Watch Me Eat Fish, It’s Exciting!

Chapter 5 - Becoming a new-generation cat demon

Early the next morning, Yan Ran was taken to the county seat by Wang Yiming to get a bank card. Wang Yiming also wants to buy a signal receiver. The signal in the village is not very good. Sometimes the live broadcast will be affected. Now that I have money, buy and buy!

Dawang Village is also forty minutes by car from the county seat. The two walked out of the village and took a half-hour pass. The “public bus” privately run by nearby villagers bumped all the way and finally reached the small county seat.

When he arrived at the bank, Yan Ran took his ID card and looked around carefully. He watched humans insert the card into an iron case, and the iron case burst out a lot of money. He subconsciously glanced at his ID card. .

Wang Yiming filled in the list for him, and hurried to find someone, for fear of losing Yan Ran, who had not gone out. As soon as I asked, Yan Ran was a small bun from the mountain, or the one who had never gone to school. His parents were not at home all year round, and Yan Ran had never seen them since he was a child. Although I was taught a lot of modern society knowledge before I came out, it was all theoretical and it was completely unpractical.

At a glance, I saw Yan Ran eagerly trying to put on an ATM with an ID card. Wang Yiming immediately became happy and teased, “This thing is useless to brush your face.”

Yan Ran nodded calmly and silently put his ID in his pocket.

Wang Yiming, who also wants to tease a few words: “…”

After handling the card, Wang Yiming directly transferred yesterday’s earnings to Yan Ran two-thirds, and taught him how to transfer money, how to swipe the card, and how to bind WeChat. He didn’t understand a lot of things. He only searched the Internet for the things he didn’t know. It was taught by grandpa when he was out of the house, and he asked Du Niang if he didn’t understand. Wang Yiming suspected that his grandfather didn’t understand this. In fact, the elderly living on the mountain still had children. How could they have time to contact outside society? He immediately put himself in the position of his elder brother, after all, Yan Ran was several years younger than him.

“That’s it. Go back and let me apply for you. You should collect all of these. Don’t lose them. It’s not easy to make up if you lose them.”

“Well, I’ve put it away, thank you.” Yan Ran took the bank card and ID card in his trousers pocket and patted him. If anyone dared to steal something in his pocket, there would be no shadow claw to let him know.

He glanced at the amount of money sent by the bank on the phone again. The first thing was to return the money that Wang Yiming gave him back. “If you say five or five points, I do n’t understand the live broadcast. Without you How to make money. And Wang Yier said, you are not too young, it is time to marry a daughter-in-law and give birth, save some money. “

Wang Yiming couldn’t laugh or cry, “You still care about yourself, don’t you marry your wife?”

Yan Ran shook her head and said nothing. He is a cat demon. In the future, if he wants to find a partner, he must also find a fairy. How can there be such good luck to find a female cat demon who is about the same age and can talk? Besides, he still hasn’t found a way to get rid of the cub’s childhood. Could he find a partner and let him look like a mother, he looks like a mother, he is like a silly son who is not weaned, can he be ashamed?

Wang Yiming thought he was still young and didn’t understand these things, so he didn’t continue this topic. Anyway, Qian Yanran wouldn’t give up the life and death, and it was useless to persuade him to decide what he decided. Wang Yiming was touched, and saw that Yan Ran was a child’s mindset, that is, his mouth was not good enough. He didn’t really treat him as an outsider, and his eyes looked more sincere than before. When he called “Little Boss”, he also Not so much ridicule.

Wang Yiming was going to buy a signal receiver, and Yan Ran followed, observing everyone’s every move. Just watch it once and learn.

Seeing a small shop selling plants next to him, an old man at the door was watering the flowers. Yan Ran walked over and asked, “Master, do you have catnip seeds here?”

The old man picked up the scissors, cut the flower branches, and smiled, “I have no seeds here, only flowers and plants. I planted them with my wife and myself. Keep alive. Would you like to come in and see?”

Yan Ran asked disappointed: “Do you have cat grass?”

The old man shook his head and leaned his back into the door. “No, I have never heard of it.”

Wang Yiming came out and heard, “Why? You want to buy cat grass and cat mint. There must be no here. Cats in small counties are not as spoiled as in the city. Cat mint can be bought online. Cat grass seeds do not need to be bought at all. I give them. You get a sack. “

He was also surprised that Yan Ran, who was down on the mountain, was quite good at raising cats, and even knew cat grass and catnip. His housemate who had shared the room before had a Garfield, who served as his ancestor every day. The cat grass seed he had seen before was the wheat grown in the field, and how much was needed in Dongxi Village.


Yan Ran bought 20 pounds of catnip seeds online and planned to plant a slice of catnip in his yard. After eating the fish, he basked in the sun in the yard and rolled in the catnip. It would be beautiful to think about it. .

Yan Ran learned that although this is a small village, there is still a collection point in the village. The village’s courier is placed at the village head’s house. After the recipient receives the call from the courier, he goes to the village head’s house to take it. For the folks in the village, sometimes whoever passes by can also take it with me, which is very convenient. Yan Ran once again sighed that human beings are really smart. Although they are physical, they have invented a travel tool that travels thousands of miles, and some speeds are comparable to flying monsters. When sitting at home, they can buy things thousands of miles away. It can be delivered in a few days. It’s really amazing.

Wang Yiming pushed a bag of barley seeds full of more than 100 kilograms from his house with a cart and told Yan Ran: “The cat grass you want.”

The two didn’t plan to do anything else in the afternoon, so they planted cat grass in the yard. In fact, Wang Yiming was planting, Yan Ran was watching. A worm crawled under his feet, and Yan Ran’s mind was hooked away. He curiously picked it up and looked at it, exclaiming: “Wang Yiming! This worm in Yunliang Mountain is different from that on Kunlun. This one turned out to be It has eighteen feet. That’s great! Cats only have four feet. “

Wang Yiming held back a grin and said with regret: “I’m sorry, I only have two feet, and I’m hindering the biosphere.”

Yan Ran threw the worm and squatted on the ground. At this moment, it seems like a wise man who has seen more wind and rain. “Although human beings have only two legs, they are the most favorite species in heaven. In the long course of history, humans have become the masters of this world. So you don’t need to humble yourself. “

Wang Yiming: “…”

Dozens of cats, large and small, led by the elder cat of Ewha, one after another came to make fun, Yan Ran simply sat on the ground, touched the cat’s head one by one, grabbed a handful of cat grass seeds, and asked the nearest one with a good temper. Big tabby cat: “Tiger head, would you like a bite?”

The big raccoon cat named “Tiger Head” took a sip and found that the taste was not right in his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and spit it out. He wiped his mouth with his paw and looked at Yan Ran with helpless eyes, making Yan Ran ha ha. Laughing, rubbing the face of the cat holding the tiger’s head, “I just wanted to tell you that it’s not delicious, you have already eaten it!”

Yan Ran’s hair and pupils are slightly lighter than normal people, a little golden, and the gold is even more obvious in the sun than in the house. Wang Yiming, who was working hard to farm, looked back, and Yan Ran, who had no work at all, sat in the cat group without feeling of disobedience.

Wang Yiming rushed to capture this scene, and tweeted it cheerfully: I found that my boss is a cat demon reincarnation. This big tabby cat is a famous cat king nearby. He catches birds and fishes in the river. Now he is the boss. Younger brother.

The comments quickly brushed up: (⊙o⊙) Wow! Little brother not only catches fish, cooks, but also cats!

So bloggers are not as good as cats. Do you climb trees and do you touch fish? Attach a touch fish emoji pack.

Envious little brother’s magical skills! What else can I do?

Would like to be a meow beside the little brother, please touch and rub your head!

Licking the elder brother’s beauty!

So far, I don’t know what Yan Ran’s name is. What I know about him online is Wang Yiming’s boss, a younger brother who can cook well. Wang Yiming ’s Weibo fans have also been rising in the past two days, and soon grew to more than 200,000 fans. Most of these fans are watching the lively, a large part is Yan Fan, I think Yan Ran looks beautiful, or Wang Yiming ’s fan , Fan’s is not Yan Ran.

This time, some people also questioned: Now people do n’t know what ’s wrong. When they see the good-looking ones, they are powdered. They do n’t know if they are posing. If there is such a great person, they can just catch such a big fish. Why don’t I believe it?

Do not believe +1, the fish grew up eating feed at first sight, otherwise how can it grow so big? Hungry it for three days, and anyone can get some bait.

Those who like Yan Ran are not happy: Do n’t stop talking nonsense here without seeing the video of the little brother? If you have the ability, you can catch it. If you have the ability, you can cook. If you have the ability, you can eat more than ten kilos of big fish by yourself.

I just like him to look good and eat your rice? Ugliness brings trouble!

Wang Yiming snorted and said to himself that this could make a noise? How busy are you guys? The full video of Yan Ran fishing to cooking and eating fish is also available on the official website. You can find it by searching. If you do n’t believe it, just go and watch. It does n’t make sense to argue here.

They do n’t need to do anything. They say that the fish is farmed and they are beaten. Someone who specializes in fish gives information: This fish is wild, not artificial.

This person put the facts to reason, using scientific means to prove that this fish is a wild fish.

“You can question the technique of fishing, but you cannot question the fish!” This is the cry of a biologist.

Yan Ran saw that Wang Yiming stopped suddenly and had been playing with his mobile phone. He held three cats in his arms and called Wang Yiming: “Don’t play, plant grass!”

Wang Yiming had to collect his mobile phone and asked with a cry, “Isn’t it good to plant together? You will help!”

Yan Ran shook her head, and asked the soul with a serious heart like an elder: “Even cat grass can’t be planted. What kind of cat are you …? You need to exercise.”

As soon as this was said, all the big cats and kittens around Yan Ran watched Wang Yiming with their contempt triangle eyes, as if they were all saying, “Even cats are not good at seeding. What are you doing?

Wang Yiming: “…”

Despised by the cat, he felt it so deeply for the first time.

Master Yan’s shovel shovel had to continue to plant grass in the corner of his mouth and wondered. When did he become so many shovel shoals of cats? These are cats with owners, and they go home after playing enough, he can’t wait.


At this time, in a private estate on the other side of the ocean, a tall man lazily leaned against the pool, leaning his head and closing his eyes. The black hair wet with water stuck to his face, and the water droplets slipped along the cold cheeks quietly. He didn’t seem to notice anything.

He was sitting in the water as if he was asleep, but the surrounding aura was consciously drilling into him.

The most amazing thing is that even the spiritual power contained in the sunlight has obediently penetrated into his body. All the fairies know that the spiritual power contained in the sun’s rays is extremely strong, and the big demon who is not more than 3,000 years old will not dare to directly absorb it, otherwise it will burn the meridians and burn the demon soul. Ghosts are even more so when you touch them. When he got to him, he didn’t hesitate.

The young Asian man in the housekeeper’s clothes approached quickly and said respectfully: “Sir, the special plane for returning home has been arranged, and it will start at 12 noon five days later.”

The man slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of brown eyes, indifferent, ruthless, and ancient waves, it is difficult to imagine that there is something that can cause emotional fluctuations in these eyes.

He looked down, his thin lips lightly opened, only the faint three words: “Yunliang Mountain.”

The author has something to say: Offense: I have been tired of this boring world, and I have been standing at the top of the food chain. I have seen too much, lived too long, and I feel that my life is boring.

Audience: Don’t be mourned, little brother, you will soon have cats, cat slaves (wife slaves) to find out.

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