Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Chapter 8 Integrating Rebirth Town Industries

Leaving the underground warehouse, Said began to integrate the industry in Rebirth Town.

Kaos left Rebirth Town and went to find his Great Sage Mentor, hoping that he would send more forces to assist Rebirth Town, while the remaining mechanics stayed to assist Said in managing Rebirth Town.

Previously, apart from the factories, Rebirth Town was managed by technological barbarians. The barbarians were killed by Said, and a large number of knowledgeable administrative bureaucrats were needed.

So, the mechanic just made do with it. Although this group of technical geeks were reluctant, they fully cooperated under Kaul's order.

Technical personnel were responsible for administration, resulting in a shortage of factory management personnel. Even if there were enough slaves, production still came to a standstill.

But Said didn't count on mechanics and slaves at all. He packed all the slaves and sent them out of the factory, and then focused on the soldiers.

At this time, the soil of soldiers and trees had spread to the entire Rebirth Town, and soldiers and trees were sprouting like mushrooms after a rain. Within a week, he would be able to obtain 50,000 puppets.

At this time, a mechanic came to Said and said respectfully: "Your Excellency the Great Sage, we counted the food in stock and found that it is only enough to last two months."

Said asked: "Two months? Where does your usual food come from?"

The mechanic replied: "The blister hill in the south is the capital of the Holy Kingdom, and Emperor Phoenix Sixty-two is there."

"We attacked Rebirth Town, and they will definitely not provide us with food again."

At this time, another mechanic suggested: "We can buy it from other forces, such as the Anti-Slavery Alliance or the United Cities. They are all enemies of the Holy Kingdom."

But Said waved his hand and said indifferently:

"No, I destroyed the Holy Kingdom within two months. Now I want to know whether the industrial raw materials in Rebirth Town are enough to complete the production plan?"

After saying that, he handed over a piece of paper with a bunch of lists on it:

Two thousand bolters, two thousand pairs of power armor, fifty Sentinels, five hundred Rhino personnel carriers, one hundred Spartan tanks, one hundred Orgus aircraft...

Even though the whole body is mechanically constructed, the mechanic still feels numb when looking at it.

With this kind of strength, let alone defeating a Holy Country, it would be easy to bulldoze the entire planet.

The mechanic asked: "Your Majesty the Great Sage, let's not talk about whether the technology can be realized, we don't have that much production capacity, right?"

Said waved his hand and said confidently: "You don't need to worry about production technology. The raw materials are already on the list. You only need to answer me whether the raw materials are enough!"

The mechanic shook his head and said: "Not enough. Rebirth Town does not produce industrial raw materials. They must be transported from the interior of the empire in the south. At this moment, like food, the supply is cut off."

Said thought for a while and said:

"We need industrial raw materials to make armaments. Since we can buy food, can we buy raw materials from the United Cities and the Anti-Slavery Alliance?"

The mechanics nodded: "It should be possible. We will write to contact our local colleagues and try to obtain some raw materials. However, it is best to wait until Kaul comes back. If he comes forward, the success rate will be much higher."

At the end of the meeting, Said took over the factory, dismantled the machinery of the golden age, and built an industrialized production line.

To Said's surprise, there was a plasma reactor stored in the underground warehouse, which was enough to replace backward fossil energy and provide energy for the entire industrial chain.

Under the eyes of the machinists in amazement, the machines were disassembled and arranged and combined with each other. Just put in the raw materials and let a small number of workers operate to produce the finished product.

Even without workers, just letting a few puppets operate can keep the entire industry running.

The direct consequence of this was that a large number of slaves were unemployed. Said put them under the management of machinists and issued a task: literacy education!

Mechanics are high-level intellectuals who can be used to educate slaves.

Said personally compiled the syllabus to transform illiterate slaves into qualified workers who could obey orders, listen, read, and write, and be able to perform simple calculations.

Even if you can't become a worker, with a little training you can still be a qualified soldier on the battlefield.

A week later, the industrial upgrade was completed, achieving semi-automatic and fully mechanized production, and Said's 50,000 puppets entered Rebirth Town.

One thousand of them served as workers, and the rest were used as troops to suppress internal pressure.

In fact, there is no need to suppress it very much, because the number of slaves and mechanics is less than one-tenth of the puppets, not to mention that there will be 50,000 puppets in a week.

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and Kaos returned to Rebirth Town with several red-robed mechanics. Kaos introduced:

"Your Majesty the Great Sage, this is my original mentor. After discovering that you can use the golden machine, he came to see what he said. If it is true, all the mechanics will be at your disposal!"

Said welcomed them and then took them to the factory for a tour. As soon as he saw the fully automatic production line, the great sage immediately knelt down and said with a pious look:

"Oh my god, a miracle happened! Sir Said, is this your masterpiece?"

Said nodded: "Yes, I know a little bit about the technology of the golden age!"

The mechanic's eyes shone: "Hello, my name is Squirt, Kos's teacher, and the current leader of the mechanics, but I am willing to step aside and let you be the leader."

Said did not agree immediately, but asked: "Are there any conditions?"

Squirt pointed to the semi-automated machinery factory and said: "Tell us the knowledge here, popularize knowledge, revive the golden age, and benefit mankind!"

Said chuckled in his heart. If it could really be revived, the Emperor would have done this long ago. Both he and the Emperor had a complete technology tree of the Golden Age.

Take star battleships as an example. If the golden age was the Leopard 2 tank, the current Empire of Man is a bicycle-mounted machine gun.

But they have never been able to reproduce the technology of the golden age. It's not that they can't do it, but they can't. The technology at that time was highly bound to AI. Without AI, the product would be scrap metal.

For example, Said's factory, despite the astonishing mechanics, this pile of twenty-fifth millennium equipment, without the use of AI, can only achieve the production capacity of the 3k era. (3k is the era the author lives in...)

However, after experiencing the lessons of the Iron Man Rebellion and the influence of the electronic demons and mechanical plagues in subspace, humans no longer dare to develop AI.

Even the Emperor can only develop biotechnology that does not require AI, trying to explore a new technological tree from the perspective of genetic structure.

The Mechanicus on Mars and the mechanics in front of Said were superstitious about the glory of the golden age, but they didn't know that it was a dead end.

But Said, like the Emperor, did not deny them, but squeezed out technology bit by bit like toothpaste to ensure their loyalty.

A little favor, a little charity, let them taste a little sweetness and then look forward to the sweetness later, contributing efforts, people and supplies to the Great Expedition.

When the Emperor gains power to replace them, these technocrats, like the Thunder Warriors, will be swept into the dustbin of history.

In a pleasant atmosphere, Said and Squirt reached an agreement, and Said agreed to share technology and contribute to the development of mechanics.

In exchange, the mechanic took Said as his leader and helped him unify the planet. First, starting with the purchased industrial raw materials...

With a little understanding of Warhammer...

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