Wasteland Conqueror

Chapter 9: Little Monster

I continued my perception training for what felt like well over an hour when I suddenly detected mom Jane coming down the hallway to wake me up from my nap, feed me, and bring me to the living room.

Looks like that's the end of my perception training. Time to enter baby mode once more and play with my blocks again, sigh. It could be worse, but I can't wait until these days are over and I'm older so I can actually start doing the things I used to enjoy back in my previous life, such as lifting heavy weights and hitting new personal records on them.

Alongside that, I know I'll be more than pleased to watch my stats rise at a significantly faster rate when I'm no longer limited and restricted by my age and the maturity of my body. Eating proper food again instead of drinking breast milk every day sounds pretty nice as well. I could really go for a burger right about now...

A few seconds later into my thoughts as I was beginning to salivate at the thought of a nice fat juicy burger, I heard the sound of the door clicking and opening. Thus, I set aside my desires for juicy burgers, for now, wiped the slight bit of saliva that began accumulating at the edge of my mouth, and started getting up.

Another moment passed when she peeked her head through the cracked open door to see if I was awake and, as soon as she laid her eyes on me, she found me standing, looking right back at her. Finding me awake, her face immediately lit up as she opened the door to my bedroom the rest of the way before she then entered inside and started walking over to my crib.

"How was my little guy's nap?" My mother asked sweetly in her usual soothing voice, right as she reached the side of my crib.

"Ga-ga-ga-od" I responded playfully, in a string of sounds while getting up and reaching my arms in the air for her to pick me up.

"Hm hmm, I'm glad you enjoyed your nap. Let's get you fed, big guy, before I bring you out to the living room to have your fun with the new blocks your dad and grandma Emilia got you yesterday."

"My, aren't you growing quite fast." She commented happily, with a smile plastered on her face once she lifted me from the crib into her arms.

Following that, she brought me over to the nearby chair sitting in the corner of my room and took a seat. Within seconds of her getting seated with me in her grasp as well, she popped one of her large breasts out that if I had to take a guess, would probably be around the double d/e range in terms of size. Combine that with her many other attractive features, it's no wonder why my dad Robert had pursued and gotten together with my mom Jane before eventually locking her down via marriage.

"Okay sweetie, drink as much as you want." She said smiling at me lovingly as she proceeded to stick my face to the plump breast she just released seconds ago.

Relinquishing myself to what I needed to do to survive, I wrapped my mouth around her teet and got to sucking, careful not to bite down on it.

Sigh, at least it doesn't taste bad, however solid food can't come fast enough.

My mind started wandering off thinking about all the different foods I've been craving since my arrival while I drank and had my fill. After a short duration of sucking milk straight from the tap, I finally had my fill, thus I stopped draining milk from my mom's breast and removed my mouth from her nipple with a slight pop.

"Ohh, you're done sweetie, you sure had your fill, huh?" My mom asked as she began putting her breast back in her clothes.

"Alright, now that we've gotten you fed, let's head to the living room so you can get some play in. How does that sound?" She said to me whilst patting my back to help me burp.

"Gah gue," I responded in broken baby speak, making my mother's face light up.


"Aww, aren't you just the cutest little thing?" She gushed lastly before getting up and placing me on the ground.

Don't know how a burp is cute but whatever.

Mealtime over and done with, I followed her out and down the hallway to the living room where I quickly settled in and began playing with my growing collection of blocks while my mom took a seat on the gray couch close by and started to type away on her laptop, probably working on something having to do with her research projects.


Later on that day, my well-built bear of grandpa John Matthew O'Malley, my mom's father, came over for a visit since he had nothing to do with him being a retiree and all. The man was wearing his usual getup of a black tank top, desert camo cargo pants, and a set of tan colored steel toed combat boots, and featured the predominant trait almost our entire family tree shared, our signature blue eyes, although not as vibrant as my own.

That aside, he was caucasian like the rest of us and possessed the appearance of a man in his early forties even though he just hit fifties recently. He also had a strong masculine face with a flat top of dark brownish hair that had somewhat of a reddish hue, his unique trait that the rest of us jet black colored hair people didn't share with him.

It's honestly surprising that the man was even able to make it to retirement age. Not too many wasteland explorers return alive from venturing out into the wasteland with the death rate for the occupation hanging around 50% for first timers.

So him making a career out of it for years and surviving to retirement age is more than impressive. Hmm, I wonder if I could get him to tell me about his time out there when I'm older. I have no doubt that he could definitely teach me a thing or two from his many years of surviving out in the wasteland.

Thinking about turning my new grandpa into my future teacher, he and my mom shared a hug and chatted for a bit before they headed back my way to the living room.

"How's the little rugrat been since my last visit?" My grandpa asked my mother Jane in his gruff voice shortly after he got nice and comfortable on the couch.

"How about you ask him yourself?" She responded to her dad whilst returning to her seat with a slight smile making its way onto her face.

"So how've you been, little guy, staying out of trouble, I hope?" My grandpa asked me in an ever so slightly smoother voice.

"Go-gah." I responded as I was building another tower with my many blocks, whilst his tough looking mug turned into one of amazement.

"J-Jane, how on earth is he stringing sounds together? Isn't it way too early for such a young baby?" He asked her in absolutely shocked at what he had just witnessed.

"Isn't he a little genius." She responded smiling, obviously very happy and proud of my progress. That was 100% abnormal compared to what other babies my age should be capable of.

"...Sure seems like he is. The little monster even has you beat in that department with you only starting to string sounds together when you were only around 7 months old." He replied, still recovering from his previous surprise.

"Who do you think you're calling a monster, dad?" My mom Jane said, glaring at her father, pissed at what he just uttered.

Looks like you stepped on a landmine, grandpa, good luck.

I thought with a chuckle as I continued entertaining myself with my blocks whilst my grandpa John tried disarming the bomb he accidentally armed with my lioness mother.


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