Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 26: Preparing

With the secrets I’ve been keeping from everyone with the exception of Alice divulged to my grandpa and him joining Alice and me, the three of us set off downstairs to the gym to begin my gramp's new training regime he had for us. Unbeknownst to us we were in for far more grueling training than both of us expected.

“Alright, you two get on the treadmills and start sprinting. I’ll tell you when you can stop.”

The both of us nodding at his command. We did as he told us to do and got to sprinting.

An hour in, Alice had collapsed, thus she was allowed to rest and take a breather whilst my gramps had me put on a 50-pound weighted vest and continue on. Ten minutes into my sprinting, Alice was directed over to a variety of machines and began working out on those.

Minutes after that two-hour mark came around, my gramps gave me the signal that I was done and, with a good sweat worked up, he set me up on what Alice was using previously. From there, Alice and I spent the next few hours working out nearly nonstop, going from machines to free weights.

And then to sparring and learning different combat techniques later on. My gramps had us train everything possible with the expressed goal of improving our capabilities and at the end of it all, Alice was teetering on the brink of collapse

“Dom, Alice, you’re done for today, good job not falling apart, the number of people I know who’ve gone through this type of training and completed it I can count on one hand, scratch that makes it two now that the both of you are on it.” My gramps said, looking proud as can be, while Alice was a sweaty, drenched mess. I was in a similar state too, although not ready to collapse like Alice was.

“I’ll head upstairs first. Come up when the two of you have cleaned yourselves off.”

As he departed the gym and headed upstairs, I looked towards Alice and said in between breaths. “We did it, Alice.”

“Y-yeah, we d-did, didn’t we?” She responded tiredly and still somewhat out of breath.

“Yup, I’m proud of you, Alice.”

“I’m proud of you too, Dom.”

If it wasn’t for the encouragement from me and the medstims I was injecting her with as well as myself, there is no way her body would have been able to hold up for this long. All that training I’ve done with her over the years is finally showing its worth here.

The minute the two of us had finally steadied our breathing and had our heart rates under control, I got up and began walking for the showers but before I could head on in I heard a thump behind me and noticed Alice's legs giving out from under her.

“Dom, I'm gonna need a bit of help.” She said, a bit embarrassed.

“No problem, I got you.”

My girl needing a hand, I picked her up, placing one arm under her knees and the other on her back and began carrying to the showers. Once there, I brought her to the larger showers and asked her to stand on her own for a second, and the moment I placed her down, I saw she was still a bit wobbly.

“Looks like you can’t shower on your own, Alice.”

“I guess you’ll just have to shower with me and help wash me, then.”

“I suppose so.”

With there being no other way around it besides going upstairs to grab a chair to put in the shower, which I didn’t feel like doing now that I was here, I got the water running and started washing the sweat from both her and I.

Alice almost immediately started to blush and continued to do so throughout most of the process. I would've stopped if she was uncomfortable, but she wore a smile throughout the entire thing and seemed more than happy with what was taking place.

“I think that’s it, Alice. You should be spotless now. Let’s get dried, clothed, and head back upstairs. We can’t keep gramps waiting forever.”


Alice, happy as a clam, we did just that and made our way upstairs to the old man who we found napping on the couch.

"It appears he’s passed out." I commented quietly.


"I feel a bit tired and I know you are too, so why don’t we take a short nap for ourselves and wake him up in an hour?" I suggested via a whisper.

“Sounds good to me. My legs aren’t 100% yet so they could use some rest.”

My gramps fast asleep, Alice and I decided to do the same and proceeded to my room to catch some zzzs. Right as we reached my room, I set my alarm on my cell and hopped into bed with Alice, who was eagerly waiting for me to join her. Cuddling up together, we quickly fell asleep.


“Ahhaawa, looks like that hour's up. Alice, it's time to get up and wake my gramps up.”

“Mmm, let me sleep for a few more minutes.”

“Sure, I’ll come and retrieve you when I have the meetup time.”

“Thanks.” She said lastly before quickly going back.

Alice, wanting to rest more, I left her behind and departed my room for the living room where my gramp was presumably still passed out. As soon as I returned to the living room, I found what I predicted I would find.

Needing to get shit taken care of, I went over to my peacefully sleeping gramps and started shaking him while telling him he needed to wake up.

“Gramps, you gotta wake up.”

“I’ll get up in a minute.” He mumbled, waving me off.

“Sigh, not you too.”

“Gramps, GET UP.”

“What-what’s going on?”

“Good, you’re finally awake.”

“Ahaa, that was a nice nap.” He said, stretching both of his arms above his head.

“Alright, gramps, now that you’re up, we need to arrange that meeting with that piece of shit property owner.”

“Okay, give me his phone number so I can schedule the meeting.”

Doing as my grandpa asked, I gave him William Andrew Broward’s personnel cell number before he dialed the number and gave the guy a ring. After a wee bit of back and forth, my gramps said he was interested in purchasing the property and with the guy being about as desperate as can be to get rid of it he was able to easily arrange a meeting to take place at the mine/ore processing facility I wanted to obtain.

“It’s all set up, kid. We'll be meeting with this scumbag in an hour. Get ready to leave in half an hour. We got a bit of driving to do.”

Following gramps getting things arranged, I made my way back to my room and kept myself busy. When 25 minutes had passed by, I left my desk and walked over to Alice, who was still peacefully napping away, and began waking her up so we could head out and get this over with.

“Alice, it’s time to get up.” I told her while giving her a couple of shakes.

“I’m up, I’m up.” She said, quickly raising herself from our shared bed before going into a stretch.

“Do I need to do anything before we go?” She asked.

“No, we’re just going to go meet up with gramps who’s waiting in the living room watching TV.”

“Okay, let's get going.”

Nothing needing to be done in preparation for us going out. We headed to the living room where the old man was watching tv to pass the time. Upon spotting us coming from the hall, he shut the TV off and asked us whether we were ready to get a move on. We replied that we were thus the three of us loaded into his armored up pickup truck he’s been using since before he retired from being a wasteland explorer.

“We’re going to head to my place first so I can pick up a few things and from there we’ll go to the property to have our confrontation with that William Andrew Broward.” My gramps said as he was adjusting his rearview mirror.

“Why are we heading there?” Alice asked curiously.

“You’ll see when we get there.”


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