Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 118 - 100 ways to eat carp

Qin Yueli was able to pick him up, and Yan Ran was really surprised. The other party came silently and hidden the aura, which Yan Ran could not detect.

Qin Yanli watched Yan Ran ran into the car, nodded to Liu Dao, he was greeted, he didn’t see the others, the cold eyes were swept away, there was no momentary stop, closed the window and turned Yan Ran took it away.

Yan Ran looked at Qin Qunli’s expressionless face, which was actually filled with my unpleasant face, and looked curiously at the people who were sent out of the villa door. Yan Kitty’s eyes turned, like a stole. As a little fox, I immediately understood why my fish was not happy.

“Brother, why are you picking me up today?”

Qin Yunli did not speak.

Yan Ran asked again, “Did you hear anything?”

Qin Junli still did not squeak.

Yan Ran smiled. “Are you jealous?”

Qin Tongli frowned, “Don’t make trouble.”

Yan Ran leaned over with a smile, grabbed Qin Qili’s neck and slaped the other person’s face, “Oh ~ jealous, just say it, why didn’t you get out of the car, you should go down and stare at Mr. Boris with a provocative look Tell him to stay away from your cat? “

Qin Maoli looked at Yan Ranno in disgust, and did not squeak again.

Yan Ran touched the back of Qin Qili’s head, but the skin is not good, “I know, my 5,000-year-old Huaxia Xiangrui, the king of good fortune, how can I live with a small human who has only lived for more than 30 years Fight for jealousy, aren’t you afraid to be laughed at by the demon when you go out? Don’t you want to lose face? What is the majesty ?! “

Qin Yueli froze, turned Yan Ran into a cat, and cast a snoring spell on him to keep him from meowing.

Yan Ran squinted his teeth and clawed his two claws on Qin Yuanli’s suit, only to see his mouth open and hear no sound: Meow! You are jealous, what can’t you say? Face to death, don’t think I don’t know! You’re just jealous! Be jealous!

Qin Yunli simply put Yan Ran into his arms, hugged tightly, looking forward, with a serious face, never looking at Yan Ran’s mouth shape.


The trip to Europe and the United States is planned for a week. Yan Ran left on the fourth day because of “urgent matters”. The people’s congress of the crew can understand that Yan Ran is making a lot of money today, and many fishes are renaming many billions. With so many industries under his belt, normal people who are not stupid will do it like Yan Ran, taking care of the enterprise first.

After learning that Yan Ran was gone, Boris still had some regrets, leaving no contact information for Yan Ran. After returning that night, he went back to check the information, and the result was even more shocking. Yan Ran is not just an actor. He is also an entrepreneur. The total value of the industry in his own hand is more than 20 billion. The rich list. And his partner is even more capable, creating a business empire in one hand, standing at the top of the entire business circle. When he got married, he gave away half of Yan Ran’s shares.

Boris was completely disappointed, with no chance at all.

The incident of Boris also knocked Yan Ran and gave a wake-up call. It was time to get a pair of rings. He was very confident in himself and would not be derailed, nor would he be derailed. but! This does not mean that others do not miss his fish!

After Yan Ran returned to China, the first thing was not to see the fish he caught, but to hold Qin Yunli’s face in both hands, and seriously said, “Brother, let’s buy the right ring.”

Qin Minli grasped the claws that always wanted to be messy on his face, took out a ring from his pocket, and gently put it on Yan Ran’s white fingers. The ring initiated a layer of white light, and automatically shrank to Yan Ran’s comfort. The size and fit fit on Yan Ran’s fingers, he said lightly, “Yes.”

Yan Ran’s eyes widened in surprise. “When did you …?”

Qin Yunli squeezed Yan Ran’s finger, “I did it a long time ago, and I always felt it was useless, so I didn’t take it out.”

Yan Ran grabbed Qin Qili’s hand with a smile, a ring exactly the same as him, already wearing Qin Qili’s left ring finger, Yan Ran immediately felt relieved, so that he would not be afraid of a goblin with no eyes Home fish. Yan Ran’s mouth was sweet, and how to make the fish comfortable, “It’s pretty. You don’t wear decorations, everything looks good.”

Qin Yunli raised his lips and kissed Yan Ran’s forehead. “Well.”


Next, Yan Ran started to deal with the fish he caught. The big one was more than fifty catties. The small one was a fry. Yan Ran brought a bunch of fairies with him. Eight fish tanks, seven large trucks, a dozen oversized containers, almost fish are next to each other, and it takes a lot of effort to turn over. This has also been sent to major hotels, supermarkets, and vegetable markets in the city, otherwise Wang Yiming will Going to borrow a big water tank.

In order to prevent them from dying, Wang Yiming let the fairies take turns giving them aura and acting as a human-shaped oxygenator. As soon as Yan Ran came back, Wang Yiming finally saw the savior, “Ancestral ancestors! Go and deal with your fish, no matter what the dogs will bring!”

Yan Ran took care of her clothes, and obviously put on the ring on her hand, saying slowly: “What’s the worry, I can’t die.”

Wang Yiming looked at Yan Ran’s finger, knew what he wanted to hear, and quickly praised the dog’s legs: “Master, this ring looks so nice, it’s made to order, it’s so cool, it looks very valuable at first sight.”

Yan Ran suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes, and said with satisfaction: “Fisherman made it, he made it with his own hands, it looks good.”

Wang Yiming held out his thumb, “Like!”

Yan Ran was satisfied. “Don’t be afraid, it’s definitely not easy to sell so many fish quickly. We have to find a way. In Beiziyue’s words, it must be special.”

Wang Yiming wanted to vomit him. What are the characteristics of a carp?

Yan Ran took a cloth pocket out of his pocket, and the cloth pocket contained half a pack of pills. Yan Ran found a few white ones from the inside. “This is when I went down the mountain, my grandpa gave me these medicines. Efficacy, it’s pretty impressive, I’ve never used it. “

Wang Yiming looked at Yan Ran eagerly and couldn’t understand what he meant.

Yan Ran handed the pills to Wang Yiming three, “You put the medicine in the water, melt it, and pour it into the fish breeding pond. After the fish absorbs it, the fish will contain the vitality of the nourishing energy. , People will feel relaxed and strong when they eat, and the more they eat, the healthier they will be. “

Wang Yiming took over, “Is it so amazing? Do you still have one? Give me one?”

Yan Ran folded his pockets and drew his pockets. “You are so strong that you haven’t eaten.”

Wang Yiming could only give up, and asked the question uneasily: “Is this not disturbing humans with demon power?”

“No, they just feel like they’re feeling quite upright that day. It’s useless magic.”

“Can such a good thing ruin the fish?”

“You should say that it is bad to use good things for fish!” Yan Ran stared and said that the fish was inferior in front of a cat. This is the authority to challenge cats! Doesn’t food have dignity?

Wang Yiming had nothing to say, “Yes, you are the boss, you have the final say.”

To be on the safe side, Wang Yiming still asked the staff of the management department on duty at the aquarium. After knowing that there was no problem, this was the medicine in the water. Wang Yiming ordered the fairies to go to work. The boss said, three more days of hard work. Just deal with them.

Then, Wang Yiming started publicity: Three days later, many fish resorts held a carp feast!

Here is Wang Yiming, what Yan Ran has to do is to get the Cat Rice Factory on track in these three days.


“I want to find ten cat monsters, and open a cat rice factory with me. I want to be smart and cook. Interested parties can contact him.” Yan Ran posted Wang Yiming’s photo after he posted the announcement.

When the fairies looked, many fish groups recruited fairies again! There is a request this time, cat cat!

The point is, this post was Yan Ranfa’s at first glance, not Wang Yiming’s own, so there are not many registrations, but there are many fairies who worship Yan Ran, because Yan Ran and Qin Junli are partners, Yan Ran can be so Fortunately, it must be all from Qin Yunli. The fairies have no doubt about him.

Yan Ran was speechless, this group of demon is really … not even the smell of Yuge! Too ridiculous!

In the evening of the day, three cat fairies came to sign up. After receiving the notice from the gatekeeper, Yan Ran happily ran to pick it up, and she saw an acquaintance inside—the sticky Jinglin Miao!

Yan Ran had a sore head when he saw him. “Why are you here?”

Lin Miao’s eyes were bright, “Idol! Aren’t you looking for a cat monster? Me too!”

Yan Ran twitched. “You don’t write your story well. What work do you do? Will you cook? Go back quickly.”

Lin Miao tilted her head and didn’t care about Yan Ran driving him away. “I can eat! I can, I can do everything!”

Yan Ran can see it, this sticky essence is dependent on him.

“You, you …” Yan Ran took a deep breath. “Yes, you are responsible for eating.” At first sight Lin Miao would not work.

The next morning, there were three more cat monsters, and Yan Ran took them to start making cat rice. The machines have been tested and run without any problems.

In the past, cat cat rice sold by other companies were all stirred into meat by the machine. Yan Ran was not. He cut it into small pieces directly with the machine. When he saw the meat, he could see the muscle fibers. When cooked, he could tell the difference. What meat. All the ingredients are raised in the livestock farm. Take the washed raw meat directly from the hotel, cook it at high temperature, sterilize it, and ship it frozen. Because there is no preservative, it can only be stored for one month in the refrigerator. To this end, Yan Ran also reminded buyers on the online store to buy less, my shop’s dear ~

After making it, several cat monsters drooled at the cat rice, Yan Ran gave them a bowl and smiled, “It doesn’t matter, let’s try it first, sell it if it’s good, and give it to Wang Yiming’s dog son if it’s not good. These ingredients are good, and it ’s okay for people to eat them. “

Wang Yiming’s dog sons: “…”

The result of tasting is: awesome!

Compared with licking the meat, the cat prefers the chewing of the meat. Yan Ran was content with watching a few cat monsters, and happily filled the rice with a big bucket and went to find them.

There are more and more cats adopted at the resort, and the cats have strong fertility. There are three or five litters, several nests a year, and they ca n’t even raise them for a while. Wang Yiming invited a pet doctor. For their health, they were breathless. Quite a few, now the number is under control, which is a small one. There are all kinds of suits, and there are many breeds of cats, all of which are sick. The owner throws them away and is cured. There are also several precious varieties, which were bought by Wang Yiming deliberately. Anyway, there are special people to serve and they are all beautifully dressed.

Hearing the sound of knocking the pot, the cats raised by Yan Ran all stood up, their ears were high, and then Yan Ran shouted, “Mao children, eat!”

The cats all stood up and ran out!

Wang Yiming watched too many cats in the house, and built a small house for them in the corner of the resort. Later, he found many people watching. Wang Yiming changed the small house into a two-story castle. Ran came back to open a cat cafe.

Yan Ran looked at the small castle and smiled, “Tiger, you are already the boss of this castle, it’s amazing!”

The big raccoon cat ran to Yan Ran’s feet and stomped his trouser legs.

Yan Ran and a few cat monsters helped to share the meals. All the cats lined up under the leadership of the tiger, and the order was particularly good. Yan Ran smiled as he watched the cats gobble up. “Sure enough, cats still have to be made for cat meals, and they are all made for cats.”

As soon as Yan Ran said this, he heard the fierce “Meow” of the tiger’s head. Yan Ran looked down and smoked at the corners of his mouth. “Lin Miao, how do you eat again?”

Lin Miao, who has turned into a small cow cat and got into the cat group, cried happily, “Idol! I am so big, the first time I see so many kinsmen! The first time so many cats eat together !!”

The tiger’s head was very disgusting. He picked up Lin Miao’s neck meat and threw it aside: Those who have already eaten rice can’t eat a second serving! This is the rule.

Yan Ran: “…”

Wang Yiming came over smelling the scent and exclaimed: “Well! How about you having dinner together? Why don’t you call me?”

Yan Ran pointed out that there was a little meat left in the bucket. “There is still this left, can you make it up?”

Wang Yiming looked inside, envious and jealous, “Eating is better than anyone!”

Yan Ran was about to shave the edge of the rice bucket.

Wang Yiming held him in disbelief, “Okay! I’ll go to the restaurant to eat!”

Yan Ran stood up with a smirk, obviously teasing Wang Yiming, “Are you planning to open a cat cafe here?”

Wang Yiming was perplexed. “Thank you very much?”

Yan Ran patted his shoulder. “Retract your raised tail. I want to say before leaving. I have no time recently. These cats don’t work either. They are timid. If you look at them, you can’t rest easy. Looking around, it should be just picked up, even if a tiger’s head shakes, it will not work, and you will be scared when you see more human beings. In this way, if you want to make this circle into glass, you need special glass, which ca n’t be seen from the inside. You can see clearly when you look outside. You can make brackets inside and let them play inside. You can see them outside. There are humans who like cats can look outside. Don’t bother them, they are all bitter children. “

Wang Yiming didn’t hesitate anymore, watching the timid cats was also distressed, “Okay, don’t do it now, let’s talk later. This is …”

Wang Yiming saw a happy black-and-white flower holding Yan Ran’s trousers and feet, and he was still enchanted. Is this a demon?

Yan Ran took hold of Lin Miao’s back neck, squeezed this sticky man, and shoved it to Wang Yiming. “This is the super famous broad bean fried sweet potato.”

“Look! This **** is this one ?!” Wang Yiming was holding his arms under the front legs of the black and white flower, and he was dumbfounded. People on the Internet were not credible. He said that he was full of muscles and was a milk. Cat!

Yan Ran was exhausted. “Give him a house, let him write the story well, and keep it up before he leaves. Let him write the advertisement. This is his job. Don’t let him lose his job, or it’s a pity. “

Next, Yan Ran taught all the cat rice recipes to a few cat monsters. Later, the cat rice factory relied on them. He later studied the recipes and made them.

The guests also brought cats to play. On the third day, Yan Ran brought various cat rice to try them. On the day, there were many orders. In the words of a young lady, “My cat, never Have n’t eaten so well !!! ”

The business of the Cat Rice Factory broke out in three days!

The pre-ordered meals were not finished, and the order came again and again. Before Yan Ran spoke, Wang Yiming discovered the business opportunity and sent dozens of helpers over. The machine worked 24 hours a day and 24 hours a day!

The cat rice factory is on track, Yan Ran can be regarded as the thing that has been remembered in my heart. The cat’s claws finally reached the big carps who had absorbed the medicinal effects. “Hey hey ~” Yan Ran stretched his claws and gestured on Long Yu’s face. “Next, there are 100 ways to eat carp!”

Qin Longyu was frightened by his father’s laughter. There was an illusion of being eaten by his father!

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