcus catch!" I ordered and tossed him Felica and turned.

Hip firing the MAR and keeping the fire on one of the Daemons and it was inaccurate to say the least as I only managed to down one of them before turning it onto the next one. Pulling the trigger again but I got this pitiful stream and a little noise that sounded like a alarm. Dropping it and drawing my Chainsword and showing my other hand which was Old-Mate who these Daemons seemed to have missed.

Rushing the closest Daemon, my Chainsword, my body glowing a slight gold and Old-Mate pounced onto the other his teeth glowing a similar golden sheen.

My weapon bit down into the arm of the Daemon but the teeth started tearing it's arm apart, it roared in pain and it's other hand slammed into my side, I coughed a mouthful of blood onto the Daemon as it's nails kept digging into my side. Gritted I kept pushing with each passing moment the tip of my blade got closer to it's neck.

Old-Mate chomped down retching left and the partially rotten nature allowed him to easily tear the right arm and upper right of the torso and sent everything flying, and jumped onto the body the forepaws crushing whatever was left of the upper body.

Unlike Old-Mate who had the far easier job, extending my wings as far as they could I pierced the Daemon's going right through it which caused it great pain and distracted it enough for it to stop counter pushing my sword and digging it's fingers farther into my body, but the moment the first tooth hit it's neck it grabbed hold.

It's fingers inside my body priced through my front from within and gripped around an imaginary object, but it back handed tossed me to the side letting go and it's fingers leaving my flank.

Rolling and trying to stand but.

"Fuck!" I cuss as I gave falling onto my hands and knees, my focus solely on healing. My guts were literally falling out of me. Rolling to my back to keep my guts inside rather then out.

Inching away from the Daemon. I started shaking... "Mother of god... please. ARG!" Feeling another sharp spike of pain I turned to Old-Mate who also collapse with he side nearly ripped out. My eyes started watering and I started seeing my life... but for some reason rather then give me that finality my parents spoke of it with it felt as if I was leaving unsatisfied, as if I had some much left to do.

"Oi! Cunt over here!" What am I doing!? Why the fuck am I taunting it!? It turned to face me it's arm nearly fully healed and it's neck that I barely started cutting was fully healed. I gave it a half mad grin. "I'm right here! Do it! Finish me!"

The whole time my wounds started healing, but there was still to much risk that I could have my intestines' to fall out. Instinctively I kept inching away from it as it advanced. As if gloating it moved so slowly...

"Come on Daemon! I was cocky but still killed two of you fucks!" I shouted at it. To which he pounced both of it's hands with it's fingers ready to tear my chest apart, raising my Chainsword catching both hands and tearing them apart. Moving my focus from healing to my wings and thrust with all I had left almost incinerating the Daemon instantly.

Crawling over to Old-Mate and kept healing myself and him...

"Fuck this is bad... " I muttered as I felt myself blacking out... no, no not yet. "Must... System alert Hannah!" I shouted before passing out.

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