Watcher of Fate

004 - Rituals of Power

Lily leaned back against the cool sand beneath the dome of shimmering blue flames she had created, her golden eyes studying Elara carefully. She could sense Elara's mind working, still processing the quest notifications and the implications of their situation.

"Before we dive into this training," Lily began, her tone casual but carrying a sharp undertone, "there’s one more issue we need to address in our little arrangement."

Elara’s eyes shifted to meet Lily’s, a flicker of suspicion crossing her face. She had sensed that Lily’s offer had more strings attached than first presented. "I had a feeling you weren’t just offering to help out of the goodness of your heart," she said, her voice steady. "It makes sense now. You’ve got something else you want, don’t you? It feels like this agreement is tilting more in your favor."

Lily chuckled, her tails swaying in slow, lazy arcs behind her. "Perceptive as always, Elara," she replied smoothly. "But I’m not trying to pull one over on you. I’m offering something that I think you’ll find quite valuable, knowledge. And not just any knowledge, a secret that could change how you view the power dynamics of this world. Especially where the nobles are concerned."

Elara’s curiosity was piqued, but she remained cautious. "A secret about the nobles’ power?" she asked. "Everyone knows nobles are more powerful than ordinary people. That’s not exactly a revelation."

Lily’s eyes gleamed, a sly smile spreading across her lips as she leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper. "It’s not about what everyone knows," she said. "It’s about what they *don’t* know. Sure, everyone sees nobles as stronger, faster, and better equipped. But there’s a reason for that, something more specific and structured. Nobles aren’t just fortunate or privileged. They’re playing by a different set of rules entirely."

Elara’s gaze sharpened, her interest piqued. "Different rules? What do you mean?" she asked, leaning forward slightly, sensing that Lily was on the verge of revealing something significant.

Lily’s smile widened, her ears twitching with barely contained excitement. "Nobles are born with the [Noble] skill," she explained. "But that’s just the beginning. [Noble] isn’t like a normal class; it’s more of a placeholder. A base that allows them to ascend to something much more potent. Think of it as a foundation, a way to build and then build some more."

Elara listened intently, her mind racing as she tried to grasp the implications. "A placeholder? So, it’s like a stepping stone to something else?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she considered the possibilities.

"Exactly," Lily continued, her voice filled with intrigue and satisfaction. "The [Noble] skill allows them to gain significant advantages early on and transition into more advanced classes once they reach its peak. They get to keep all the stat points they’ve gained from leveling [Noble], and when they move on to a new, more powerful class, they can accumulate even more."

Lily momentarily let the weight of her words hang in the air, watching Elara’s reaction. She could see the realization beginning to dawn on her, an understanding of how the nobles had been engineered to dominate in power and influence.

Lily decided to drive the point home. "Take Malakar, for example," she said, her tone becoming more deliberate. "If he raised his [Noble (Uncommon)] to level 36, like I have, he’d gain 360 stat points just from that. Then, once he’s capped the [Noble] skill, he could start fresh with a new class, say, [Lord (Rare)], and raise it to level 46. That would net him another 690 stat points. Combined, that’s 1,050 points."

Elara’s eyes widened as she calculated the numbers in her head, the enormity of it sinking in. "So, effectively, he’d be like a level 100 with an Uncommon class or a level 70 with a Rare class," she murmured. "No wonder they’re so hard to match."

Lily nodded, clearly pleased that Elara was following her line of reasoning. "Precisely. It’s not just raw power; it’s the ability to compound that power in ways others can’t. That’s why nobles aren’t just formidable. They’re systematically designed to outpace everyone else. The average person doesn’t stand a chance if they’re not aware of this."

Elara leaned back slightly, her mind swirling with Lily's revelations about the nobles and their power. She could see the importance of what Lily was asking for and understood why she was willing to share such valuable information. It wasn’t just a simple exchange of favors, Lily needed something significant, something that only Elara could help her achieve.

Fixing her gaze on Lily, Elara cut straight to the heart of the matter. "Alright, you’ve made your point about how the nobles stack their power and why it’s so important to them," she said, her voice steady and probing. "So, what do you need from me?"

Lily’s playful demeanor gave way to a more serious expression, her ears twitching with anticipation as she chose her words carefully. "I was supposed to receive the class [Lady] when I accepted the leadership of Youdu," she began, her tone shifting from casual to more deliberate. "But since I’m no longer going down that path, I need a new class. And to get one, I need access to a class selection ritual."

Elara raised an eyebrow, a dry smile crossing her lips. "A class selection ritual? I’m afraid we’re fresh out of class selection temples in the middle of this desert," she quipped, gesturing at the barren landscape around them with mock innocence.

Lily chuckled, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Of course not," she replied, her laughter light but tinged with a deeper meaning. "But who needs the church’s pomp and circumstance anyway? They may have their holy temples and sacred ceremonies, but the ritual can be performed outside their influence. If you know the right methods, you can set up a ritual anywhere with the proper casting circle, a few enchanted materials, and 24 hours of uninterrupted focus."

Elara’s smile faded as she considered Lily’s words. A ritual outside of the structured confines of a temple... That brought back a memory she hadn’t thought about in some time. Her mind drifted back to Barrowdeep, to the time when she had been forced to make her class selection under less-than-ideal circumstances.

She had found herself at a crossroads deep within the ancient dwarven dungeon of Barrowdeep, surrounded by the unyielding stone walls and the ever-present darkness. She’d fought through waves of enemies, navigated treacherous traps, and faced death more times than she cared to count. And then, in a moment of desperate need, she stumbled upon the opportunity to select a new class.

There had been no class selection temple to guide her, no sanctioned process to follow. She had been alone, with only her determination. She remembered the weight of that moment, the urgency, the fear, and the overwhelming need to survive. The options presented to her had been extremely limited, constrained by the lack of proper conditions and guidance. Most of the choices were basic, lacking any significant growth potential. It had felt like a cruel joke, offering her a path forward but with chains attached.

Yet, even amidst those desperate circumstances, she had defied the odds. She had taken a gamble on an obscure, heavily restricted class, a rare one called [Watcher of Fate]. It wasn’t an easy choice. The [Watcher of Fate] was a class shrouded in mystery, offering incredible power but with equally significant restrictions. Unlike the straightforward paths of warrior or mage, [Watcher of Fate] was tied to the delicate threads of destiny. The class allowed her to glimpse the threads of fate and weave them subtly, but it came with a cost: severe limitations on how she gained experience and not being able to take any combat skills or spells.

And yet, despite its restrictions, [Watcher of Fate] had given her the power she needed. She’d turned her foresight, illusions, and blade into weapons that had guided her through countless battles and challenges. The class had been worth the risks and constraints, but she knew how rare such an opportunity was. She had only stumbled upon it by sheer luck and desperation.

Elara took a deep breath, clearing her head of the swirling thoughts and memories of her time in Barrowdeep. She needed to focus on the present and what lay ahead. She looked at Lily, who was watching her with those sharp, intelligent eyes, clearly waiting for her response. The Kitsune had laid out her cards carefully, and Elara could see the underlying logic of her request.

"So," Elara began, her voice steady, "you need a class to keep growing. You’ve hit a point where the [Noble] class alone won’t cut it anymore. And if you can’t accept the title of [Lady] from Youdu, it’ll keep you from being locked into that path and make it impossible for you to fulfill the leadership requirements there." She paused, letting the pieces of the puzzle fall into place in her mind. "The ‘End a Reign’ quest won’t resolve until the Investiture passes or is formally canceled."

Lily nodded slowly, her ears twitching slightly in agreement. "Exactly," she replied, her tone calm but firm. "As long as I don’t accept the [Lady] title, the power vacuum in Youdu remains. The Investiture clock is ticking, and if I don’t step up, it means the succession is disrupted and, in effect, the reign ends as the quest demands."

Elara considered this carefully. The situation was more complex than it seemed at first glance. If she helped Lily get a new class through the ritual, it would solidify Lily’s position outside the direct line of succession for Youdu’s leadership. That would keep the quest from ending prematurely and give them time to prepare for whatever Malakar had planned. But there was another benefit, too, one she couldn’t ignore.

"If I help you perform the class selection ritual," Elara continued, her voice gaining a note of determination, "and you get a new class, then in return, you train me. You’ve seen my skills. I know there’s room for refinement. You help me become better, and we both get stronger."

Lily’s smile grew, a glimmer of satisfaction crossing her face. "Now you’re getting it," she said, her eyes gleaming with approval. "I had a feeling you’d see the value in this arrangement. You help me secure a new class and lock me out of the [Lady] path, indirectly solving your quest problem. And in return, I’ll help you sharpen your raw skills until they’re something even the nobles would envy."

Elara nodded, feeling a renewed sense of clarity. She knew this wasn’t a simple favor. It was a calculated move that could significantly benefit them both. They were caught in a game of power and politics, but working together could turn the odds in their favor.

"Agreed," Elara said, extending her hand to Lily. "We find a place to set up the ritual, gather what we need, and make sure it’s done right. And once you have your new class, you help me hone my skills to a razor’s edge. Deal?"

Lily reached out and took Elara’s hand, her grip firm but warm. "Deal," she replied, her smile widening with mischief and genuine excitement. "I’ll teach you things that’ll make even the most seasoned warriors rethink their strategy. And who knows? Maybe by the time we’re done, even Malakar will be wary of crossing paths with us."

Elara nodded, feeling a spark of anticipation ignite within her. She knew there were still many unknowns ahead, but now, with a clear goal and a determined ally, she felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Together, they would carve their path, and whatever fate had in store, they’d be prepared to meet it head-on.

She refocused on the present, looking at Lily with a determined expression. "Alright, let’s be clear about what we’re doing here," Elara began, her voice firm. "You need a new class to keep growing and not be locked into something you don’t want. Getting that class would also mean you can’t accept the title of Lady in Youdu anymore, which could potentially end the 'End a Reign' quest early."

Lily nodded, a slow smile spreading across her lips. "Exactly. If I gain a new class, I won’t be eligible to accept Youdu's leadership position. The city would no longer be able to accept me because I could not be the ‘Lady’ to take the reins," she said, her voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "It would put an assured conclusion to Malakar’s quest."

Elara nodded, feeling a surge of anticipation and determination. "Good. We both get something out of this, and we’ll both be stronger for it," she said. "No more half-measures. If we’re doing this, we do it right."

Lily’s grin widened, a hint of admiration in her gaze. "I like your style, Elara. No nonsense, straight to the point," she said. "Alright then, let’s get started. We’ll need to scout a suitable location, somewhere safe and easy to defend. Then, we gather the materials. And after that,… we’ll see what kind of class I end up with."

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