Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 11: Night Time Exploration

Later that night.


Ahh, that was a great sleep. Time to get up and see if I can't get my hands on either a couple of books with useful information or one of my parents' laptops. But before I do any of that, let me get a lay of the land since I've yet to explore the entirety of my home yet.

With me just awakening from my nap and more than excited to begin learning, I did several stretches to warm up my muscles to get them prepared for the stealthy night mission ahead. There was no way I was going to risk getting caught roaming around the house at night due to a muscle cramping up on me even though I've never experienced even one cramp since I've been reborn here but there's no reason to leave it to chance.

Okay, muscles nice and warmed up, let's explore.

Ready to go I made my way over to my crib's wall, jumped up, grabbed onto the top of the crib's rail, and put some strength into my little but increasingly stronger baby arms, hoisting myself up and over the crib's railing. After I landed without issue on my bedroom's floor, I speedily scurried over to the door while making minimal noise due to my new stealth skills and extremely light, almost nonexistent weight.

The moment I got to the door, I concentrated and used my very high perception to see if I could detect either of my parents with my hearing as well as my pseudo perception field.

Mmm, the coast seems to be clear, but just in case, let me crack the door open a smidge and take a peek to make sure that neither of them are down the hall.

Being as cautious as possible, I slowly cracked my bedroom's door just enough for me to look around the general vicinity of the hallway. And with my enhanced eyesight that is leagues above what I had in previous life, I looked around for a brief couple of seconds before I opened the door even further to look down the hallway in the direction of my parents' bedroom.

No lights on, sweet. They must be sleeping, however, since I've yet to make sure of that I'll still remain cautious and aware of my surroundings as I explore until I've located both of them.

Continuing to be extra cautious, I stealthily made my way out of my room and silently headed down the hallway. The instant I arrived at my parents' bedroom, I paused for a couple of seconds to see if I could detect them within their room. As I was doing that, my dad Robert rounded the corner down the hall while yawning and holding a drink in his hand.

Shit, I need to hide.

Not wanting to get caught out of my room this late at night and possibly having to deal with a baby monitor installed in my room as a repercussion for my nighttime stroll, I quickly hid and crouched down next to a piece of furniture located opposite of their bedroom in the hallway blending in decently well with the darkness.

The seconds passed by while I waited for my dad to return to his bedroom and as soon as I heard a click from the door's handle I popped my small head out to check whether my mom was in the room or if I was going to have to stealthily roam our home, top to bottom till I figured out her whereabouts. But luckily the instant I did, I spotted her in bed sleeping peacefully and a few seconds later my dad shut the door, leaving me in the clear.

Phew, she's sleeping. Now that I know where both of them are, I can get back to it and explore the house in its entirety.

Aware of the location of both of my parents, I quietly came out of my hiding place and continued on my way down the hall. Once I was a good bit of distance away from their room, I picked up my pace and started exploring.

After reaching the end of the hallway, I walked over to the door at the end and attempted to open it and, following a small click, I got it open and looked inside to see what was in there. What I found was a large room that appeared to be set up as an office.

I guess this is one of their offices, but seeing as I've never seen my mother leave me to go to her's, this is most likely her's... Well, I'll find out in a moment.

Heading inside, I began roaming around the dark room, looking at the various things within it. As I scoured the interior, I came across your usual office junk, some books regarding a number of medical subjects, and a desktop. So, with my goal of acquiring as much knowledge as possible before leaving for the wasteland, I ignored the books in front of me for the moment and continued on my way toward the desk.

At my destination, I climbed up into the office chair placed in front of the desktop and right as I got myself up and into the chair; I steadied myself and continued standing due to my useless baby arms being unable to reach the keyboard while sitting down and began looking at the setup. As I started looking, I immediately noticed something odd.

Hmm, the mouse and keyboard have a light layer of dust on them. That means no one has used this desktop in quite a while. Lucky me.

Practically grinning from ear to ear at that discovery, I pressed the power button on the personal computer. No more than a few short seconds, the PC rapidly turned on and booted up into the login screen with the username being my mom's first name.

I guess I know whose office this is now.

Finding out whose office I was in, I could have stopped here and gone back to exploring the rest of the house. However, due to my excitement, I decided to delay the rest of my exploration until after I had my fun on the computer. Exploration delayed till later, I first tried logging in but was quickly stopped in my tracks at the password section with no idea what her password could be.

Unwilling to waste time trying to brute force my way in via trying random passwords, I restarted the computer. As it was booting up, I speedily tapped a combination of keys that I knew would help me out with gaining access, thanks to the knowledge that was painfully driven into my skull by my science skill. I waited a short couple of seconds when a blank command terminal appeared on the screen, ready for me to begin typing away.

This shouldn't take long.

I spent the next 15 minutes entering a bunch of terminal commands into the command terminal when I eventually found out what the password was. With her password figured out, I exited the terminal and booted the PC as normal and the second I arrived back at the login screen; I entered her password easily, gaining access. 

Well, that was easy.

Now sitting at the desktop screen that was almost a carbon copy of a certain operating system from my previous world, I began exploring what was on her computer.


Half an hour of exploration later, I had a good lay of the desktop and what was on it thus I proceeded to the next step and opened up the command prompt window where I preemptively entered several commands that would ensure that I wouldn't be discovered whenever the next time anyone used this desktop.

My preparations made, I pulled up the browser for accessing undercity 7's web and once it opened up; I began browsing through it to see what was what. Shortly into my browsing, I couldn't help but be gobsmacked at the massive amount of information that was available to the undercity residents.

Looks like I'll have all the information I'll need to accomplish my goals.

Very pleased with what I had found, I started reading about several of the topics I was most interested in learning about, those mainly pertaining to robotics and fusion breeder power. After spending the next four hours reading, I had gathered and absorbed a wealth of information on those two subjects that would be essential in accomplishing my goal of conquering the wasteland.

Okay, it's 3:28 AM, I think I've read enough for today, time to head to another room but before I do, let me check my system to see if my science and repair skills went up at all from all the new things I learned.

A quick check of my system showed that both of them had gone up by 1 point, which was pretty amazing progress for only four hours' worth of reading.

That's some good progress for a mere 4 hours' worth of reading. I probably won't see continuous progress like that all the time. However, even if it happens in spurts every so often, that would still be a huge help to me in the long run.

Satisfied with my gain, I shut mom's PC down, returned whatever I had touched to its original positions, and left her office to go sneak around and explore the rest of the house. The only evidence of anyone ever being in there was some unnoticeable dust missing from the tops of the keyboard's key caps.

Departing from her office, I stealthily scoured the house from top to bottom for what felt like the next hour until I was eventually satisfied.

Alright, my exploration mission is complete. I better hurry back to my room before mom comes to check up on me and feed me. I definitely don't want to end up getting caught outside of my room.

With a bit of urgency in my step, I sped back to my room while remaining as stealthy as humanly possible to ensure that both my mom and dad would remain unaware of my nightly activities. A short journey through the house, I made it back to the hallway leading to my bedroom, so nearly at my destination, I scurried along the hallway.

As I was passing by my parents' room, I used my souped up perception to check up on them. Finding the two of them fast asleep, I continued to silently head on back to my room. The second I shut my bedroom door behind me, I strolled over to my crib, put a good amount of power in my legs and jumped up, grabbing onto the rails of it and pulling myself up and over.

Ahh, I made it, without issue too… Guess I'll get some rest before mom shows up.

Satisfied with what I'd accomplished during the night, I got under my extraordinarily soft blanket and went out like a light sleeping almost immediately.



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