Watcher of Fate

001 - Shifting Sands, Shifting Paths

The portal above the sands rippled and twisted like a torn piece of reality, desperately trying to sew itself back together. Its swirls edges, deep purples, fiery reds, and streaks of black sparked and crackled with chaotic energy. The tunnel looked like a living, breathing thing, its maw yawning open with a swirling darkness at the center that seemed to stretch forever. Wisps of energy curled and snapped at the edges like the tendrils of some otherworldly beast, occasionally reaching out as if trying to grasp something, anything, to pull back into its depths.

Then, with a sudden, violent lurch, the portal convulsed, spitting Elara out like a pit from a fruit. She hurtled through the air, arms flailing for an instant before instinct kicked in. She tucked and rolled, hitting the hot, shifting sands below with a muffled thud. The impact knocked the breath from her lungs, and she felt the coarse grains scrape against her skin, clinging to her armor and cloak.

You are now entering The Shifting Dunes desert.

Above her, the portal shuddered violently, almost as if it were protesting the abrupt ejection. It flickered, shrinking in on itself in a spiral of color and light until it finally collapsed with a sound between a sigh and a disgruntled groan. A few stray sparks fizzled out in the dry air, and then there was nothing, only the empty sky and the endless sea of dunes stretching out in every direction.

Elara lay there for a moment, feeling the world settle around her. She was alive, disoriented but alive. She spat out a mouthful of sand, coughing as the gritty texture clung to her lips. With a grunt, she pushed herself up onto her elbows, blinking against the harsh glare of the sun. It was an oppressive heat, unlike the icy cold of Frostspire or the temperate winds of Barrowbridge.

"Well, that was graceful," Quill chimed in her mind, his voice laced with dry humor. "I’d give it a solid six out of ten for form but only a three for execution. You need to stick the landing next time."

Elara snorted, brushing sand from her face and shaking her head to clear the daze. "I’ll remember that next time I’m banished," she muttered, her tone wry.

The desert around her was a vast, unending expanse of golden dunes, rolling and shifting in the heat like waves frozen in time. The sun was low in the sky, casting long, rippling shadows across the sands, creating an illusion of movement that made her slightly dizzy. She looked around, trying to find any semblance of a landmark, but there was nothing, just sand, and sky stretching endlessly in every direction.

Elara scanned the endless expanse of the Shifting Dunes one final time, her sharp eyes searching for anything that could break the monotony of the rolling golden sands. There was nothing but the undulating dunes stretching out like waves frozen in mid-crest beneath the oppressive sun. She needed direction, guidance and, more importantly, to ensure that Lily lounging in her [Spirit Domain] wasn’t up to anything particularly troublesome.

Elara trusted the [Spirit Tree] to keep things safe, but she knew better than to underestimate the cunning of a Kitsune. The [Spirit Domain] was a sacred space, a sanctuary tied to her very being, and the thought of Lily rummaging around or weaving her tricks unsettled her. She needed to bring Lily back to the Mortal Realm, where she could keep an eye on her.

Taking a deep breath, Elara prepared to weave the spell [Dimensional Link]. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the subtle hum of magic beneath the surface of her consciousness, and then extended her hands in front of her. She could see the weave threads in her mind, deep purple threads representing the boundless reach of space and glimmering gold threads representing the flow of time.

Her fingers moved with practiced precision, drawing on her deep connection to the arcane. She began to pull the purple threads first, feeling the cool, expansive energy of space ripple through her fingertips. She twisted them into the beginnings of a knot, creating a stable foundation. Next, she reached for the golden threads, feeling time's warm, fluid energy flow through her hands like liquid sunlight. She looped the gold threads around the purple ones, forming a delicate braid of magic that seemed to shimmer in the air before her.

The two colors began intertwining, and Elara's fingers worked deftly, weaving the threads into a more intricate pattern. She crafted a series of knots, each more complex than the last, binding space and time together in a stable, controlled weave. The air around her began to shimmer, and a soft hum filled the space as the threads began to take on their own life, pulsing with power. The knots glowed brightly, each one representing a different aspect of the spell, stability, connection, and focus, until they all came together into a single, intricate knot at the center of the weave.

With a final twist of her wrist, Elara pulled the last loop tight, completing the spell. The portal flared to life before her, a shimmering doorway woven from purple and gold, its edges flickering like molten metal. It pulsed rhythmically, a heartbeat of magic that connected the Mortal Realm to her [Spirit Domain]. She took a breath and stepped through, feeling the familiar rush of energy as she crossed the threshold.

Your skill with Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon) has increased to level 18.

Your skill with Mana Thread Weaving (Rare) has increased to level 16.

Your skill with Dimensional Link (Rare) has increased to level 20.

The world around her shifted and warped, and in an instant, Elara was standing in the serene, otherworldly beauty of the [Spirit Domain]. The sky above was a deep, calming purple, filled with countless glowing spirits that drifted lazily through the air like stars in a twilight sky. The ground beneath her feet was soft, a mix of moss and shimmering wildflowers that seemed to breathe with their own light.

In the center of the realm stood the majestic [Spirit Tree], its towering form radiating an ancient, motherly presence. Its silver bark gleamed in the soft light, and its emerald leaves rustled softly as if whispering to the spirits that flitted around its branches. The tree's roots spread wide, intertwining with the very fabric of the domain, anchoring everything in a calm, steady flow of magic.

Scattered around the [Spirit Tree] were various items from Elara’s adventures, such as armor, weapons, relics, treasures, and demon corpses, all neatly organized. The [Shadowstrike Dagger] was sheathed nearby, its blade humming faintly with latent energy, ready to be summoned immediately.

At the center of this ethereal world stood the [Spirit Tree], a towering, ancient oak with silver bark that gleamed like polished metal. Its vibrant emerald leaves rustled softly, catching the light as they swayed gently in an unseen breeze. The tree's roots spread out wide, intertwining with the very fabric of the realm, creating a sense of stability and protection.

But it wasn’t the spirits or the serene landscape that caught Elara’s attention, it was Lily, who was leaning casually against the trunk of the [Spirit Tree]. The Kitsune was deep in conversation with the tree itself, her three crimson-tipped tails swaying lazily as she spoke.

"And that’s when I realized," Lily was saying, her tone a mixture of amusement and disbelief, "the whole city of Youdu is like a web spun by a spider far too clever for its good. Layers upon layers of politics, traps within traps. It’s almost an art form if you enjoy that kind of thing."

The [Spirit Tree] responded with a soft, rustling laugh, its leaves shimmering with mirth. "Tartarus has always been a place of tangled fates and hidden dangers. Youdu is but one of its many faces, though it sounds like a particularly intricate one. You navigated it well despite the challenges, and getting out was your best call."

Lily chuckled, her golden eyes gleaming with pride and mischief. "Oh, I had to, didn’t I? You’re either the hunter or the hunted in a place like that. And I’ve had enough of being hunted to last me several lifetimes. Better to be the fox slipping through the traps than the fool setting them."

Elara’s approach drew their attention, and the [Spirit Tree] greeted her with a welcoming rustle of its leaves, its voice echoing warmly in her mind. "Welcome back, Elara. Lily has been sharing stories about Tartarus, particularly about Youdu. It seems she’s had quite the adventure."

Elara nodded, her expression neutral but her gaze sharp. "I’m sure she has. Tartarus is no place for the faint of heart." She turned her attention to Lily, her tone steady. "But I think it’s time we returned to the Mortal Realm. I’d rather have you where I can keep an eye on you."

Lily’s ears flicked up, and she gave a mock pout though there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Oh, Elara, you wound me. I’ve been an exemplary guest here, haven’t I?" She looked up at the [Spirit Tree] with a playful smile. "I’ve kept you entertained, after all."

"Indeed, you have," the [Spirit Tree] replied with a gentle chuckle. "Though I admit, your tales of Tartarus do stir the roots a bit. But no harm done. You’ve been quite the storyteller."

Elara’s eyes narrowed slightly. "Still, I’d prefer not to take any chances. Are you ready to leave?"

Lily stretched, her tails swaying with a lazy elegance, and sighed dramatically. "I suppose I can’t hide away in this lovely domain forever. Let’s return to the scorching sands and see what trouble we can find next."

Satisfied, Elara began to weave the exit portal. She extended her hands again, pulling at the familiar purple threads of space and golden threads of time forming a portal. "After you," Elara said, gesturing to the portal. Lily gave a theatrical bow, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she stepped through. Elara followed, feeling the shift as she left the cool tranquility of the [Spirit Domain] behind and stepped back into the sweltering heat of the desert.

The portal closed behind them with a soft pop, sealing the [Spirit Domain] again. The desert greeted them with its harsh sun and endless dunes, the heat wrapping around them like a suffocating blanket. Lily squinted against the glare, her ears flicking as she adjusted to the new environment.

Lily blinked against the harsh sunlight, her golden eyes narrowing as they adjusted to the glaring brightness of the Shifting Dunes. She glanced around at the endless expanse of sand and sighed dramatically, her ears twitching in mild irritation. “So, this is the famed Mortal Realm I’ve read so much about,” she said with a wry smile. “I was expecting grand cities, lush forests, maybe a castle. But this?” She gestured broadly to the barren landscape. “This is probably the only place worse than Tartarus. At least there, you have some variety, terrifying, but still.”

Elara chuckled, wiping sweat from her brow as she scanned the horizon. The desert was vast and unrelenting; she could feel the heat bearing down on them like a heavyweight. "I can’t argue with you there," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "I’d take the twisted streets of Youdu over this endless sand any day. But at least here, nothing is actively trying to kill us... yet."

Lily tilted her head, her tails flicking lazily. "Yet being the keyword," she muttered, though a glimmer of humor was in her eyes. "You do have a knack for finding the most inhospitable places, don’t you?"

Elara shrugged, her gaze sweeping over the dunes as if searching for any sign of civilization. "I wish I knew where we were. But I’m fairly certain we have to be somewhere west of Frostspire. If we were east of Barrowbridge, we’d eventually hit the ocean. There’s no desert that way, just more forest, mountains, and coast. The only place that makes sense is west."

Lily considered this, her ears perking up with curiosity. "The West, you say? And what do you know of this mysterious West, Elara? Is it more desert and heat, or do we have something to look forward to?"

Elara hesitated, tapping her fingers against the hilt of her sword, Quenya. "Not as much as I’d like," she confessed. "The West has always been shrouded in mystery. The stories we hear in the Aetherium are more like veiled warnings or wild fantasies than reliable information. Some talk about a land where cities float on clouds and armies ride on the backs of giant birds. Others mention labyrinthine deserts that stretch on forever, dotted with ancient ruins filled with endless treasure."

Lily raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of skepticism and amusement. "Sounds more like the fever dreams of a madman than anything else. What else?"

Elara continued, her brow furrowed as she recalled the tales she’d heard. "There are stories of great sorcerer-kings who can summon storms with a word and send them across the plains to crush their enemies. Some claim that the West is home to ancient spirits and creatures forgotten by time, beings so old that even the gods do not speak their names. And then there are the tales of a vast empire ruled by a divine emperor who sits upon a throne of gold and ivory, commanding legions of warriors who cannot die."

Lily grinned, a gleam of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Well, that sounds promising," she said with a playful lilt. "A land of eternal storms and deathless warriors. Makes a Kitsune want to pack her bags and go sightseeing."

Elara smirked. "Or it could just be more desert and disappointment. But we won’t know unless we see it for ourselves."

Lily pondered this, her tails swishing thoughtfully behind her. "So, what do we do now? Do we keep wandering until we find a clue where we are? Or do we stumble into one of these legendary empires and hope we aren’t mistaken for wandering vagabonds?"

Elara remained silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing in thought as she considered their options. The vast desert around them offered little in the way of direction or comfort, and the weight of uncertainty pressed heavily on her shoulders. Lily’s question was a valid one. Should they continue wandering aimlessly, hoping to stumble upon some clue of civilization or perhaps even one of the legendary empires of the West? Or should they take a more measured approach, seeking to return to the lands she knew, closer to home and to the unfinished business that still haunted her?

She took a deep breath, centering herself and letting her mind slip into a focused calm. Her hand rested on the hilt of Quenya, grounding her as she activated [Cognizance]. Instantly, the world around her sharpened, her senses expanding beyond normal. Her vision expanded, and she could see the faint lines of threads extending out from everything around her, golden threads representing paths, choices, and the endless possibilities of fate.

She focused more intently, following the threads that stretched away from herself and Lily. Most of them faded into the distance, branching off in countless directions across the desert, each one representing a different potential future. Some threads were thick and bright, others thin and faint, but all seemed to pulse quietly, guiding her eyes to where they converged or diverged.

Elara shifted her attention, narrowing her focus to the threads that Lily and she shared in common. She could see the bright strands weaving around them, forming an intricate pattern of possibility and uncertainty. These threads felt different, more vibrant, more urgent. They wove around each other like a dance, twisting and turning in ways suggesting danger and opportunity. She knew this was where their fates intertwined and where their choices would matter most.

With a quiet breath, she decided to pull on those threads. She called upon [Skein of Destiny], reaching deeper into the web of fate to consolidate the paths before her. The threads began to tighten and pull together, merging into a more defined weave, their golden hues becoming more vibrant and distinct. The desert around her seemed to fall away, and all she could see were the threads pulsing with life and potential.

A soft chime echoed in her mind, a clear, melodic sound reverberating through her thoughts like the toll of a distant bell. She blinked, feeling a shift within herself as her notifications flashed before her eyes, shimmering with a soft golden light.

Two new quests appeared before her:


Westward Bound

Difficulty: S Rank

Objective: Venture west in search of the legendary empires rumored to be rich in knowledge, power, and untold treasures. Navigate the uncharted deserts, discover ancient cities, and uncover the secrets of the West. Potential encounters with ancient spirits, mysterious creatures, and the powerful rulers of this vast, unknown land await.

Reward: Knowledge of the West, potential alliances, rare treasures, and experience.*

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


Eastern Homecoming

Difficulty: S Rank

Objective: Head east, returning toward familiar lands and ultimately back to Frostspire. Continue your search for your mother. The path will take you through known territories and its challenges. Navigate through the complexities of home and face the consequences of your absence.

Reward: Clues to your mother’s whereabouts, increased reputation in the Aetherium, and experience.

Do you want to accept the quest? (yes/no)


Elara’s heart tightened as she read the second quest. Her mother. She hadn’t forgotten why she had set out on her journey in the first place to find out what had happened to her mother, who had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Tartarus had been a detour she never expected, a harsh and unforgiving detour that had stolen time from her quest. The answer felt clear when faced with the decision to continue into the unknown or return to the lands she knew.

She glanced at Lily, who watched her with a curious, almost expectant expression. "I think we should head east," Elara said finally, her voice steady and resolute. "I still need to save my mother, and Tartarus was never meant to be more than a temporary diversion. We’ve gotten off track, and it’s time I corrected that."

Lily nodded slowly, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "East it is, then," she said, her voice light but tinged with a seriousness that Elara hadn’t heard before. "To the familiar lands of home and whatever dangers they hold. I suppose I should be grateful; at least we’ll find something more interesting than endless sand."

Elara nodded, a sense of purpose filling her as she turned her gaze eastward toward the direction of Frostspire and the lands she called home. "It won’t be easy," she said, more to herself than to Lily. "But it’s the right path. We’re going back."

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