Watcher of Fate

002 - Shattered Dance

Elara took a cautious look around, scanning the charred landscape for any signs of movement. The oppressive heat radiating from the scorched ground seemed to warp the air itself, distorting her vision slightly. Jagged shadows cast by the twisted remnants of trees and rocks added to the eerie atmosphere. She strained her ears, listening for the telltale sounds of any lurking monsters, but there was only the crackling of cooling lava and the distant rumble of volcanic activity.

Satisfied that no immediate threats were sneaking up on her, Elara took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions within her. The weight of her circumstances pressed heavily on her chest. She didn't want to check her status sheet, fearing that seeing her diminished capabilities would confirm that she had truly lost Quill. The bond she shared with the spirit crow through [Rhistlam] was more than just a tactical advantage; it was a source of comfort and companionship, a reminder that she was never alone.

Reluctantly, she willed her status sheet to appear before her eyes. The translucent display materialized, and her eyes quickly scanned the familiar layout. Her heart sank as she saw the stark reality: she had 20 free points to assign, and the stats previously boosted by [Rhistlam] were gone.

Name: Elara Crowhurst

Race: Human(Shattered Soul)

Age: Adult

Class: The Watcher of Fate

Level: (114,104 of 128,000) 24

Rhistlam: (68,309 of 74,000) 20


HP: 4207 of 5786 (10.3/min)

Mana: 3745 of 5328 (50.0/min)

Sta: 3406 of 5284 (19.2/min)


Amor Class: 100

Strength: 41

Dexterity: 114 (125)

Constitution: 101 (121)

Perception: 148 (192)

Intelligence: 81

Resolve: 111 (149)

Free Points: 20

The realization hit her hard, like a punch to the gut. The absence of [Rhistlam] left her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Each attribute now seemed more critical than ever, and she knew she had to make careful choices. The fear of making the wrong decision gnawed at her, but she forced herself to think logically.

Strength, the measure of her physical power, felt like a distant priority. Without her enchanted sword, she couldn't leverage her full potential in combat. Lifting or hitting harder wouldn’t compensate for the precision and finesse she lost.

Dexterity, controlling her speed and agility, had always been her edge in battle. But now, without [Rhistlam], her ability to effectively wield any other weapon diminished. Speed was crucial, but not if it couldn’t be translated into effective combat.

Constitution, governing her endurance and health, suddenly seemed more vital. In this hostile environment, and with her body already bearing the scars of her last battle, increasing her ability to endure was paramount. The deep gash along her right arm and the sharp pain in her left leg reminded her of the importance of being able to withstand further damage.

Perception had always been her highest stat, a gift that allowed her to see and sense what others could not. Even now, it was her lifeline in this treacherous terrain. Despite the hit it took without [Rhistlam], it remained crucial for detecting threats and navigating this hellish landscape.

Intelligence, the measure of her magical capabilities, affected her mana pool and the potency of her spells. Yet, as a non-combatant class, her spells were geared more towards support and utility rather than offense. She couldn’t rely on direct combat spells, so she had to think carefully about how to use her intelligence stat effectively.

Resolve, a testament to her inner strength and determination, influenced her mana regeneration and the effectiveness of her aura. It was her second highest stat, reflecting the unwavering spirit that had seen her through countless trials. Maintaining a high resolve would ensure she could sustain her abilities and keep pushing forward.

Elara weighed her options, feeling the pressure of making the right choices. Her survival in this hostile realm depended on how wisely she allocated her points. The loss of [Rhistlam] was significant, but she had to adapt and find a way to overcome this setback.

Deciding that it was too soon to commit to any particular attribute, she resolved to hold off on assigning her points until she had a better understanding of the environment and what challenges it might present. She needed to observe, adapt, and then decide.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to check on her skills and spells. With a focused thought, she brought up her skill sheet, the translucent display shimmering into existence before her eyes. As she scrolled through her abilities, her gaze fell upon the familiar name of her most cherished skill array: [Crimson Quill Dance (Unique)].

Class Skills:

Memory Bastion (Uncommon): 11

Thread of Fate (Legendary): 6

Awareness (Legendary): 19

Ephemeral (Legendary): 16

Crimson Quill Dance (Unique): 20

Oneness (Rare): 18

Aura Control (Uncommon): 6


Dimensional Link (Rare): 19

Shadow Step (Uncommon): 19

Warrior Reprieve (Uncommon): 9

Greater Illusion (Rare): 7

Greater Invisibility (Rare): 4

Create Flame (Common): 3

Create Water (Common): 3

Mirror Maze (Rare): 3

Tempest’s Touch (Uncommon): 10

Stormcrow's Soar (Rare): 7

Mirror Image (Uncommon): 2

Haste (Rare): 2

General Skills:

Gift of Gab (Common): 5

Cooking (Common): 4

Harvest (Common): 4

Mana Threads (Uncommon): 20

Mana Knot Cutting (Rare): 13

Mana Thread Tyeing (Uncommon): 14

Mana Thread Weaving (Rare): 13

Multi Weaving (Rare): 8

Mana Dyeing: Light (Uncommon): 7

Mana Dyeing: Shadow (Uncommon): 12

Mana Dyeing: Spirit (Uncommon): 9

Mana Dyeing: Basic Elements (Uncommon): 10

Fire Resistance (Common): 2

Affliction Resistance (Uncommon): 3

Blunt Weapons (Common): 1

Her heart skipped a beat. The skill was crossed out, its vibrant name now a dull, lifeless gray. The sight sent a jolt of shock through her system. How could this be? The [Crimson Quill Dance] had been a defining part of her combat style, a graceful blend of her mastery in [Parkour (Uncommon)] and [Calligraphy (Uncommon)]. Yet now, it was rendered inactive, and the composite skills were not returning to her general skill set either.

Elara’s mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. If the skill array was inaccessible, did that mean she had lost her ability to move with the fluid elegance and lethal precision that the dance provided? The thought filled her with dread. She had relied on that skill in countless battles, using it to navigate complex environments and overwhelm her enemies with swift, artistic strikes.

She pondered whether she still had access to the individual movement skills embedded within the [Crimson Quill Dance]. Could she still perform the acrobatic maneuvers and deft footwork that [Parkour] had enabled? And what about the intricate, calligraphic strokes that had turned her blade work into a deadly art form? The uncertainty gnawed at her, creating a pit of anxiety in her stomach.

Elara couldn’t shake the feeling of vulnerability that crept over her. Without [Rhistlam], she had already lost a significant portion of her combat prowess. If the [Crimson Quill Dance] was truly gone, how much more had she been diminished? The implications were dire.

Swallowing her fear, she scrolled further down her skill sheet to assess the rest of her abilities. Most of her support and utility spells seemed intact, but the sight of the crossed-out skill lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

Her status and abilities were in disarray, and the loss of [Crimson Quill Dance] felt like a gaping wound. She couldn’t afford to dwell on it, though. She had to focus on the immediate task of survival and adapting to her new limitations. There was no other choice.

Elara took a moment to check her food stocks. She willed her [Dimensional Link] to open, and a shimmering portal revealed her stored supplies. Inside, she saw a fair bit of dried foodstuffs, loaves of bread, preserved meats, and an array of camping gear. These were spoils from a gang of bandits that had ambushed the caravan on her way to Frostspire. The thought of those bandits brought a brief, grim smile to her face; their attack had provided her with valuable resources.

She mentally noted that in the future, she should ensure to keep a couple of months' worth of food in her storage. The beauty of her [Dimensional Link] was that time did not pass within it, allowing her to preserve her supplies indefinitely. It was a small comfort knowing that at least her sustenance and basic necessities were secure.

After closing the portal, Elara got up and stretched, wincing slightly as her injuries twinged in response. She focused her mind and began weaving the spell [Warrior Reprieve] onto herself. Dark and blue threads of mana materialized around her, intertwining in a delicate, intricate pattern. The threads coiled and flowed over her skin, infusing her with a gentle warmth. The soothing energy sank into her wounds, knitting flesh and bone, and revitalizing her weary muscles. The pain dulled, replaced by a comforting sense of healing and renewed strength.

With a clearer mind and slightly rejuvenated body, she began to think about which direction Quill might be in. The [Spirit Tree] had assured her that she would instinctively know the way, and as she concentrated, she felt a subtle pull, an almost magnetic tug guiding her. It wasn’t precise, but it was enough to give her a general sense of direction.

Elara closed her eyes and focused on her next spell. She envisioned the intricate threads of mana required for [Stormcrow's Soar]. Green and white threads of mana appeared, luminous and vibrant, twisting and weaving together with a life of their own. The green threads, representing the essence of air, wove through the white threads, which embodied light. As the threads interlaced, they formed the ethereal shape of wings, shimmering with a translucent glow.

She felt the surge of energy as the wings fully formed on her back, their radiant light casting soft shadows on the scorched earth. The wings moved as if they were a natural part of her, lifting her effortlessly off the ground.

With a powerful leap, Elara took off, soaring into the air. The world below blurred as she flew higher, the oppressive heat and desolation of the hellish landscape becoming a distant backdrop. She aimed herself in the direction of the pull, trusting her instincts and the subtle guidance of the [Spirit Tree].

The wind rushed past her, and for a moment, Elara felt a pure, unadulterated sense of freedom and hope. Flying always gave her a unique perspective, a sense of control and purpose. As she soared through the sky, her thoughts remained focused on finding Quill and reclaiming [Rhistlam]. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with each beat of her ethereal wings, she felt a renewed determination to overcome the challenges and restore her strength.

Elara savored the sensation of flight, the exhilarating rush of air against her skin, the thrill of soaring high above the desolate landscape. The ethereal wings on her back pulsed with energy, each stroke propelling her forward with effortless grace. For these few precious moments, the weight of her worries lifted, and she felt as if she were part of the sky itself. The vast expanse of the world below seemed less daunting, the troubles and pain momentarily forgotten as she danced among the clouds.

The colors of the hellish landscape below blended into a swirling canvas of reds, oranges, and blacks, the fiery hues contrasting sharply with the cool, soothing blue of the sky above. She reveled in the sense of control, the ability to maneuver and glide at her whim. The rhythmic beating of her wings, the sensation of the wind tangling through her hair, and the distant horizon calling to her filled her with a profound sense of joy. It was a happiness that seemed almost out of place in the grim reality she faced, yet she embraced it fully.

Then, suddenly, a jarring sensation broke through the edge of her [Awareness]. Her senses, honed to detect any threat, flared with alarm. Elara swerved mid-flight, instinctively reacting to the disturbance. The rush of something speeding by her, missing by mere hand widths, sent a shiver through her. Her heart pounded, the abrupt intrusion shattering her moment of serenity. She glanced around frantically, trying to figure out what had just zoomed past her.

Her breath caught as another entity breached her [Awareness], this time high above her. It was diving at her with alarming speed. Elara twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the attack. The proximity of the entity left a chill on her skin, and she could sense its malevolent intent.

More entities began to breach her [Awareness], diving at her from various angles. Elara maneuvered deftly, her ethereal wings granting her incredible agility. She dodged left, then right, her heart racing as she tried to evade the relentless onslaught. The joy of flight was replaced with adrenaline and a mounting sense of urgency, her mind racing to adapt to this new threat.

In a moment of clarity, she managed to catch a glimpse of her attackers. They were semi-ethereal, wraith-like birds, their forms shifting and flickering as they moved. Their eyes glowed with a spectral light, and their beaks were sharp and menacing. They circled her with predatory precision, their ghostly bodies almost blending with the sky.

Elara's mind raced as she assessed the situation. These creatures were unlike anything she had encountered before, their semi-transparent bodies making them difficult to track. They seemed to be drawn to her, perhaps sensing the magic she wielded or the vulnerability she felt.

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