Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 24 There are also differences between races, and there are differences between the same weap

"Don't let me be too disappointed. I am patient and micro-managed to help you adjust your logical thinking. I don't want a group of cowards who dare not fight to the death or are just reckless people." The energy in Zhang Lingyou's hand dissipated, and the lobster people in the entire galaxy , aggressive hormones are secreted in the body.

Not long after, Zoeberg came back, his clothes unchanged and his expression still respectful.

"The voters are ready, please move forward."

"lead the way"

All the senior officials of the Lobstermen present did not move, not knowing what they were thinking.

When we came to a landing site, there were tens of thousands of lobster people lined up here.

"The quantity is not enough and the efficiency is too low."

"It's because I'm in a bad situation because I'm in a hurry. I have to raise these first. There are other voters on the way."

He still had a humble tone, as if as the leader of the clan, Zoeberg didn't have much of a temper.

In the distance, an army came with a large number of flying saucers. It was very fast and scattered. It seemed that it was really coming with lobstermen recruited from various places in a hurry.

"Envoy, what you asked for has arrived." Zoiberg bowed and saluted.


"Bastard! Falk Squid!" Zoeberg roared, the carapace on his back cracked, and a turbolaser cannon that had already been warmed up opened fire immediately.

A large amount of heat energy burned Zoiberg's back dry, killing him. The beam hit Zhang Lingyou's armor and was blocked by the shield.

The flying saucer in the distance also released all its firepower while Zoiberg was scolding; the surrounding lobster men also surrounded them without fear of death, hoping to use the human sea tactic to delay for a moment.

"This looks cool." Zhang Lingyou finally nodded, and then the flying saucer self-destructed, and the lobster people present also disappeared from the planet.

Returning to the hall where the throne was, Zhang Lingyou kicked open the door with the Eldest sword exuding psychic power.

A high-ranking official immediately came up to him and said with a look of fear on his face: "We really didn't know that Zoiberg had done such a transgressive act. Thanks to the angel's intervention, the overall situation is maintained. I hope the angel will atone for his sins. Our clan will definitely contribute more voters to rely on it." The wrath of the superior clan.”

It was a person in charge of finance. Zhang Lingyou glanced at it and flicked the long sword slowly, and the psychic stance on it emitted more light.

"You all think so?" Zhang Lingyou asked after looking around for a week.

"Everyone can punish traitors and traitors. This thief, Zoeberg, wants to assassinate the envoy, but he already has a way to kill him!" Another official in charge of logistics stood up and spoke with awe-inspiring righteousness.

The other lobstermen didn't say anything, but they all stared at his psychic sword eagerly, with fear in their hearts.

Zhang Lingyou nodded slightly, raised his hand and led Zoiberg's corpse to the main hall, and resurrected it while the lobsters looked shocked.

"Angels are indeed powerful, but I don't know how to deal with this rebel?" the logistics lobster man asked.

Ignoring him, Zhang Lingyou asked Zoeberg: "Are you convinced?"

"I don't accept it! What do you want to do by taking away so many fine members of our clan?" The response was a question full of grief and indignation.

"It has nothing to do with me. I can't bear to see what the Spiritual Tribe is doing, so do we want to unite?" Zhang Lingyou smiled and then added: "I can help you resurrect the dead, and I can also help you get rid of these bloodless people. s things."

Zoiberg looked at the self-protection officials around him who were unable to move. He knew that there was no way out. After a moment of silence, he said, "Okay, let's... talk?"

"Of course we have to talk." Zhang Lingyou extinguished his psychic stance, resurrected the dead in the outside world, and said, "A little sincerity."

Zoeberg didn't care whether it was sincerity or a demonstration. He asked Zhang Lingyou to wait and let him gather his comrades before discussing together. Zhang Lingyou had nothing to do with it.

As a star god, how did Zhang Lingyou use the psychic sword? The answer is: I can't use it, but the Eldar have weapons that can be used when they are exposed to psychic energy.

As we all know, the Star God is the god of the physical universe and can control the world barrier of the real universe. The principle of psykers is to use themselves as a door to guide and use the energy of subspace. The principle of Abaddon's Thirteenth Expedition to form the Great Rift is even more Weaken the real universe and allow subspace energy to flow in.

Therefore, theoretically, the Star God can directly weaken an area in the physical universe, allowing the energy of subspace to be poured into the real universe, and rely on his control of the real universe to constrain the direction and intensity of subspace energy.

Just like we are not water mages and cannot control the water flow by ourselves, but we can simply control the water by making water guns.

This is a loophole in the rules that Zhang Lingyou found and "borrowed" from the principles of the Necron's psychic weapons (they really do have them).

In fact, due to the special nature of the enemy at that time, the Star God would not fight like this at all. The reason is that the Old Ones and the Eldar are not as technologically advanced as the Star Gods and Necrons.

It's just that Zhang Lingyou's current situation is here. He uses psychic energy to cover it up, so he is relatively low-key and will not attract attention.


The words are divided into two parts, the Three Saints Council and the Council's Judgment Office.

Executioner Philias, who was maintaining his Executioner Scythe, looked at the weapon in his hand that began to become stronger, and the entire logical protocol was shut down for a moment.

This weapon is an imitation of the Death Scythe of the former Star God and Nightbringer. It is an imitation of the weapons used by the gods of the real universe. All weapons that are similar in appearance or concept will receive the blessing of that artifact. These imitation weapons The artifact will also be enshrined.

In a sense, the relationship between the Death Scythe and the Executioner's Scythe is more like the relationship between the gods of the subspace and their demons. The artifact protects and blesses these mortal weapons; these weapons in turn support the artifact. The artifact will become more powerful with the blessing of the owner and the support of the mortal artifact, eventually forming a cycle of its own.

As the coolant boiled, the executioner finally realized what might have happened. Philias and his weapons dissipated in place, and the data passed through the tomb boulder array and headed to the Council of the Three Saints.

There were people who acted like her, and there were countless kings and overlords who also used scythes. They were all eager to know if that weapon was back.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Nagash tapped his scepter on the floor, and the rational protocol was sent to every Necron present through the contact between the scepter and the ground.

No wonder they were so rude, the weapon was back, but where was its owner? What if some of the fragments of the Nightbringer come together and get the artifact again? How can we resist this?

If the artifact is not destroyed, the Necron would be delusional to think of peace. The artifact's increase in power to the gods is not even a tiny bit. The complete Nightbringer possesses the artifact and is undoubtedly the strongest star god; Tzeentch holds the scepter and is the strongest chaos god.

As for destroying the artifact, let alone the huge price paid. Even if it is destroyed, the power of the weapons in the hands of these kings and overlords will be greatly reduced, and they will no longer be able to maintain their authority. Moreover, many Necromancers like to add other functions to their weapons. Once damaged, the losses will be huge.

How to remedy these consequences? The Council of Three Saints just felt dizzy, wishing that their engine would shut down and take them away quickly.

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