Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Chapter 13 Building a new territory

After tearing down the church dedicated to the evil god and destroying the genetic laboratory blessed by the evil god, Said rebuilt a new church.

In the center of the temple, the Emperor stood with his sword pointed straight to the ground, looking at all living beings with compassion, his expression gentle and majestic at the same time.

The sun shines through the stained glass, casting mottled shadows in the church. On the rows of wooden chairs, believers with pious expressions and clasped hands are sitting.

On the high platform, the puppets were dressed in white robes, holding up sacred scriptures, telling the emperor's ideals and greatness. While spreading the truth of the empire, they also established the worship of the emperor.

"Everyone, the evil gods are whispering in the abyss. They disguise themselves as gods, enslave and slaughter our compatriots. What do you eat, what do you wear, and what kind of work do you do under the rule of the Holy Kingdom?"

"But now you have clothes to wear, food to eat, and easy work, and you don't have to fight each other in the gladiatorial arena...Who brought all this to you!"

At this time, someone in the audience said: "It is Lord Said. His power has made us escape from slavery and feel like we are in heaven!"

The puppet denied: "No, it was the Emperor who gave you all this. Said is the Emperor's angel, gaining power from the Emperor to benefit mankind!"

"The Emperor is about to set off from Terra to liberate the world enslaved by aliens and evil gods, to feed and clothe you, and to make humanity the master of the galaxy again!"

"Long live the Emperor! For the glory of the Emperor! Long live the Angel Said!"

Then, the puppet symphony orchestra on the side of the hall began to play, and the civilians stood up, crossed their hands on their chests, performed the Eagle Salute, and sang "You Will Return Like Lightning" in unison.

This song commemorating the fall of Eastern Rome was shamelessly plagiarized by Said and used to commemorate the past glory of mankind and praise the greatness of the emperor's brother.

Only by believing in the Emperor can mankind be liberated and resurrected.

At the end of the song, many civilians were moved to tears. Under Said's rule, they took off their shackles, had enough food and clothing, and their children went to school. It was a huge difference from the past.

According to Said, this power to improve life came from the Emperor, and they worshiped the Emperor from the bottom of their hearts.

Said executed a large number of cultists to reduce food consumption and was able to open granaries to provide relief to civilians. He then used puppets to replace manpower and reduce labor intensity.

These civilians didn't know what was going on. After eating their first full meal in their lives and doing easy work, they immediately took Said's words as an edict.

Not to mention the emperor, even if Said asked them to worship a pig, they would do it.

In the blistered hill, Said was lying on the recliner with his eyes closed, receiving information from the puppets everywhere and controlling the puppets to react. At this time, Squirt reported:

"Chief, the food processing plant and canning factory have been built. The next step is to build a textile factory. These are light industries. Do you want to copy the industry in Chongsheng Town?"

Squirt is in charge of civil affairs, responsible for restoring production in Shuipiao Mountain and building an industrial system.

Said manipulated the puppet and replied: "No need for now, industrial production capacity is not saturated and is limited by raw materials. Let's develop light industry first to solve the survival problems of civilians!"

Squirt replied: "Yes! There is another pressing problem. In addition to industrial raw materials, we don't have much food. Industrial raw materials can be lacking, but civilians cannot live without food."

Said Puppet replied: "Don't worry, I have divided my troops into multiple groups to seize the mines and farms of the Holy Kingdom. The material problem will be solved soon."

The area of ​​Bingmu Land expanded, and a new batch of puppets grew. The number of ordinary puppets reached 300,000. Said built a laser gun production line and quickly installed it to replace the spears.

In later generations, the Astral Soldier had a flashlight that appeared in the hands of ordinary puppet troops, but this also depleted his industrial raw materials, causing production to come to a standstill.

So 300,000 ordinary puppet troops were divided into ten groups and captured ten mines and farms in the Holy Kingdom.

In the past ruling system of the Holy Kingdom, these farms and mines were under the direct jurisdiction of the capital. The emperor indirectly controlled Rebirth Town and the eastern and western warlords by controlling food and industrial raw materials.

Once Said seizes mines and farms, he can solve the problem of raw materials and food, produce armaments at full capacity, expand mechanics, and accumulate capital for subsequent competition in the world.

Ordinary puppets work day and night, quickly attacking various production bases, and launching attacks one after another.

Less than five days after the fall of Bubble Hill, the news was strictly blocked. The production bases were still unaware of the situation and were caught off guard by the puppets.

The production base was weakly defended. The main defensive force was less than fifty technological barbarians. Facing 30,000 laser guns, they were all wiped out in just a few rounds.

With a volley of flashlights, even the powerful technological barbarians were killed instantly. Said couldn't help but be speechless. No wonder they say that the Astra Militarum is the cornerstone of the empire.

Said easily captured seven mining farms, and then under the guidance of the Emperor, they screened them to remove the Chaos contamination, and then let the mechanics take over and resume production.

Due to the loss of a large amount of manpower in the purge, the population of the Sayed-occupied areas was reduced to ten, and the labor force was seriously insufficient, so puppets were used to participate in the labor.

At this moment, seven to eight out of ten workers in factories, mines and farms are puppets. Compared with mortal slaves, puppets are of one mind, sleepless and have extremely high production efficiency.

Squirt has expressed more than once that he hopes to command more puppets and promote various production and research.

Said easily satisfied his request. The reproduction speed of the Soldier Tree was comparable to that of the Zerg. As the planting time increased, the soil of the Soldier Tree became more fertile and the growth cycle of the Soldier Tree became shorter.

Until now, the puppets have been collected every seven days to every five days. Every five days, Said can attack 300,000 puppets.

With such a huge labor resource, Said is confident that he can easily capture ten mines.

But soon, Said noticed an anomaly. There were three mines that resisted particularly fiercely. Ordinary puppets launched multiple fierce attacks, but were all repelled.

Their laser guns dealt a heavy blow to the enemy, killing more than fifty technological barbarians at the cost of losing five hundred troops.

But every time a barbarian is killed, more barbarians will appear in the city, and it seems that they will never be killed. According to estimates, the number is no less than 300.

Said sent an Orgus aircraft to investigate and was surprised to find that there were no less than a thousand technological barbarians in the production base.

This was different from intelligence. Looking at the flag again, Said found that it was the garrison of Stark and Oakland Shield.

This means that the two warlords knew about the fall of the capital, seized the production base in advance, and became separatist warlords.

Said certainly did not allow such a thing to happen and immediately dispatched troops for reinforcements.

At this moment, Said's mobile force only had 32,000 giants. They did not participate in grabbing the production base, but were left in the capital to reorganize.

According to the military organization in the 2k era, Said divided the big guys into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, and corps. The three-three system at each level plus the directly affiliated troops.

For example, a battalion excludes three squads and a fire support team equipped with plasma cannons. In addition to three companies, a battalion also has support units such as reconnaissance and engineers.

All the big guys wear power armor and are armed with bolt guns and laser guns. Every 16,000 big guys form a division, and Said has two such divisions.

He formed the First Army of Dajiao, which had the first and second divisions under its jurisdiction, and was short of one division.

Said sent one of them to split the three brigades and join the attack on the production base.

While the big guy was marching, the air force took the lead. Three hundred aircraft raided the sky above the target, launched missiles towards the ground, and killed a large number of technological barbarians.

Not to be outdone, the barbarians fired anti-aircraft machine guns into the air and occasionally exploded aircraft. Both sides suffered casualties.

At this time, the ordinary puppets took advantage of the situation to attack, and the laser points were fired at the bunker, burning out scorched black holes. The barbarians did not dare to show their heads.

Even if the big guys don't send reinforcements, it's only a matter of time before they fall.

The barbarian commander looked gloomy and said coldly: "Give me the order, we will destroy this place and withdraw to the fortress!"

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